Midnight Special - TEOTWAWKI


TEOTWAWKI - The End of the World as We Know It

It's everywhere if you look. The warnings about war, nuclear war, world war, a big war to end all wars. The U.N. head honcho issued a Red Alert recently regarding the possibility of the Big One. You even see it in the oligarchy corporate media. We recently had people in Hawaii bending over to kiss their asses goodbye. It's real people.

World Socialist Website has a report concerning a warning in the Economist magazine,

"the influential London weekly described by Karl Marx over 150 years ago as the “European organ” of the “aristocracy of finance,” has devoted its latest issue to discussing “The Next War” and “The Growing Threat of Great Power Conflict.” Its lead editorial opens with a chilling warning:

In the past 25 years war has claimed too many lives. Yet even as civil and religious strife have raged in Syria, central Africa, Afghanistan and Iraq, a devastating clash between the world’s great powers has remained almost unimaginable.

No longer … powerful, long-term shifts in geopolitics and the proliferation of new technologies are eroding the extraordinary military dominance that America and its allies have enjoyed. Conflict on a scale and intensity not seen since the second world war is once again plausible. The world is not prepared."


"The world is not prepared."

Ain't that the truth. Then again, how does the "world" prepare for such a thing.

Shouldn't it be more like, "the world better stop this insanity NOW".

I've often thought about whether or not the ruling class would try to wage a major war with Russia and China (because if it's one, it's going to be all) in this the 21st century. It's seems so insane and the potential results are so dreadful, one part of me says they wouldn't dare. But we're only 73 years removed from WWII and 73 years is not a lot of time in the human experience. If they could do it then, they could do it now. The human race has not evolved since Truman lit up Japan with Little Boy and Fat Man. Many people are still alive from that time, it's not like it's ancient history.

Of course the Economist, being the “European organ” of the “aristocracy of finance,” goes on to practically beg the United States to double down on the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), and exactly what they're warning about. WTF?!

"Rather, the Economist urges the United States to develop the “hard power” to defend itself against “determined and able challengers,” presenting the sociopathic argument that peace is best safeguarded by America’s ability to utterly destroy its adversaries."

The premise of the special report is that urgent action must be taken by the United States to stem the decline of its hegemony. It asserts that if the Chinese and Russian ruling classes are permitted to realise their ambition of dominant influence in their own regions, the “plausible” consequence will be a “devastating clash between the world’s great powers”—a world war fought with nuclear weapons."

God Damn these people!

What they're talking about is NUKES, nuclear weapons. That's the stage of human civilization we're now at. We're at DEFCON ONE, Red Alert, it's Happy Nukey Time! Really, if you think about it, it makes sense. Which is why we hear War Criminal Trump (he killed children on Day One, REMEMBER?) give his sales speech to greatly increase and modernize the nuclear weapons stockpile of the United States Empire. (Of course Obama did the same thing.) Because 5000 isn't enough, it has to be more, and more, and more. Fuck.

Here's what we taxpayers are in for:

"The conclusion advanced by the Economist is that America must end “20 years of strategic drift” under successive administrations, which has allegedly “played into the hands of Russia and China.” In a series of articles, its special report advocates that the US spend staggering sums on new nuclear weapons and conventional weapons systems, including robotic and artificial intelligence (AI) technology, to ensure that it retains the military superiority that has, until now, inspired “fear in its foes.”

You would think with all the warnings our government representatives would be just a tad bit concerned. Like maybe trying to put a stop to the end of the world as we know it. Maybe putting that ahead of a FUCKING MEMO.

But both political parties are in too deep. They are the ones that are going to authorize those staggering sums of taxpayer dollars to increase and modernize nuclear and conventional weapons while implementing austerity measures on the middle/working classes and continuing to make the rich as fucking rich as possible. And there will be zero so called progressives to the rescue within the democratic party because EVERY SINGLE ONE will support U.S. imperialism. They have to or they will not be able to function within our political system. Do some research on these new "progressive" candidates and see exactly what they WILL NOT say.

But make no mistake, that is no excuse to accept a system designed to maintain the power of the oligarchy, and one that is leading us and the world to the brink of extinction. This is all on the United States of America and the government that controls it. These two political parties are a danger to the people of this world and of the planet. They must be stopped before it's too late.


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mimi's picture

killing us softly.

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snoopydawg's picture

I'm seeing article after article about people raising their voices on how this country wants to take the world off a cliff by using Smaller Nuclear Weapons the nukes won't cause as much damage and that the world will survive afterwards. Some experts are saying that the threat of nuclear war is closer than it was during the Cold War.

This is one of the reasons why the Russian propaganda is being pushed so hard. Accuse Russia of interfering with the election and telling people that there will be further attempts to destroy our democracy unless we do something to stop them and people won't have a problem with us increasing troops in the countries that share the borders with Russia. But don't tell them that they have been doing this for years before the election. It seems to be working after reading comments from people who believe this.

One group that is pushing this hard is the Council on Foreign Relations which is one of the biggest power group that runs the unelected governing bodies of the Deep State.

Surveying the full scope of the “extraordinary Russian attack on the core of the American democratic system” during the 2016 U.S. presidential election and beyond, Blackwill and Gordon—who served in Republican and Democratic administrations respectively—conclude that, “The United States is currently in a second Cold War with Russia.”

“The Russian effort to destabilize the United States does not take place in a vacuum. Rather, it stems from the Russian president’s strongly held view—shared by a wide range of Russians—that the spread of U.S. regional and global hegemony since the end of the Cold War threatens Russian vital national interests and deprives Russia of its rightful place on the world stage,” they explain.

Will we get any warning about this country deciding that it does need to take the world off the cliff or will we just wake up to a world that has decided that if the USA can't be the big dog in the pond then no other country will be either? The threat of nuclear war is real, but too many people are not aware of it because they have drunk the Kool Aid and they have done it willingly.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

riverlover's picture

What island of Hawaii was under purported threat? It is a chain of islands, not Ohio mid-Pacific. Is French Frigate Shoals the westernmost of those? Nesting ground to birds and sea turtles? Not a tactical scare except philosophically. Geography has never been an American concept.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

That's what I have to keep telling myself anyway. There is nothing that can be done. The force is too great. Everything is fixed, the elites get their way, that's the way it is. They don't listen to the populace till their heads are on a pike.
We have to make our own peace with the universe in terms of having existed, having thoughts, experiences, connections. That's all we can do.

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Just about every war has involved some element of population control. Wars are about money #1, but if they can thin out areas of overpopulation while they're at it, that's an 'added bonus'.
If they ever develop a quasi-eco-friendly nuke, look out. The only thing that has prevented global nuclear war up to now is that the cost/benefit ratio hasn't reached economic feasibility (the economic incentive hasn't overridden the environmental costs).
If they ever develop a quasi-eco-friendly nuke, there will be a multinational agreed-upon nuclear world war.

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Mike Taylor

riverlover's picture

@Mike Taylor which could be "selective"? Then we (I) did not think of such being used internally. Now I wonder. Current Congress really scares me with A) collusion or fealty to POTUS or B) wusses who talk big.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

And I Feel Fine . . .

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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

Big Al's picture

@dancingrabbit Good to see ya.


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Lookout's picture

which may spell our extinction in the near future.

In both cases, war and climate disaster, it is about making money. Our capitalist for-profit system is leading us to extinction.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

earthling1's picture

during the night of the long knives.
Or Nuclear Winter.
Whichever comes first.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

Song of the lark's picture

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