The Weekly Watch
Is This the Moment to Build a Movement?
I think it is time...past unite the fight to end poverty in the world's wealthiest country, address the systemic racism reflected in our immoral prison system and police shootings, stop environmental degradation, and fund these cultural transitions (and restore a sense of humanity) by ending war. These four issues - poverty, racism, ecological destruction, and endless war – are intrinsically bound together. The Poor People's Campaign began forty days of action last Monday. Each week represents a different theme, and there are concurrent actions in thirty capitols.
Each site has it's own unique schedule here's the WASHINGTON DC CALENDAR OF EVENTS
Week 1 (May 13-19)
Somebody’s Hurting Our People: Children, Women and People with Disabilities Living in Poverty
Sunday, May 13th
6pm – Mass Meeting, National City Christian Church, 5 Thomas Cir NW
Monday, May 14th
10am – Nonviolent Direct Action Training, St Marks Episcopal Church, 301 A St SE
2pm – Rally, US Capitol Lawn – corner of Constitution Ave NW and First St NE
Tuesday, May 15th
7:30pm – Teach-In Tuesdays, The Festival Center, 1640 Columbia Rd NW
Thursday, May 17th
7:30pm – Justice Arts Movement: Theomusicology and Poetry Night, AFL CIO, 815 16th street NW, 20005
(each week has similar activities)
Week 2 (May 20-26)
Linking Systemic Racism and Poverty: Voting Rights, Immigration, Xenophobia, Islamophobia, and the Mistreatment of Indigenous Communities
Week 3 (May 27-June 2)
The War Economy: Militarism and the Proliferation of Gun Violence
Week 4 (June 3-9)
The Right to Health and a Healthy Planet: Ecological Devastation and Health Care
Week 5 (June 10-16)
Everybody’s Got the Right To Live: Education, Living Wages, Jobs, Income, Housing
Week 6 (June 17-23)
A New and Unsettling Force: Confronting the Distorted Moral Narrative
Saturday, June 23, 10:00 a.m. EDT
Global Day of Solidarity and Sending Forth Call to Action Mass Rally in Washington DC
I went to the Montgomery, Alabama rally. It was extremely well designed and executed with lawyers, legal observers, medics, and organizers wearing identifying badges. The rally started at the stroke of 2 pm as scheduled. The theme this week - impoverished children, women, and people with disabilities are hurting.
You have to understand the setting to get a real feel. The Capitol building, made of the same marble as the Washington Monument (from Sylacauga), sits at the end of Dexter Avenue.
On the top step is this plaque
Dr. King's Church is a block down the hill.
And as we look down the avenue you can barely see the fountain where Zelda is rumored to have skinny dipped. That fountain sits in the center of the old slave market. This is route which the march from Selma to Montgomery concluded, ending with a rally on the Alabama Capitol Building steps. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the premier speaker. A delegation of leaders was then sent away as they tried to present Governor George Wallace with a petition.
from wiki:
On the morning of March 24, the march crossed into Montgomery County and the highway widened again to four lanes. All day as the march approached the city, additional marchers were ferried by bus and car to join the line. By evening, several thousand marchers had reached the final campsite at the City of St. Jude, a complex on the outskirts of Montgomery.
That night on a makeshift stage, a "Stars for Freedom" rally was held, with singers Harry Belafonte, Tony Bennett, Frankie Laine, Peter, Paul and Mary, Sammy Davis, Jr., Joan Baez, Nina Simone and The Chad Mitchell Trio all performing. Thousands more people continued to join the march.
On Thursday, March 25, 25,000 people marched from St. Jude to the steps of the State Capitol Building where King delivered the speech How Long, Not Long. He said:
"The end we seek is a society at peace with itself, a society that can live with its conscience. ... I know you are asking today, How long will it take? I come to say to you this afternoon however difficult the moment, however frustrating the hour, it will not be long."
(Less than five months later President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965.)
So given the setting back to the story...
The rally started with a call and response song “Somebody's Hurting” led by Rev. Dollie from Cordova, AL . She had a great powerful voice in this the first of many pieces she would later lead during the march.
Somebody's hurting our people, and it's gone on...
response – far too long,
and we won't
response - be silent anymore.
Several people spoke. The three co-chairs introduced themselves and made comments. A struggling Mom spoke of her challenges. A woman blinded as an adult spoke of her difficulties. She had once worked with Fannie Lou Hamer
They passed out a recitation with responses about rates of children's hunger, the rising incarceration of women and loss of disability benefits. The small crowd of maybe a hundred participated in the recitation and songs. People seemed interested and engaged. It was pretty hot, about 93 degrees, and one woman fell out...heat or sunstroke I guess. There was a medic on hand, and she had the EMT there as the march began.
After a last song the march began led by those called moral witnesses. Down the stairs, across the crosswalk, down the sidewalk, they stopped in the crosswalk leading to Dr King's old church.
Police were both ahead and behind the marchers stopped in the crosswalk blocking the street. They sang some good songs like We Shall Not Be Moved The police just observed. Then one of the leaders hollered Forward...with the response...not one step back... marching on down the street with the police conducting a rolling road block.
They march past the Education Association and stop at the next crosswalk to the Supreme Court Building (where Roy Moore once illegally installed a statue of the ten commandments)
Where there's more songs... Ain't gonna let nobody turn me around and Eyes on the Prize and onward down Dexter Avenue. Forward, not one step back. And the dance with the police conducting the rolling roadblocks and the marchers singing continued until they finally reach the fountain. This location has symbolism too.
At the fountain some of the marchers staged a sit in.
The police had accommodated the march, but they called for dispersal of the sit in and arrested several people. Fortunately there was no violence.
[video:] (1 min video)
There has been minimal coverage of the Montgomery march. In fact there has been very little press on the campaign nationally...
Here's a supporters piece...
Meteor Man posted this interesting article in his essay this week.
Nashville's gathering sounds similar to the one in Montgomery, but no arrests occurred there. Interesting that their paper covered the story, Alabama's coverage was essentially a backpage paragraph
Eddie Conway speaks with people at the Annapolis gathering (video or text)
Maryland's capitol has an interesting history too....
Built in 1772, this is the oldest state house in continuous legislative use in our nation.
This is the room, the Old Senate Chamber of the Maryland State House where George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe and other prominent founding fathers congregated on that singularly unique day when Washington resigned his commission to the Continental Congress in Annapolis, Maryland in 1783. When he left Annapolis, Washington believed that his service to his country was over, and that he would finally be able to return home. Of course, he was soon pressed back into service, first to lead the constitutional convention in 1786, and then to lead the new country.
Democracy Now! interviewed Drs Barber and Theoharis who created the revival of the Poor People's Campaign (PPC). They were in DC.
Dr. Barber describes the PPC (video or text)
They both discuss Israel's oppression of the Palestinians. (video or text)
Which leads us to the weeks news...

The murder of Palestinian protesters by Israel is seen but not really discussed by the MSM
Janis B posted a rational discussion of the Palestinians predicament...
George Galloway Interviews Dr. Ramzy Baroud (25 min)
Norman Finkelstein has been trying to explain the dire situation of the Palestinians for quite a while. Here he is in a three part interview (video or text)
He ws also featured in the last half of Jeremy Scahill's show (audio or text)
Aaron Mate interviews Max Blumenthal and Dan Cohen about their documentary film "Killing Gaza" (23 min)
The film is available here -
Max and Dan again with Chris Hedges (25 min)
Jimmy, Ron and Steph look at the situation in Gaza and the way media is covering the story (8 min on a story in the Onion) (6 min on the Hamas excuse) (16 min on Thomas Friedman's spin)
One minute cartoon from Jared boy peacemaker....

Iran is off the dollar and on the Euro...that was Saddam's approach too. Jimmy and the crew explain (8 min)
Mimi translated some articles for us this week that explain how dumping the Iranian deal is driving Germany and Europe in general toward Russia.
The withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal is putting our European ties at risk.
We're still working to insure peace doesn't break out in Korea. Col. Larry Wilkerson explains that Trump’s threats, Bolton’s inexperience, combined with the military exercises in the region is putting the North Korean peace talks at risk. (13 min)
It appears we have canceled the worst of the scheduled war games

Ray McGovern explains why he objects to Gina Haspel's appointment as CIA Director. (2 parts video or text)
Interesting 26 min interview with Ray McGovern, ex-CIA on Telesur
Great discussion with Abby Martin, Jill Stein, and Glenn Greenwald. There's a 12 min intro, then Abby is interviewed. Jill comes on at about 40 min. Glenn's interview begins about 1.25 hours into the event. All three are good. In the second hour Abby and Jill discuss the role we can play in media, the movement, and with our personal actions. (hat tip mimi)
Here are links to separate interviews if that is easier...
Abby (28 min)
Jill (36 min)
Glenn (37 min)
There was also a 45 min press conference with Abby, Jill, and Zain Raza, the founder and senior editor of acTVism Munich
I found this young Munich based media start up, acTVism, quite interesting. Media is key for movements to build support. Remember the way the MSM covered Occupy? Oh yeah they didn't cover Occupy. How about Standing Rock...not so good there either. Same pattern with the PPC. We are left with digital social media and citizen journalists to do the job.
Robert Scheer talks with Adam Winkler, a professor of constitutional law at UCLA’s School of Law about his book "We the Corporations". (audio or text)
Good journalist don't fare well in Mexico...
Mexican journalists are under siege...and the US is complicit. (text only)
In 2018 the 4th journalist of the year was murdered in Mexico
Perhaps good journalist don't fare well anywhere. They are sure going after Julian
The US indites and convicts truth telling journalists. (hat tip sd)

So we began the discussion today about movements. I'm proud of the movement being conducted by teachers.
All teachers understand the need to invest in the future...our young people.
South Carolina teachers marched this weekend joining the outcry to support public education.
There is a long way to go. Education is unequal in many ways and at many levels
Between the teacher's efforts and the PPC will there be a new movement? Media is critical. The Poor People's Campaign is being treated much like the Occupy Movement... obscure, distract, don't report. If and when we become a force to challenge the system, there will be more aggressive policing and articles smearing the campaign will be common, and perhaps even agent provocateurs inserted to discredit the effort.
The struggle has been its very nature. All too often the focus becomes about what we are against. Like Janus we also must be looking toward what we want to become. We must think and dream about the society we want to create. If you enjoyed Jimmy's interviews with Peter Joseph last week, you might enjoy revisiting this interview with Abby Martin (45 min)
Here's wishing you a satisfying future full of hopes and dreams as the empire collapses around us. I look forward to your comments and stories. I once visited a Roman villa in Britain It was built at the end of their empire in the backwaters of the Roman empire. Of late, that is how I've been seeing our little homestead...not as a villa, but as a refuge for the end of empire. Take care friends. Keep speaking truth to power.

Caitlin's take on Gina
Caitlin suggest Gina is the appropriate face for the CIA...
I liked her conclusion...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The billionaires of the D/R parties control the oligarchy
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
interesting article
Enjoyed the back story on France. The Kevin Ship link at the bottom is really interesting. I watched it recently.
The VIPS are heroes.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Whoa, thanks for the site link!
You're dead on, as usual - heroes indeed!
Hope you don't mind if I add one of the other articles there to which I went after reading yours?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
not at all
So glad you found the info/link useful. That is why we do this isn't it?
Good to "see" you as always.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good to 'see' YOU - and to learn!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Are indeed. n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
ex-CIA, NSA, etc....
Give us a glimpse at the underbelly of our nation.
If people have missed "A good American" on Netflix (and you have access) I encourage you to learn about Bill Binney and his path. Ray McGovern, Tom Drake, Jack K., Kevin Ship and so many others are the true patriots!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
That being one reason
it's also important to fight the Neo distortion of language, of universally defined words and terminology twisted into Opposite Day meanings.
This Tower of Babel co-option of identifying labels (such as 'Liberal' and 'Progressive' pasted onto neoCons/neolibs, initially fooling some into misplaced support while also giving the real ones a bad name and thereby removing their identifier,) and Opposite Day use of terms such as 'reform' (in that case, giving a falsely positive impression of abuses and, over time, a negative one of any potential improvements) and other confusion strategies are an important part of Perception Management, also, as we know, playing a major role in division tactics.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
The use of "other" is a powerful divider
Race, republican, war...divide and conquer.
I guess that's why the Q anon posts cause my alarms to ring.
I didn't feature but watched this - gives me understanding of the trumpeteers and their narrative (50 min)
plays on the us vs them.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
"Freedom," "reform,"
these words, of course,
mean just the opposite to Repubs and their owners, the Oligarchy.
I cringe every time I hear them say "reform." A not so subtle hint to grab ankles.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I suppose that's the problem;
we need a better response than cringing - and it's damned hard to come up with any when all of the checks and balances have been incrementally infiltrated and corrupted...
On the plus side, now, we begin to 'know thine enemy' better, enough to realize that they are within a ruthless group mentally crippled in essential human areas and in ways readily identifiable by displays of the notable lack of both empathy and ethics defining the incapacitating condition, as well as by brain activity scans, and are therefore not, by nature of this, ethically or otherwise fit to hold any public office or position where they can use power to abuse others. We are, of course, fighting a destructive and invasive pathology in human form, not just political and other labels they may gather under.
But once it's reached a point where facts proving criminality in electoral candidates are to be withheld, by self-interests within government/agencies, from the public under an ???accepted??? publicly made excuse that this 'might affect the election' - since sane people might prefer not to elect pre-selected psychopathic criminals to public office - and propaganda and censorship are being unleashed upon the public to manipulate them into consenting to whatever is done to them, it makes things... difficult.
Psychopaths are now better able than ever before to pathologize societies, this, as we know, due in great part to media and other monopolies and technology used against the general public and as the US industrialists who essentially invented fascism by funding Hitler for a global corporate/military takeover-by-proxy which failed, learnt from their mistakes, as did others carrying on the fascist global agenda in multiple groups and areas.
They essentially invented (seemingly pointless) terrorism by creating secret terrorist groups controlled only by spy groups (such as the CIA and MI6) attacking powerless civilians in NATO and other countries - under the excuse of maintaining defenses against a Soviet invasion which never came, (since it was predominately Russia's survival and win over their Nazi-proxy invasion which enabled humanity to win that time, The Powers That (shouldn't) Be have a long-running grudge against the people of that country) presumably keeping in shape by randomly attacking and killing citizens? - to terrify and 'right-wing' them into accepting abuses and the loss of basic rights in exchange for promised 'security' through Project Gladios*, using this also to weaken independent countries and as an excuse to set up US military bases everywhere, in preparation for the long-planned fascist global take-over.
And they've spent the intervening decades weakening, infiltrating and taking over governments/policy around the world, by hook, crook and invasion, draining power and wealth from the world toward a global totalitarian nightmare now approaching completion, unless either a probably more merciful extinction of planetary life or the people of the world rising up for life and democracy occurs first.
Look at what's happening now.
Below, there are 7 demands listed out of the 12; I wonder what the others are?
Note that the threatening of any individual Iranians who can potentially be labelled 'operatives' (like civilians killed by drones being counted as terrorists?) and any Iranians claimed to be '...Hezbollah proxies operating around the world...' by a group which routinely wars against civilians around the world seems to have not been commented on within the article...
Somebody has to say and stand by this now - hell, everybody does! And make it clear that it's not the US but The Psychopaths That Be who are responsible for all of this!
The definition of a psychopath in unkillable form, from below, although the 'can't' and 'won't' might need reversal for those in human form:
'...The tech can't be reasoned with and won’t feel pity, remorse or fear. ...'
Mechanical psychopaths now to be fully unleashed upon the world, because humans can't kill humans fast enough to suit The Psychopaths That (shouldn't) Be, who see these independent killer machines as their ideal.
We have to get psychopaths out of politics/policy/agencies now. If you think human US/Israeli cops kill a lot of civilians now, don't wait until these replace also civil forces so that no public money has to be 'wasted' on paying The Poors for such jobs at all.
Repeating these quotes following, regarding Gladios. Never to forgive, never to forget - and no longer to freaking accept.
Bush, projecting while speaking for himself and his ilk, was sorta right; they - the US and other Powers That (shouldn't) Be around the world really do hate humanity, with our despised and and exploitable empathy and ethics, for still having our freedoms...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
The US is being reasonable....
submit to our exploitation or we will kill you. It is what made amerika grate.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
invasive pathology in human form
question everything
just a question
question everything
I thought it was a Calvin and Hobbes idea
but it seems that it's a thing, and even more appropriate that I'd thought. (Thanks for triggering me to look this up for an example!)
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
OK, thanks
question everything
We are fighting against "Controlled Opposition"
...and have been for a very long time. Daily Kos is a funded controlled-opposition site and likely has been since 2006. (David Brooks runs direct opposition sites.) VIPS is a target for controlled opposition programs. Scientists of that caliber often are, especially physicists. You see it most publicly in climate science, natural healthcare and pharmaceuticals, the fossil fuels industry, and in questionable science and corporate exploits that are regulated by the EPA and the FDA. Net Neutrality was felled by controlled opposition, and the essential core of the War on Terror is actually "controlled opposition" to Human Rights — largely due to resource scarcity and the rampant greed of the Ruling Class.
We discuss ordinary, mutating propaganda here every day, and fight it as best we can. But it's not surprising to find "opposition research" at the foundation of the monstrous evil that is attacking US democracy, for it is the "One Ring that Controls them All." That's hard to miss when we look at the array of international spooks, Presidential level operatives, Party elites, CFR "family members," think tank consultants, and useful idiots from the Five Eyes and the Pentagon who are financially connected to the Steele Dossier, alone.
That's the Big Game we are not addressing, but it is already active and mighty on the battlefield of populist politics that are spontaneous gleams in our eyes, at this point. There is too much money pumped into them. All the money in the world. When the world stops supporting the US Dollar — only then will we be good to go.
We should be lobbying interested nations the UN, not each other.
Oh, that's rich
question everything
No. Like Eva Bartlett at the UN.
She is a sovereign entity unto herself.
We will be heroic, as well, when we are fighting on the correct battlefield. VIPS lobbies on the battlefield at the UN, which has been showing more spine in recognizing false flag attacks, as a result.
so she is one of the good guys
Good for her! Speaking truth to power is not without it's blow back. Is this lobbying the UN? If the UN can not see the truth, then they are aiding misinformation. The UN is a very large obstacle to world peace. Just as US congress is a huge blockade against reducing military spending, except on a more global scale. I don't see it.
question everything
It's a fresh approach, but perhaps too complex
...for a forum.
The people can apply their own sanctions.
Various UN entities need encouragement to stand strong
and the American public petitioning en masse might make a difference, before it's too late.
They have been allowing the US PTB to override basic human decency and themselves by accepting the UN veto (and military/economic threats) used by TPTB toward achieving a far worse global micromanagement of the rest of the world - when we should all be (pacifically) fighting for life and democracy.
Various UN representatives are becoming more obviously disgusted with and horrified by the sadistically destructive tyranny being imposed in and on various peoples/countries in defiance of international law and against the prospects of the survival of humanity as well as the very concepts of civilization, and this natural revulsion and rejection needs to be encouraged.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Amen Ellen
question everything
here's an amen from the choir
The ABC's (3 letter FBI,CIA,NSA....) are running the show, and evidently tell politicians how it is and will be. We will see what we see, but it probably will be very little of the big scheme. Someone earlier this week said bring on our collapse and isolation from the rest of the world. Even with that it may be too little too late. We just have to live lives true to our values. Easy said...
Glad to "see" you.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks, Lookout.
I don't tell you often enough how much I am inspired by your work here.
Same here friend
I appreciate your insights. I've learned much from you.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Wish you weren't so painfully right,
but the accuracy is appreciated and desperately needs to be more widely recognized.
Thank FSM for you and others speaking out! We need more of you...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
short Caitlin
malignant warmongering psyop factory
russian disinmformation = the american empire's attempt to shift focus away from homeland deciept
force us all back into our assigned brain boxes
write our own rules about how things like money and government ought to operate
question everything
Thanks for the summary!
Where have all the flowers gone?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Nice reportage, Lookout. Thanks for the roundup too.
Haven't had a lot of time at all lately, slightly overwhelmed here.
I'd really like to see this effort take off. Hope it has the muster to attract bi- and non-partisan folks that it should. I like Barber and have been coming around to him. Coming around, I say, because I previously saw him as a sort of Dem partisan.
Heard a speech or interview recently and he was making reference to an "all Republican legislature" and I was disappointed to hear that. There's plenty enough for him to be critical of on the Dems, which would increase his chances in attracting a broader, stronger coalition. It has to be about the duopoly and the intransigence of Money In Politics/lobbying/beholden to donors being the root of all the problems he wishes to tackle.
Lastly, while I deeply admire a continuation of the movement MLK had been planning 50 years ago, I wonder if calling it the same exact name, "Poor People's Campaign," is best suited to today. As we know since then there's been a coordinated and concerted effort to denigrate poor people by RW propaganda (Lee Atwater, etc). The term "poor people" is almost never used anymore. Which makes me think of the brilliant George Carlin skit about how he doesn't like euphemisms. He contends that people like to (or have been conditioned by marketing campaigns to) use mealy-mouthed terms instead of crisp, clear language. It is good clear language to use poor people to describe the situation today. Only problem is the American Dream propaganda has us all thinking like Steinbeck said, about being temporarily embarrassed millionaires - just a lottery ticket or ponzi scheme, or if that doesn't work, pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps to attain that purposefully elusive myth, while spurning the idea of socialism. The Occupy message of "We Are the 99%" still resonates best I think.
I like the term I heard young black activists using when seeking to clear the air about Black Lives Matter not simply being the New Civil Rights Movement. I heard a few say it was the Oppressed People's Movement. In recognition that it was just as much about LGBT brothers and sisters, as it was Palestinian struggle, the prison industrial complex and the economically disenfranchised being hunted by the police state and picked clean by the capitalist vultures who write the laws keeping people poor.
Concerns aside I welcome any and all movements seeking to call attention to the multi-pronged assault on the 99%. But it must be clear it is non-partisan. And to really work, it has to expose that the current system is run by a small cabal of very rich people which control everything we see, hear, read, eat and buy - but especially our government. And that nothing less than a serious commitment to a full revolution of values, non-cooperation, subversion, boycotts, while also establishing alternative economic systems of worker cooperatives, media communication and smaller self-governing systems outside of the purview of Big Money interests, will bring about the wholesale change needed.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
I agree
To address all these issues we must recognize the failure of the capitalist system ...and the political system which is owned and controlled by the elites. The answer can't be to use the existing corrupted system but to break free entirely. I like Caity's thought that we prop up this whole insane culture because we believe...
We do what we can do. I'm a retired teacher. It is in my nature to teach. The PPC may be the movement de jur but it is something I can do. It isn't perfect, but it is calling out the issues.
As always I appreciate your insightful comments. Hope all is well with you and your family!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Agree. It ain't perfect,
but it's ten times
better than what other progressive groups are doing,
which is pretty much nothing. What "Resistance?"
While "they" talk the talk Rev. Barber walks the walk.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Many folks in Hawaii have come to the conclusion that
if people are to be healed, spiritually, socially, and economically, they need to recognize the falsity of the narrative that the U.S. ever legitimately annexed Hawaii, and resume living a narrative that is truer to their roots.
The first nations have much to teach us....
....if we would listen and learn. Standing Rock was the teachable moment...but once again we missed the opportunity to see the corporate mercenaries and water protectors for what they are...despite being sprayed in the face with the obvious.
Are you in Hawaii? I never been there, but my mom was in Pearl Harbor when it was bombed...
I've still got the rocking chair in this picture. I'm not sure who my mom's childhood friend was....

Always good to "see" you.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
change needed
question everything
Excellent job here Lookout.
PPC is something to keep an eye on.
So, looks like the Media is eating up the usual...
NRA playbook.
Thanks to the Wedding yesterday, they didn't even have to engage in the traditional period of silence before coming out with their attacks on Video Games, Drugs, and Women who won't sleep with white male terrorists.
It's the same fucking story, every fucking time. The beats are rehearsed down to a frightening degree. I honestly would like to take a look at the Video Editor's computer for the news stations, because you KNOW they have graphics cued up and ready for the next shooting.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
not to mention the parroting of nonsense
1.2 min
Journalist = teleprompter reader....or so it seems to me.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Watching that 45 min. Q&A
with Jill and Abby right now. Very good, thanks for posting it.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
my pleasure
really came from mimi's rec on the big three confab, but that last piece with Abby and Jill and the acTVism guy is a great conversation/conference about media today, etc.
Always good to see you!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Awesome post.
I believe the PPC is a big part of upcoming events, very likely a yuuuge reason for upcoming events, be they a revolution of some sort or something smaller. But there's no question the PPC will play a big role this Spring, a Joe Biden bfd! Rock on!
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
we can hope....
The Q anon crowd is suggesting 6/11 will be a big reveal? Of course they also called for a May date that has come and gone.
I think street actions are driving change more than the CT's but ...I'm open minded and will wait and see. I'm keeping on keeping on...cause ain't nobody gonna turn me around!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
bing! n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
On 6/11, it will be revealed
what happens when internet neutrality protections are gone. And we may never know if/when anything of spectacular importance was to come out, if internet access to it is blocked. Will internet become obsolete in the end?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
repeal in the senate, but...
likely destruction of net neutrality in the house...
We'll see what we see. I think the issue on 6/11 lies with the recent leaks regarding the soon to be released Department of Justice Inspector General's report.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
change the rules
question everything
Thanks for the links!
Still, you'd think that Republican voters would be upset at having their freedom restricted on a more expensive and limited-to-Party-lines internet, even if guns are not involved.
I have a nasty feeling that, no matter what is released, Hillary will merely be found incompetent to hold public office, something that will be OK in Her case, anyway, because she's the only once suitable to break the Presidential glass ceiling with that exceptionally hard, scheming heart chipped out of the same flint as Cheney's.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
too many oligarchs...
...are tied to the foundation for a true reveal...IMO.
Have a good day!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Too true - but I hope you manage a good one yourself, anyway.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.