A Campaign Manager's Perspective on the anti-Trump Protests
A lot of people lately have been commenting on how the anti-Trump protests could hurt Bernie Sanders' election chances. I thought I would share my views on this issue from the perspective of a campaign manager. Caveat: this is not my *moral* opinion on how things are or how they should be. This is my political opinion of the effect of anti-Trump protests on Sanders' electoral viability.
A few points about the situation:
1)The Sanders campaign is not creating these events.
2)The Sanders campaign cannot, politically, even if it wanted to, disapprove of these events as HRC has done. He's politically finished if he does, because
a) it would prove HRC's point that he doesn't care about racism, and
b) it would destroy the idea of a political revolution. People would say (and rightfully so) "So, your "revolution" isn't for me, then, is it? Since you don't care whether Trump advocates for sending people like me out on stretchers?"
3)All that remains for the Sanders campaign is to figure out the best possible reaction to these events, and he's found it:
a)support the protesters,
b)place the blame for violence on Donald Trump, whom 62% of America dislikes and distrusts, (and who does in fact bear a lot of responsibility for the violence at his rallies)
c)create a strong message for coalition and against division,
d)and otherwise stay out of it.
Therefore, the critique of these events has nothing to do with the Sanders campaign and what they should or should not do; they aren't the originators of these events, and they've already chosen the best reaction out of those available.
So when folks criticize these events, the critique is actually talking to the protesters, not the Sanders campaign. Given that, here's a few points:
1)Although some of the protesters are Bernie supporters, far from all of them are. A lot of them support (and trust) no candidate.
2)These events are not spurred by a desire to elect Bernie, but from a desire to make it clear that beating up black people, Arab-Americans, etc. is unacceptable.
3)The protesters who are NOT Bernie supporters aren't going to give a damn whether he wins or not, so a critique based on that will mean nothing to them.
So when folks criticize these events, the critique is actually talking to a subset of the protesters--the ones who support Sanders--not all of them. The critique is asking the Sanders supporters at the protests to stop going to anti-Trump protests. Suppose that actually came to pass--what would the results be?
1)It would widen the gap between the grassroots movement for racial justice and the Sanders campaign, and
2)the protests at Trump rallies would continue w/smaller numbers of protesters, and
3)the people protesting would not chant "Bernie" while they're doing it.
This is the best that the folks making the critique can hope for to come out of the critique--assuming that Bernie-supporting protesters would value Bernie's win over fighting for racial justice (which is how they see their protests of Trump). I'm not sure that those protesters consider Bernie's win more important than racial justice. When you're willing to risk being beaten up for something, your commitment is pretty damned strong. Probably a lot of them would, rather than stop protesting, stop supporting Sanders instead. Even if they did stop protesting, and the chants of "Bernie" stopped, the meme that Bernie is sending those people to Trump's rallies would likely continue for some time, b/c Trump and the media would keep it going.
In my estimation, the gain that you guys could get out of this critique, even if your critique was remarkably successful/influential, is pretty small--in exchange for the damage done to a very fragile coalition, which would be pretty large. That's assuming that having liberals or progressives explain electoral viability to people willing to risk limb, and maybe life, for their cause, would have the impact you want--an assumption I don't make.
So my conclusion is that:
1)There are things we (liberals & progressives invested in electoral politics) don't control. The anti-Trump protest movement is one of them.
2)There are things Bernie Sanders and his campaign don't control. The anti-Trump protest movement is one of them.
3)The best Bernie can do is to choose a strategically sound course and steer his campaign between various electoral dangers. He's doing that.
4)Once that sound course was chosen, I'd be surprised if Bernie spent 5 minutes this weekend worrying about the effect of the protesters on his electoral viability, because he wouldn't spend time worrying about things outside his control. Not when it comes to viability, anyway. He might worry about people getting hurt, but that's a moral issue.
5)At the risk of sounding like a preachy, moralistic prat, if we are worried about Bernie's viability, we should spend some time today phone-banking or participating in other forms of GOTV. Worrying about things outside our control is, electorally, a poor choice.
I probably do sound like a preachy, moralistic prat, but I really feel that getting upset over this has no benefit. Even if all the worst prognostications are correct, we can't do anything about it--beyond what Bernie's already done. And given that Trump is one of the least popular people in the country right now (62% unfavorability ain't chicken feed), there's less danger than there would be otherwise. People simply don't trust his version of events--a fact that Bernie is using to his advantage:
@BernieSanders: "Send them. They deserve to hear what a real, honest politician sounds like."
I could not agree with you more...
I saw a new meme going around Face Book just this morning... it said;
How many times have you heard, "Why did ordinary people not stop Hitler before he rose to power?" Then you wonder why people are protesting?
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First Nations News
Heh coincidence or
Heh coincidence or serendipity - I Just posted this which addresses exactly that point.
It was prompted by conversations with you and others on Twitter - thanks for making me think hard about this
Oops - thought the comment was by CSTS for some reason. Apologies
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
To be fair to Gold Plated Toilet Man...
For a while, Bernie supporters were thinking that BLM was being influenced by the Clinton camp.
Took us along while to figure out that Clinton was just doing her standard embrace of any weapon that can hurt her opponent.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Great article this. Thank you. n/t
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
I agree
The fight against fascism should never be postponed for political expediency (felt strange even typing that)
It is strategically advantageous to Sanders to be 100% pro active on this
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
But, if I go to a protest
I will not wear any Bernie shirt to give that shit any credence. And it isn't my support of Bernie that makes me want to shout down the Trumpanistas, but the stupidity of those who would actually vote for that. And I'm just as sure there are MANY Repugnants who convince themselves he won't really do all that stuff, but will make America Great Again. Just gag me. I have a friend who used to watch his stupid TV show, and who is a Republican (distinction here is she still believes this IS the Republican party, which it most certainly is not). I do not want to even ask her how she'll vote as I'm pretty sure she is one of those who convinces herself he really isn't a Fascist, he's just saying that to get elected. I cannot bear to hear her say that, and so will never ask.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Bingo, lizzyh7! I'm still
scratching my head as to why they would wear their Bernie shirts on such an occasion.
IMHO, activists need to be able to effectively strategize by viewing their actions through a broader lens.
I figure that they were well-meaning; but, since we're in the middle of an election cycle, and Bernie's running for President--I think that it's sensible to wear any shirt, but one with his name on it.
(They can put that shirt on, as soon as they leave the protest venue.)
Have a good one!
"To maintain pure discipline is to do away with pretense and concealment." Milarepa
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
CStS, here's the Tapper/Bernie transcript
excerpt from yesterday's show.
I respect and admire how Bernie handled himself; and was not surprised that he was measured in his response.
[My italics for emphasis.]
I agree with everything he said. He gave a 'perfect' answer, IMHO.
It is in keeping with what my Father taught me about non-violent protest, and in line with people that I admire today. (Chris Hedges)
Hey, have a good one!
Over and out . . .
(Music City) Mollie
"The obstacle is the path."--Zen Proverb
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Me either...
I'd wear a body cam. I'd sit quietly and roll valerian root capsules under the seats in front of me and wait for them to be crushed by attendees. Harmless but very stinky.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
OK, you convinced me.
There is nothing constructive that can be done about it other than taking the tact Bernie is.
I am definitely not a political strategist. I am a big picture person who generally believes in the greater good. I am opposed to issue politics because they have divided and destroyed this party and the left's coalition for years. As a non-minority and Bernie supporter, I want ALL of his policies to prevail not just some of them. If their single issue destroys Bernie for all of us, then NONE of his issues stand a chance including theirs.
I can't disagree with the strategical points, options and benefits you laid out. I just hope "we" don't screw ourselves over again.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Great great essay CSTS!
But then I'm the type that would protest Fascism even if I thot it might harm Bernie's campaign and that's because we can't wait to stand up to someone this evil and because:
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Yes x 1000 n/t
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I wish I could gather a bunch
of power chair warriors, like myself, and form a line in front of the protesters.
Imagine what would happen if they decided to rough us up.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
i remember when
it was Sanders who was the "distraction": a "sheepdog," deployed to keep the people corralled in the "veal pen."
Now, it is the street people, who are the "distraction": they will cripple or slay the sheepdog, and thereby usher in an American Reich.
Apparently the only thing that is never a "distraction" is spraying acres of words into the onanism of the intertubes.
Hey, CStS--an excellent post. After
I catch up reading today's diaries, gotta take care of some banking. But, I hope to drop back by, later, to expound a bit.
As the daughter of a staunch civil rights activist (60's), I'm the last person who would flinch at peaceful, nonviolent protest.
What I was 'ineptly' trying to point out, is that the MSM will paint Bernie and his supporters in a negative light, if they are not careful and strategic in their thinking.
Bernie was questioned on several of yesterday's Sunday talk shows, about the role of his supporters at the rallies. I'll post one of his responses, later today. It appears to me that he is sensitive to having his campaign portrayed in a negative light, so he was quite measured and circumspect in his answer--especially, to charges of violation of First Amendment rights. (A good thing, IMO.)
See you Guys . . .
"To maintain pure discipline is to do away with pretense and concealment."--Milarepa
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Thanks. Well thought out & presented. I agree.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Note to Protesters
Having gone through demonstrations for civil rights in the '60s and the Vietnam War in the '70s and '80s I've experienced some of the fallout of protesting. There is every reason to protest the rise of Trump and fascism, but there are also some good strategies and some bad strategies in protests. One of the worst things we can do is go inside the venue where Trump is holding forth. The best thing we can do is stay outside on the sidewalk and peacefully make our point. Here is an article by Charles Pierce who explains the dangers of going inside quite well:
I hope we can influence the electorate to our view and I hope we are sensible and clever in how we do it. So far we seem to have done a terrific job. Let's not screw it up.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Good point, polkageist. Thanks for
the link.
BTW, 'welcome' to C99P!
(Music City) Mollie
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."--Japanese Proverb
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.