Open Thread - Friday, February 2, 2018

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There is a theory going around that the United States was and still is a gigantic Masonic plot under the ultimate control of the group known as the Illuminati. It is difficult to look for long at the strange single eye crowning the pyramid which is found on every dollar bill and not begin to believe the story, a little. Too many anarchists in 19th-century Europe—Bakunin, Proudhon, Salverio Friscia—were Masons for it to be pure chance. Lovers of global conspiracy, not all of them Catholic, can count on the Masons for a few good shivers and voids when all else fails.
― Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow

Hola amigos, es conspiración semana!

Dots connected by The Atlantic (long article; cliff notes Smile ) ->

The Plot Against America
Decades before he ran the Trump campaign, Paul Manafort’s pursuit of foreign cash and shady deals laid the groundwork for the corruption of Washington.

This was the world that brash novices like Manafort and Stone quickly came to dominate. The Reagan administration represented a break with the old Republican establishment. After the long expansion of the regulatory state, business finally had a political partner eager to dismantle it—which generated unprecedented demand for lobbyists. Manafort could convincingly claim to know the new administration better than anyone. During its transition to power, he had run the Office of Personnel Management, which meant that he’d stacked the incoming government with his people. Along with Stone and Charlie Black, another veteran of the Young Republican wars, he set up a firm, Black, Manafort and Stone, which soon compiled an imposing client list: Bethlehem Steel, the Tobacco Institute, Johnson & Johnson, Trans World Airlines.


Foreign lobbying had certainly existed before the ’80s, but it was limited in scale and operated under a penumbra of suspicion. Just before World War II, Congress had passed the Foreign Agents Registration Act, largely in response to the campaigns orchestrated by Ivy Lee, an American publicist hired by the German Dye Trust to soften the image of the Third Reich. Congress hadn’t outlawed influence peddling on behalf of foreign interests, but the practice sat on the far fringes of K Street.

Paul Manafort helped change that. The Reagan administration had remade the contours of the Cold War, stepping up the fight against communism worldwide by funding and training guerrilla armies and right-wing military forces, such as the Nicaraguan contras and the Afghan mujahideen. This strategy of military outsourcing—the Reagan Doctrine—aimed to overload the Soviet Union with confrontations that it couldn’t sustain.

All of the money Congress began spending on anti-communist proxies represented a vast opportunity. Iron-fisted dictators and scruffy commandants around the world hoped for a share of the largesse. To get it, they needed help refining their image, so that Congress wouldn’t look too hard at their less-than-liberal tendencies. Other lobbyists sought out authoritarian clients, but none did so with the focused intensity of Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly. The firm would arrange for image-buffing interviews on American news programs; it would enlist allies in Congress to unleash money. Back home, it would help regimes acquire the whiff of democratic legitimacy that would bolster their standing in Washington.


In 2003, Rick Davis, a partner in Manafort’s new firm, was invited to the office of a hedge fund in Midtown Manhattan. The summons didn’t reveal the name of the man requesting his presence. When Davis arrived, he found himself pumping the hand of the Honorable Nathaniel Philip Victor James Rothschild, the British-born financier known as Nat. Throughout his young career, Nat had fascinated the London press with his love interests, his residences, and his shrewd investments. For his 40th birthday, he threw himself a legendary party in the Balkan state of Montenegro, which reportedly cost well over $1 million—a three-day festival of hedonism, with palm trees imported from Uruguay.

Russian oligarchs were drawn to Rothschild, whose name connoted power—and he to them. “He likes this wild world,” Anders Åslund, a friend of Rothschild’s, told me. Rothschild invested heavily in post-communist economies and became a primary adviser (and a friend) to the young Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska.
Rothschild and Deripaska fed off each other’s grand ambitions. Like a pair of old imperialists, they imagined new, sympathetic governments across eastern Europe that would accommodate and protect their investments. Their project required the type of expertise that Manafort had spent years accumulating. In 2004, Rothschild hired Manafort’s new firm to resurrect the influence of an exiled Georgian politician, a former KGB operative and friend of Deripaska’s then living in Moscow. This made for a heavy lift because the operative had recently been accused in court as a central plotter in a conspiracy to assassinate the country’s president, Eduard Shevardnadze. (He denied involvement.) The rehabilitation scheme never fully developed, but a few years later, Rick Davis triumphantly managed a referendum campaign that resulted in the independence of Montenegro—an effort that Deripaska funded with the hope of capturing the country’s aluminum industry.

Hmmm, aluminum and money laundering. What could a remote aluminum smelter have to do with DJT? How do you screw with an oligarch, letting them know you have some leverage? Rothschild is what you would expect, a Rothschild.

Did WikiLeaks prove the Illuminati exists? SECRET US Government Rockefeller talks revealed
WIKILEAKS has released a cable showing the US Government had secret talks with a member of the Rockefeller family over where to hide the family of the disposed shah after the Iranian revolution.

The release, which details top-secret dealings between then Secretery of State Henry Kissinger, and business tycoon David Rockefeller, is likely to fuel one of the longest running conspiracy theories - that the US Government is actually run from behind the scenes by a secretive global elite known as the Illuminati.
The Rockefellers is an American industrial, political, and banking family that made one of the globe's biggest fortunes in oil from the late 19th century.
John D Rockefeller and brother William Rockefeller made this primarily through Standard Oil.

The family went on to control Chase Manhattan Bank and is considered the most powerful familiy ever in the US.

Conspiracy theory websites list the Rockefeller family as one of 13 top Illuminati dynasties and claim they are attempting to install a New World Order upon the Earth, which would ultimately be one global Government controlled by them.

Politics Kleptocracy makes strange bedfellows.

REVEALED: Inside the 5 secret societies that REALLY control the world…
SOME conspiracy theories are absolutely absurd - but genuine secret societies that exert a mysterious influence on the world have existed for centuries.

Here is’s list of the top five most famous and powerful secret societies who carry out bizarre rituals and conduct their business behind closed doors.
1. Skulls and Bones ...

Koch Bromance with Russia Needs Investigating; Koch Funding Behind Nunes-Gowdy Attempts to Scuttle Russia Investigation?
Representatives Devin Nunes and Trey Gowdy who appear to want to undermine the Trump-Russia investigation by the House Intelligence Committee are recipients of Koch money. From 2006 to 2010 Devin Nunes got $45,000 from Koch related PACs: His entire career he has gotten $56,500 from Koch Industries:
Trey Gowdy got $8000 from Koch PAC(s) for the last election alone:,_2016 Trey Gowdy got at least $35,000 from the Kochs over his career (2009-16). This, of course, pales compared to the $300,000 or more which David Koch has given VP Mike Pence: However, some sell-out on the cheap.
In 1929 to 1931 Fred Koch, father to the Koch brothers, was in the Soviet Union building oil refineries for Stalin. He built refineries for Nazi Germany, too, prior to World War II. He returned to Russian in 1956 with a group of business people. He was in Iraq in 1958, just prior to the Iraq Coup/Revolution. Prior to working in the Soviet Union, he worked in England. See FBI documents embedded here: and here:

Where is the evidence that he ever stopped doing business in Russia? It has been noted that it was only after this last trip that he became vocally anti-communist. Why? Or was it a cover for continued dealings with Russia? He was a founding member of the John Birch Society. Trump mentor, Roy Cohn, through whom he met Roger Stone (and apparently Paul Manafort) was also a member of the John Birch Society. In 2002, a Koch company imported petroleum from TNK to sell to the US government for its strategic reserve. It probably still imports Russian petroleum products – a lot is still imported. Did the Koch family ever stop working in Russia? Someone was already importing petroleum in the mid 90s. Who imported it? Are THE Kochs related to the Fred C. Koch, journalist, who was of Volga German ancestry, from Kolb, Russia? Putin kingmaker, Roman Abramovich, was born in Saratov, along the Volga river in Russia.

Why do congressional conservatives act like they do? Is there a group of marionettes?

Mitt Romney’s Bailout Bonanza
How Mitt and Ann made millions—and Mitt’s hedge fund donors made billions—from the auto-industry rescue that he condemned.

Mitt Romney’s opposition to the auto bailout has haunted him on the campaign trail, especially in Rust Belt states like Ohio. There, in September, the Obama campaign launched television ads blasting Romney’s November 2008 New York Times op-ed, “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt.” But Romney has done a good job of concealing, until now, the fact that he and his wife, Ann, personally gained at least $15.3 million from the bailout—and a few of Romney’s most important Wall Street donors made more than $4 billion. Their gains, and the Romneys’, were astronomical—more than 3,000 percent on their investment.

It all starts with Delphi Automotive, a former General Motors subsidiary whose auto parts remain essential to GM’s production lines. No bailout of GM—or Chrysler, for that matter—could have been successful without saving Delphi. So, in addition to making massive loans to automakers in 2009, the federal government sent, directly or indirectly, more than $12.9 billion to Delphi—and to the hedge funds that had gained control over it.

One of the hedge funds profiting from that bailout— $1.28 billion so far—is Elliott Management, directed by Paul Singer. According to The Wall Street Journal, Singer has given more to support GOP candidates—$2.3 million—than anyone else on Wall Street this election season. His personal giving is matched by that of his colleagues at Elliott; collectively, they have donated $3.4 million to help elect Republicans this season, while giving only $1,650 to Democrats. And Singer is influential with the GOP presidential candidate; he’s not only an informal adviser but, according to the Journal, his support was critical in helping push Representative Paul Ryan onto the ticket.

Extortion plain and simple.

Hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer’s ruthless strategies include bullying CEOs, suing governments and seizing their navy’s ships

Hedge fund managers are rarely the quiet, retiring type, but few are as boldly bare-knuckled as Paul Singer, the founder of Elliott Management.
Singer, who took home $400 million last year, makes his fortune through activist investing. While other investors are content to buy shares or bonds, and wait for them to accumulate value, Elliott Management, which oversees almost $33 billion, specializes in taking stakes in companies or institutions where it can shape the outcome. That can include agitating for changes in leadership, or spending years and million of dollars in court pursuing its interests.
Elliott Management is perhaps most notorious for its 15-year battle with the government of Argentina, whose bonds were owned by the hedge fund. When Argentine president Cristina Kirchner attempted to restructure the debt, Elliott—unlike most of the bonds’ owners—refused to accept a large loss on its investment. It successfully sued in US courts, and in pursuit of Argentine assets, convinced a court in Ghana to detain an Argentine naval training vessel, then docked outside Accra with a crew of 22o. After a change of its government, Argentina eventually settled and Singer’s fund received $2.4 billion, almost four times its initial investment. Kirchner, meanwhile, has been indicted for corruption.

Floating assets: The Argentinian navy’s training vessel (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)
Most recently, Elliott drew attention for its campaign against the management of Arconic, a manufacturer of auto and aerospace components. While waging a proxy battle to control the board, Elliott took aim at CEO Klaus Kleinfeld, calling him ineffective and a wasteful spender. After months of attacks, Kleinfeld responded in April with a bizarre letter that appeared to be an attempt to extort Singer by hinting at embarrassing behavior that took place at the 2006 World Cup in Germany (Kleinfeld enclosed a soccer ball with the letter). Once the letter was made public, Arconic’s board fired Kleinfeld and, not longer after, reached a settlement (paywall) that gave Elliott much of what it wanted.

More extortion. Paul Singer, uber rich and more powerful than Argentina.

So there you have it, a secret society of the uber wealthy are pulling the strings. The "state actor" stuff is for the masses. No doubt, the uber wealthy utilize intelligence services, and purchase politicians, but it is all about the money. The only difference between Russia and the USA is that congress acts as a middle man. Their allegiances are to themselves and amassing wealth, not a nation state, mystical sky being, nor humanity.

Get the dark money out of governance! The lesson of the Trump presidency should be to overturn Citizen's United, and tax extreme wealth down to living very comfortably. After all if you have hundreds of millions to buy politicians, you don't need the money for your business, or sustenance.

So deplorables, unwashed masses, shitholers, libtards or whatever label the secret society propaganda machine pins on you, do not pick a side because political parties, religion and nation states are just a veneer. The politicians are either part of the uber wealthy secret society or have been subjugated using their greed and lust for power, to do the uber wealthy's bidding.

Note to Devin Nunes: See how easy it is to construct a conspiracy theory, numb nuts. You should have stayed on the farm. When your usefulness is used up, what you know will bury you. You may not fear the legal system, but the puppet masters will take you out.

On to immigration reform, so I can sprinkle in a few more songs, featuring one of my favorites, Carlos Santana.

I am sure rational minds will prevail.

Have a great weekend!

The thread is OPEN.

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NCTim's picture

You can not hide from the surveillance state anyway.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

NCTim's picture

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

NCTim's picture

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

NCTim's picture

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

Azazello's picture

Hillary fans were shocked and some were driven mad that year. They had been hearing for months that She had a 90% chance of winning, or was it 99% ? This was not really the case, of course, national polls showed Trump pulling even with Her in August or September. But still, everybody expected Her to win. And then She didn't. In their shock, their disappointment and their desperation it was easy for Hillary fans to believe that some malevolent foreign force had intervened. When She said "Russia", they knew it had to be true. Turns out it was a late infusion of "dark money" that bought victory for the Orange One, not $100K worth of FB ads.
[video: width:500 height:300]
Now we're being told that "the Russians" will surely try to "meddle" in the 2018 congressional elections. Maybe, but it's also true that the Koch Bros. and friends have pledged nearly $400 million to influence races in November.
Sometimes conspiracy theories are true.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

NCTim's picture

@Azazello Dark money from polluters, pay day lenders, for profit education grifters, fake Christians soothsayers, industrialists, bankers, financial security hustlers, ... Nationality is not the common trait. It's about the wealth/power. It just so happens that Russian oligarchs are in the game, along with the Kochs, Paul Singer, Sheldon Adelson, Falwell grifter Jr., Graham grifter Jr., Norquist grifter, NRA, coal barons (now on the ticket in WV), insurance companies, big pharma, ... Citizens United made it more that way, on purpose. The grift in on!

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

NCTim's picture

@Azazello The Atlantic article is fascinating for name drops and black ops. Which led to the following paragraph, with interesting links:

Hmmm, aluminum and money laundering. What could a remote aluminum smelter have to do with DJT? How do you screw with an oligarch, letting them know you have some leverage? Rothschild is what you would expect, a Rothschild.

There are Russians playing the game, but it is about wealth and power, not nation states.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

Azazello's picture


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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

Now would be a great time for Bernie and his U.S. Labor backers to join in, put on their comfortable shoes why not. Shut down some ports and watch how fast the roaches come back to table with a few more dollars. Bare shelves on Bezos plastic package aisles! Dog forbid that, the whole system would collapse and then what? Workers of the world unite.

German industrial workers shut down auto sector as strikes spread

Industrial workers across Germany’s automotive and electrical industries are fighting for higher wages and a voluntary reduction of the workweek with a third day of 24-hour strikes. Yesterday, they shut down the entire auto industry in southern Germany. More than half a million workers have expressed their readiness to fight by taking strike action.

Automakers impacted by the strike include Mercedes-Benz, Daimler, Porsche and Audi, as well as parts suppliers Bosch, Mahle, Schaeffler, Kolbenschmidt, Powertrain and ThyssenKrupp Rasselstein. Earlier, Ford workers at plants in Cologne struck and shut down all assembly lines.

At almost all the 250 companies where IG Metall held strike votes, between 95 and 100 percent of the workforce backed strike action. This speaks volumes about the workers’ readiness for struggle. It is not merely a declaration of hostility to the executives in the boardrooms and their political representatives, but also the trade union itself, which is desperately seeking to restart talks with the corporations


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NCTim's picture

@eyo I worked for a large multi-national, writing software for industrial automation. Our group had offices in Nice, Frankfurt and cosmopolitan Raleigh, NC. Both the French and German, salaried/exempt employees, had more PTO (paid time off; US term for how to make you use vacation for sick time and force you onto disability in the case of sickness longer than vacation time), were regulated to shorter hours and belonged to guilds/unions. They also received better educations and training. It was not uncommon for highly skilled technical staff to strike. Often, the basis was simply working conditions. I remember a situation where there was a strike about noise and noise remediation. It was pretty simple, the company involved needed to make the capital investment to reduce the work place noise, and the staff forced their hand.

I automated and airplane buffing gantry for Fokker Aircraft.

Upon arrival, I spoke with the engineering supervisor and being a naïve American, I asked, "What time does the work day end?". He said, "3:30". So I asked, "What time do you turn off the lights and lock the doors?" He said, "3:30". How disappointing having my evenings free, in Amsterdam.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

Depends on who you ask know. Forget it Jake, it's "in both the board chambers and on Facebook".
Celebrate the duh.

One Northern California county is considering selling seized weed

Yolo County supervisors came across an interesting question recently, which stirred conversation in both the board chambers and on Facebook:

What does the county do with $15 million in illegal cannabis?

The question first arose last October after Yolo County Sheriff’s deputies conducted nine raids on suspected illegal grow sites in rural areas of the county. The raids resulted in 13 arrests and copious amounts of untested black-market weed.

and raids continue all over the state, there is so much of that "illegal" person plant everywhere. See how it works when the petty tyrants who were opposed from the beginning, have to implement a 60+ page lobbyists dream of a signature-bought law? This is only the beginning. good luck

welcome to california
Gaius Publius: Do Mainstream Democrats Really Want to Eliminate Carbon Emissions and Fossil Fuel Use?
It's my opinion that California and New York must become independent of all Democrat politicians, and Republicans too. For a start, that is all. Cheers.

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Lookout's picture


Just wait till the "memo" comes out today. Then even more CTs will be spread...on both sides of the aisle.

Capitalism has led us to the global rule/reign of the oligarchs. Worshiping at the alter of profit, people and the planet are sacrificed. On we go. Sad but true. Pawns in the game. Democracy (if it ever existed) a kabuki theater to entertain the masses and make them feel they have a voice.

Alright, I'll take off my silly hat and get back to today's reality. I hope you all have a good day!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

NCTim's picture

@Lookout To understand that an oligarch orchestrated the overthrow of the government of Tajikistan, to corner the Aluminum market, stole the employee owned factory, laundered the proceeds through Trump companies and DJT's look into Aluminum imports is a shot across his bow, intended to keep him quiet.

Likewise, it is not too tough to draw lines between the Rockefellers and the fleecing of Iran, nor the Rothschilds and dirty money. Or the Kochs and how or congress critters legislate. Or Paul Singer extorting the auto bail out. Or Paul Singer, extorting Argentina.

The window dressing, secret society/illuminati/..., is humor meant to belittle the political class. The warning to Nunes is real, he is punching far above his weight class and will not outlive his usefulness.

We are at war, just not with another nation state. The enemy is the .01% and their enablers.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

Lookout's picture


It was a joke about conspiracy day and Aluminum...a weak one I admit.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

NCTim's picture

@Lookout I was self conscious about people misreading and missing the snark.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

orlbucfan's picture

have-nots continues. Only this time, there is a x-factor: global climate change. Weirdos have been aware of these unfortunate things for a long time. Doing to see Arlo Guthrie tonight. I'm sure he's got plenty of opinions on the Orange Dimwit and his handlers/enablers. I have always liked his music.

Sadly, his music will be more true now than when he released it--back in the day. Sad Rec'd!!

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

NCTim's picture


The Privatization of Water: Nestlé Denies that Water is a Fundamental Human Right

Cape Town tightens water restrictions as 'Day Zero' looms

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

enhydra lutris's picture

starting. Yes folks, if you hadn't noticed, elements of the foreign press continue to report on US affairs, the US economy, foreign policy, wars, civil rights issues ,and politics; and not always favorably. Forget RT and Facebook, what about The Guardian, The BBC, AFP, Asia Times, Die Zeit, Le Figaro, el Mundo, Their numbers are legion. We are under attack! Circle the wagons!

However, kindly remember that the longest running war in the world, and the US is the class war. It is not noticeably geographical. All of the sturm und drang is between and among the exploiter class, the oligarchs and elites, the captains of industry, and their politician lackeys over who gets to direct the spoils and run the show. You, I, we, us, them nasty furriners and sneaky coastal subversives are, in the end, all the victims or intended victims. The fact that foreign and domestic information sources deviate from the FBI, GOP, Dem, NSA, CIA, WaPo, WSJ, NYT official approved narrative is good, for they are trying to awake the sleeping dragon that is we the hoi polloi. Black Lives Matter is not the problem, and less so is the fact that they have been given support and had attention directed to them by unapproved media sources. Arise, Huelga even, avanti o popolo, organize and resist or be eaten and enslaved.

That is all. Your favorite sit-coms will return in a few minutes. Thank you for your moment of attention.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

NCTim's picture

@enhydra lutris
As inequality soars, the nervous super rich are already planning their escapes
Hedge fund managers are preparing getaways by buying airstrips and farms in remote areas, former hedge fund partner tells Davos during session on inequality

What a sensibly solution! Davos is for thought leaders!

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

NCTim's picture

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

enhydra lutris's picture

sitting. Thanks beaucoups mucho. You really think guitarists like Carlos?

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

spreading democracy is nothing more than enriching Chase Manhattan bank.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security