Department of Justice

So, about those 27,000 sealed DOJ indictments...

What is the real story here?

Is there any story here at all or is it the nothingburger that some claim?

Outside of the raw data I can find very little professional analysis on the subject.

Anyone have any links to reputable source material on this?

It seems on the surface to Portend something big but I don't know enough about the sealed indictment process to sort conjectures from truths in the little I've been able to find...

Lynch exit Interview

With only 33 days left until the inauguration of the new administration, Loretta Lynch sat down at the Stonewall Inn in New York with Buzzfeed reporter Dominic Holden to talk about transgender activism.

May 9 Lynch launched her lawsuit against the state of North Carolina over Hate Bill 2 with these words:

Let me also speak directly to the transgender community itself.

We see you. We stand with you, and we will do everything we can to protect you going forward.

WSJ: Ongoing FBI Investigation of Clinton Foundation Impacting Comey's Latest Actions

The Wall Street Journal's out with multiple stories, today, discussing the fact that there's substantial unrest within the FBI relating, in large part, to an ongoing investigation concerning the activities of the Clinton Foundation, above and beyond the John Podesta emails/Hillary Clinton email server story.