Thank You
I want to take this opportunity to thank all the content providers, commenters, readers and those that just lurk without registering.
Thank you to all essay writers, from the prolific to the singular, you folks are the structural backbone, the raison d'être.
Thanks to all who publish the weekly open threads and weekly series, it's not easy doing that week after week, you folks are the community backbone, the personal heartbeat.
Thank you to all the commenters, this place wouldn't be near as interesting without the myriad comments that embellish the great essays, the wisdom and insight in the comments cannot and should not be underestimated. You are c99p's intellectual melting pot.
Thank you to all of our readers and lurkers. We are all trying to make sense of this craziness we are witnessing as local, national and global events unravel around us and I hope we bring a small modicum of reading enjoyment and understanding to your lives.
A special thanks to my moderator compadres who help take up the monitoring slack and provide priceless advice and guidance behind the scenes. I'd be lost without you guys and gals. Thanks for putting up with me.
And a very special thank you to joe shikspack, my administrator brother. I lean on him constantly. He is always spot on level headed and always there when I need advice. His Evening Blues series was where we met at DKos and where we became good buds. His series is the centerpiece of c99p. I and this site would be a mess without his presence.
I also want to shout out to the original core group that made up this site before we exploded in membership two Marches ago. It was we that developed the concept and direction that this site ultimately took. I know the Great Migration changed things here but the underlying fundamentals remain, those being non-partisanship and civil open discussion. I believe that is what sets us apart from most discussion boards.
And a special thank you to Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal, it was her vision many moons ago that ultimately lead to the creation of this site. There will be more coming up about that soon as she and I are writing a two part series about the history of c99p.
I'll end this with a comment I left today in Lookout's The Weekly Watch. It was his comment that spurred this essay. In his essay he made this statement:
Consider JtC and his approach to running C99... with one of his rare essays recently urging us toward more meaningful, kinder conversation and interaction. You are a gift, Brother.
My reply:
Thank you Brother Lookout...
nah, I don't consider myself a gift. But I do consider you and all that contribute content as the true gifts. If it weren't for the great writers and commenters here who give much of their time and effort c99p would be non existent. It's the membership that makes c99p what it is.
Nah, I'm not a gift, I'm the nuts and bolts guy and that's enough for me. Seeing y'all enjoy this site is a gift to me.
Thanks to you all and have a joyous holiday season!
That about sums it up for me. It's the members that make c99p what it is and I thank you all for that.

I've heard more than enough...
about me the last few days. Now it's about you.
Thank you.
Actually, thank you JtC
keeps us together turning the pages.
Cheers and Happy Holidays to you and all
that help keep this place what it is.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
What a nice essay, JtC. You are the best.
May I add a second WOW too. You have written more essays in the past week than in the entire previous year. And all of them were great.
Thank you, thank you, JtC. Without your website knowledge, the vision created by CSTMS and those of us in the original Google group could have never been realized. Thank you again. for creating a home for those of us who had been wandering around the net looking for the right place to land and C99% is just that place.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Aw shucks gg...
thanks, but c99p would be nothing without the membership.
I Now Know the Secret to Your Success, JtC
You are a person of considerable talent! Thanks for everything.
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
That cartoon...
says it perfectly! Thanks JnH, you and yours have a Very Merry one!
it is about "us"
I see JtC as the carpenter that built the house that is the home of our community...and that is indeed a gift.
The nature of our community is based on our ideas and the way we share them. Life in a digital world requires adapting to no facial expressions, vocal tones, body language, and so on. We need to consider that as we interact.
I so appreciate all of your insights...even those with which I disagree. Because it makes me think outside my box. I love the way everyone sites their sources and backs up their views. Keep thinking. Keep writing. Keep learning.
Here's wishing us all wisdom, peace, and joy now and in the future.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
As one who came with
the migration, thank you for providing such a sturdy place to land. You welcomed us with open arms. You allowed us to work through our grieving process of letting TOP go at our individual paces. You allow us to work out our differences now.
This place is a community. I'm privileged to be here. This place is indeed a gift.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
It takes a village (awful, bad use of the term by someone)
but I think we have coalesced into one. So many handles with unknown faces! But here we can (usually) trust and be pleasant or polite like on the village commons. May that continue. Let's keep our sheep grazing on the green.
I was part of the diaspora, appreciate nearly no gang-ups here, unlike another site. A shut-down week for many; I am having a hellofa time getting half my mind-list done each day. I appreciate having you all to lean on.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Great essay, thanks!
As so many have so eloquently shared, my thanks as well for this community here and the opportunity to learn and grow in the continuous journey we are on.
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
Thanks JtC
I'm sorta a Grinch this time of year. To make up for it, here's the prettiest song I know of.
Steamroller is a tradition with our family for years. Enjoy.
I want a Pony!
Great to be able to sip and taste your
Wonderful writing again my friend.
My favorite saying from this time of year would like to pass on to all:
"Peace on earth, goodwill to all!"
May all have perfect health, wealth, love and creative self-expression!
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Thank you JtC
and Joe, and all the moderator folk, and all the OTs, and the really fabulous writers here, and those who flesh it all out with great comments.
After, I hang out here a while, I come away feeling rich. Rich in wisdom, rich in compassion, rich in foresight, rich in the the big picture world view. Rich. The real rich.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
This community is special because of you, JtC!
May the conqueroo's magic live on and on.
w/gratitude and love.
Thank you JTC
I know I haven't been around much this last year but I do believe I'm coming home. We had a year from hell this year but in a way it ended well, at least on a personal cleaning up our act level. Politically I have a hard time engaging online and off as it's all seems to be a meaningless exercise in a spectacularly bad kabuki show. I miss everyone here and perhaps FB has lost it's pull as the jokes are getting sparse and the politics and 'news' seems to go around in the same circle. Have a merry Christmas or whatever you call the winter festival. Thanks again for keeping the lights on as it's so dark this year. I'll be back for more instead of just lurking I'll try to wade in without angry contention.
Snoopy is on his way to bring presents to the people who
make this place so special. Presents for joe for his EBs, JtC for keeping the lights on, for those who decided to create a place so that people can speak their minds without having to censor themselves and for everyone else here who adds to this site with the essays and commentary.
No one will be getting coal in their stockings because it's okay for families to have a tiff every now and then.
There is a lot of uncertainty about what's going to happen next year and I think this has a lot of us on edge, but we know that we will need each other to find ways to survive this and that's why I'm thankful for this site. We'll have each other's backs.
Wishing everyone a Happy Holiday whatever your plans are.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I really hope I am able to personally
meet some of you someday. This place is really a life line to me. Thanks so much everyone!
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
Regardless of what anyone says (even me) it takes a fair amount of persistence to survive a week, much less 3 years (yawns, examines his fingernails and contemplates 12 years blogging, 10 years of DocuDharma- older than, and 7 years of The Stars Hollow Gazette). I hope and expect you'll be around long after I am dust (though I'm 120+ and my doctors assure me I'm in excellent health).
If my contributions are useful I'm happy to share them. If they aren't I'm not offended.
I think you understand but let me make it explicit and public that while I'm dedicated to my own sites I certainly wish you success and do what I can to promote it.
The New Year can't help but be better, this year kinda sucked.
Happy Christmas one and all...
from a reasonably stable genius.
I recognize that...
it's the Felis Catus controlled bulb smacking cessation method of Christmas Tree ornamentation. Correct?
We bought a tree/decorations
With guaranteed 'Fred Protection'™. Easy to put up, decorate, and take down.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I knew it!
I took the online course, Feline - Christmas Tree Protection Systems, and I aced it. That was money well spent.
Lol, I remember the days when my cats would climb
up the trees. Love the name Fred for your cat. My aunt has the sweetest cat who likes to visit with my dawgs. He will come in and lay besides Abby, but Charlie is scared to death of him, won't look at him and jumps into my lap.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The cat rescue named him Fred
But with various Fred(ericks) in our families, we already liked the name, so kept it.
We miss Oscar, but Fred is a very likely lad.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Is Fred missing? If so I found him
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Sounds about right!
from a reasonably stable genius.
Hey barkeep...
A heartfelt Thank You to JtC, joe s, and
all the other great writers/thinkers who make this site the welcomed refuge that it is. Happy Christmas, Holiday, and New Year everyone!! Rec'd!!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.