Thursday Open Thread 12-21-2017

To bounce back from hardship is one expression of resilience. Another common theme is to be able to provide the basics of food, shelter and health in the event of modern civilization disruptions. Maybe more important is the ability to maintain civil dialog and open communication with whom one disagrees, disapproves of or feels intimidated.

Like any skill, practice improves ability and consistency in high stress situations. If and when a revolution starts in this country we may miss the signs at the beginning. Our expectations are based on past revolutions and major societal changes, history does repeat itself, but usually not a carbon copy.

Van Jones on change, empathy and reaching out beyond our comfort zone. A thought provoking 12 minutes.


Farm Report
Snow covered fir trees on Mt Hood pass last week.
soe fir.jpg

Few changes in the landscape this time of winter, except for snow storms. It is easy to fool one's self nothing is happening. Dormant stage is for the collection, consolidation and focusing of power to burst into a growth stage.
soe solstace.jpg

In small protected spaces communities have formed, trying to survive and get a head start during the growth phase.
soe life.jpg

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studentofearth's picture

The trend towards less darkness has always brightened my mood.

Best wishes this Winter Solstice.

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

Wink's picture

4 outa 5 days last week is gone this week. So, I guess what we shoveled last week we're breathing this week. Can't find my tv remote and it's stuck on History channel. How does a tv remote disappear? And, where are the 12 yr. old kids with shovels when you need one?

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

studentofearth's picture

@Wink Remotes, phones and keys regularly disappear and reappear. The reappearance of a lost object happens quicker if one goes out and buys a replacement.

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

NCTim's picture

A very interesting product that seems to work well. Plant health improvement is visible to the naked eye.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

riverlover's picture

@NCTim What is the product trying to feed? Zinnias? Mini-pigs? Humans?

Another night with dozing episodes. After a week+, my mind is as scattered as this keyboard is with spacing. I have two other keyboards here. Just requires a shutdown to tip over the CPU to access the back. Which only requires clearing off a little footprint in front.;-)

The latest US Littoral Combat Vessel, USS Little Rock, departed Buffalo yesterday to transit the Welland Canal around Niagara Falls and cross Lake Ontario before entering the St Lawrence seaway. Broke down, still has not entered the locks to lower it to Ontario level. Deja vu? We can't build ship mechanisms now?

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

NCTim's picture

@riverlover The soil bacteria and fungus, which in turn breaks down soil nutrients into more easily absorbed compounds. The aloe vera is full of simple carbs and sugars that the micro herd thrives on.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

riverlover's picture

@NCTim I "get" the soil microbes thing. I was a biologist, I guess I still am, but limited. Dementia is a toughie. I am going through that now. Irreversible. Depressing and anxiety-causing. Not as bad as ALS, but you lived through that while Sue died. See, now I am doing strikes back. I used to be able to contain that.

Have a good Thursday.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

NCTim's picture

@riverlover The dementia and ALS, I think, are similar but different. With ALS, there is very little cognitive degeneration, which makes the neuro-muscular degeneration particularly difficult to deal with. Unfortunately, dementia is often accompanied by aging and mobility issues. Layer on a heavy dose of Randian catalyst dying social policy and life is a gas.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

studentofearth's picture

@riverlover No one to provide a little guidance or support when necessary. Think about your welfare often. Have mentioned this article on Dementia I wrote at DailyKos in a comment months ago, If you have read it sorry for being pushy, if you have not might find it interesting.

Both my parents had medical conditions and treatments that could contribute to dementia. Fortunately we were able to minimize general mental function loss and episodes, partially by not over treating the primary medical conditions.

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

riverlover's picture

@studentofearth I have Dxed cerebellar shrinkage and imbalance issues. Even though my house has multiple staircases, I am (currently) not falling and use those as exercise. Multiple bone fractures from falls, and bad results from two implants. I just found a caregiver, and am trying to be helpful but hide from her. Furosemide is a killer. K and Mg doses, causing loose bowels. It gets endless. Except for one end (pun unintended). Still fighting. Call into PCP today to help with Rx drug management. I can't sleep, 2 hrs max, and am more frustrated with that state sitting up than prone.


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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Wink's picture

keyboard, and you ain't gotta fiddle with the back of your computer.
I use this one...
Connects to three separate devices with the push of one of those blue (or yellow) buttons.
No wires, no nonsense.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

studentofearth's picture

@NCTim in some 21'st century marketing and advertising lingo. Not a bad place to start learning to grow food. Assuming this was a new marketing plan after watching the founder's delivery of the promotional video posted in 2014. Products are available at independent nurseries, national chains (Home Depot) and regional chains (Fred Meyer).

The potting soil meets one of my major criteria - no sewage sludge. It is rare for a gardening site to provide growing information on dandelions. A highly underrated plant.

Thanks for the link and music.

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

enhydra lutris's picture

well as providing nice morning music.

The miracle product ingredient list is fascinating:

ProMoisture Hydrate® Arizona Aloe Vera – ProBiotic™ Micronized Beneficial Soil Microbes & Mycorrhizae – Northern California Hemp Protein Powder – Brown Rice carbohydrates – Soy Flower Amino Acids – Norwegian Kelp Flower – Alaskan Seaweed Extract – Whole Wheat Carbohydrates – Wild Caught Deep Sea Fish Bone Meal – Extra Virgin Black Strap Kentucky Molasses – North Texas Yucca Extract – Ancient Lignite Humic Acids – Green-fed Earthworm Castings – North Dakota Mined Colloidal Soft Rock Phosphate – Utah Mined Potassium Sulfate & Wisconsin Whey Protein blended with 100% pure Love!

No information on what percent of which, but it sounds like a hodge-podge of possibly composted production and processing scraps, waste and by-products from assorted other products (not necessarily a bad thing), a little bit of molasses and worm poop and, an old, old miracle ingredient -- Ancient Lignite Humic Acids. That stuff, in the proper concentration really is good for the soil and the crops.

I looked into that stuff a bit in the seventies - a long story I will skip for now. Many sources and uses - here's the Wiki's lead graph

Humic acids are a principal component of humic substances, which are the major organic constituents of soil (humus), peat and coal. It is also a major organic constituent of many upland streams, dystrophic lakes, and ocean water.[1] It is produced by biodegradation of dead organic matter. It is not a single acid; rather, it is a complex mixture of many different acids containing carboxyl and phenolate groups so that the mixture behaves functionally as a dibasic acid or, occasionally, as a tribasic acid. Humic acids can form complexes with ions that are commonly found in the environment creating humic colloids. Humic acids are insoluble in water at acid pH, whereas fulvic acids are also derived from humic substances but are soluble in water across the full range of pH.[2] Humic and fulvic acids are commonly used as a soil supplement in agriculture, and less commonly as a human nutritional supplement. As a nutrition supplement, fulvic acid can be found in a liquid form as a component of mineral colloids. Fulvic acids are poly-electrolytes and are unique colloids that diffuse easily through membranes whereas all other colloids do not.[3]

Here's the kicker: Ancient Lignite Humic Acids. Not sayin' it's a bad thing, but that right there is coal dust or slurried coal dust. But buried ground hardwood charcoal played in huge role in mayan agriculture and is making a comeback. I'm just thinking that this stuff should be almost free, since the raw materials almost certainly are.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

mhagle's picture

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

mhagle's picture


Two episodes here and the first is about snow. The second episode is the first time I thought about the beauty of Winter Solstice. It opened some things up for me.

Also . . . thanks for the OT and all the great comments everyone. So enjoyable. Smile

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

QMS's picture


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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

studentofearth's picture

@QMS What is the name of the symbol. Looking up the different point has been interesting and informative, but still not found the symbol.

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

QMS's picture



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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Lookout's picture

The term solstice comes from the Latin word solstitium, meaning 'the Sun stands still'. It's also called the day the Sun turns around.

Don't worry we have a fire covered with a tarp and still dry. We'll light it in about 2 hours (10:28 CT) when the sun's rays are directed at the tropic of Capricorn. The lighting of the fire will bring back the sun, it's light, and it's warmth. Well that's the myth anyway.

It is a wet day here, but over 50 degrees. I'm brewing Gluhwein to sip by the fire. Have you ever had any? This is basically the way I make it.

Glühwein - German Mulled Wine Recipe

Ingredients: Makes around 8 servings

• 1 bottle of red wine. Use an inexpensive full bodied fruity wine. You definitely do not want to use an expensive bottle and try to avoid one with oak aging. I think a Gallo Ruby Cabernet would be ideal. Or a red Zinfandel or Syrah - Shiraz.

• 2 - Cinnamon sticks – Cinnamon is very traditional. Break the sticks into pieces 1 – 2 inches each

• 16 Whole Cloves – again a traditional ingredient

• 1 Orange

• 2 Tablespoons runny honey

• 1 heaped teaspoon mixed ground Christmas cake spices – or equivalent amount of any of ground allspice, nutmeg, coriander mixed together

• Water – wineglass full


1. Put water in large pan and place over medium heat.

2. Add cinnamon honey and spices.

3. While honey is dissolving cut the orange into quarter lengthways, then cut them in half so you have eight pieces. Push two of the cloves into the skin of each piece and add to the pan.

4. Pour in all the wine.

5. Bring the heat up. It should not boil so as when bubbles start rising turn the heat off.

6. As soon as it is cool enough to taste, test it for sweetness. If it is not sweet enough add honey to taste and stir to dissolve.

7. Let the pan stand for an hour or longer so the flavours develop.

8. Warm gently before serving and spoon out into a heatproof glass, leaving the oranges and cinnamon behind. Optionally garnish with slice of lemon or fresh stick of cinnamon.

(PS – heat all ingredients till syrupy then add wine)

I just strain mine to remove cinnamon etc.

So cheers everyone, and Happy Solstice!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

@Lookout a good mulled wine recipe, thanks. In the Wiccan tradition, yule is either the end of the year or the beginning of a new one. Monday's new moon would be the celebration. Making a fire sounds like a great idea. Barely above freezing here.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Raggedy Ann's picture

Happy Solstice Day! This is what we celebrate and will be making a pilgrimage to our favorite place this evening in honor of the occasion - I'm so happy to be moving toward the light after today.

Van Jones can be really awesome and going beyond our comfort zone takes courage and a willingness to be open to whatever it brings - thanks for the video.

My last day at work for two weeks, YIPPEE! Busy time, so the day will go fast.

Have a beautiful day, folks! Pleasantry

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

another bad month

The Democratic National Committee raised $5.7 million last month, the lowest amount raised in a November in 10 years, according to new Federal Election Commission data.

Since 2008, the DNC has raised at least $5.9 million per year. Odd-numbered years are usually far lower than even-numbered years, but still, it was the lowest November fundraising total since 2007, when the DNC received only $4.4 million.

rnc is doing great

The Republican National Committee announced Wednesday it raised $8.2 million in November, outraising the Democratic National Committee by $2.5 million.

The RNC’s November haul brings its 2017 fundraising total to $121.4 million. It is also the most the national campaign committee has ever raised in the November of a non-election year, according to the RNC.

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studentofearth's picture

@gjohnsit still on a progressive purge and Russia blaming. Locked in their own reality and created a circular firing squad.

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

QMS's picture

@gjohnsit to get money out of politics. Starve the crooks.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

enhydra lutris's picture

freezing this morning and a few specific surfaces had a thin layer of frost. Due to cool off, so it is time for row-cover and other such regimens. (Speaking of resiliency).

The revolution is maybe evolving and getting sneaky, but it is probably being co-opted too. (This week only, 1/2 off on all "Resistance" T-Shirts at Walmart) A question that comes to me is how much co-option can occur without some real change accompanying it. Example would be "organic".

When we think back to what organic was about, how it was supposed to work and what it was supposed to achieve we see small, pastoral, hands on, labor intensive, additive and pollution free, working with nature, etc. In part because of that, it garnered premium prices. Now, in retailers across the country, there are miles and miles of stacks and piles of not only organic produce, but organic processed foods. Organic chopped tomatoes by the 12 pack at Costco.
All that processing is done in an organic fashion? How about the "fresh" aspect?
That enormous volume is truly produced organically?
Obviously, machines are involved, even machine work in the fields. At best a fraction is fresh from the dirt to you. We have big ag organic. But, at the soi and water level, at the pesticide and herbicide free level, some gains have obviously been made, there has been a bit of progress in some of the details. OTOH, many are priced out of access to such "goods" and commodification leaves heirloom cultivars still greatly at risk. Beyond that is the concern that the mass produced stuff isn't up to snuff. How much of it is contaminated by pesticide and herbicide drift? How much of it is contaminated by contaminated water?

Leaving for another time the whole "how the hell are we going to deal with the water?" issues. But consider - if you bake with sourdough, you are advised to go buy distilled or purified water so as not to negatively impact the yeast and microbes. If you have an aquarium, and your water supply is treated with chloramines, you must use distilled/purified, because your tap water will kill your fish. WTF?

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

forgot the comedy skit that went with, maybe cheech and chong? Anyway big AG profits are about to take a dive, not unlike big oil. Rape the earth long enough and it will bite back big time.

Re: Fleetwood Mac "It's a living thing"

Take a dive.png


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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare