Defeatist, a.k.a. Debbie Downer

Some call it defeatist. I call it observable fact. Gathering from some of what I've read here, and other places, I suspect a fair number are on the same page as myself. I can't speak for all, and I'm not trying to convince anyone else to adopt similarly, but I can at least explain my position.

You may disagree. I may be wrong. You may think my attitude hurts your/our cause. But the evidence, especially at the national level, over many decades, tends to support my view being correct and I stand by it. This might make you sad, destroy hope, but denying reality does no good, just as much as your claim that my "defeatist" view does no good. So we're both stuck in this quandary of, "what to do?" The next sad thing, is there is overwhelming evidence that there is nothing to do; I see it as over and done, merely left to play out its fullest extent.

Government and mega-corporations are one and same...and a select few, OWN IT ALL and work to further THEIR interests/power -- not mine, not yours, not the general population.

I think it is delusional to think, when evidence for several decades shows, that the game rules, game board and game pieces, and the only public info/insight/communication for the game, are all controlled by the wealthy and elite few, that somehow the majority that has been getting exploited and shafted as pawns in the game-play, can somehow shift the game in their favor; I don't see this ever happening. I now choose to accept this as fact, others hold out hope. Neither of us can be certain, but again, my review of the evidence more closely ascertains the conclusion I have drawn.

By this point, so much of the system has fully insulated, fortified and rendered itself impervious, through laws/legal precedent, regulations, administrative rules and violent enforcement. We already have idiot propaganda pouring from the dominant media, and a Ministry of Truth already being constructed by google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, et al. (corporate behemoths, tied at the hip with the U.S. State apparatus, curating reality for their captive audience) at this very minute, to remove any doubt that the only acceptable reality is what your owners permit you. Usurpation will never happen, unless the entire system and ownership of the system, is annihilated. That somehow, an elected trickle of "good ones" will someday "shift the balance," is, I think, naive. We've seen this repeatedly. Nearly everybody knows this. Our 'representatives' have enjoyed an approval rate in the low double and single digit ratio for years, constantly teetering back/forth party majorities. That 3% 'confidence' number posted here the other day. Remember? We've already figured out it doesn't matter who gets elected. While most polls are skewed and misleading, I think that particular one is likely accurate...and for a reason -- in your face, you are worthless, and there is nothing you can do about it, no matter how you vote and who is in power. "They" want you to know this fact.

By the time these hypothetical "good ones" make it to the show as a player, they will have been properly vetted by the system...same as always. Because the rules, procedures and protocol to make it that far, ensure this. And yet again, once "your guy/gal" obtains office, I can almost guarantee that the people will be shocked to find, that what they were told on the campaign trail, "said all the right things," turned out to be false, the new team is no different than the old teams, and the former trajectory of this nation, continues unabated, on the exact same path as before -- war, austerity, money flowing from poor to rich, widening disparity, mass incarceration, police state, mass propaganda, corporate lording/looting, a duped public.

Of course, there will be reasons, justifications, rationales..."the other team blocking...needs more term will be different...compromises...building support/coalition...[insert bullshit reasons here]" The latter phrase actually comes from my 15 year old son. He uses that frequently (wonder where he got it from? LOL), and well, so often fits what I've seen/heard in weak debates, find it fits quite well here.

When the "New Awesome For the People" candidates finally "makes it," into the show, I am confident, that in short order, the disappointment in their elected officials will soon follow. Because that has always occurred. Every time.

Clinton was deemed awesome at the outset as an opposite to the 'evil' Reagan, and accelerated the same Reagan devastation; more mass incarceration, more bombing foreign lands, legalized Wall St./corporate casino that ultimately ended with the 2008 collapse, exoneration of the criminal perpetrators, with the poor holding the bag and tab for the destruction (under the later Obama). Obama was deemed awesome, an opposite to the 'evil' Bush, and accelerated the same Bush devastation; more mass incarceration, legalized war crimes, insurance scams and soaring profits sanctified and mandated by law, and a "return to rule of law" meant that the Executive "King" points-a-finger equals death by decree, no trial by peer, no habeas corpus, a citizen has no rights...Hope and Change, indeed.

Trump actually serves as another example. Look at places like zerohedge, where there are many conservatives, libertarian and even Bernie/Stein supporters, that knew with certainty that Hillary would continue wreaking military havoc, draining the lifeblood from the U.S. populace and economy, killing innocents, so took a chance that Trump, being a "political outsider/wildcard" but had stated the military "adventurism" would come to an end, pulled the lever for him for solely that reason; they thought there was an outside chance, that despite being a huckster, even a sliver of hope he was telling the truth about that caused many to cross their fingers that he meant it. Perhaps he did, perhaps he didn't, but when Trump said U.S. bailing from Syria, immediately followed a convenient "chemical attack...the children!" and we bombed them. A year later, Trump decrees another Syria retreat, and another logic-defying move by Assad -- gas-bombing citizens, and yet again, we bomb Syria for this evidence-free atrocity. A review of that site now, you will find many angry posts about the betrayal of Trump's promise to end Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, killing of innocents. The U.S. President does not actually play with agency in the game, the game-lords move the pieces as desired, and the President is one of those pieces.

But, there are also the inevitable "true believers," of their savior, that still chant the ritualistic litany, "the other team blocking...needs more term will be different...compromises...building support/coalition...4d chess....[insert bullshit reasons here]"

Though Sanders seemed on the "side of the people," judging by the capitulation and move to support the Dem party, I suspect similar to Trump, if he had won Presidency, the Imperialism would reign, regardless, and similar to Obama, the promised "change," would quickly have flipped to "reforms" that are run through the gauntlet of "experts" in insurance, finance, and voila, the ensuing education/medical legislation would launch share prices on Wall St., profits would soar, and more money funnels from taxpayer to corporate owners. Sure, this is conjecture, but again, how does this always play out? How many times does it have to happen, before resigning to fact? No matter the player, no matter the Red/Blue/someday Progressive team, at that stage of the game, you don't get a say, President doesn't get a say. Then, no matter the flak about a decision, many people will perform mental gymnastics to reconcile the flip-flop of their chosen savior. And realistically, what can you do about it? Oh, vote differently next time. That'll teach 'em to do it how we want...while they subsequently go on post-presidential tours, raking in a half million $ per speech, writing best-seller books, vacationing on yachts, laundering millions with their new "charitable" foundations.

Defeatist, or observable fact? But..."we must do something...otherwise, nothing will change." I posit nothing will change, no matter what you do, or don't do, short of physically wresting control of the money and power that controls the entire game; cut the head off the serpent, throw both severed pieces in a wood chipper, then set fire to the debris. Good luck with that. The good guys with guns, MRAPS, and riot gear will certainly help. But not in the way one would expect from the "serve the public" motto. Does anyone need further evidence of this, from our recent history? How many reminders does one actually need that these people don't serve you, don't care about you, and none of your elections and votes will make a difference in what they do, and they hold all the violent power to defend their position against you? That Congressional approval poll shows most everyone knows...that Princeton study shows it. The actions directly contradicting popular opinion show this.

Badgering me will be as ineffective as me badgering you. Nay, I contend that I see quite clearly. How do we reconcile views? I don't know, and offer no solution because I just don't see one. But just because you have some ideas, that I still contend are futile, does not mean either of us should remain quiet. Frankly, though it's unpopular and many will argue untenable, I think a critical facet of any solution requires us, and "opposites" such like the zerohedge folks, and really ANY AND ALL that sees the corruption and devastation, need to band together, despite all other differences in economic conservative/liberal (I mean the classic terms here...not the distorted, new-age labels) and somehow level the .gov beast. But, at the same time, I can't contribute anything, as I'm sure most others are in the same predicament. I've gotta work, feed the family, and turn the slave hamster wheel for 55 hours a week, so can't contribute...much like everyone else (I'm sure that is just a sad coincidence that none of us have the time or resources for actually DOING anything EFFECTIVE). I'm not going to forgo my second job/income source, I'm not going to devote spare time for it, because I've got no spare time, no spare money, no spare anything, and I'm sure that goes for most everyone else; we are mostly impotent.

So, why am I here? Because the reality (as I observe it) is depressing, and becomes even more so when I recognize that, "everyone" does seem to know what I described is true, yet in the next breath, regurgitates what "everyone" also "knows" as "truth"...namely: " the right representatives...write your Congress...make your voice heard...[insert bullshit here]." ???? When, in the last 50 years, has that worked? I am here, because I see my reality, I see what I consider a fallacy of the latter approach that is so prevalent among so many people, and rather than go insane, found a small group of people that see it similarly to how I see it, and I suppose I find that reassuring, even if I mostly just read -- I am not alone, and I am not insane for seeing what appears to be invisible to everyone else I know. Plus, there may be some magic bullet that gets presented by someone, but I'm not holding my breath for that one.

For what it's worth, yeah, I occasionally submit a mail-in vote. But all I succeeded in achieving this last presidential election, was idiotically fall for a delusional, lunatic-fringe, know-nothing, quack (i.e. Stein) and thus, my alternative vote helped the Russians succeed in getting Trump elected. You can read about it online.

I am open to suggestion and ideas, but to date, I have yet to see anything that I would consider even remotely capable of altering/diverting the U.S. governmental system toward any sort of true justice for whom it is intended -- namely the lowly, majority citizens. Thus, I will not bother exerting any effort beyond what I do, because I still have to run the treadmill of my life, with higher prices, no wage increase in 15 years, work two sources of income, feed my family, pay my ever-rising income/property taxes, and think of the joy that I am unable to afford any of my kids' sky-high college tuition that is pending as my oldest, a 17 year old, will soon wish to embark. But I really don't know for sure, don't have any answers, and will grant that maybe something you've thought up might work; just because I can't see it, doesn't really mean much of anything. How would I know the vulnerabilities of a beast I hardly know anything about in the first place?

Besides that, I'm a useless ally in this fight. I will not forgo what little I have left. I won't quit my second source of income to free up time for petitioning or picketing, or ??? that requires time, because as mentioned, it subtracts money from my wallet and I barely squeak by as it is. I won't risk protesting, only to be beaten to a pulp, where I'm now saddled with debilitating wounds, debilitating medical debt, and debilitating legal debt, to fight the charges that will be invariably be levied, and I ultimately rot in a jail cell or recuperate in a bed, losing my jobs in the process; or killed off by some pumped-up, all-too-eager, "defender of freedom," that swoops in to, "restore order," a la Dakota/OWS style. Though I would add that you can scream and protest all you want...they don't care, they aren't accountable, why would they even care? They will most certainly "send a message" to the miscreants though, but they're not scared...that's just for kicks.

But hey, at least my freedoms and the environment are being defended with U.S. bombs, depleted uranium, jet/tanker fuel, and troops spread all over, killing all over the globe, so at least my forfeited money is being put to good use, (and Blitzer reminded us, JOBS!) and I'm thankful for that, right?

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Shahryar's picture

This is why my course of action is to live my life as I think is right. And that's all I can do to make the world any better.

The general trend of humanity is actually improving. I'm using the time frame of Rome until now, certainly since the Crusades. But sometimes the upward trend slips, like these days. Eventually we'll get back on track. Yet since we're off it now, and there's nothing I can do that will put it back on the rails, the best use of my time is to love my wife, enjoy my friends, write a few tunes.

The Dems have perverted democracy more than the imaginary Russians and there are millions of people saying that it was a good thing. No matter how you present this to them, they still won't understand what's wrong. In fact, they'll blame you! or me!

So when our so-called allies are unwilling to see, there's just no hope. At least in that direction.

Meanwhile top 40 radio is in a dreadful state, which only makes things worse.

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And you continue to talk and rant and open your mind to alternative possibilities. If there are no new ideas and no one to discuss them with then all hope dies. Here we can discuss alternative ideas in a relatively open environment. We haven't really begun to do this, we are mostly at the fringe of discovering what is wrong with government/politics/society right now. There are a vast number of ideas on how to put together a civilization. Some of them will work. The current one is based on ideas that work to a point but then fail miserably on the test for the quality of that civilization. We have in fact wound up at the old Oligarchical, Fascist (very much according to Mussolini's definition) endpoint of a society bent on war and fueled on economic injustice and run by the elites. Think bigger. One big problem is that even if we had more people wanting change, where would we lead them? We have to solve that problem first. Communism was invented to answer the cruelty of Capitalism. Millions of people gave their lives to create a better system than Capitalism. The common worker was to be celebrated and elevated in a Communist system. Existing examples of Communism had issues, tending towards totalitarianism. The two major examples of Communism had built in defects. Where do we pick up civilizational progress? I think that we need to put more energy into this because, you are right, the current situation in the US does not lend itself to any significant progress.

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Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

CS in AZ's picture

Thank you. I love this and it captures a lot of where I’m at too... or working on getting to, anyway. There’s a lot to take in and digest in this essay. Much appreciated!

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Anja Geitz's picture

Was more like a mourning period for me when I realized how deeply impenetrable the system was and how far reaching their tentacles were in everything we see, hear, eat, drink, and wear. It's like a global Borgian corporatocracy, swallowing up all who go there.

Everything I previously believed for most of my adult life was a lie. I felt unmoored by it at first and then very angry. So very angry that I left social media altogether for almost a year. I didn't want to write, discuss, or read about politics,

Eventually I began focusing more attention on my family, my friends, my neighbors, my co-workers, and fellow Buddhist practioners where I made "peace" in the best way I could, believing I could create value within my community.

I still believe we should agitate in anyway we can. Whether it's through social media, organizing protests, letter campaigns, on both the local and national stage. The Corporatocracy still need to hear from us. If for no other reason then putting them on notice that we see what they are doing.

Thank you for your essay. It's helpful to hear others articulate what I also believe to be true. Given that, I think it's understandable why so many people reject this viewpoint and choose to hold on to their belief in the political agency of our electoral system.

It hurts too much not to.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

strollingone's picture

agree with your assessment of the way things are and how they got that way. We have all seen what you describe and come to similar conclusions. Becoming disillusioned is a good thing if it is the illusions that are bad. Every illusion that evaporates provides an opportunity to see the same old thing in a new and different way. But I will speak only for myself.

The question for me is “What, therefore, must be done?” If one wants to facilitate a break through, then one must work to precipitate a break down for a wall must be shattered before it can fall. Who can say what will be the final action that shatters a wall? A smooth river stone slung by a child? An icicle falling from the tower? A leaf blown in the wind? A single vote cast by a lunatic fringer? Or, perhaps, the speaking of the truths in the essay that you just wrote. The wisdom of the adage is that the camel’s back was broken by…a straw. I have seen and read about breakdowns caused in the most improbable ways. Besides, nothing else really matters until this totally unrighteous system breaks down.

(The following is rhetorical: it is based upon real events, but is not directed at any actual person):

It would be nice if every single time someone says something positive it wasn’t dumped on by the SAME pile of shit over and over and over. If there’s really nothing to be done then why do that? If every attempt to do something positive is doomed, then why not just sit back and watch the theatre? If you really, deeply believe that lemonade tastes like piss do you piss on every lemonade stand that you happen to come across? If you can’t stand positive stuff, that’s okay…just jolly the rest of us along.

Regardless of what any of us say or do, this system gonna fail. When it does, those that have seen it coming will not despair, but have the chance to cross over the river and rest beneath the shade of the trees on the other side. I sincerely hope that no one who sees the truth will harden their position such that they feel that they cannot go with. We’re gonna need all the help we can get. Y'all come, y'hear?

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Anja Geitz's picture


If you really, deeply believe that lemonade tastes like piss do you piss on every lemonade stand that you happen to come across?

I would liken it more to lemonade stands that are selling a lemonade product whose lemons may have been sprayed with round up pesticides and I felt compelled to inform every lemonade stand I passed if they knew glyphosate was harmful for children and pregnant women to ingest.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

strollingone's picture

@Anja Geitz
The analogy strives to describe an offering much closer to piss than to good advice given from a place of deep caring for another's well being. But, then, I suppose one person's vitriol is another person's balm.

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Anja Geitz's picture



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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

GreyWolf's picture

Maybe break it up with some photos, or at least section headers, next time. ;->

But that's some meaningful text you dished up. Bravo.

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snoopydawg's picture

How many times have people seen this happen?

"And yet again, once "your guy/gal" obtains office, I can almost guarantee that the people will be shocked to find, that what they were told on the campaign trail, "said all the right things," turned out to be false, the new team is no different than the old teams, and the former trajectory of this nation, continues unabated, on the exact same path as before -- war, austerity, money flowing from poor to rich, widening disparity, mass incarceration, police state, mass propaganda, corporate lording/looting, a duped public."

"But, there are also the inevitable "true believers," of their savior, that still chant the ritualistic litany, "the other team blocking...needs more term will be different...compromises...building support/coalition...4d chess....[insert bullshit reasons here]"

I agree with Zoe here .. I too have had this awakening.

Was more like a mourning period for me when I realized how deeply impenetrable the system was and how far reaching their tentacles were in everything we see, hear, eat, drink, and wear. It's like a global Borgian corporatocracy, swallowing up all who go there.

The end of your essay could quite possibly be what happens. The PTB are passing new laws making protesting illegal. How many people who protested at Trump's inauguration are still waiting trial? I haven't heard anything about this recently, but just the fact that they arrested 200 people who were at the protest whether they were involved or not says something about how things are going to happen in the future. Land of the free and all that happy crap is just that. Happy crap. Especially when habeous corpus has been neutered. By Obama.

How do we convince people to take the Red Pill? Brilliant job, mate!

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg I hit that relatively early. From a true-believer in America/Apple Pie fantasy, to Red Pill, uh oh. After that moment, immersed myself in research of actual documentation (thank you WikiLeaks), firsthand accounts from the true players (e.g. Cordell Hull SoS wrote volumes, for some WWII insight)...actual numbers/stats. It's amazing how much real documentation is in plain sight, it's just the headlines are made up, if one bothers to read beyond them, into the sourced docs. Strange.

Anyway, you read the real stuff, and in my best valley girl impersonation, "Oh mai gawwd!" But, I was in my early thirties, and yes, everything I formerly believed to that point, shattered.

Here's what's interesting...while it seems "most" of the U.S. population is out to lunch, I'm beginning to suspect there are more of "us" than I originally thought. My wife was always a skeptic. Nearly every Vietnam vet I've ever encountered, seems to know the score. Even stranger, and I don't want to divulge too much, because...well, we know why (Hi NSA!!!), but I'm working a side-project/business venture thing (not yet off the ground...trying sort of thing), and working with another person I recently met. We've met in person, speak regularly on the phone, and prior to engagement, checked his bona-fides; this guy was military, retired after 20+ years, used to report at the 5 sided thingy. Turns out, he retired earlier than expected, because he was having a conversation with some other military peers, at lunch, and 9/11 topic came up. The guy I know was always a true-believer in U.S.=good...heck, that's why the military was a force for good. Anyway, these others are talking 9/11, these are engineers in the military, and are speaking about the physics. My friend is confused about what they are implying. They tell him outright, "Uh, you didn't know? Everyone knows, they were blown. Physically impossible to fall like that." They continued to explain in detail, adding nobody knows the "who," but there was no other possibility for the destruction. Of course the caveat, none of these people would ever dare say so among unfamiliar company and never in front of the brass. This destroyed him, now knowing that somehow, clearly, some facet of the U.S. government had to be complicit. He told me that he literally went home and cried, then made his plans to retire early.

Same as most of us, he started devouring documentation, about everything, historical and current, and now, he is completely aware of the criminal nature of the U.S. government that he was blind to for his entire life.

True story, as relayed to me.

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Anja Geitz's picture


That our government might be complicit in a plan that only killed 3,000 lives. I say only because that entire agonizing day while we all waited to hear from the mayor and the Governor, we had no idea how many people got out of towers before they imploded. The potential number could have been mind-numbingly horrific.

I was temping for Morgan Stanley that morning and right before I left my apartment, I got a call from my agency rescheduling my training so I never went to the WTC that day.

Are these really the terrifying people we are dealing with?

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

snoopydawg's picture

@Anja Geitz

that day, Zoe? Yep. The important people were told not to go to work that day. How fortunate for you that you got that phone call. What was the reason for rescheduling your training? Plus the guy who owned the towers had just re-upped his insurance policies for the buildings way UP! What a coincidence, aye?

edit - I see that you called to reschedule. Good call!

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Anja Geitz's picture


The important people were told not to go to work that day. How fortunate for you that you got that phone call.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

snoopydawg's picture

@Anja Geitz

It's probably on one of the "truther" websites about a decade ago.

The same things happened when the BP blowout happened. Goldman Sachs and other banks sold their stocks in BP and the other companies that were involved with the Deep water horizon. They got away with it, of course.

Halliburton bought a ship that allows them to clean up oil spills and there was a lot of nefarious transactions that happened before and during that time.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Mark from Queens's picture

@Anja Geitz
from a film presumably made by some folks who weren’t buying the official narrative also. Story about particular persons/companies not going to work that day is included.

Other fragments I remember from it have to do with weekend crews coming in for the months before the buildings were hit for some clandestine “maintenance” work. Also testimony from people that day who spoke of hearing what to them sounded like explosives going off from floor to floor right before they came down.

Then there’s the whole thing about no footage at all existing on the alleged attack on the Pentagon. Around that time I recall hearing about a gas station across the street or nearby who had an official visit from govt offficials who confiscated their surveillance camera footage. To this day I’ve not seen one bit of footage of the Pentagon attack.

I know some folks who know the story a lot better than I do and without looking much into it have found their beliefs compelling. Everyone also always talks about the demolition of Building 7, which was not hit. There’s never been an adequate explanation for that either as far as I know.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

snoopydawg's picture


"Everyone knows, they were blown. Physically impossible to fall like that."

Building 7 is the giveaway. First, it wasn't hit by anything and yet it fell in its own footprint. Second, the British news show woman was standing in front of her screen that showed it still standing and said that it had collapsed. That was 20-30 minutes before it did.

There are videos that shows that when the towers fell a lot of the building had already been pulverized and it was just dusty particles that were coming down.

Finally there's Operation Northwood where the 9/11 playbook had already been planned by the PTB in order to start a war with Cuba!

The Who was also obvious to me. The Bush crime family, Israel, the Saudis and others who would benefit from us jumping in to the Middle East. Bandar Bush was photographed with Cheney and George who were all smiles the day after.

And oh yeah, the pentagon and Rumsfeld's missing $2.3 trillion that he said he had lost track of. Guess where the computer backup files were stored? Building 7! Booyah!

p.s. I hope that you will be able to tell us more about what you are planning one day. I'll be all ears. Smile

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Alligator Ed's picture


The Who was also obvious to me. The Bush crime family, Israel, the Saudis and others who would benefit from us jumping in to the Middle East. Bandar Bush was photographed with Cheney and George who were all smiles the day after.

One of my fond hopes is the GHWB will go on trial for treason before he croaks.

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I don't believe this one bit. I do believe they and Trump got richer together, but unless you are pointing at 13 trolls on FB and Twitter, Russia interfering with the election is bull shit and a Democratic talking point.


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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

@dkmich I considered a snark tag, but opted for the "You can read about it online" as my subtle way, instead. Thought it might be funnier that way.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@ChezJfrey While I concur with what you wrote, quite well for such a depressing topic, I think it helpful to think outside the box, or as they say at home, think outside the swamp.

The story goes that in ancient times a sultan asked his wiseman, under penalty of death, to say something which was true--always true. The answer, which spared the vizier's life was "And this too shall pass".

Given the status quo, your comments have the ring of truth based upon past and present conditions. But things shall not be stable. The US Empire is built on oil and military. Both entities are changing as we speak, in ways having little to do with popular will. These changes are coming not due to any thing which any of us on this mostly Progressive board say, nor by the politically illiterate NOR even by the current elites.

Several scenarios for each of the two factors I cited are likely, not merely probable. Undoubtedly I have left some issues off this rather short list of two.

When the petrodollar collapses, as it is coming ever closer to doing, we will not be able to pawn off our debt (Federal "Reserve" notes) on other countries by forcing them to continue using these petrodollars. One Belt, One Road plus closer Chinese/Russian cooperation will do in our supposedly secure oil holdings, especially those residing in other countries. Even if there are no "green" alternatives to Oil in the next half century (a very unlikely non-event), other countries will desert our funny money. This of course will crash national economies around the world. One scenarios for the petrodollar's demise are certainly foreseeable.

Next comes military power. The US has been the world's bogeyman since WW2, the reasons for which need not be discussed here. First, in this regard, let us not think the unthinkable. There will be no nuclear war. Even the elites in their prepositioned bunkers are not that stupid. Merciless, yes. Amoral, yes. Sadistic, yes. But not completely bereft of the instinct for survival.

Let one example suffice about our waning military might, although several others are readily at hand. We have a trillion dollar navy, populated with what a journalist has called a modern brontosaurus--aircraft carriers. Consider only one factor here: Russian missiles. Theirs are considerably more effective than ours at intermediate range (400 km ±). And they have good missiles with high accuracy from 1000 km distances. Thus, for a fraction of the cost of a stealth bomber, they could destroy a carrier fleet with relative ease.

Understanding your starting point in this essay is where we are at now (again, with which I agree), the lessons of history must not be lost on any of us. And THIS TOO SHALL PASS. The next phase will be neither planned nor comfortable--for anyone alive, regardless of where they live.

A life without hope is not a life. It is mere survival.

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@Alligator Ed
But entirely too much is being made over vast technical improvements in Russian weapons. The best Russian weapons and the best American weapons operated by well trained crews haven't fought each other since early dogfights in Vietnam. I don't think anyone can speak confidently about how they would match up. You talk about new Russian cruise missiles. The US has a new generation of cruise missiles it is slowly deploying that we don't talk about. F18s have what the Navy believes is an effective "look down, shoot down" capability against long range cruise missiles. It's not likely to be highly effective against the shorter range supersonic cruise missiles. But the US has begun to deploy lasers on ships to counter this threat. I have no idea how such a contest would turn out except that a lot of people would die.

The Russians have deployed a long range nuclear powered, nuclear armed, very noisy torpedo. It's a doomsday weapon. The bomb is seeded with cobalt to make a large area around the target uninhabitable for decades at least. I don't see the advantage. They could do the same thing with a sea launched ballistic missile. It suggests that they are worried about a US first strike. It is beyond the mindset of most military thinkers in this country to even consider that we could frighten a country that means us no harm into attacking us out of fear.

Russian deployments are going slowly. Their defense budgets are a fraction of ours. They stopped production on an apparently effective tank because it cost too much.

We're the good guys. We're exceptional. In fact, we're exceptionally good. Any country that declines to recognize that we are exceptionally good is bad.

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Alligator Ed's picture


We're the good guys. We're exceptional. In fact, we're exceptionally good. Any country that declines to recognize that we are exceptionally good is bad.

Of course a nation can be exceptionally bad.

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@Alligator Ed
Of course there apparently were those who gave Jonathan Swift's Modest Proposal" serious consideration.

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I suppose I should have taken the time to crop out the advertisement. I see nothing snarky in what I said. The Democrats and Republicans interfered with our election, not Russia. The DNC server and Podesta emails were not hacked, they were leaked. I have read about it extensively and not a drop of proof has been produced except for the 13 Russian nationals making a living off of selling ads on the internet. You are here because you found kindred spirits. You are preaching to the choir. I never trusted Obama. Hillary belongs in jail and so does Bush, Obama, and Trump. Saudi Arabia and Israel own this country and are another story. Money in government, Trump took it to new heights, has allowed capitalism to run amok. I come from the school that nothing in this country will get better until it blows up, and I intend to help expedite that as much as I can.

Disclaimer: None of what I said is an excuse for not voting. We may not be able to win, but we can make them lose.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Pluto's Republic's picture

...that keeps me coming back. Thank you for writing and posting it.

There are alternatives, but people cannot see them yet.

I am very hopeful.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
Lookout's picture

Live well. Be kind. Walk lightly with a small carbon footprint. Grow as much food as you can to be self sufficient.

Like many of you I can't see a political answer. I agree with AE, we face a coming collapse of the petrodollar and our economic system. Prepare now. What was not discussed is the collapse of our ecosystem, and the dystopian world which ensues afterward. Who knows what those changes will be. Mass migration, crop failure, food shortages, water mention a few.

Governments come and do species. Try to find a personal peace while it is possible...and let the world take its course. What choice do we have?

Needless to say ... keep speaking truth to power.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

your essay is one of the most important and remarkable things I've read this past year. You are on the cutting edge of what we have to think about. Thank you for writing it.

I agree that the national political system is a vicious trap and that the solution to our problems is not in voting for either of the two parties. I'm very excited by some of the responses to your essay because they emphasize playing small ball or focusing locally in order to make change globally. I think there's hope there.

But mostly I think you name the dilemma as if it were a puzzle we have to solve. Very difficult. But I do think it is solvable. You point out that,

... The U.S. President does not actually play with agency in the game, the game-lords move the pieces as desired, and the President is one of those pieces.

... No matter the player, no matter the Red/Blue/someday Progressive team, at that stage of the game, you don't get a say, President doesn't get a say.

... I posit nothing will change, no matter what you do, or don't do, short of physically wresting control of the money and power that controls the entire game;

... ANY AND ALL that sees the corruption and devastation, need to band together, despite all other differences in economic conservative/liberal (I mean the classic terms here...not the distorted, new-age labels) and somehow level the .gov beast.

These are such good thoughts, and I think they are a beginning of a solution. For example, we do create the value of money, and so we should be able to control it. You give me hope.

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@Linda Wood @Linda Wood Eviscerating the beast is monumental and "they" have all the power/resources, with a finger on the button (a.k.a. law enforcement) to violently crush resistance (see Dakota/OWS).

Here's how the current system works (and also explains how the President doesn't really play his/her own moves).

A bunch of serious, smart, experienced people surround them and "educate" with all sorts of undoubtedly fanciful language, "evidence," "research," "expertise," about what needs to be done, "for the good of the American people."

These people are the experts in their field, lots of experience and knowledge, and they specifically hold the positions of advisors/experts for the very purpose of "helping," so how could one argue?

Same goes for Congress/Senate...advisory panels. Such as these:

Let's just pick one, that is quite relevant to foreign policy: Foreign Affairs Policy Board

Current members, as of 2015 (per the Wiki link)...let's just pick a couple (I have not gone through the entire list, but a couple will suffice for illustration)

R. Nicholas Burns, Cohen Group

The Cohen Group is a Washington D.C. lobbying company...

...the former defense secretary created his own Washington firm, the Cohen Group, which works for some of the biggest companies in the defense industry.

One day Cohen is appearing at a Lockheed Martin Corp. event in India, smoothing the way for a fighter-jet sale; another, he's attending a charity ball at the request of a company that wants him at its table because, an executive at the company says, "You are judged by the friends you keep."

When Cohen's firm isn't making a case for the Air Force to buy a particular type of plane, or helping a biotech company make connections in China, it might be lobbying the Department of Homeland Security on behalf of a software company, or helping local governments save military jobs from the federal ax.

Stephen J. Hadley: a principal of RiceHadleyGates LLC, an international strategic consulting firm founded with Condoleezza Rice, Robert Gates, and Anja Manuel.
"and help companies expand in major emerging markets, including Asia, the Middle East, and the Americas. In addition, we assist companies dealing with the national security and foreign policy challenges."

So these two members, on a panel to inform, instruct and advise the U.S. government for strategy and legislation, are getting paid, lucratively, through their employer/clients, that pay them to "lobby" the government for specific things, like to open markets in otherwise closed countries, buy their weapon/military products. So is it any surprise that if a place like Syria is closed to Exxon (a client of RiceHadleyGates, and is a potential target for fighter jets that might need to be bought (a two for one!), well, we bomb them and try to take over? They'll advise all sorts of action, why it's needed due to humanitarian, R2P, etc., why the U.S. needs to take action (of course omitting the $$$ they will make if it happens), then sit back to watch the fireworks.

Lobbyist gets paid, client gets paid (via government contracts), everybody wins.

This sort of thing explains why our government wants TPP, take over Syria/Iran/Ukraine, etc. Just look at the articles written by Condi, a founding member of RHG:

How America can counter Putin’s moves in Syria
Give Obama trade-promotion authority
Will America heed the wake-up call of Ukraine?
Interview: Iran & Syria

Now, you may ask yourself, why would a regular government staffer cater to the lobbyist? Simple, future prospects, post-government work. Self-evident, by reading the beginning of that washingtonpost link; the scenario is template and time-proven, per the article itself:

After more than 30 years in politics, Defense Secretary William S. Cohen was saddled with credit card debt.

Within weeks of leaving office, he was living in a $3.5 million McLean mansion with a swimming pool, a cabana and a carriage house.

Cohen's career had entered a classic final phase: the monetizing of the public man.

Instead of returning to Maine, which he had represented in the House and Senate for more than two decades, Cohen followed legions of government officials into the business of consulting and lobbying.

UnitedHealthcare/WellPoint lobby wrote ACA, CitiBank lobby wrote the banking reform laws...swept through by "our representatives" because "expert advice." In order to "reform" our government, we'd have to take on all of .gov and all of .com that has their claws firmly clenched.

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just like your essay, is full of very important facts, and they're facts that can make a difference. I do think there's hope in exposing these monsters, just as you have here. I think exposing them, with their handsome photographs, with their dollar amounts having been stolen, will make the truly obvious impression: these people are, in the words of Travis Bickle, the sucking scum of the earth.

If they're so untouchable, why not expose them? If they're invulnerable, why not light up the Internet with their stories? What are they afraid of, that we'll pull the plug? They hate the light of day. Expose them!

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Thanks for saying it, and thanks for this essay. I'm so glad I finally clicked on Debbie Downer, was sorta afraid to come in, but now I feel fine. No defeat, no downer, the room is full of people nodding their heads, me too.

I think my neighbor is fully woke now, she asked yesterday "What do normal people do?" Then we started cracking up... "normal people". Haha! that was funny. With one year to go on a lifetime driving for UPS straight outta college, how does one protect a future pension? Bend over and cross your fingers? Bitcoin? Stock market? (lol) At least they are kinda land-rich, in California that still means something. Becoming landlords as the world burns doesn't sound like fun though, they are still seeking.

Anyway thanks a lot for saying "I am not alone, and I am not insane" that is my mantra to convince myself of something since Y2k when the full weight of the DSM landed upon my head, and the shedding of all assets began. Everything is illin' when it should be chillin'. Love, Defeatist Debbie Downer.


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QMS's picture

enact enlightenment

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security