State of the Union - Disgusting

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The lies. The two farcical political parties and their idiotic fucking clapping and sitting and standing and the ties and the greedy old white men. The asshole president and the robotic vice president behind him looking like he needs some Metamucil. The people who watch it and analyze it like it's some kind of democracy or something. The talking heads who try to tell you what shit means.

I'll tell you the state of the union in one word and in much less time - disgusting.

Our government is disgusting and that's where it starts, unfortunately. That what's defines the State of our Union. It's not you, it's not me, it's this fucking political system.

I should make it clear however that I just got home, did not watch any of it and haven't read any summaries, critiques or comments other than a few on Caucus99Percent.

But it doesn't take a brain surgeon as the saying goes.

It's not just Trump. It's not just the two parties. It's the entire system. The lies tell the story. EVERY single politician of both political parties accept and perpetuate the big lies. They ALL pretend this is democracy, they all support war and imperialism, they all know this political system serves the rich and powerful and their corporations, banks and financial scams.

And they have the nerve to sit there on national television in front the world and make fools of themselves and every one of us that calls the United States of Amerika home.

To those still thinking the democratic party is the lesser evil and can be reformed, or even moved to the left - electing so called progressives who support U.S. imperialism and the BIG LIES won't change a thing. And EVERYONE OF THOSE CANDIDATES do just that, they support U.S. imperialism and the BIG LIES, because they have to. And it not just that they have to, it's that the only ones who can get close to the Holy Grail are those that are too chickenshit to challenge the BIG LIES.

I've had people tell me, trying to excuse democratic party politicians, that it is political suicide to be anti-imperialism and bring up the BIG LIES like 9/11, the agenda to rule the world and the fact that we don't live in a democracy.

Are you kidding me? That's as Orwellian as it gets to accept a system that prevents the truth and encourages lies.

It's nights like tonight that should prove to sensible Americans that the political system in this country needs to be replaced with one that actually represents democracy. Because this one isn't democracy, it's a fucking joke.

On us.


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janis b's picture

I didn’t hear Trump either, but I did hear an interview on my way home with Sharon Mazer.

Sharon Mazer, is an Associate Professor of Theatre and Performance Studies at AUT who has written several books and articles about professional wrestling in the US. Tomorrow she will be speaking at a symposium on Popular Story Telling, hosted by AUT.
Her theme is Populist performance research: from Professional Wrestling to Donald Trump.
She argues that Trump's role in the Battle of the Billionaires WWF match, back in 2007 that helped propel him to win the 2016 US election. She joins us to explain why.

The timing of this interview (in sync with his SOTU) also couldn't have been more perfect.

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Big Al's picture

@janis b The great Robin Gibbs.
Also fitting that the fake WWE contributed to the election of a US president.

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janis b's picture

@Big Al

or just serendipitous. Knowing Kiwi humour, it could have been intentional. Even if not, it was a welcome substitution.

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Hillbilly Dem's picture

I didn't watch the SOTU address either. I prefer your words to Trump's. Like you, I don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

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"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey

Alligator Ed's picture

Al, you were quite right about the sitting Dems and the applauding Reps (as in Reptile). But some of the gems (if you turned the sound off) were Nancy Pelosi chewing her gums during the speech, Rick Perry staying awake, stoic-faced Pence, terminally tired Steny Hoyer, and that huge fat Gooper whose name I don't know nor want to. (Shame on me for body shaming, eh).

There were a few positive aspects to the speech, which was, as expected, overly-replete with self-congratulatory applause.

1. Promises to improve VA services for veterans. This has been a disgrace since at least Viet Nam.

2. Promises to see drastic cuts in pharmaceutical prices.

3. Compromise on immigration, which actually is more reasonable than the Dems' plan.

Good portion of the time was spent on the growing economy, rising wages, gain of 200,000 manufacturing jobs.

A promise of $1.5B infrastructure spending was open-ended as to permit privativation of at least some of the work--maybe a lot of it.

But the Trumpeter lauded the resurgence of "wonderful clean coal" and energy independence (naturally entailing further environmental raping).

He lauded responsible government made possible by cutting regulation. This is an oxymoron, as all here are aware.

His billionaire cabinet along with Ben Pyramid Carson were beaming appropriately, including bankster Mnuchin who owes his freedom to the Camel.

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mimi's picture

@Alligator Ed
and won't listen to the State of the Dung Speech. Though it goes against my 'non-journalist' standards of a blonde housewife.


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mimi's picture

I don't find the speech disgusting. I find the fact that you have such staged speeches in that format very discomforting, but am not disgusted, rather deeply helpless in making Americans aware, of why foreigners might not be that enchanted with their Congress' staged hollywood-style performance. But what the heck, not my role to judge other folks cultures.

I am thankful for the camera crew who shows some "pan over the audience" clips. I realized that Melania Trump was scared. I read her bio now here and assume her working class childhood and early adulthood has an influence on Trump. I would not underestimate her.

Very tired now. I can't listen to more lolly-pop-we-can-do-it-all-together-as-family etc. speeches.

So, what is it that is causing the Americans to be so discomforting to the world in the way they talk? To me it's the fact that we are declared friends and allies without ever having been asked if we want it to be. Trumps words killing us softly ... I remember that song...

I guess it's the fact that they never were immigrants in other countries and dependent on those host countries' tyrants or undemocratic bureaucracies. I can't help thinking, it's because they never had experienced self-induced total collapse of their own country's bureaucracies and financial and political institutions. I hope for all of the 99 percent of American folks that they don't have to experience it, but wished they could do so without going overseas with their military and causing mayhem for those countries' populations.

Let me just say it is very tiring, saddening to realize that the dealer in chief is selling some lemons and many, many people in the audience and around the world know it in the back of their minds. I just want to go to bed and sleep another round.

PS. Now I am going to read smarter people's commentaries. May be it helps.

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

@Alligator Ed @Alligator Ed
Pence always has the look of a cult disciple when staring at the back of Pres Shithole's head. Always.

PS. Here is a fact check on Pres Shithole's truth stretching and lies.

PS2. Trump will never lower drug prices. And I'll bet my ant farm he has no real intention of trying to doing so.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

@Citizen Of Earth in my view to make it look like he worships Trump but I see a glimmer of something a bit uglier - like he's only waiting for that idiot to implode and then he will be in power to implement his fanatical RWNJ "Christian" agenda. He gives me the creeps. The idea that anyone would think Pence is better than Trump just floors me.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur


Me, too! Looked to me as though Pence was mentally sloooooowly drilling a hole in the back of Trump's head, possibly to release the squirrel within, (which evidently is now too embarrassed to leave his tail visible atop Trump's noggin anymore).

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@Citizen Of Earth Staring at his personal Jesus.

Or perhaps jealousy, as Stormy Daniels got to see the Great Trump in his tighty-whities, whereas Pence has to go home to "Mother" every night.

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mimi's picture

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Socialprogressive's picture


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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

Kennedy- a staged show of vapid platitudes; Bernie- 'I'm going around teevee to tell you a little of what is behind Oz's curtain. I nearly fell off my chair laughing at the lies'.

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@bygorry A lot better than I expected. And he has actual speaking skills, unlike Orange Caligula. How long before the Dem establishment tries to muzzle him?

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

Can't really stand any political speeches anymore. Actions tell the real story and President Shitholes actions have already said it all.

I laughed when I heard Melania Trump broke long standing tradition of accompanying the Pres to the SOTU speech. Sounds like cracks forming in the Presidential marriage. I guess she no longer wants to kiss the lips that have traded spit with a porn star. Hahhaha.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

farce. I don't think I've watched one since Obummer, a that might only have been being in a bar somewhere it was turned on. It is all lies and sickening beyond my endurance to watch all the kiss asses nod and smile. And then there are the real hypocrites who sit there and frown who are almost more disgusting, to me at least, because that's all a big show as well.

I saw an article in Common Dreams this morning about the Kennedy rebuttal - the photo I saw may have been one on file but if not, not only did he not mention climate once but he was standing in front of an American muscle car? How tone deaf can one get? But hey, he's a Kennedy, why not use some of that notoriety to try in a desperate attempt to bring all the sheep back into their tent. He will save us! Good God.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

earthling1's picture

He is at least repeating the same talking points as he always has.
It can't be a bad thing. Eventually, it will sink in.
If you keep repeating the same truth over and over again it becomes......truth.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

Nothing on our neoliberal, regime changing, hegemonistic foreign policy. It is extremely disingenuous because, for one, you cannot create the domestic changes he touts without a dramatic change in how we allocate our resources. And, let's face it, we will never have our hearts and minds aligned towards domestic equity until we believe in true respect for the sanctity of foreign borders and policy. If you are one of those who believes our military supports democracy worldwide, I suggest you look into that further. And the only mention about the border fence is to state that Trump promised Mexico would pay for it????? Not a word about what a terrible, useless plan it is. We need true progressives leading our nation - from the local to the federal level. Disappointed but not surprised. He called out Russia for interfering in our elections but not the Democratic party for destroying his own candidacy.

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Big Al's picture

@crescentmoon and you're right, it is disingenuous to talk about middle class America while our government spends trillions on Imperialism and kills innocent people in illegal aggressive wars.
Although I don't really know what a progressive is considering the range of people who refer to themselves and others as such, it seems to me that's the typical stance of most progressives, to ignore and/or support imperialism while focusing on internal social and economic issues.
I don't think we need more progressives, I think we need more radicals.

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travelerxxx's picture

@Big Al @Big Al

Edited. Deleted my comment so that I don't get a visit from certain government representatives .... and I don't mean the elected kind.

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I agree.

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Strife Delivery's picture

it is disingenuous to talk about middle class America

I know you said more after that but I stopped it here for a reason - there is none.

Politicians time and time again talk about "middle class". People in this country like to view themselves as rich, middle class, (another new class of working class), and poor.

"We need to help the middle class."


The middle class is almost dead. Those in the middle class are doing A-OK. Those that are rich are doing great. Everyone else is not.

Put another way: Too many people continue to view themselves as middle class because of the positive connotation of that but also the negative connotation of not being that. Again, if you're not middle class, you are either the rich or poor. Well, here in America you can't be one of the poors and if you live in a trailer you can't call yourself rich so... middle class you stay.

When I was in high school (late 2000's), there was a kid I used to talk to. He told me how tough it was for his family because they lost (supposedly) $700,000 in the stock market from the recession. He then told me he was just like me - me a person living in a trailer. He was a narcissistic, coddled child who thought he had it "tough". The dad is a doctor so obviously he had it tough.

Now, I'm off topic and ranting on an old life. The point is, with 50% of Americans making $30,000 or less, the middle class is this mirage we hold onto. It's a feel-good drug that many use to avoid the stark realization that they are poor.

P.S. I'm not ignoring the rest of what you said about imperialism and the like. I just have noticed this continued framing of middle class in this country (not saying that you automatically were or anything).

P.P.S. I wrote an entry here on how progressive is a dead term, co-opted and mangled beyond recognition. My internal politics haven't changed but it seems the descriptors I use have to change. Of course there isn't a mad rush to co-opt socialist so I can stick with that one. The thing is that you could have a beautiful marriage of anti-imperialist sentiment and domestic revival. Close bases, end wars, reallocate funds to rebuilding America. Easy one-two (would also include prosecution and jailing of war criminals but yeah).

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