Three Secretaries of State Walk into a Bar


Rex Tillerson, war criminal Secretary of State, had a talk with Condoleeza Rice, another war criminal Secretary of State and pulled a Madeline Albright, another war criminal Secretary of State.

“[The fishermen] are being sent in the wintertime to fish because there are food shortages. And they are being sent out to fish with inadequate fuel to get back. So we are getting a lot of evidence that these [sanctions] are really starting to hurt.”

Isn't that special? Another psychopath for Secretary of State. Who can forget another recent one, Hillary Clinton, and her thirst for the blood of innocent human beings in her quest for power and riches.

But there's a big concern that needs attention. The possibility that the rest of the world, and especially Americans, don't start looking at North Korean people as real people.

"Signs of starvation and death in North Korea indicate that US diplomatic strategy works fine, says the secretary of state. The objective now is not to let Pyongyang evoke sympathy around the world for its sanctions-induced woes.

“What will Pyongyang do now? Tillerson believes that, “The playbook is: OK, we’re going to start our charm offensive to the rest of the world and let them see we are just like normal people like everybody else. We are going to stir some sympathy. We are going to drive a wedge between South Korea and their allies.”

Ya, can't let that happen. The rest of the world needs to understand that those fishermen and other common North Korean people do not deserve any sympathy because their government is eveel. Fortunately for Tillerson and U.S. imperialists everywhere, his hard work as a war criminal will help ensure such foolery won't happen, not on his watch.

“An extraordinary amount of time yesterday in the group discussion was hearing from Foreign Minister Kang [Kyung-wha] of South Korea about how they are not going to let that happen,” Tillerson said.

Like Madeleine Albright made crystal clear about two decades ago, these psychos we call our government leaders think people dying for their quest for power and wealth is "worth it". Both political parties are ALL IN on this no matter how many imperialism supporting progressives some democrats think they can elect.

Sanctions are an act of war, an illegal and immoral act of war because the primary purpose is to punish the common people to get at the government in charge.


In 2016, Congress passed the North Korea Sanctions Enforcement Act sponsored by new Sanders Wing of the Democratic Party Progressive Hero Tulsi Gabbard, whom many Demexit but not really progressives are ready to anoint the next Imperialist Democratic party candidate for President because she fights for the common people, except when she advocates starving them.


"The House passed legislation on Tuesday that seeks to cut off North Korea’s access to financial institutions around the world amid its nuclear provocations.

The measure, passed 415-2, would direct the Treasury Department to ban U.S. financial institutions from engaging in transactions that benefit people or entities associated with the North Korean government.

It would also authorize cutting off financial assistance to foreign governments that knowingly fail to prevent transactions that benefit the North Korean regime."

So ya, Tulsi, Rex says the sanctions are working as planned. They're starving people, just like your Council on Foreign Relations hero Madeleine Albright did to Iraqi children a couple decades ago. Of course, that doesn't matter to Tulsi fans just like it didn't matter to Bernie fans because it's better than war criminals Obama and Clinton.

Which is debatable considering the responsibility of Congress in passing war sanctions against North Korea to starve their people. Maybe everyone of those that voted yes is a war criminal. But then again, can't let unrealistic standards get in the way of beating the republicans.


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Pricknick's picture

I waited patiently for your diary because I knew it was coming.
Our so-call representatives acknowledge that we're causing famine on purpose. They also know that a famished nation can never rise up against it's dictatorship government. But damn, we're good at killing people.
And the bullshit about starving them monetarily is laughable, particularly when other nations to include China and Russia are very quickly moving away from transactions involving the dollar. It's not illegal that way. And does anybody really think that our banks care about legality anyways?
Gabbard is a selective hypocrite. While not showing as many signals of being as morally bankrupt as most, she still exhibits the telltale signs that your cartoon does. Two faced.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Big Al's picture

@Pricknick It's no secret what sanctions are intended to do in most cases. It's right out of the imperialist playbook. Those government representatives sponsoring and voting for the sanctions are responsible for the results.

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Alligator Ed's picture

You condemned only two female secretaries of state for war crimes. Shame! You omitted HER from your list, who not only starved people but bombed them too. Please give the wimmen's their due.

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janis b's picture

@Alligator Ed

you omitted reading Al's essay carefully enough.

Isn't that special? Another psychopath for Secretary of State. Who can forget another recent one, Hillary Clinton, and her thirst for the blood of innocent human beings in her quest for power and riches.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@janis b Apologies to you Big Al as my reptilian brain couldn't retain all the information.

By the way , if this is a joke, where's the punchline?

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snoopydawg's picture

let them see we are just like normal people like everybody else

No Rex, normal people have compassion for those who you decide are not worth living you asswipe! The people who decide to sanction countries know damn well that they only affect the civilians who have no say in what their government does. They know that Kim, the fat pig, is not going to be affected by anything you do to him. Yet you sociopaths continue to do that every time a country doesn't roll over for ours.
Madeline there is "a special place in hell waiting for you when you finally shuffle off this mortal coil!

Good lord! She was shown children who had been affected by the sanctions and didn't even pause before answering the question. "A very hard choice, but it was worth it." Worth what? What was accomplished with letting children die horrible deaths from sickness and starvation you heinous hag?! What did you and your fellow sociopaths get from 500,000 children's deaths? How many mothers are still weeping for their child?

I guess I found words after all. With a heavy heart, sigh.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

People are starving in Sonoma County right now as I type this, my compassion is stretched as thin as it can get. Might as well keep going. Too bad I'm an empath, LOL whatever the hell that means. I like the new name for our Grocery Overlords "Hell Foods Market". Used to be a Texas Corporation, now a walking zombie death virus spreading globally for the win. Win win! "alexa send me a rocket launcher" lmao

The apologists are out in force for Tulsi and Bernie, the window dressers. Yeah dkmich totally polluted my mind with "Everything is a rich man's trick." Especially the Ruskies under the bed! wtf Someone made a drive-by reply here not long ago, paraphrasing: "NK is not in Russia or China". How many people know it is closer than I am to Nevada right now? Hands up if you knew that. U.S. Education Department has failed so badly for so long, citizens can't even find their ass on a map.

good luck
P.S. This is a "five week month" for all grannies in the ditch stuck on fixed income, in case you didn't know. Poor people have budgets too. She gets "coupons" for fast food vendors at the other end of town from the "food" bank, or maybe some salty can of something, or box of crackers. This is Cloverdale, where tourists are supposed to come and eXperience the half billion dollar wine industry, cannabis terroir coming soon. Because scarcity means profit, and nothing says scarcity like branding with a patent. Intellectual Property and cannabis for the win win. Yeah, NOPE. The Marley and Willie estates can go fly fucking kites. After all those years, that is what they were waiting for? Here ya go: (giant flushing sounds)

You cannot get any more fake or inhumane in Northern California (I HOPE), poverty and hunger are not beautiful. Not at all. They are by-products of the disgusting pig capitalists, and the lobbyists who own them. Ugly puppets forced your mother to live in a tent, 'cause she lived too long and never "worked" enough. "That's the system". Thanks goodness mine died before I became adult, and my brother too. The others are long lost to booze, 'cause the economy is so great!

California D-Values
please proceed governor
next up "silver bar" newsom

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gulfgal98's picture

there is absolutely no hope for mankind. Being a fairly optimistic person in general, it is becoming more and more difficult for me to find hope when our systems are all being run by sociopaths and psychopaths. The depth of man's inhumanity to mankind is showing itself to be far greater than most of us can ever imagine.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy


both political and economic. But there is always room for hope in people. Our general acquiescence to the evil doings done in our name may have more to do with ignorance and propaganda than with our essential nature.

Few who know me would think of me as an optimist and not without good reason. Yet I am thoroughly committed to the idea that we all begin with a spark of goodness. We may forget it or betray it, but it is always there waiting to be nurtured and to grow. Those few who exclusively seek positions of power and wealth squander their gift and can become truly monstrous. Unfortunate that there are so many of them are in government and large corporations.

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

Big Al's picture

@gulfgal98 control our governments, it's also the ideological differences and ignorance that have been created among the people. While I still believe most people are good by nature, these sociopath/psychopaths continue to convince people to stand with them. Somehow we have to find a way to give the power to the people so we can have control over our lives and this planet instead of being ruled by the rich. Power to the people, same old thing.

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wendy davis's picture

and invited the venezuelan military to over-throw 'the tyrant' maduro, who has been found guilty by the Imperium and its lackey states (incuding the OAS) of egregious human rights crimes, and has been deemed 'a threat to US national security by both Obomba and Orange Julius in the past. both weighed heavy economic sanctions again his mis-rule' and the state-owned oil company. an of course, VZ has the 4th or 5th largest oil reserves on the planet, not including the offshore field that Rexxon is in court suing to get.

at the end of august, 2017, the Orange One issued an EO for even more weeping sanctions:

"But they stop short of cutting off U.S. imports of Venezuelan oil that are crucial both to Venezuela's economy and U.S. oil refiners.

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence had signaled the upcoming move earlier, tweeting that the U.S. "will not stand by as Venezuela crumbles."

"The birthright of the Venezuelan people has always been and will always be libertad," he wrote, using the Spanish word for "freedom."

can we hear some har, har, please? last thing the ruling class of amerika wants is 'liberty' in the socialist nations... now at the time, 'trump hadn't ruled out military options', but on ground hog day, this:

Tillerson says Venezuelan military may turn on Maduro, from the bbc

and of course the bottom had fallen out of the oil market just as chavez died, and maduro was elected president as hugo had wished. yes, they had failed to diversify, and have been trying to, but the nation has become a punchline to western 'journalists'. and you can bet your sweet ass that the cia in other guises such as USAID have been in the thick of the street protests, and are whispering sweet everythings to the military higher-ups.

and of course the sanctions have hit hard, and all this came a few days after maduro had announced a pre-sale of oil-backed cryptocurrency. earlier, russia had lent them some money, too. yanno: solidarity. sure folks are hungry, commodities are in short supply (with the help of Colombians raiding warehouses, 'borrowing them' for their own purposes. but not as the MSM would have it. "they're recommending raising rabbits to stave of hunger!" and photos of plates empty save an old biscuit or some such: "this is what i have to eat today in VZ!" pfffft.

on noon edit: ‘Venezuela's Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino said "the armed forces radically reject such deplorable remarks" by the U.S. secretary of state.

Venezuela's Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino has slammed comments made by U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who mused about the possibility of an internal military coup that would topple Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.’, telesur english

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Big Al's picture

@wendy davis who died recently.

"A former Colorado Rockies and Florida Marlins pitcher died in his native Venezuela of pneumonia that baseball colleagues say was made worse by medicine shortages in the crisis-wracked nation."

Most people have no clue what the U.S. and friends are really doing down there and why.

Oil plus the protecting democracy bullshit can mean only one thing to our government.

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wendy davis's picture

@Big Al

but the coverage was short on details as to timing, cause (bacteria, virus MRSA or worse?). but yes, a hit on VZ, softer than it might have been. I'd thought I might have been Andrés Galarraga (the big cat), who played for the rockies from ‘93-‘97 while I was still a fan.

but you'll no doubt love this as much as I do:

neil clark at RT: “Imperialism – which today is usually referred to by the euphemism ‘liberal interventionism’ – went on Trial at the Waterside Theatre in Derry, Northern Ireland this week.
Five passionate and well-informed speakers, who included the former British Ambassador to Syria Peter Ford, detailed the carnage and chaos that has been unleashed around the globe by the aggressive, warmongering policies of the US and its closest allies.

The event could have been called ‘War on Trial.’ It might have been called ‘Regime Change on Trial.’ Or ‘Economic Sanctions on Trial.’ But it was – thanks to organizer Gregory Sharkey – called ‘Imperialism on Trial’ and, as the first speaker, the writer and broadcaster John Wight declared, that in itself was highly significant.” [snip]

“In my address [video above], I stressed how important it was to see the US-led attacks, interventions and destabilization campaigns against sovereign states of the past 20 years as part of the same war, one waged for total global domination. Independent, resource-rich countries usually with socialist/socialistic governments and economies which weren’t controlled by global corporations, have been targeted, one-by-one. In each case, the leaders of the countries concerned were relentlessly demonized. They were called dictators, even though in the case of Hugo Chavez and Slobodan Milosevic they had won numerous democratic elections and operated in countries where opposition parties freely operated.

The ‘target states’ were subject to draconian sanctions which created economic hardship and a ‘pressure cooker’ environment, which usually resulted in street protests against the government, egged on by the US. The governments were then told ‘the world is watching you’ and ordered not to respond, even when violence was used by protestors. The same strategy was deployed in Yugoslavia in 2000, Ukraine in 2014, and Venezuela in 2017. In Afghanistan and Iraq, we had a full-scale invasion (based on the ‘fake news’ that Saddam possessed WMDs) and in Libya (and Yugoslavia) a NATO bombing campaign.”

next speaker was ‘the intrepid’ eva barlett:
“Bartlett told how we’re encouraged to see North Korea as a threat but no context is usually given, nor is there mention of the utter devastation caused by US bombing back in the 1950s. Down the decades, there have been regular threats from leading US figures to obliterate North Korea.
“What the North Koreans are doing is defending themselves,” Bartlett said.” then george galloway, and so on... Im forced to remain agnostic on milosevic due to sheer ignorance, myself.

when ya have time, read the essay at wsws at on the military buildup in minneapolis for the stupid bowl; mind-boggling.

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Lookout's picture

@wendy davis and big Al

In an effort to discredit Venezuela's upcoming presidential election, the Trump administration is rallying conservative governments in Latin America to discredit the vote and isolate Venezuela. If the opposition enters the race divided and if new economic measures work, President Maduro could still win explains Lucas Koerner (video and text)

Hey, Venezuela like Honduras, is supposed to be OUR banana republic!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


Spreading democracy, everywhere they go, in a bloody paste trampled underfoot...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Lookout's picture

@Ellen North

In the 1980's our little band did a tour across Guatemala. It was a time of horrible events, but we were immune and naive. There were several stops at military blocks, but they usually were just spraying the van with a med fly pesticide. It is a bloody path...

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


You were fortunate to come out unscathed... Although at least a few were held accountable for some murderous crimes; if all were, every time, I suspect that it might dampen the current enthusiasm of some for espousing the committing of war crimes as 'foreign policy'. (Going to shut up now, in case I can't stop.)

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

mimi's picture

... oh, I am losing hope. It's getting worse every day.
Unfortunately your essay makes sense. Unfortunately we are victims of this mess.
It's really necessary to have something to cling to ...
Just saying.

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Bisbonian's picture

in the U.S. Army Field Manual in the early 2000s, attacking the people of a country for the political reason of getting them to change the actions of their government is not only a war crime, it is the textbook definition of terrorism.

Yeah, they changed it. They threw in the word "unlawful", because, a la Nixon, if the Army does it, it's not illegal:

"The unlawful use of violence or threat of violence to instill fear and coerce governments or societies. Terrorism is often motivated by religious, political, or other ideological beliefs and committed in the pursuit of goals that are usually political."

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

wendy davis's picture


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