Lies, Lies and Damned Lies
"I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don't believe anything the government tells me". George Carlin
Remember the good old days of Samantha Power and Colin Powell? Like with Trump as president, just when you think it can't get any worse, along comes Nikki Haley, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.
She's out doing damage control for Trump after "that book" came out telling the world that Trump is a strange man-child who thinks he's a "stable genius".
"U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley on Sunday defended staffers in the Trump administration as loyal and patriotic after an explosive book claimed White House aides are worried about President Trump's mental stability.
"I know those people in the White House," Haley said on ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopoulos."
"These people love their country and respect our president. I've never seen or heard the type of toxic language that they are talking about...No one questions the stability of the president," she continued."
Ya, whatever Haley, go back to the U.N and hold up some uranium or something while lying your ass off in front of the international suits.
The real gem however was what she said about the writer of the book and evidently some people quoted in it.
"Haley on Sunday also pushed back on the claims made in the book.
"I am always amazed at the lengths people will go to lie for money and for power, this is like taking it to a whole new level," she added."
Here we have an unpolished but quintessential liar for the U.S. government that is trying to rule the world for money and power, telling the nation that she's "amazed at the lengths people will go to lie for money and for power".
There's a term for that, I can't quite find it. Crazy? Insane? Stupid? Fucking whacked out to the max? Imbecilic? Idiotic? Childish? All of the above?
Of course, that's just my opinion. What about most people who read her statements in the oligarchy's corporate media? Does anyone buy that? Can anyone read or listen to that and not think, "you fucking hypocrite and all like you". It's hard to believe but the answer has to be yes. Some Americans will buy anything. You could tell them that, say, Grenada was an existential threat to the United States and they would demand the government go nuke Grenada. Or you could tell them that Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei has been throwing babies out of incubators while biting the heads off of bats when listening to Black Sabbath and they would demand the government invade Iran and take back our music.
But this?
"I am always amazed at the lengths people will go to lie for money and for power, this is like taking it to a whole new level," she added."
Joe the Plumber is one thing but what about the power players in D.C., the corporate media heads, the think tanks, and all the rest of the leeches at the head of the sociopathic gravy train? Are they capable of looking at that statement and shaking their heads in disbelief at the incredible hypocrisy and out right ignorance displayed by the United States' representative to the United Nations?
Evidently not. Our government at the highest level is filled with imbeciles, childish narcissists, ultra white conservative assholes and people that will not only lie for money and power, but bomb, kill and starve anyone that gets in the way.
These people are not right, man.
This won't change, not with this system of government. The only answer is to take away their toys, i.e., this political system, and put them in time out, like forever.
Abolish the presidency! Demand democracy!

Back to the Cretan Paradox
Here it is:
1. I am a Cretan
2. All Cretans lie.
A seminal NZ moment ...
David Lange: And I'm going to give it to you if you hold your breath just for a moment ... I can smell the uranium on it as you lean towards me!
Heh! RT has something to say about Haley
RT has been covering this obnoxious woman's ranting at the UN and her insistence that the Iranian people need our help. Both the Iranian and Russian ambassadors reminded her of how our country treats its protesters. They called her out on the OWS and Ferguson protests. What's even more hypocritical is that this administration wants to imprison 200 people for felony rioting, even the ones who had nothing to do with the protest.
The article goes on to talk about how massive amounts of Iranians came out to protest for the Iranian government. It also derides our media and social platforms. The entire article is worth reading.
I remember the Kuwait Babies being thrown out of incubators. The woman who said that was in DC when that happened.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks for the link sd.
Nikki Haley?
She da Pompatus of Politicianitis, for rizzle.
Hypocritical is the word
you're looking for, Big Al.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Corpses of Souls
When Life Imitates Art
Walker Percy in his 1971 dystopian novel “Love in the Ruins” paints a picture of a morally degenerate America consumed by hedonism, wallowing in ignorance, led by kleptocrats and fools, fragmented into warring and often violent cultural extremes and on the cusp of a nuclear war. It is a country cursed by its failure to address or atone for its original sins of genocide and slavery. The ethos of ceaseless capitalist expansion, white supremacy and American exceptionalism, perpetuated overseas in the country’s imperial wars, eventually consumes the nation itself. The accomplices, who once benefited from this evil, become its victims. How, Percy asks, does one live a life of meaning in such a predatory society? Is it even possible? And can a culture ever regain its equilibrium when it sinks into such depravity?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Oh good!
I want a Pony!
Bolton without the mustache.
Mushroom cloud mushroom cloud mushroom cloud
Thanks Big Al, do I need to link that phrase? I searched "mushroom cloud bush cabinet fox" for instant gratification, remember in the old days we had to schlep to a church basement or house party somewhere to watch "OutFoxed". Censorship! lol Remember how Rupert Murdoch became chief pie hole for the lunatics, sixteen years ago? Not enough flushing sounds. Edited to add: wiki linky.
“The definition of insanity” is the most overused cliché of all time. Clue, oh clue.
John Lennon - Gimme Some Truth (Lyrics)
Arbitrary systems, pl.n.:
Systems about which nothing general can be said, save "nothing general can be said."
Listening to her (what little
Listening to her (what little I could) and watching her read and turn pages from that notebook reminds me of the little Jewish boy on Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update. You know, Jacob, the Bar Mitzvah Boy, with the soft little voice of this cute little boy reading something which is way over his head and knows nothing about. When asked a question, he can't even answer anyone. He just sits there quietly and uncomfortably.
Then mix that with Cecily Strong's Cathy Anne on Weekend Update...and you have Nikki Haley. It's hilarious on Saturday Night Live...pretty scary in real life.
In life, as in dance, grace glides on blistered feet. ~Alice Abrams
Haley is merely
one more damned embarrassment that America has foisted upon itself. The rest were horrible too in their slimy ways, but she's really topped even their level of idiocy. Well, maybe. Yes, a full blown hypocrite, put into her position by more full blown hypocrites. She's a perfect representative of this country - loud, ignorant, hysterical, and completely unhinged. USA, USA, USA!!!!!
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Haley's chopped lettuce logic
question everything
She's so very pathologically Bush-Admin loon that I begin to wonder if Trump Admin advisor/mentor Cheney personally
programmedrecommended her...Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.