Celebrating Community, the Team, and the memory of The Pootie Queen
If i could tell you how being showered with a tsunami of love feels, I would. But I’ve not that great a gift with words, though wordsmith on occasion I attempt to be, this thank-you can not reach the heights of the largesse you good people deserve.
In deepest respect, the following has been composed in hopes I do not “overstep the bounds of modesty” as my foolish center-stage ego is wont do do on occasions. I’m leaning on great artists and metaphor to do the heavy lifting for me.
Please join me in celebrating the colonizers of love who built this great community.
Never in my life have so many stepped up to send their love, touching me down deep in newly found waves hence unknown to me.
“A Cry in the Wild ~ Jack London
“There is an ecstasy that marks the summit of life, and beyond which life cannot rise. And such is the paradox of living, this ecstasy comes when one is most alive, and it comes as a complete forgetfulness that one is alive.
This ecstasy, this forgetfulness of living, comes to the artist, caught up and out of himself in a sheet of flame; it comes to the soldier, war-mad in a stricken field and refusing quarter;” and it came to me through a cornucopia of ringing PayPal notices singing another friend is here; almost breaking me in half as the magic lifted my broken spirit made fragile by circumstance and choice—a shining moment never to be forgotten.
In loving memory of Tricia Wise
The weight of the world
is love.
Under the burden
of solitude,
under the burden
of dissatisfaction
the weight,
the weight we carry
is love.
Who can deny?
In dreams
it touches
the body,
in thought
a miracle,
in imagination
till born
in human—
looks out of the heart
burning with purity-
for the burden of life
is love,
but we carry the weight
and so must rest
in the arms of love
at last,
must rest in the arms
of love.
No rest
without love,
no sleep
without dreams
of love—
be mad or chill
obsessed with angels
or machines,
the final wish
is love
—cannot be bitter,
cannot deny,
cannot withhold
if denied:
the weight is too heavy
—must give
for no return
as thought
is given
in solitude
in all the excellence
of its excess.
The warm bodies
shine together
in the darkness,
the hand moves
to the center
of the flesh,
the skin trembles
in happiness
and the soul comes
joyful to the eye—
yes, yes,
that's what
I wanted,
I always wanted,
I always wanted,
to return
to the body
where I was born.
~ Alan Ginsberg
Wherever you go, whatever you do, pause to remember, the Queen of Hearts lives in us all.
Thank you caucus99percent members for leading the way. Because of you, I’m going to Knoxville, Tenn. on March 28 to begin Proton Beam Therapy, the best care available. I’ve a bell to ring and when I do, I’m ringing it for you.
Honoring the team, the kindest friends a person could have; in alphabetical order: Colorado is the Shiznit, gulfgal98, Jekyllnhyde, Johnny the Conqueroo (JtC), joe shikspack, OPOL and 2thanks.
“We all walk life’s trail to the end. Some fall a lot, some race through, some timidly step, many are handicapped from the beginning; others are along the way; most follow the leader and into hell quite often. A few strike out alone.” ~ South Bound
Tell others what they mean to you before they walk on.

A special note for the members of c99p.
A few weeks ago, I screamed into the online wild. My call was answered here on c99p, my home away from home for the past year where we talk of fixing roofs, walking the dogs, politics, and whatever strikes one’s fancy. A slightly different version of this diary will be published on Daily Kos around 11:04 am Eastern. It’s only fitting that it publishes on c99p, first.
Thanks for doing it here!
I don't go over to TOP any more, so It's really nice to see work I enjoy here.
Great tunes, BTW.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
This is where the magic lives. :) cheers!
Thank You, Smiley!!!
For being a very valued member of our CC99 family. We will be with you as you travel to Knoxville for your proton beam therapy.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks GG....
Ain't it great to see all these good new folks, I'm elated for JtC, Joe, you and the other bedrock members.
ring it, smiley ; )
Beautiful hecate, thanks for sharing, my friend.
Good luck, smiley7
I'm relatively new here so not aware of everyone's history but I understand enough to wish you stupendous results. I hope that things go well and the trip and treatment bring you much health, happiness and peace.
Welcome to c99p and thanks for your kind words
Great news, the best of luck with your treatment.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thanks el....
for all you do here on c99p and cheers for supporting me.
Great news smiley...
so glad you'll be on your way to Knoxville. Life is so short all we can do is grab each other and hold on. Carry on, my Brother.
nuff words, let's sing....
All the Best to You, smiley7
We all hope that brighter days are ahead of you.
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
Ah smiley7 ...
just looking at your "nom de C99p" makes me already smile. You are the male version of a sweetheart. Thanks for all your words and music. And that therapy, it's a good one. It works even for other tumors, but probably the best for prostate ones. Just look forward to get healed, it will happen.
I miss the pootie queen, but long for a doggy king... Looks like at c99p the dogs are in the majority. Those who own them, are just smart enough not to bow to any king..
mimi, love your daily voice...
for you, my friend:
glad to hear that your needs have been met and you can go and give your full energy to healing without needless worries.
good luck with the treatments, we'll be thinking positive thoughts in your direction.
I so appreciate you smily7
I'm glad the online community helped you out. If nothing else it is good to know people love and care about you. It's healing. I enjoy your quirky music and poetry posts the lift my spirits. I do hope this wonderful site does not stop being about life. love, music and other points of view beside our insane partisan politics This too is my home away from my ex-home. This place is where I'm grounded with both feet on the ground. I may make forays over to dkos but it I quickly scurry back here. I really don't care about dueling pols of mass deception , kabuki, pointless fake races, nationalism and our sick brand of hateful violent anti-democracy in the guise of a democracy. I do care about humans globally, the world we live on, community and people like you outside the gates of Eden. Get well and heal dear smiley7. Hope you keep posting about things positive even if your proselytizing against the negative two minutes of hate. I am going to vote for Alan Ginsberg, one of my favorite humans ever. Who better to throw your vote away for?
I'm stony broke at this point but I can send you good vibrations and some heathen prayers including a song to dance to that was a hit before your mother or grandmother was was born.......