rule of law

"The Republican Party Is a Threat to the Constitutional Order, "

from 'The Atlantic.'

The rule of law is a threshold value in American politics, and a party that endangers this value disqualifies itself, period.

Having distanced myself from years of working as a precinct chair and life-long support of Democrats; primarily because of its promotion of neoliberalism...the falling feather being its treatment of Bernie, i've been reticent to engage in discourse about party, any party.

Rule of Law and its demise

When we [Americans] talk about the rule of law, we
assume that we’re talking about a law that promotes
freedom, that promotes justice, that promotes equality
—U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy

As Glenn Greenwald says in the video below, we have two, and only two, options:

A nation of men, or
A nation of laws.

War or Crime? An Alternative History of 9/11

It’s been 15 years since an unelected administration put us on the permanent war footing we inhabit today, and transformed our nation utterly.

I wish I could say a terrible beauty is born, but unlike the Irish revolution, the post-9-11 American state can claim no beauty to accompany its terrors.