So, about those 27,000 sealed DOJ indictments...
Submitted by Alphalop on Sun, 05/06/2018 - 12:19pm
What is the real story here?
Is there any story here at all or is it the nothingburger that some claim?
Outside of the raw data I can find very little professional analysis on the subject.
Anyone have any links to reputable source material on this?
It seems on the surface to Portend something big but I don't know enough about the sealed indictment process to sort conjectures from truths in the little I've been able to find...
Heck, feel free to speculate for that matter, then maybe one day we can look back at this essay and see how close we got.
I'm jotting this down on the phone but I'll pop on the PC later and add the few links I have for what they are worth. (Not a lot)

I googled this
Sounds like just a rumor at the moment. Numbers are all over the map. And the claim that these would be handled by a military tribunal? Just extremely weird.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
@Steven D Hey Steven,
I know you were a lawyer in your time, though not certain your specialty.
Regardless, I'm not really up to snuff about sealed DOJ indictments, what that means, or potentially why someone should care kind of thing.
So if you or someone could kind of go through that process for us non-legal types, that'd be helpful.
Sealed indictments are pretty rare
As for a military tribunal to try crimes committed by civilians - that's just bullshit - unless you are talking people rounded up overseas and held at Guantanimo.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
@Steven D Are sealed
Mob or organized crime
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
That narrows it down to all of DC
On organized crime, alone.
I found a couple of items
Here's a 2 min speculation they are about the Clinton Foundation
One indictment was unsealed in Jan. involving the Clinton-Obummer Uranium deal.
There is also speculation that it is about pedophiles and slavery. Others saying it's about Trump. Guess the bottom line is we'll just have to wait and see.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
@Lookout Guess I should have read
That was my guess too. This is about the Clinton Foundation
Guess it's time to post the link to an ex CIA agent who spilled the beans on upcoming arrests in regard to the investigation into it. I found it 6 months or so ago and have been watching current events to see how many are happening. The one thing I did find is the number of republicans who are not running for reelection because they know that they are going to be arrested/indicted.
One thing is for sure though. If the Clinton Foundation goes down it is going to bring down many in this government and many in foreign ones too. Hillary shut down the CGI part of her foundation after she lost the election. This is where the money from her pay to play went into.
Anyone seriously think that the Saudis were interested in saving people with AIDS or supporting women groups? Yeah, me neither, but they gave a nice chunk of change to the the Clintons. Plus Bill was usually on hand to give a half million dollar speech after Hillary intervened for governments and people who had business with her state department. Why didn't the state department OIG investigate what she was doing? Because there wasn't one during her 4 year tenure. Hmmm
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Clinton foundation investigation?
Could this be why Mueller has gotten the sealed indictments? Lots of rumors going round that the Clinton foundation is being investigated. Not just for its money laundering schemes, but possibly for child sex trafficking too. Corey Feldman has been talking out about how rampant that is in Hollywood. He too has said that this is going to be the next #metoo. We'll see ...
Former CIA Officer Exposes Clinton Charity Fraud As Biggest Scandal In US History
Steven D: "child sex rings, drug cartels - these are typically where you see sealed indictments. "
This is why there would be military tribunals. If members of congress and others in the government are involved with this, then I could see why they'd do that.
Highly recommend to read the article. Excerpts won't do it justice
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks for the link
Kevin Shipp is pretty convincing in other pieces I've heard (about 1 hour each)
and for others here's the 30 min clip in the zerohedge piece sd linked focusing on the clinton foundation
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Their foundation has been investigated since its beginning
and who did the first one? None other than James Comey, that's who. You saw from the comment I posted in the other essay how far back he, Lynch and Rosenstein go with working with the Clintons, but I don't think that time frame was included. I just read this recently in someone else's comment.
We know that when she got to play SOS that she was told to keep her foundation separate from her duties by congress and Obama. She didn't. How many people knew that and did nothing about it? Then during the Benghazi hearings congress found out that she hadn't turned her emails over as required by everyone who isn't named Hillary Clinton. Then instead of turning them all over she deliberately destroyed 30,000 because she said that they were personal. Did anyone verify that they were? The NSA could have checked to see if she had told the truth.
Next up was the FBI investigation into her use of her private email server that was run by James Comey. After he told us everything that she did was against regulations he said that she was off the hook. Lynch couldn't have been involved with it because of the conveniently tarmac meet-up with Bill. Next we found out that the wording of Comey's report had been changed. A special council should have been called for right then. Why wasn't it? Could it have been because she was being protected? This article says yes.
Ex-FBI Assistant Director: There Was A "High-Ranking" Plot To Protect Hillary; Brennan Leaked "Weekly"
Of course the reason why she was protected is so that she could become president. It's hard to be one if you can't get security clearance. It's even harder if you are in prison. How far up the chain did her protection go? That's the question.
BTW. The republicans are threatening impeachment of Rosenstein if he doesn't turn over the information on the investigation of her foundation. People are making fun of them for this and saying that they are doing it because Putin told them to. If this isn't thee most asinine thing you've ever heard, let me know what was.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
From the same article
All the collusion is with the Democrats, and it's very very depressing to be FBI agents. 99 percent are hard working patriotic guys and girls that come to work for the good of the country
I bet it is.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I kept waiting for the foundation.... finally break through the news cycle, but I had come to the decision to many oligarchs are involve for the story to see the light of day. Maybe it will finally be told. We'll have to wait and see, but we can hope. Thanks for the info.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
This is a very good question
I'm sure that number has gone up considerably since the last time someone found out how much they were worth? I wonder if their foundation was audited how much money would be in it? And how much money Bill made during her 4 years as SOS? He got $1,000,000 for his birthday from the Qatar prince. I got $50 for my last one ..
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
My vote for most asinine comment about Hillary
Here's #2
Right now he's working on creating a new AUMF that won't expire. This was after he voted for the new banking deregulation, the increase of the military budget and to give Trump more power to spy on us. He sure is a great judge of character, isn't he?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
@Lookout two of those (zerohedge
I have to admit that my first hope was the Clinton global initiative would be caught up in this but that could be wishful thinking.
I do remember that whole scuttlebutt about the supposed agent now that it's been brought back up.
Would be interesting if that turned out to be real...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Guess who is in the middle of uranium one? Mueller!
Oh yeah, his hands are very dirty and he dismissed an investigation that others in the FBI were in the middle of.
Remember that Russian lawyer who met with Trump Jr? She wasn't allowed to come into the country because she had done something that got her banned from the country. (This is vague I realize, but more details escape my brain right now.) However, Mueller got her passport problems fixed so that she could go to the meeting with little Trump to get dirt on Hillary. (That was bad, but when Hillary paid for the Steele dossier that was okay. Why? Reasons of course.) Anyhoo, more proof of Russia Gate being totally made up. And Mueller has been in the thick of it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I found a supposed list by state Nov '17-Jan '18
But I don't know if it's what's being talked about here. EDIT CORRECT: The site also has a post claiming that the
earthquake in Iran was actually a nuclear attack by Israel. Iranian base in Syria hit by Israeli nuke and registered as earthquake, with Russia swearing retaliation. Oh, and Killary/Huma torture and abuse children sexually. Just sayin'.
My phone cuts the rt side of the list off, but here's another site that doesn't, and cites above site as its source:
@Deja yeah, lots of nutty stuff
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
This nutty bit sounds 100% believable to me
The Iranian base in Syria being nuked by Israel nutty bit. Why would it be verified in the US or even make the news?
@Deja wasn't one supposedly
I'm not sure of the article your talking about but it would be interesting to see if he dates coincide.
I've never experienced one, but from what I understand they can cause significant shock waves that could give a similar signature as a low yield tactical nuke on a seismograph so if the reports were early ones I could see how the mistake could be made. (That's if they occurred at the proper time)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
A bomb blast 2.6 on Richter scale would qualify as a MOAB
Syrian MOAB
Let's say it was an ammunition dump holding thousands of kilotons of standard explosives, that would accept for a total blast of say 3000 KT. The Hiroshima bomb was 16 KT, the Nagasaki bomb was 21 KT
So the bombing of a Syrian and possibly Iranian installation could have been caused by explosion of huge ammunition dump--or nuclear. Take your pick.
Bibi is trying to coax Iran to respond to their bombing
If they do that would give Bibi the excuse he's waiting for to start the war. This same thing is happening with Russia. There is a very fine line that they have to walk, but Israel and us can do whatever the Hell they want to Syria or elsewhere.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Check out "SealedIndictments" on twatter
Here is an embed of the tweet
I believe that these numbers are being compiled by people checking the records under the PACER system. The most recent number is approaching 29,000 according to people tracking this stuff.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
It might come from something published the Independent yesterday:
Both Parties (in radioland) went pretty wild with that rumor last night. Meuller is the Dems personal lord and savior at the moment. And, he is the antichrist for the Republicans. I wager that this latest has nothing to do with anything, as per usual.
According to a trial lawyer, sealed indictments are unsealed
only after an arrest.
One arrestee may be the subject of moultiple indictments, such as Mark Lambert of TLI Transportation who had 11 indictments, which are now unsealed because of his arrest.
At the risk of raising conspiracy theory
Here is what I believe and yes, I am following the Q posts, so if anyone has a problem with that, quit reading now. First, I believe that some of the sealed indictments are probably the normal stuff that happens every year. Those average 1100 to 1200 per year.
So why are there more than twenty times the number of sealed indictments in just the last six months than happens in an average year? Q has been telling us that they are trying to unravel all the corruption and the deep state. This is far more than just the Clinton Foundation and it is certainly not the Trump campaign. Based upon George Webb's investigations and the Q posts, I believe that a lot of these indictments are tied to pedophile rings. It is far more massive than most of us can imagine, based upon what Q is telling us.
Pedophilia is used to compromise people in positions of power. It is also used for far more darker reasons, much of which probably will never come out in the open. What I think we will see is a large number of the indictments involve lower level persons and those will be the ones we see go down first. However, we may see some higher profile people too in the early stages, like Allison Mack.
All I know is that the number of indictments is unprecedented as well as the number corporate resignations and Congress people either resigning or declining to run for reelection. I believe, thus far, that number is somewhere between fifty and sixty people bowing out of Congress or one out of seven.
Q recently posted that we are entering the justice phase of the operation. I believe that by the time Q posts something, it has already happened, but we just do not know it publicly either.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
How do you follow Q
is it just through twitter or are there other sources?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Mostly I follow
Also Katie G of Citizens Investigative Report does a very thorough job of analyzing the Q posts. She also has built a Trello board that links everything together. Sometimes she is a little hard to listen to and her posts are usually long.
Also I have read the posts on the dedicated 8 chan board, but I am not following Q in real time since most of the Q posts are very late in the evening, way past my bedtime. He just started a new board for the new phase, and I do not have the link to it. Alligator Ed has other links he uses in addition to prayingmedic and Seething Frog. If you are interested, you may want to contact him.
If you want relatively quick recaps done line by line, I recommend SpaceShot76 on YouTube first.
One last thing. Please be aware that all these people are Trump supporters of varying degrees.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
many thanks
the world is upside down in several respects. I find the RW libetarians to be the most vocal anti-war media out there. I hope the RW talk of T-rumping the deep state has some truth, but I haven't seen signs yet.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I have been saying here
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Been following the "Q Anon" thing for a few months now..
reddit thread. I'm somewhere in-between being totally mesmerized and "Be sure to drink your Ovaltine"... Even if a quarter of those indictments are actually related to the "deep state" the turmoil created by acting on them would be debilitating to the country. The Clinton machine still has a lot of power and you'd have to make it through their gauntlet in order to attack the deep state - something that a lot of people never survived.
- but you are correct gulfgal98, there are a lot of fanatical Trump supporters in thePeace
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
@gulfgal98 thanks for the info!
I will check some of those out for sure.
Honestly it's not surprising that the majority of the coverage from this would be from the right-leaning libertarian side of things simply because both the Democrats and Republicans are likely intertwined in whatever's going on I would suspect largely to an equal degree.
There are still way too many people out there willing to believe the democratic party propaganda that it is actually a party of the people, that sailed along time ago.
the Democratic Party is just another line item in the long list of of things that turned to shit once the Clintons got their hands on it.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I don't think it's CT one bit, gulfgal
You have always had backed up links whenever you posted on the Q stuff. There has been lots of stories that people claimed were CT only to have been true. The things that Q has posted days before the events have been true. People can think whatever they want about topics, but they don't get to tell others what's true or not or whether to post the subjects here. I for one appreciate your posting the. Q stuff here.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
@snoopydawg agreed, all actual
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Let me preface this with a word of caution.
This diary is the first I've heard of all this, so I don't know diddly.
Before we speculate, or before we accept others' speculations, maybe the numbers themselves tell us something.
Yeah, the sum of these sealed indictments is extraordinary, so something big is going on.
But look at the state-by-state numbers posted above. Arizona, central and northern California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Maryland, southern New York, southern Ohio, the two urban corners of Pennsylvania, and western Texas all have high numbers of these indictments. Much of that reflects their population sizes, certainly. But western Texas? What the hell's going on there? And why are New York City's numbers not considerably higher? Why are southern California's numbers so low by comparison with neighbors just north of there? Why is Chicago somehow looking squeaky clean? Or southern Florida? I mean, Iowa and Indiana have higher numbers.
As I say, I know nothing, but this doesn't look to me to be a Clinton Foundation sweep, or anything else I readily recognize.
This, too, may not be the summation of what's going on, but only the progress at one moment in time before all is done.
Any thoughts?
Charles Ortel know that the Clinton Foundation is, at the very least, in violation of charity laws. I highly recommend that everyone here become familiar with the work of Charles Ortel regarding the Clinton Foundation.
the Clinton Foundation is most likely a part of this. Anyone who has followed the work ofBut to me, here is the thing. All of this is interrelated. Pedophilia, human trafficking, drugs, arms, depopulation, and war are part of this.
I am trying to not go too far into the weeds on this, but it is very ugly.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I live in the weeds
@dance you monster the reason none of them
I wouldn't mind seeing a few Florida politicians do the perp walk...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Pedophilia probably makes up most of the indictments
Six degrees of separation until I puke
Wikileaks information still pisses me off bigly. Free Julian Assange!
I will support Trump's dildo parade if he pardons Snowden and helps make Assange free. That would be something to love.
no kabuki
Executive Order 13818 of December 20, 2017
just in case anyone was wondering, this is what Trump signed the day before Eric Schmidt resigned as CEO of google_alphabet: Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
Holy cow, when I read that with Clintons in mind... Edit: like if they were "Annexed" to some unsealed list, holy cow. I don't know. Unseal the indictments!
Do I think Trump is awesome? No, not at all. But he is supporting or allowing this takedown of the deep state, I am happy for that.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
@gulfgal98 your comment almost
The thought of Trump going down in the history books as the man who cleaned up the nation made my brain throw up into my skull just a tad...
But then again, Fuck me if he doesn't deserve it if he does indeed "lock them up."
I'm so dang conflicted now, lol
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I am glad you are at least conflicted /nt
The way I am looking at this
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
My usual rule of thumb...
If the word "Nothingburger" is used it means that it's something that will be shoved under the rug as fast as possible. It will also be 95% likely to be true, involve a Democrat, and will never see the light of day unless there are picks...
Looking at you Carlos Danger...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
never heard of all that has been discussed here
and certainly not the legal parts or it.
If I have never read a certain site, I usually read a couple of stories there, that were not the one linked to. Then I listen to my guts. Right now my guts don't want to shit. I think they want to tell me, that I am asking them something nutty and are on strike to answer.
Pedophilia, sex slavery, extortion, exploitation is rampant all over Europe, especially now in relation to all refugees, asylum seekers who need some money to survive. And of course Russian women are very 'exitingly sexy". /ducking. So, why wouldn't it be all over the US?
How does that relate to the Clinton Foundation? Have there been people arrested for money laundering that worked for the Clintonistas and their dear leaders? The whole shit is too much to comprehend. Therefore I beg you to KISS. So that little people can follow and understand.
I have some darn thoughts though. How come you have that much time to follow all those sites? Don't they tell in the movies that most spies don't know what they are used for?
My apologies, I seldom go to the movies. May be my memory is not up-to-date.
I need some distractions now. Couldn't find the song. How about that? My relationship with poltical sites and ideology reflects in the highlighted words.
Jeez, now I can't read on. Something made me angry. I don't know exactly what.
Stay Calm, Listen to Clapton!]