The Democrats fake tears for immigrants
How can we determine if the crocodile-tears that the Democrats are shedding over Trump's immigration policies are phony?
Well, you can start with the fact if Democrats actually cared about refugees then they wouldn't support the wars that caused them to flee their countries. They also wouldn't have supported the Honduras Coup.
Then there is the fact that Democrats were silent while Barak Deporter-In-Chief Obama built the deportation machine that Trump is currently using/abusing.
But if you want to see absolute proof that the Democrats couldn't give a flying f*ck about the immigrants on the border, look no further than their campaign donations.
The nation’s two largest private-prison companies are reaping the benefits of increased demand for housing undocumented immigrants taken by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE). GEO Group and CoreCivic have scored hundreds of millions of dollars worth of ongoing government contracts to detain these immigrants, including those who came to the United States to legally seek asylum.Journalists have documented abuses of and poor conditions for inmates at both GEO Group and CoreCivic prisons. TYT reported last month on a host of abuse allegations leveled at several government-funded organizations that are housing undocumented children detained by the Trump administration.
Despite the Democratic Party’s stated opposition to private prisons and to immigration policies that increase revenue for those prison companies, several congressional Democrats—including some party leaders—have accepted donations from the GEO Group and CoreCivic in the current election cycle. In addition, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has multiple fundraisers—referred to as lobbyist bundlers—who either currently lobby, previously lobbied, or now lead a firm that lobbies for one of the companies.
Campaign finance records show that the PACs, leadership PACs, and joint fundraising committees of at least 25 Democrats in Congress have received $56,250 in campaign contributions from the PACs of GEO Group and CoreCivic during the 2017–18 election cycle through May 2018. Two representatives appear not to have kept the donations, bringing the total down to $52,500. Last November, the DCCC received a $10,000 contribution from the GEO Group PAC and during the current election cycle has taken in over $350,000 bundled by four lobbyists closely connected to GEO Group or CoreCivic, records show.
Democrats care so much about these immigrants that they can hardly cash the checks from the private prison industry that is abusing them. Democrats are shedding so many tears for those immigrants that there is a real danger of smudging the ink on those campaign donation checks.
It really does break their hearts.

crocodile tears
Alligator Ed will bite you for dissing his crocodilian relatives like that!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Media/Left/Hollywood are all pathetic Demagogues
Years ago, I used to like and admire people like Rob Reiner, Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart, Micheal Moore, Bill Maher, along with advocates on "The Left" that appeared to have some genuine anti-Establishment impulses. But I find all these people all totally unwatchable, and completely pathetic now.
The discredited U.S. News Media, and the entire screw-loose histrionic Political "Left" (and "Center") just keep on digging their own ditch deeper and deeper and deeper. It has gotten so bad now that the GOP is able now to make a very simple campaign ad that captures "The Left" as just one big giant ugly and unsightly temper tantrum:
A few cartoons illustrate the insanity and hypocrisy of the Left's whole entire narrative on immigration:
[2014 photo of children used to attack Trump]
With migrants now overrunning Countries like the Germany, UK, Italy, and causing mass crime and social problems, it is a wonder how "The Left" can even keep a straight face as they mouth this propaganda. The Left all stand for nothing now today except for what? ... unrestrained illegal immigration and unprotected Borders?, MS-13 and Drug Cartels?, weak trade policy (pro-Globalist/pro-Establishment), the Obama-Clinton status-quo War Establishment policies (anti-Russia, anti-Syria, anti-Peace-Summit, pro "regime change").
And then there are all the endless, empty, nonsensical: "Hitler, Nazi, Racist, Russia, Fascist" rants ... which ring completely hollow when all these same people provided false legitimacy and protection (from too much scrutiny - e.g., 9/11) to the true Fascist mass-murderers like: the Bush CIA Family, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, the Clinton Crime family, Obama and his pro-Bush authoritarian policies, George Soros and the other Globalist Banksters who have been destroying our manufacturing base, our local economy, our communities, and our social culture for decades, as well as the 3rd World.

So we finally have a U.S. President with some anti-Establishment, anti-Globalist impulses who, although not perfect, is redefining the trade, tariff, tax, and regulation policies to help re-create an environment again where American businesses actually want to stay in this Country instead of exiting overseas. We finally have record Jobs, a roaring economy, and a rising wage enviroment, and the chance now for peace in North Korea, and a cooling of tensions with Russia (July Summit), and a President who (unlike the others) does not let Europe and Foreign Authoritarian Globalist interests ("regime change", global taxes, NATO, UN, The repressive EU, G6, etc.) just dictate what our Country must do (at our own expense), and push us around.
And what is "The Left's" response?

The response from "The Left" will not only fail to ever overturn the 2016 election, but also just make them look even far less electable, and far less attractive then they have ever been.
Well if it is outrage that people want, then there is some basis for legitimate outrage as shown below - but this only highlights the incompetence and hypocrisy of "The Left" even more:
The answer is pretty straightforward. May common sense prevail:
You have some grains of truth there.
Gagh! How to run to the bathroom and puke!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Thank you
No! No! Either you misinterpret or
I was vague.
My response was NOT to your post, but to the mental image evoked.
No criticism to you intended.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Oh, sorry
Edit: I meant VoiceInTheWilderness (damn, I keep doing that)
The tax cuts mainly benefited the rich and corporations and the small tax cuts that the little people received are being eaten up by the rising costs of gas and other things because Trump pulled out of the Iran deal which has taken over a million gallons of oil off the market causing oil prices to rise. Plus those tax cuts for the little people will cease in a few years, but not for the rich and the corporations. Theirs are permanent. Plus the cuts are giving the republicans their excuse to gut our social programs. This doesn't seem to be a good trade off.
Harley Davidson is closing its factories and moving offshore and they are not the only ones that have done this during Trump's presidency.
Pulling out of the Iran deal is so that this country can finally get its regime change there. Plus Trump has continued every one of the wars that he inherited. Not much change there.
Unemployment is still under reported and I doubt that wages are rising because companies used their tax cuts to buy back their stocks. No one I know has seen an increase in their wages for years, but maybe I'm not talking to the right people.
Trump is getting us into a trade war and his tariffs are causing lots of economic distress for many people in various industries.
The main reason for immigrants trying to come into the country legally or not is because of our history of interfering in those people's countries. Obama and Hillary supported the coup in Honduras, overthrew the Libyan government and for some reason people think that they should just stay in their countries to fight to make them safe. I'd like to know how they can fight people who are armed to the teeth with weapons far superior to what they can get their hands on.
I doubt that Russia is pleased with Trump arming the neo Nazis in Ukraine who are making life miserable for the minority people there including Russian citizens. Even some of the people who supported Obama's coup in 2014 are now very worried about the increasing violence being committed by the neo Nazis that we supported after the coup.
Then there's the things that his cabinet picks are doing to the country. From erasing decades of environmental laws, to giving oil and gas companies carts blanch to do whatever they want, to further destroying the public school system to HUD making people already living on the edge pay more for their crappy public housing.
Finally there's the increasing hostility from the extreme right wing in this country that seems to have Trump's blessings. So I'm going to disagree with you that Trump is making things better for the average American, but you have every right to your opinion about him. I just see things differently.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Trump is out for himself, like all the other pigs.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
History will prove Trump good for America
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, manufacturing employment in the United States peaked at 19,553,000 in June 1979 (before the Reagan years).
For decades now our Country has witnessed the steady decline in U.S. Manufacturing due to our very bad trade and tariff (and regulatory and tax) policies. We have become an Import Economy dominated by Imported goods (created via exploited low wages) and not an Export Economy (where "made in the USA" was once dominant).
In December 2016, the month before President Donald Trump took office, there were just 12,351,000 manufacturing jobs left in the United States.
In 18 months under Trump with his new rules and policies (more fair bilateral trade arrangements, tariffs, tax, regulation) U.S. Manufacturing has been revitalized. The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently reported Manufacturing jobs have climbed up to 12,713,000. That's almost a 400,000 increase in the 18 months since Trump took office. Even the previously dormant Aluminium and Steel industries are starting to come back to life again. Some Companies like Harley Davidson may still have their own agenda, but the overall dynamics are now favoring a revival in Manufacturing, U.S. Exports (instead of Imports), and an "American Wage" Economy rather than a (lower) Foreign Wage Economy.
The Department of Commerce announced The United States trade deficit dropped in May to the lowest level in 19 months under Trump as exports rose to a record level. The difference between what America sells and what it buys in foreign markets — decreased 6.6 percent to $43.1 billion. Exports climbed 1.9 percent to a record $215.3 billion.
Now, it is funny that China and the EU (and of course the U.S. Media) is now screaming: "Trade War ... Trade War!" when all the status-quo trade arrangements from the past had been badly imbalanced and destructive to the United States for decades.
Under Trump we are also seeing U.S. Energy finally becoming less reliant on Saudi Arabia and winning back our Independence again.
Over time I expect Trump will also succeed at reclaiming U.S. Border security once again (which the Globalists hate), and eventually will ware down the Democrats and produce some sort of Rebuilding U.S. Infrastructure initiative going. Trump has also made it now possible to buy Health Insurance through private HC Associations across State lines breaking the oppressive State Monopoly structure that had existed (which Obama happily maintained) which should begin to reduce costs.
On Foreign Policy Trump's record is mixed, but his Peace Summit initiatives with North Korea and Russia are promising, and the Iran deal (although it sounds nice) was a bad "sellout" deal where the U.S. paid Iran totally absurd sums of money.
Trump is also the first U.S. President to look the G7 and European Union in the eye and say "we are not your piggy bank anymore". This is because unlike all other modern U.S. Presidents Trump is not a product of the CIA, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, Skull and Bones, and the corrupt GOP Establishment and DNC Establishment. Trump isn't going to sell off The United States to the Global Government, "New World Order" Oligarchs because he is not a groomed product of their political Think-Tank and D.C. Funding Structures.
But...I expect Trump to also have his share of problems and compromises. For example, if he were to take on the (Global) Federal Reserve Central Bank system and try to fix that he'd probably be assassinated.
So we'll see what happens 7 years from now. My biggest fear is that whatever Establishment-hack that comes along and replaces Trump in 2024 will just reverse the good things that he was doing, and we'll go right back to the Global Government model.
I strongly disagree.
Selling imperial favors to his buddies, and performing for the masses. Thought he was a god above mortal justice, and bragged about it.
And I don't trust any statistics that come out of the government. Since we know they have been undercounting the homeless and unemployed for decades, trusting their numbers when I can see the exact opposite by looking out the window seems to be completely ignoring the lesson of Obama.
As long as Trump continues to feed the MIC, he has no danger whatsoever of being assassinated.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
What the Battle Lines are...
However, I can't share your view of Trump. IMHO, he is in it for the cash. he tweets, markets fall. His financial managers buy stock. He reverses himself a few days later, markets rebound, his financial advisers sell at a tidy profit. Rinse and repeat. And notice he isn't pulling his investments out of China.
I will agree that he still is better than Queen Hillary.
If you know any Roman history, I liken him to Caligula.
I'm not giving up. I'm still fighting, but I'm constantly reminded that aristocracy always wins in the end. Until they are destroyed and a brief period of freedom exists until a new aristocracy arises. Example Czarist Russia->Soviet Union->Oligarchical Russia. Each violent transition followed by a brief period of freedom (and instability) in which a new aristocracy arises.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
What's LEFT? when you DON'T Stand for anything....
Ok sue me, but
I would really like to see an equivalent concern for American kids caught in the coils of Children's Protective Services.
Mary Bennett
Or how about all those children
These protesters, like the recent women's protest, sicken me. They are the biggest hypocrites to ever walk the earth. Who, knowing their silence over the past few decades over many atrocities, can possibly take these idiots seriously?
Are the protesters being funded by Soros? Their actions are completely senseless, so something besides concern for families has to be motivating them.
you think your political donation just goes for travel, meals, advertising and lodging? Those are genuine Crocodile Tears, $19.95 a bottle. Cheaper when ordered by the case. It's on the same page as "Thoughts and Prayers" in s,m,l, and xl.
Those are expensive
Well, if you can fake sincerity
Nicely scripted, edited
Maddow is one helluva fast reader.
Start 0:37. In Kyle's video Maddow begins reading the breaking news as if she has never heard the news.
End 0:40 She says "this is incredible" having read and understood full import of breaking news in 3 seconds.
Start 0:39 Chyron of breaking story goes up just second before she begins her reaction.
I read the first paragraph out loud in quick manner. Took me10 seconds.
Normal human reaction to disturbing news is confusion and then attempts to understand and re-clarify. None of that. It took all of 14 seconds to read, understand, and react to something which apparently she did not know about, and just in time to hand over air time to Laurence.
In a nutshell gjohnsit! Thank you!
That's what started it all!! Root causes... "Well, you can start with the fact if Democrats actually cared about refugees then they wouldn't support the wars that caused them to flee their countries. They also wouldn't have supported the Honduras Coup."
But then that should apply to all 535 of em' also...
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
wow, just wow!
Five years ago I might have fallen for this, but now she just gives me the creeps... Pod people or something.
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
Most of our elected
congress critters are of the DWS / HRC variety. Certainly our very own "Beltway Elise" Stefanik from NY-21 is of that variety. x 2. at least. If there are any - Any - liberals or progressives they are marginalized at best, gagged at worst.

Why We Can't Have Nice Things
[edit] Wrong Link, added photo
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Can we get an amen!
One each "amen", coming right up!
One each "amen", coming right up!
Veritable ipecac in print!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
full blown hurl here.
If anything, this pretty
much illustrates that our -ahem- "elected" officials may "hold office," but any legislation moved at all is concocted by Wall Street and/or the RW alphabet "think tanks" that pose as Liberal bastions.
The Dim party by any measure is owned by the RW Machine. Truly sickening.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Blanche Lincoln
Mary Bennett
You mean the Democrats might . . . .
. . . . actually cynically exploit an issue for purely gaining political points, political posing, and political posturing, while having no real concern about that issue's consequences for the people truly affected by it?
You mean to imply that they are nothing more than dishonest political opportunists that have no real allegiance to any principles other than those that promote their own self-aggrandizement, in one form or another (in other words, nothing more than amoral, self-serving conmen/sociopaths)?
NO!! NO!! This can't be!!!
This goes against everything I've been taught in school and in coprorate media (and most of all, in that bastion of liberalism, dialykos) about how wonderful and "representative" our two party system is. I can't believe it. I WON'T believe it!
This is just too "tin foil hat" conspiracy theorizing.
I do have a slightly
more cynical take on Ocasio-Cortez's well deserved victory, which is that that the Dem leadership, you should excuse the expression, realized it was going to have to sacrifice someone, and decided Crowley had outlived his usefulness. I suspect the DCCC left Crowley to fend for himself, and, being both arrogant and incompetent, he blew it. I mean to imply nothing against the winner, and I wish we had had someone in the 22nd like her running against sellout Brindisi, but her future constituents must not let her become too comfortable.
It is also worthy of note that this all happened in Chucky Schemer's back yard. Loosing his touch, maybe? I have always thought since moving to NY in 2010 that his dominance and popularity have been greatly exaggerated.
Mary Bennett
Love him or hate
him - and I'm no fan -
Chucky does get north of 125th Street to mingle with the masses in between reelection bids. He will be tough to beat. Would love to see Teachout beat him!
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
And, a ten term
Congress critter shouldn't
need much help from anybody. But, yeah, there's been criticism of some of O-C's policy stances. She is, from what I've read, a believer in Russiagate, and some of her other stances, apparently, aren't all that progressive. Still, it's a race to build on, not that that matters much either, sadly, the Dim party bought by Birchers, by the looks of things.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.