C99 Meetup

Portland meetup? Who's coming?

Since the weather was less than great for the last one, we're looking to have another with Cassiodorus, March 30th.

If you think you can make it let us know soon. It'll make a difference where we meet. If 5 are coming then we can meet in a coffeehouse that serves sandwiches. If there are 10 then we'll go to a brewpub or restaurant.

So...March 30, Saturday around 1 pm. Somewhere in Portland!

Snow and PDX Meetup Poll

The weather people are forecasting significant snow this coming weekend for NW Oregon and SW Washington. The meetup is scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 10 at 1:00 pm. Timing of snowstorm seems to be in question, the only solid part being over the weekend.

Do we need to postpone the meetup? What say you? Respond please.

I have a medical appointment this morning, but will be back later.

Cynosarges : Portland Tiny TAZ Announcement (Open Thread On Philosophy.)

Good Afternoon and welcome to the Portland C99 meetup announcement and general info, as well as what I hope is a fun little discussion of philosophy.

Since I have realized that it's been far too long since we had a Portland Meetup. A small area where just for a few minutes even, we can step away from the chaos and enjoy the company of our fellows.

Meet StevenD, riverlover in Cortland, NY!

Meet StevenD, riverlover and Wink in Cortland, NY for our first ever C-99 Meetup!
It's going to be Fri. Jan. 5th, 5pm 'til 7pm for an early dinner at Doug's Fish Fry in Cortland. Possibly an after dinner drink at a local pub. Doug's has shrimp and clams as well as a damn fine fish sandwich or dinner for your dining pleasure. Beer, too. No real plan here except to meet & greet, and possibly plan a bigger event in Utica, NY. We hope to see you in Cortland in January!

Update!!: SF Bay Area Meetup?


It seems we have a good handful of folks potentially attending!

Verve Coffee Shop was suggested as a place, but there were some concerns about the length of time we can stay there, or whether there will be enough space. The Portland group meet up at a Chinese restaurant if I remember correctly. Any thought on this would be helpful.

PDX Meetup on Sunday

Hello to all in the very wet Pacific Northwest. This Sunday, the 30th is the day for our meetup. We are going to be at the Taipei Noodle Haus at 1:30 p.m.

The Taipei Noodle Haus is at 11642 NE Halsey St., Portland 97220. http://taipeinoodlehaus.com/ At the link, click on 'contact us' for a map. It should be fairly easy to get to from freeways, and reasonable by bus.
