Bombshell looming Re: Inspector General's report?
Much of this essay relies upon an article published by Zero Hedge on May 17. The Zero Hedge article is based upon the reporting of Paul Sperry who writes for the Wall Street Journal. I really like Zero Hedge because they seem to be on top of news in real time. However the Zero Hedge site drives me crazy with their pop up ads. So be forewarned about the pop up ads if you go there.
Like everything else involving our government, regardless of who is in charge of Congress or who is President, I have become very jaded about any news that might portend of justice coming. With this caveat in mind, I am somewhat optimistic as a result of recent leaks regarding the soon to be released Department of Justice Inspector General's report. This report is in regard to the FBI and DoJ's handling of the Clinton investigation concerning her transferring of SAP information and other sensitive data to her personal server. Clinton's actions were clearly in violation of State Department rules. However, Comey unilaterally "cleared her" in his testimony before Congress.
Let's start with a brief background on Michael Horowitz who is Inspector General for the Department of Justice. Michael Horowitz has a law degree from Harvard, previously served from 1991 to 2002 in the Department of Justice as an Assistant US Attorney for the southern district of New York, and was appointed as Inspector General for the DoJ by President Obama in 2012. None of this is particularly heartening for those who would want to believe him as a person who would weed out wrong doing in the Obama Administration's FBI and DoJ.
However, Zero Hedge has pointed out in their article published on May 17, that Horowitz publicly bucked the Obama Administration which had placed severe restrictions on the power of the Inspectors General.
In short - Horowitz went to war with the Obama Administration to restore the OIG's powers - and didn't get them back until Trump took office.
Horowitz was appointed head of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) in April, 2012 - after the Obama administration hobbled the OIG's investigative powers in 2011 during the "Fast and Furious" scandal. The changes forced the various Inspectors General for all government agencies to request information while conducting investigations, as opposed to the authority to demand it. This allowed Holder (and other agency heads) to bog down OIG requests in bureaucratic red tape, and in some cases, deny them outright.
Could it be that Inspector General Horowitz is a rare bird in Washington DC? A man with a conscience to do the right thing? We shall see.
And what is the news that Paul Sperry is leaking?
BREAKING: IG Horowitz has found "reasonable grounds" for believing there has been a violation of federal criminal law in the FBI/DOJ's handling of the Clinton investigation/s and has referred his findings of potential criminal misconduct to Huber for possible criminal prosecution
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) May 17, 2018
The recent activity on Sperry's Twitter account is also very interesting. For example, look at these two tweets.
Breaking News by @paulsperry_ @GenFlynn targeted by Comey & Yates a YEAR before Gen Flynn talked w/Russian Ambassador in Dec '16 as part of Trump's transition.
Why? B/c he sat at the same table as Putin at a Dec 15 event in Moscow.
— Georgia Peach™ (@Real_PeachyKeen) May 17, 2018
DEVELOPING: A major new front is opening in the political espionage scandal. In summer 2016, Brennan with his FBI liaison Strzok, along with help from Kerry @ State, were trying to set Russian espionage traps for minor players in the Trump campaign through cultivated intel assets
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) May 11, 2018
Jamarl Thomas covered this news today on his You Tube channel. I like his logical thinking about what he reports. This video is only about 12 minutes long and he expresses the same concerns I have about this news. But we both are cautiously optimistic that we will finally see some justice come out of this.
Where this will go is anyone's guess. We already know that the FBI's number 2 man, Andrew McCabe could be charged with a number of offenses. The Office of the Inspector General released a stand alone report on McCabe in February. This report became grounds for McCabe's firing. Many of the high ranking officials in the FBI have been fired, with the exception of Peter Strzok who is still cooperating. I believe that Strzok is a key person in all of this.
We live in very interesting times.

Put aside draining the swamp
Drain the cesspool first.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
That appears to be what is happening
The number of high ranking officials in the FBI who have been fired is huge. Not as many at the DoJ that I am aware of. But the amount of corruption that is being exposed will shock most Americans if it ever get reported. I am hoping we will see some powerful people taken out but that will take time, if at all. I am less optimistic about that part.
I keep hoping. Without hope, we might as well give up.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
me, too, but Lionel
says "nothing will
happen." He's prolly right becuz nuthin' ever does, but we can hope.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
The Bourgeoisie are up to their usual bullshit.
No one will be charged. Everyone involved will continue to profit off of death, destruction, misery and suffering while the rest of us continue to prop them up hoping that someone will come down on a white horse and save them.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
You have made this claim many times
but I'm thinking that some of the shit that they have been shoveling for so long is starting to stink enough that people are wondering what is being covered up. Who knows? Maybe all it will take is for one thing not to be swept under the rug for to come out and then something can happen. It doesn't cost anything to be hopeful. I'm happy to have some hope that someone might go down for the things they've done.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I saw that last night on Zero Hedge,
...but it was dry. You did a great job of covering it by highlighting the sources and zooming in on their Twitters.
The news read as significant to me (although not surprising) that the FBI and DOJ corruption re: Hillary would be investigated as a crime, because, let's face it, the entire nation witnessed it. They have to do something with it. I read also that Brenner could be investigated for criminal activity while spooking and lying. Again, his crimes were witnessed by the entire nation. Anything pertaining to any of them needs to be unclassified. National security, my foot. Who oversees these unelected Pretorians?
These stories will be suppressed in the media with extreme prejudice, so it's doubtful the American public will be aware of it. If the publicity can be completely snuffed, it's unlikely the perpetrators will be prosecuted. But the fact that they are going through the motions is nice, especially after two decades of egregiously ignored war crimes.
The political focus of the politicos is entirely on toppling Trump for some picadillo or another. Russian collusion has left the room and is probably never coming back again. Who can blame it? A lot of the noise pollution in the public square comes from a loud and biased media following scripted lies that push misshapen lumps of obvious propaganda and competitive, logic-free narratives. The nation's journalists, I've learned, are actually recruited agents of the intelligence community, a common practice of many nations during the past 150 years of industrial fascism. They all confess to it in various ways, at some point before they die.
The political focus of most Americans, however, is on working hard and trying to pay their bills and praying there are no unexpected expenses looming in their immediate future. The political noisy amateurs among them are in the same boat, but they are desperately seeking someone to blame for their anger. It goes without saying that this is built into our centuries-long, engineered political-polarity that keeps the people evenly divided and thus, blind to the Ruling Families and their policy non-profits and strategic think tanks.
This rambling summary is merely to point out that never before has the rest of the world paid so much attention to the minutia of Americans being themselves in their natural surroundings. I think they are looking for new ways of predicting what will happen as this Empire dies. Their own leaders have been looking weak and compromised as well, against the backdrop American corruption and destruction writ large. Those in the developed nations know they have it good compared to Americans, and they are far more economically secure at every income level; this is true in some of the emergent nations, as well. But now they have a clearer picture of exactly who their leaders have been rubbing elbows with, and that is unsettling.
I find most of zerohedge to be lacking. If not for the sources they use (Thanks gulfgal) I would avoid them all together.
Buy Gold!
Buy Gold!
Buy Gold!
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Heh. I think I catch your drift.
They rave freely at Zero Hedge, but with the loss of Google's willingness to provide any meaningful or comprehensive news feeds in the United States — we must leave the sterile and barren roads for the unruly jungles.
As for buying gold, it was inevitable that they would eventually be right, at some point.
When I read Zero Hedge
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
A lot of this is tying back
What I hope we will see the exposure of just how deep the corruption of our government is.
Thank you for your kind words.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Actually you make a point or even
First, what you get from ZH or any other site is what you frequent it for. Basically, I rarely go beyond the Tylers because I am looking for the news first. Like any clearinghouse site, if you dig into it, you will find great stuff and not so great stuff.
For me, I use Twitter as my clearinghouse to follow people like Caitlin, so I may miss when she is linked at Zero Hedge. From my own personal perspective, I have found Zero Hedge to be moderately conservative in their political views.
Here is where I am coming from, which may not play well here at C99. I am freaking tired of political labels which have been used to divide us. So I search for what I can at whatever source I may find to help me figure out what is going on.
Lately, the so called liberal sites are not doing anything than churning out political propaganda that supports the status quo for the establishment. The so called conservative sites are also clogged with garbage, but occasionally I have finding them less censored. Still, politically, they are two sides to the same coin. We must be willing give up these labels if we are to prevail over the corrupt powers that be. I have decided that the better label for my own views is that of humanist.
It takes a lot of work to sift through the crap to find what may or may not be real. But I keep trying even if I might get on the wrong trail occasionally.
This may be one reason I have not published much here lately. It is difficult to wade through the garbage and document what I believe is really going on.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
@gulfgal98 I don't think most
One of the things I like about this place is that most here don't engage in the Genetic logical fallacy
That doesn't mean they accept it outright, but won't dismiss it based only on the source. (Although some sources do justify more vetting or parsing)
We no longer have a functional journalistic system so separating the wheat from the chaff is our burden now.
Fuck the gate keepers anyway, we may find we don't need them anymore.
They have already suicided their integrity and more and more people are waking up to their irrelevancy.
I just hope enough awaken in time...
(Edited to correct an autocorrupt error, composing on the phone is a tad more difficult... Lol)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Thank you!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I have decided that the better label for my own views is that of humanist.
I got into a little tiff with a kos kid recently about liberals, progressives and centrists and I told her that I am none of those. I am a humanist if she wanted me to have a label. But I like Naomi Klein's idea. No labels.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I suppose we must be Zero Hedge apologists
...since the catastrophic failure of Google has forced us to do their job. Technology's Weak-Sisters-of-Silicon-Valley have really let us down in their efforts to become G-Men for the Plutocrats and the corrupt elite. I find myself apologizing for using certain news sources at least one or two times per week. But in the case of Zero Hedge, I think the Tylers are often outshined by many of their guest writers, at least since the collapse of intellectual honesty and quality control at Google has driven the remaining good journalists to publish one step ahead of the censors. This week, Caitlin Johnstone was published there, for example, among some very respected journalists.
As for the Tyler Durdens and ZH in general — are they really conservative in a bad way? Labels are changing so fast, and so are they. Are they the right wing? How biased are those articles? I'm not confident in my judgment, because when I read it, it sounds "turn-key political" in my head — one-size-fits-all — albeit very very cynical. What taints ZH, IMO, are the comments. They read like a drunken motorcycle gang, completely unhinged from civilization. Yet I've copied passages from the comments and I have read some amazingly solid analysis that influenced me. Anyway, you are right about the breaking news there — plus, it is almost always the real thing. Sometimes, reading down the daily headlines can be an out of body experience. The content curator at Zero Hedge is a genius.
What you might want to do is add the Ghostery extension to your Browser. That alone, without any ad blockers, has solved most of my browsing annoyances.
The email coverup goes all the way to the top
Obama was directly involved with how the investigation would go because he saw Hillary as his successor and the he wanted his piss-poor legacy protected.
Never before has someone's guilt depended on whether they had intended to break the law. The law doesn't work that way. Laws exist for everyone to follow them and if they don't then when they break them they are charged for doing it. As we've been told "Ignorance of the law doesn't matter." Apparently this doesn't apply if it's Hillary Rodham Clinton breaking them.
People who have worked with security clearances know better than I how those laws are to be followed. This is why they are called laws not suggestions.
JAMES COMEY & BARACK OBAMA, Bones in the throat of American Justice!
On April 10, 2016, President Barack Obama publicly stated;
Hillary should have turned her emails over after her tenure was done, but she did not do that. If not for this being found out during the Benghazi hearings she probably would never have turned them over. But even after she was told by congress to turn them in she deliberately destroyed 30,000 of them. And she got away with doing that. Her excuse was that they were her private emails that discussed Chelsea's wedding. Yeah right. 30,000 emails on planning for her daughter's wedding.
Lynch should have recused herself after she met with Bill days before Comey reached his conclusion into his email investigation into her private email server. A special prosecutor should have been named after it was discovered that the wording in Comey's report was changed from "Grossly Negligent" which if it had been left would have seen charges brought against her.
Except she lied about that. Judicial Watch got a FOIA for her emails and they have found many that were about her foundation that she kept operational during her tenure SOS after both congress and Obama told her to not to. What has JW discovered in those emails? Evidence of "pay to play" between foreign governments, foreign officials and many organizations and people who had business with her state department, but that's for another essay. I've written about this ad nausoum, but the cover given to Hillary's illegal handling of her emails and her use of her private email server goes very deep. But deep enough to never see light of day? I think not.
I'm with you, gulfgal. Whether this goes anywhere is anyone's guess, but I'm thinking that it will. This isn't the only thing from the Obama administration that is coming to light. There have been numerous investigations happening behind the scenes that most people don't even know exist.
Russia Gate might just be a detour to a different road. We'll see soon enough.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Outstanding comment!
While I do not believe the the IG's report will delve into Hillary's innocence or guilt because Horowitz can only examine the extent of the issues associated with DoJ and FBI, it may open the doors for other reports to come forward regarding her willful flaunting of the law. Not many people have focused upon Lynch, but I believe she is a very mean SOB despite her kindly grandmother appearance.
What I expect the Horowitz report to address is the issues involving Comey and Lynch along with those who served under them. This hopefully will shine a light on the bigger problem of corruption throughout the federal government and open it up for further investigations.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
If I were a prosecutor
Any prosecutor could. Ham Sandwich indictments.
Seems what counties and states do is "different" from what the feds do when it would bring down the PTB.
They pick on doctors dispensing Vicodin, or psychologists billing Medicare for 1 hour appointments that only lasted 45 minutes.
The Feds are on it!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I think anyone could come to the conclusion that she did
intend to hide her emails from public scrutiny. Why else would she have used her private email server if not to do that? And then there's the fact that after congress told her to turn all of them over, she deliberately made the conscious decision to not do so.
From what Wikileaks showed she had her foundation connected with her official state department account where we saw that she used her position to get
moneydonations for her foundation.One person contacted Huma Abedin asking her to set up a meeting with Hillary and Hillary told her to tell him that she didn't have time to meet with him. Huma then contacted him and told him that if he made a donation to her foundation that she could give him 5 minutes to meet with him. He did and so did Hillary. I'm sure you know the word for that.
Then there's all the times that Bill just happened to be in the same country Hillary was in and because of the Clinton family private email server Chelsea was able to see Hillary's location and then she set Bill up to give a speech for up to half a million.
Anyone, any country's government would donate millions to the foundation and then Hillary's state department would sign off on deals to sell them weapons. Even the weapons manufacturers would donate to their foundation before or after the weapons sales.
What did Obama know and when did he know it? Possibly from the beginning. He sent and received emails from her private email server account address. " IIRC, Comey ask Huma if Obama knew about it and she said no which was false. Judicial Watch found an email between Huma and Cheryl Mills talking about POTUS knowing about it. Oops, that proves that she lied to Comey, but of course he let that slide.
Then Obama himself lied to the country when he was asked "when was he made aware of Hillary using her private email server and he said "at the same time ya'all found out about it." Oops. That's kinda like "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
If any true investigation into Hillary's email server, Comey and the FBI's investigation into it or a one on the origins of Russia Gate, the wiretapping of Trump's campaign then this country will see that the fraud that happened during the primary wasn't the only fraud that happened during the last election. And we'll see how high up the corruption went. (hint: all the way up to people in the WH including Obama)
This is what the Q storm is about. The question is will it happen? Brennan is being advised to get an attorney. ... stay tuned.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
There is so much meat in these comments
And SHE and her family were personally benefiting from those foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation. Remember Chelsea's wedding? How did the Clintons go from being stone broke in 2000 to becoming multimillionaires a decade later?
And Obama knew all along. He was not innocent in any of this. Your link above shows just how much he was involved in exonerating her in the email investigation.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
BTW, on the cusp
Speaking of Ham Sandwiches, did you read that during the court hearing on the 3 Russian companies that Mueller indicted a lawyer for one of them made an appearance in court which surprised the Hell out of Mueller who then told the judge that he needed more time to prepare for it. The attorney also asked for the evidence and of course Mueller balked at that.
Ham sandwiches, indeed. I think that gjohnsit wrote about this.
Or and today Mueller said that even if he find any evidence of collusion all he can do is write a report on it which means that there is no way that he can remove Trump from office.
Over a year on this sham investigation and it can go nowhere. But don't give up hope. Stormy Daniels is now the ticket to remove him according to one site.
Ha ha ha ha Hah! From diary after diary stating that This is What is Going to Bring Trump Down to Trump finishing his term and possibly going to get another 4 years playing president.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
That is a really helpful comment, dawg.
You pulled those emails back into place and brought back memories of the pre-hoax days. Had those DNC emails not been downloaded and handed off to Wikileaks, we'd be living in a much different world. I was never interested in Hillary's server shenanigans and I would have been miffed if she was tagged with that sin while walking away from her war crimes in Libya and Syria
You write about how they were all scrambling at the end trying to keep a lid on Hillary until after the election. But I saw that election in a different way than most and I am baffled that Hillary ever thought she could win. By September, it was clear she could not. The only way she could have believed that a victory was within reach is if the election was rigged from the inside in select states.
That means that her numbers are wildly inflated, even though she lost. There were very bad exit polls in several states, as well as the ubiquitous barbecued ballots. It makes me want to go back and look. Once she lost, nobody really did, of course. I think she knew she would likely lose during the convention. I think some in her campaign knew as early as January. Russia was the only back door she had. Her co-conspirators were not very artful. They think they can hold the line until people forget, like they have before.
... she wanted to win at any price ...
And I believe Sanders knew as well and that's why he has been threatened and forced into caving in and asked in no uncertain terms to support her.
I have no other reason to believe that than Sanders body language and facial expressions while he was sitting on the floor during the Convention. Pure instincts from my part. Pure speculation, but I hope one day Sanders will write his autobiography and reveal what was happening to him during that time.
Some people
looked at the 2016 primary election shenanigans right away, continued to do research, and brought legal action:
Thanks so much for this link....
I had forgotten about this group, and wondered if anyone had ever put together all the stuff that had happened in the various states during the Dem primaries. So when anyone asks why I switched to Independent, I'll just send them this link.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Excellent summary of voting fraud, Linda
Well done.
The 2016 primary should have been called invalid because of the number of people who were not allowed to vote.
In Brooklyn alone, over 60,000 Democratic voters’ names were purged from the voter rolls. An analysis done towards the end of June by public radio station WNYC showed that the purge, which took more than 120,000 voters off the rolls in New York City, had a disproportionate impact on residents with Hispanic surnames.
This is just two examples of how corrupt it was and shows how many people had to be involved in it. How many other states also had that much corruption? According to your linked report almost every one.
Hillary should be ashamed to show her face in public again and yet she's over in Europe acting like the poor woman victim who thinks thus she was owed the presidency. This and of course grifting for money and receiving it from the New Zealand tax payers to the tune of $5.5 million for her bogus Clinton foundation. The foundation that has been investigated numerous times since almost its beginning. And guess by whom? None other than James Comey. Anyone want to guess how hard he tried to find any wrongdoing? Yeah, me neither! He's been as corrupt as the Clintons have been since they slithered into politics in Arkansas. (search for Bill working with the CIA to import drugs)
Nothing to do except shake our damn heads!
How long will the lawsuits be held up before people see that they can't vote th
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The real 'election interference'
The real 'election interference' happened when Hillary was allowed to keep her security clearance (which at the very minimum should have been revoked for doing State Dept. business on a private server and deleting thousands of subpoenaed emails etc.), which allowed her to (wrongfully) remain eligible to run for president.
If it weren't for serious FBI/DOJ corruption, Hillary would have been disqualified from running for president, which would've produced a different democratic nominee (Bernie Sanders) and likely a different result.
Mike Taylor
Oh, indeed!
Except that then they'd be trying to force Biden down everyone's throats. And up almost everyone's skirts.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
don't understand much of it, but it looks to me
that Hillary Clinton was too dumb to understand what she did with her private email server, Bill Clinton was too corrupt to withstand the money he could make out of her position in the State Dept. and Obama too much of a 'fine lady's gentleman' to stand up for integrity and values, if doing so would hurt 'a woman'. The depth of his charms was amazingly shallow. The rest of the dudes just tried to save their butts and jobs and of course their 'integrity'. The pile of shit of all of it is as huge as Stormy Daniels bosom. I can't believe that not more people feel totally appalled.
It all reads like ... a saga you don't want to continue to read. I am just perplex of how in detail some of you follow all of it. It's pretty difficult to do, or is it just me, because I can't do it and need an excuse for myself of why I am so incapable of doing proper research. Anyhow it's no fun to read, but I guess one has to.
Sigh. I have to put that crime story aside and get some sleep to forget about it.
Thanks gulfgal98, snoopydawg and Pluto.
The reason that all of this is so important
These people are part of the worldwide evil cabal that is intent upon waging wars and killing innocent people. They are engaged in running arms, drugs, and human trafficking, including world wide pedophile rings. Why? They make money, lots of money from it all. And at the top of the pyramid of all this evil are the central banks.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
The best disinfectant is sunlight - for sure gulfgal98
and your essays and comments always shine consistently a lot of light on issues that would otherwise stay in the dark. Thank you for sharing and educating me with them.
Thank you, mimi!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I think that was a problem
In this day and age it is unacceptable for leaders to be so ignorant about internet technology. That was amateur hour as far as security goes. Trump is probably more ignorant, which probably explains his support for getting rid of net neutrality. At least Obama created the net neutrality rules that Trump destroyed. People are being played with all over the political spectrum.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Hillary is not dumb. She is extremely devious and a liar.
She wanted to keep her SOS emails safe from future FOIA requests. She knew damn well that she was mixing personal business, especially that of the Clinton Foundation "Pay to Play", with her SOS duties.
The ONLY way to do this was to have full control of the email server. She deleted over 30,000 emails before she turned them over to the authorities. She stated that these emails were about her daughter's wedding and yoga exercises. Some of the subsequently discovered emails put the lie to this.
She was dumb
She was Secretary of State and she ran a rickety email setup. That's stupid and she wouldn't have been a 21st century President. I think Bernie was learning during his campaign. People don't talk about this huge gap between kids and older people as far as computers and the internet are concerned, but it is huge, and kids don't want Hillary's or Trump's ignorance.
Beware the bullshit factories.
That's ignorant, but not necessarily dumb, because she thought
she had tech/it people who would make all that work out ok for her.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
She only played dumb after the fact
She knew exactly what she was doing. She figured she could get away with it by bullshitting - her SOP. She even asked Colin Powell how he used a private email service for "personal business" so as to keep it separate from the government servers where it would be archived and subject to FOIA requests. But she went way further than he did to ensure she had complete control of ALL her private/government emails. The Benghazi hearings tripped her up when her state emails were subpoenaed. If she had managed to become president, she probably thought she could kill and bury the entire affair.
I would sure like to get access to the 30,000 emails she had BleachBit as well as the IPhones that were smashed with a hammer. The bitch is guilty as sin. She's had a lifetime of fucking the system to her and hubby's financial gain. "Crooked Hillary" is one of the few things that Trump got right.
Hillary Clinton
I had that clearance back in the Army. Anyone who's ever had that clearance is extensively briefed on the handling of classified - I used to do that brief. And you are also warned very specifically not only to not take stuff out of a SCIF but not to EVER comment on anything classified that comes out in the public domain. When I was cleared there were two books published, one a non fiction and one a Tom Clancy. There were code words in there and we were ALL warned not to comment in any way on that - neither confirm nor deny. There is simply NO WAY she did not know what her responsibilities were in terms of highly classified information. Is she arrogant enough that those rules "do not apply" to her, of course, but that should not get her out of following the damned laws that others are indeed subject to. And she should most certainly not be let off of following those rules, especially when running for POTUS. All this talk about her ignorance there is just that, talk, meant to lull the rubes into thinking she "didn't mean to." Please.
My ex-husband took one page of a document out of the SCIF back to his office which was only cleared for regular "Top Secret" meaning no code words. Every page of any document is always marked with the highest classification of anything within that document. The page he took out did not have any code words on it but he still got in trouble and did not get his final promotion to E-8 due to that breach. That is how it is supposed to work. I personally still am amazed that any device hooked up to the internet is allowed into a SCIF but I am old school I guess.
Bottom line, Hillary knew exactly what she was doing. She expected to be elected and then all this would never see the light of day.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
The thing is, Hillary should not have been dumb about tech stuff
Having a President that is dumb about the tech stuff isn't going to fly anymore. That means we all get bamboozled into shit like giving away net neutrality, with the kids on the sidelines, watching their future in ever more horror. How selfish of our corporate/oligarchic
politicianssycophants.I was listening to Ralph Nader and a similar radio program yesterday talk about how societies descend into facsism. Pandering to people with pre-dispositions of one kind or another and reinforcing those pre-dispositions to the point that everything is questioned and nothing is accepted as truth, that's when the fascists jump in. I have a pre-disposition to think that Hillary and the Clinton Foundation were very corrupt. I think the fascist forces that back Trump know that I am one of many and they will spend huge amounts of money to reinforce my predisposition at the expense of the honest debate that a democracy requires. That's why I'm standing back, because the New York Times does sometimes provide really good, interesting journalism. So does the Wall Street Journal.
4th edit: No, grammar was not my strong subject
Beware the bullshit factories.
"she ran a rickety email setup"??
It goes much deeper and devious than that, Timothy! As for this ..
Trump is doing the bidding of the corporations who have long wanted net neutrality destroyed so they can build platforms like they have with cable companies. They can now create platforms where if people want faster internet services they will have to pay for it. Plus they can work with the government to censor websites that don't play along with the government's statements. If you're confused by this I suggest reading 1984 which is going to look like mild science fiction.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
No one could come to this conclusion
if you had read the information provided here.
Hillary is anything but dumb, Mimi. She knew damn well what she was doing when she made her decision to use her private email server because she did it to try hide her shady dealings from being discovered.
Nor this:
Obama allowed her to be one of the most corrupted Secretaries of State and he went along with her in committing the destruction of the most progressive countries in the Middle East. Libya went from that to a failed state which is now a haven for terrorists and the return of slavery and slave markets where black men and women are sold. Think about this. The First Black American president brought slavery back in vogue! Some legacy!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
it's a matter of using the word dumb ...
if Hillary Clinton knew exactly what she was doing, and did it anyway, because of arrogance and being a woman of the famous 'Iron Will', then I call that 'dumb'.
For Obama I don't comment. He said about his own grandmother, that she showed some racist prejudices. So, he couldn't be that ignorant. Let's say he was more like his African father than like an Afro-American man, but you know, I don't like to talk about Obama. I am not going there. I have my biases and know it and I keep 'em.
And yes, often it is true that I don't read all the stories to the end and miss lots of things. But on some issues I just have my own thoughts with or without having read everything that has been offered here.
Good morning, gg98. Thanks for the article and the tip off,
so to speak.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thank you, el!
This leads me to believe that what is in the OIG report may mean some very bad things for a lot of people who were in the FBI and DoJ. Horowitz can only address the DoJ and its satellite agencies such as the FBI, but what is in the report can open door for further inquiries into related things not addressed by the OIG report.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
The emails and the private server
are the keys to everything.
And who broke that news? Yep, Julian Assange.
If ever there were a case for "intimidating a Federal witness", this would be it.
This makes the British and Swedish government complicit in interfering in an investigation and witness tampering.
The cesspools are interconnected around the globe.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
These people owe no allegiance to any country or its people. They are globalists whose only interest is in power and money worldwide. I personally believe that the Clintons set up the private server in order to be able to sell secrets to the highest bidder. I have no proof, but that is what makes sense to me. They are grifters on a world wide scale.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy