Cynosarges : Portland Tiny TAZ Announcement (Open Thread On Philosophy.)
Good Afternoon and welcome to the Portland C99 meetup announcement and general info, as well as what I hope is a fun little discussion of philosophy.
Since I have realized that it's been far too long since we had a Portland Meetup. A small area where just for a few minutes even, we can step away from the chaos and enjoy the company of our fellows.
So with that in mind, I humbly suggest that we meet at Cartlandia (Edit: Linked to the wrong Food Pod). It's got a nice open area where I'm sure they wouldn't mind if a few folks sat down and had a fun discussion. Pretty sure the Cart Owners would be happy for the business, and my absolute favorite "The Pancake Underground" is usually there. Course, there's always Cheesesteak Nirvana, and if you want to do the tourist thing Voodoo Doughnut is there too. Anyway, the weather looks beautiful so far, and I hope this works for the rest of my PDX C99ers.
Thinking Next Weekend Either Friday, Saturday or Sunday, Depending on availability. Feel free to chime in with what works for you. Right now, I'm penciling in Noon on Saturday the 7th, but that's totally open. I'm pretty free that weekend, so look forward to talking with my friends.
So, on that note, the open topic of philosophy, I'd like to bring in the concept of Eudaimonia. And I gotta admit, I'm with the Stoics on this one.
To me, this concept seems both limiting, and extremely liberating at the same time. Socially, of course, this tends to limit the interaction and respect for society, but the focus on the self is actually extremely civic minded. The idea of reaching your full potential as a human being leaves no space for the accumulation of things that will separate you from that, and thus reduces the incentive to screw over your fellow man for a profit. In many ways it's similar to Buddhism's concept of rejecting desire. (Forgive me if I am understanding that wrong.)
However, the liberation in no longer searching to be better than your fellow man strikes me as particularly appealing. Ironically, the freedom from social pressure adopting this mindset affords has resulted in me becoming more socially accepted and out and about in the community. (Went from Getting out of the house approximately 3 or 4 times a month for maybe one to three hours, to getting out of the house that many times a week and for considerably longer.)
And I haven't watched anything if hasn't been a social event. Yes, I am rapidly realizing that television is much more powerful propaganda if you don't have somebody sitting next to you, and confirming with you that it is indeed bullshit. Thinking about it, that may be the worst part of TV. It takes a social event (Theater) and turns it into a private event. Everyone faces the machine alone, as the TVs became cheaper, and everyone got to pick their own brand of Propaganda to be enjoyed... alone.
So, thoughts on the date and time? Or thoughts on the topic? Or just thoughts in general, All are welcome.

tiny TAZ
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
It does fit the mood, I must admit.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Yes, it's the picture-box.
Television is the most powerful tool for social control ever invented. Sometime in the future, after it has all gone to Hell, people will ask: How did this happen ? Why didn't they do anything ?
I already know the answer. It's the picture-box. People became dependent on the box for their information. They trusted it. It was their "window on the world" and it was a simple matter, especially with concentration of ownership, for the oligarchy to filter out anything that might threaten their power. The box lies by omission.
Many writers on the subject have noted the paradox that even if you're watching in a room full of people, you're watching alone. The box speaks to us individually.
So, how may C99ers are there in Portland ?
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
There's a few.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Nail down...
a time and location and I'll list it in the sidebar.
Rgr. As of right now it's
Address is
8145 SE 82nd Ave.
Portland, OR
Hope everybody can make it. It's right off the 205 about 2 blocks, and the parking is decent.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I added it to the sidebar...
Please check it for accuracy. Let me know if it needs changed.
sounds good to me, just gonna meander on up that way since the week is shot with the Holiday.
I'll hit you with a pm to exchange info.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Hey DM! Off topic but would you be willing to provide advice to
Someone contemplating relocating to the Pacific northwest?
My wife recently became an RN and she's thinking it might be fun to rent out our home and explore some potential areas for a future relocation as a travel nurse (basically you lose insurance and other benefits but make more and can pull 3 month stints in an area where they need a position covered immediately to give them time to find and get a replacement)
I prefer being close to salt water for fishing and stuff but am always open to different things, particularly when I get to try it before I buy it.
If so let me know and I'll send you my number or FB info so we can chat without craping all over the comments section.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Well, I've only been here 3 years, but I'd happily...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
@detroitmechworks sounds good, I got
I'll PM you sometime tomorrow when I can get in front of the computer long enough to remember my id#
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
well, Portland's an hour and a half from the ocean....
more job opportunities in town than at the coast.
We've been talking about moving to one of those beach places and we took a little trip a couple of weeks ago to scout it out. Our favorite was Newport, population about 10,000. That's pretty big for the coast. We also stayed in Wheeler, population about 350, which is next to Nehalem, pop. 285, which is next to Manzanita, pop. 700. I think we could deal with Newport because there's enough there so we wouldn't have to drive every time we wanted...well, anything!
Like I said, the job market is bigger in Portland (or Salem or Eugene) but I noticed a clinic in Wheeler so RN jobs do exist in small places. But I would think they don't come up too often.
As for Portland, it's changing with way too many 60 unit buildings going up where there used to be old houses. They're taking every available square foot of the lots to build these monstrosities. Still, it's not too uncomfortable. Traffic is heavier than ever. Some of the niceness is disappearing but what a glorious day today! And we like our neighborhood. Maybe we'll stay.