"The Republican Party Is a Threat to the Constitutional Order, "
from 'The Atlantic.'
The rule of law is a threshold value in American politics, and a party that endangers this value disqualifies itself, period.
Having distanced myself from years of working as a precinct chair and life-long support of Democrats; primarily because of its promotion of neoliberalism...the falling feather being its treatment of Bernie, i've been reticent to engage in discourse about party, any party.
However, this good article came to attention this morning and I write to salute the writers, professed non-partisans.
The moment is here, 'Rule of Law' can not be ignored, the 'memo' must not stand, no matter its
purpose or validity. This is a constitutional crisis! No need to wait or search for the meaning of those often-used and abused two words.
No more accepting Trump and his minion's lies allowing them to further erode the fabric of any democratic society, the truth; no more allowing that which is wrong to become normal. It's way past time for leaders to grow spines, speak freely to cameras, pundits, radio hosts, journalists and the people putting aside polls and political maneuverings for selfish promotion because not to do so shall soon leave them and us, the people, without a Republic to defend.
Excerpts from the article:
We understand, too, the many imperfections of the Democratic Party. Its left is extreme, its center is confused, and it has its share of bad apples. But the Democratic Party is not a threat to our democratic order. That is why we are rising above our independent predilections and behaving like dumb-ass partisans. It’s why we hope many smart people will do the same.
We have both spent our professional careers strenuously avoiding partisanship in our writing and thinking. We have both done work that is, in different ways, ideologically eclectic, and that has—over a long period of time—cast us as not merely nonpartisans but antipartisans. Temperamentally, we agree with the late Christopher Hitchens: Partisanship makes you stupid. We are the kind of voters who political scientists say barely exist—true independents who scour candidates’ records in order to base our votes on individual merit, not party brand.
This, then, is the article we thought we would never write: a frank statement that a certain form of partisanship is now a moral necessity. The Republican Party, as an institution, has become a danger to the rule of law and the integrity of our democracy. The problem is not just Donald Trump; it’s the larger political apparatus that made a conscious decision to enable him. In a two-party system, nonpartisanship works only if both parties are consistent democratic actors. If one of them is not predictably so, the space for nonpartisans evaporates. We’re thus driven to believe that the best hope of defending the country from Trump’s Republican enablers, and of saving the Republican Party from itself, is to do as Toren Beasley did: vote mindlessly and mechanically against Republicans at every opportunity, until the party either rights itself or implodes (very preferably the former).
Hope you enjoy!

Personal note: home this morning...
returned to work Saturday, rewarded with good students; but, yesterday, the shoulder and swollen right hand said "ouch, don't do that."
Perhaps, i can use some of today's time in catching up on c99 and respond to Saturday folks.
Have a good day, all.
Where is this extreme left these assholes keep whining about?
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
The -ahem- "extreme left"
is anyone to the Left of
Ronaldus Magnumus Reaganus,
And Ronaldus Magnumus couldn't get
elected dog catcher as a Repub today.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
"Its left is extreme" blah blah blah
That's ONLY because the Overton Window has been shoved so hard right that views that were MODERATE REPUBLICAN in Eisenhower's day are now seen as "extremist".
The Democratic Party IS part of the problem and IS just as much of a threat to the Constitutional order - just consider their blatant illegal and immoral rigging of the 2016 primaries.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
quoting myself...
"It's way past time for leaders to grow spines, speak freely to cameras, pundits, radio hosts, journalists and the people putting aside polls and political maneuverings for selfish promotion because not to do so shall soon leave them and us, the people, without a Republic to defend."
Agree, we have a big problem, two parties in systemic failure. The question remains, who's going to have the political courage to bring it, speak truth to power?
You're blaming one side when both sides are irredeemably at fault. Being non-partisan doesn't mean blaming Republicans for everything. It means recognizing that both parties are fatally flawed and our entire political system needs to be torn down and rebuilt.
Beg the pardon, i've put forward an article
and in so doing spent a couple of paragraphs explaining my position up front. Please don't presume that i support the present democrat party just because i like this piece.
But this does give me an opportunity to say this again. Where does this train wreck end, which leader will stand up and say so? We can't count cows that didn't come home yesterday, they are gone. But i still wholeheartedly agree with the premise of the rule of law and the author's view in this case as an opportunity to say enough and kneecap the repugs.
Were today's shoes turned, one would hope i would say the same.
There is also a reality missing in my and other's ranting feelings. Voters make a difference and the only way out of our present spiraling down quagmire, unless you have faith that today's Supreme's will support Muller, is to vote the bastards out. Having said that, where is an apparatus to do that in time other than support good democrats who take a stand , now, if they do; a new party, an ear of gold waiting for my support isn't on the horizon?
Thanks for joining in the conversation, a little devil's advocacy can be a good 'thing.
"Voters make a difference"
That right there is where you went wrong, Smiley.
As soon as the Dems created the Superdelegate our votes ceased to exist, fully.
Gerrymandering, voter suppression, electronic voting machines, and a rigged duoply where both candidates SUCK cemented the control.
Voting no longer matters.
We must find another way to regain "the Rule of Law".
You've wandered down the wrong ally, Smiley, come back. Come back.
It's a trap.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
and the Dem leadership at last convention
voted to maintain the superdelegate apparatus in face of overwhelming evidence the system was rigged and money forfeited.
As said, the mask is off, been off a long time for many of us. But today's question remains, who's going to stand up and stop this juggernaut?
That would be the activists
and voters,
, becuzthe politicians sure as hell
aren't going to stand up, or Bernie
would have by now.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
activists? Bernie needs more friends!
Sorry. Bernie has knuckled under.
I don't care why he did it. Why is irrelevant.
He was always utterly conventional on foreign policy; and now he has joined the Russia is evil bandwagon. He never supported the lawsuit against the DNC. He never directly criticized Hillary. He did nothing when the DNC smashed the progressive slate in early 2017.
So, I have written off Bernie as a serious agent of change. Even if he wasn't one at first, he is now just a sheepdog.
Bernie needs to grow
a pair and stand away
from the Dem party.
He's lost damn little support
from 2016 yet Still kisses the party's
dead ass. He's too damned smart not to know what's what, yet still tries to play both sides of the fence. That's not being a good politician, that's fucking your supporters that don't give a damn about the party.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
"He's lost damn little support from 2016 . . ."
And how do you know how much he would have lost if he went the third party route? Also, is he going to do this by himself or were you expecting him to be joined by a couple of members of congress and senators?
Joined by other members
of Congress?
Who would those be?
As for going 3rd party, if Bernie
lost anybody it was those hoping, expecting
him to do just that. Bernie has blown the biggest opportunity anybody has ever had to blow the lid of the Oligarchy that runs this country. He still can recover some of what he's lost, but the momentum coming off Hillary's yuuuge smackdown defeat is gone. And, if he continues to suck Dem d!ck, well... he will lose what support he has, the Oligarchy again stuffing The Left.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
moderate Republican
"Blah blah blah" is right on! Purest crap.
And extremist left at that.
The conclusion:
is also "always vote Blue no matter who" crapola, ignoring the fact that the Ds are just as much a threat to any sort of order these days as the Rs are.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
indeed, it's the center that's become extreme.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Right on the money.
Reagan got the ball rolling for the oligarchs but Bill Clinton was the main villain. He wrecked the majority of the legislation that kept us little people somewhat safe from the rich. I never voted for a Clinton and have not had any use for the Democratic Party for years. I changed registration to vote for Bernie but left right after the electoral fraud. The only difference between the Republican and Democratic parties is that the Democrats are sneaky neolibs while the Republicans have always represented only the rich. A pox on both their houses.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Yup. I would've accepted the premise
of this article maybe 12-14 years ago, right up until the Dems took the House and Nancy Pelosi insisted that they would be abandoning the rule of law by taking impeachment "off the table."
I find party and politics are moot these days
I think we have to focus on issues and policies...end war, single payer, green energy, and so on. The two party brands are both corporate warmongering profiteers. I can't support either. I can and do vote for individuals - like Doug Jones over Roy Moore. But what did we get from Doug? Approval of massive spying by the Don. No party, nor politics, will help us from my view - they have been purchased lock stock and barrel.
I had to remind a friend who told me Obomber was a great president that he accelerated the two wars he inherited and added 5 more. Became both droner in chief killing no telling how many innocent people. Fracker in chief exporting the technology abroad while promoting it at home. Approved 1000's of new wells in the Gulf as BP was spewing barrels of crude. Approved drilling in the Arctic and various pipelines. Bailed out banks not home owners. Oversaw the shutdown of OWS....and so much more. I can't see the democrats as much better than T-rump. At least the mask is off and we can see our country for the horror it has become.
Max Blumenthal discusses the Atlantic in this clip at 41-44 min. He claims they party with defense contractors, support the russiagate narrative, and don't defend BLM. Worth a listen IMO. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQMQezGyVos
All the best. Sorry about the hand, but good to see you around! I am making progress on our project - although more slowly than I anticipated.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Well said; especially...
recognizing the mask is off and if leaders who have a wealth of supportive research at their fingertips don't understand the ramifications of their oligarchic ways, the ever encroaching doom is irreversible.
Having lived through, as many have, tumultuous times before, i recall that leaders, good ones, can make a difference, denting at least the march of overlords.
I appreciate your thinking in hopes we, acting responsibly, can find and grow gardens of friendships that multiply like good organisms fertilizing the soil of discontents with good nutrients for our political souls as well.
edit for bad spelling mistake: encroaching
@Lookout The Max Blumental
The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop
That would be good!
I think we must look to one another for support and growth rather than political entities which are focused on personal profit and gain. I heard the term - community democracy - the other day. Maybe that is the next step in our political evolution. Nader often talks about uniting over the issues supported by the left and the right in his book "Breaking through power"...and there are many points of agreement from ending war to a jobs/infrastructure program. We can hope.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
"that no small community would have endured from any of its
members" as Mumford comes to mind ever raising the question of how in the hell do societies line up and allow tyrants to gain control and why do we?
“Common sense was exactly what kingship, almost by definition, lacked: when the king's orders were executed no one dared to tell him honestly how they had turned out. With the absolute powers bestowed by kingship came an arrogance, a ruthlessness, an inflexibility, a habit of compulsion, an unwillingness to listen to reason, that no small community would have endured from any of its members-though the aggressive and humanly disagreeable qualities that make for such ambitious leadership might be found anywhere-as Margaret Mead discovered among the Mundugumor, whose leaders were known to the community as "really bad men," aggressive, gluttonous for power and prestige.”
― Lewis Mumford, Technics and Human Development
Begging another question that social media, if not trammeled in near future, may allow sharing, when viewed with this historical perspective that a small group doesn't easily tolerate BS, the garden may multiply.
I'm afraid I am here with the same question as the rest:
I would really like an intellectually honest example of Left extremism in the Democratic Party.
Even though I am an enemy of the Democratic Party on moral grounds — and someone who celebrates its destruction and strategized methods to achieve this — I did not see Left extremism coming from the Party. How is it that I am blind to this great sin featured at the top of whatever they call that bag of words that appeared in the Atlantic?.
There is an unrepresented political Left in America — but there is certainly no Left in the Democratic Party — and if there were, it would be crushed like a bug.
This is all just a rhetorical question, Smiley. I am long over it. I am also over the smug glory of being "non-partisan," as well. I try to dwell more in what I feel these days and I strongly resonate with the feeling that is moving you. I wish I had a better way to express it than the cynical sarcasm that glazes my mind as I watch this nation passively self-destruct. It has nothing to do with the political Parties. They merely display the symptoms of political failure with an astonishing lack of self-awareness. In the Republic, Plato finally comes to understand that the state becomes what it does because of what the People are.
Morning, thought this article might
be a springboard for asking a few questions and i do agree with its premise that the rule of law must stand in order for a society to function however ironic this statement is to
this old man birthed by Osborne, Tennessee, Miller, O'Neil and others: 'rebel's without a cause' or with one that did materialize, grow good fruit, in the sixties and seventies for a while impacting our social order in good ways due to, in memory, by more people coming to a better place of understanding than we had in Modern past.
All for naught, i fear, the strides taken unless we protest. And protest, bigly!
If this rag wishes to bring it to Repugs, I've no problem with it, salute it, i've done.
Please see my last comment to Lookout above as we posted comments about the same time.
This WAS a good springboard topic
...for a Monday morning,
. It woke up the house.I think the question you pose above is a key question we should be pursuing no matter what. While it will not lead to a solution, we must become more self-aware as a collective. That is the locus of our real power and we need to learn when and how to use it.
Touting the "Rule of Law" is not enough. It's an abstraction that always devolves to authoritarian abuse until the People become self-aware, collectively. We don't even understand what justice is, yet, or who it is supposed to benefit.
We are not evolved enough to be in the technology age, but here we are. Our best hope is to constantly write new and improved Constitutions (user manuals) until we have one that produces a sustainable utopia for all human life. It's the number one priority.
As for constitutional crises — the US has been in a low grade constitutional crisis since before the Civil War. The crisis got acute in the 1980's. By 2001, we entered system failure. The only solution now is a synthetic intervention: "Universal Basic Income." Fortunately, it's happening fast. Our Overlords know that their survival depends on it.
The problem may be, Pluto, that we human's haven't invented
a taboo that prevents the worst of human's from breaking.
Think i should have had a V8 this morning, instead?
You did good.
These are things we need to settle collectively.
You're good at this.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
So it's the evil Republicans and the "left", eh?
In other words, the party that rigged it's own primary and has shown time and time again that they have no interest in election integrity is not of concern to you insofar as a "threat to Democracy"? Instead you worry about the Republicans. Why?
Then, of course, there is the "extreme left". Generally the word for our positions would be "liberal". I'm sorry that you find us "extreme" but the reality is that our positions are well aligned with solid majorities of voters. They are only "extreme" in your fevered beltway imaginings.
You don't think that Obama who feverishly undercut much of the bill of rights and dispensed entirely with "due process" was any sort of threat to the rule of law? Again, I would have to question your thinking there. When he pardoned all the bankers -- clearly demonstrating a two-track judicial system -- you don't think that might've undercut the rule of law? You don't think his illegal wars might have contributed? If not any of that, how about his own treasonous lies (crimes directly against the constitution) about domestic surveillance... not a problem for you?
Don't get me wrong. I agree that the Republicans are a threat to the rule of law and our nation. I just think the Democrats are part & parcel with that. Any article which extolls the virtues of one while hammering the other is obviously just a partisan propaganda piece.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Well said, would you agree that this 'memo'
and its accompanying hype could be an opportunity for leaders to say enough is enough, the buck stops with me, your representative, your senator? Hint, hint to democrats.
The repugs recently failed to renew a Medicare rule that jeopardizes all medicare patients care, the failure in lifting of rehab caps to be brief. Each day these bastards remain in power, another important government functions goes by the wayside. We've not the pleasure of waiting for a revolt by the people, they are busily engaged in slaving away to make the rent, this shite must end and this memo is today's platform, an opportunity to cut down the asshats based upon agreed upon rules.
Though, i must admit, i've few expectations that anyone will stand up, give up their gravy train in support of the people, but this is a splendid opportunity to begin doing the right thing.
Using thing on end of a sentence, i'm ranting, enough.
No, I don't agree that
Honestly, I'm of a mind with Glen Greenwald... the memo as released is just a bit of kabuki theater. It doesn't mean anything to me and it doesn't mean anything to anyone in Washington other than it's value as propaganda. I honestly don't care what anyone does with or about it. It is literally nothing.
Now... do I think it's high time that someone stand up for the rule of law? Sure I do. I'm looking around and I only see the Green party as serious contenders right now and that's stretching the definition of the word "serious". Let's be serious though. Neither party is interested in the rule of law. They are only interested in ruling.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Yes, if only the parties or leaders
would be interested in representing the people?
Thanks for your good thoughts.
Been watching the market dive all afternoon, an omen or profit taking before a plunge...way beyond my pay-grade?
Wrong On Every Level
Since when? Bill Clinton's welfare "reform" and "violent crime reduction" reforms? Oh yeah, because Obama saved us from Bush 43, except for endless wars, extending Shrub's tax cuts and the national Crackdown on Occupy Wall Street. But Joe Biden is the pragmatic realist who will save America from radical leftists. Hillary will rescue our constitutional order, right?
The Atlantic is a neoliberal megaphone for the Washington Consensus. What a crock.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
I totally agree Repugnants are toxic
in their agenda but for any pundit to claim the Democratic party is the solution to that must not have been paying any attention at all to the long slow sell out by the Dems, culminating in Trump's election. It's too damned late to depend on some party to save us and these writers know it. Maybe they're just desperate for a little hope, or maybe they're just pandering for the "lesser evil" which won't say all the nasty things Trump says but will certainly carry out most of his agenda, albeit with a smiling pretty face and some nice words thrown in. Kamala Harris? Oprah? Joe Biden? Cory Booker? My God, please....
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Democratic Party Reform Commission
Our Democratic saviors of America's constitutional order:
Snap! Because blatant manipulation by DWS and Hillary was just following the rules and radical Berniacs have to understand that? Well all righty then:
Because working in the trenches and abusing your authority is hard work! The good news:
Nope. No threat to America's constitutional order at the DNC.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Let me fix that.
The Duopoly is a Threat to the Constitutional Order.
Both parties have voted for government spying on its citizens. Both parties have allowed peaceful protests to be shut down while riots celebrating sports victories are tolerated. I used to blame the GOP for our country’s problems, but this past election cycle has cured me of my ignorance. Neither party represents the vast majority of US citizens. Both parties do the bidding of their corporate masters and a few insanely wealthy individuals.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Great snark.
I assume it's classic snark you're writing here, right? I mean letting Democrats off the hook and blaming Republicans alone for "destroying the rule of law" has gotta be snark, because it certainly doesn't reflect reality.
see my reply to you above
Wow, Just Read the subtitle. They're Calling For an End to LoTE
voting on the Right. How courageous of the Atlantic.
Unreal, man...
OK going to read the article.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Holy Shit, Man. We Are the Enemy. We Are Fighting Against the
Rule of Law.
If you want to fight for the Rule of Law you must vote D. Any D'll do. And this is not just a demand of those Left of Center, this is a demand to all voters especially Republicans.
The Rule of Law in America is bipartisan toilet paper. It's been many years, Nixon, maybe? Since the Rule of Law applied. We have had the Rule of Men since, at least, Reagan, and most likely have had that our entire history. Any billionaires get the death penalty? Any billionaires serving life sentences? Any billionaires in the news for crime?
Man, that is one terrifying fucking article. Holy shit, man. Got to go try to finish it. It's Affecting me, though, and I'm not sure if I can do it.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I used to vote like that, and it is simply
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
War and the Intellectuals. First Time as Tragedy, 2nd as Farce
Mother fucker.
Smiley, I usually agree with you, but I completely disagree with you here.
The Democrats are the Washington Generals to the Republicans Harlem Globetrotters. If the Generals win, they're still playing the same game.
The American political system has not existed under the Rule of Law for 40 years, at least. Probably the entire history. Like Lily O Lady, my eyes were opened completely in 2016, and I was tough on the Democratic Party before, but they are downright dangerous. They are the first enemy that needs to be taken out to foster change for any kind of decent future. They are the impediment to beating Drumpf.
The Democratic Party, and it's corporate media sponsors, can't talk about anything bur Drumpf. It's insane. There's war brewing in Syria, and I mean WAR, not neocolonial adventurism. TINA to more war there in American politics. Russia, our ally in the "fight against Terrorism" is our greatest enemy, out of nowhere. China is just as bad. We have to have a strong, interventionist military. That's the bipartisan view, geopolitically.
All of the above oil policy. Bipartisan.
Domestic spying and more powerful warrantless surveillance? Bipartisan at the leadership level.
This shit is nothing different than the run up to war in 1916. 101 years later and here we are again, except this time we're going to civil war our cornpone dictator, Putin, and the Middle East.
"Top of the world Ma!"
[Edit: italics, cuz c99 blockquotes don't do bold ;-)]
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Nice. All three of your replies.
I'm Not Off, Am I? I Mean, This Piece in the Atlantic Kind of
freaked me out.
Like a shot across the bow or something. A Bad portent; freaked me out.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Not off at all, k9disc...
your thoughts ring true and are welcome to my ears as are all good comments having reason or feelings, not to say i am or wish to be an arbiter of other's thinking, just the opposite.
Wittes and Rauch are practitioners at the Brookings Institution. I fancied the work when brought to my attention this morning. I recall its shock to me was in its boldness in laying out the goods on republicans, mostly. That really is all added to my feelings that enough is enough and a challenge to any democrats reading to stand up.
Thanks for your good thoughts, moving the discussion onward.
You're not off.
And that protest paper you quote blew my mind. It's the first time I've felt the tug of an historical connection.
IMO, War and the Intellectuals Is THE Seminal Piece on
corporate/fascist propaganda. The End.
I've felt that ring since I read it. NBB Books, gjohnsit, Seneca Doane, perhaps toquedeville turned me on to it way back in the day.
There really is no visceral shit on the Gilded Age that's not hackneyed, and colored by "Yellow Journalism". All the muckraking of the day is like wallowing in the sewers today. Nobody wants to hear that shit. Wanh WAh!
But this piece by Randolph Bourne, IMO, is one of the seminal pieces in modern history. Until it ceases to ring that clarion call, we're fucked.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
The easiest way to see that the game is rigged
is look at what happened when Obama had a overwhelming mandate and both houses of congress. During the health care debates the democrats let the republicans play with them and they got to take out everything decent in it. Then they said they wanted to make him a one term president and refused to work with him.
But when Trump was elected and the republicans held both houses Schumer and Pelosi said that they were willing to work with him. And so far they have increased the power of the FISA bill, weakened banking regulations and rules for payday loan lenders.
Then there's the legislation that Clinton passed and Obama's sheltering of the banks. Both were willing to put social security up for grabs.
Finally there is both sides and their willingness for the forever wars for the corporations and US hegemony. When's the last time any democrat spoke out about the increasing number of civilians killed?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.