Thursday Open Thread 8-31-2017
"Life is a slow process. You just need to start."
Zephaniah Phiri
Morning, I hope today everyone safe.
Been enjoying Steve Solomon publications on gardening. RandtnTx suggested his book Gardening When it Counts: growing food in hard times as a good reference in comment a few weeks ago.
I have located some additional resources.
Gardening Without Irrigation: or without much, anyway
A recent interview on general gardening and a little on marijuana cultivation.
Understanding of water and its movement
Major drainage systems in the US
A new way to look at water control - Water Harvesting After watching this I am ready to tackle the flooding problem that cropped up 2 years ago during fast snow melts. Also some good ideas for dry land farming.
Several of the concepts used in the water harvesting video can be seen used in a large scale application in Lessons of the Loess Plateau suggested by Eyo a couple of weeks ago.
Farm Report
Been inside whenever possible due to the heavy smoke from Forest fires.
Improvised drinking fountain. When in the field this cow simply puts her mouth over the sprinkler heads for a drink.
The nights have been cool enough I was able to catch a couple of praying mantis. They take care of the spider mites that show up every summer in the sun room.
This one almost disappeared in the greenery almost immediately.

Good morning, SOE ~~
Thanks for all the great links. I'm anxious to watch the one on water harvesting, since we only get 11-12 inches a year. We already harvest water, but are interested in as many techniques as possible!
I always love your photos.
Have a beautiful day, everyone!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
The farmer profiled
considered rain water a crop he needed to plant into the ground. Interesting viewpoint and vegetation he grew is impressive.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
A joke reportedly making the rounds in China:
That's brilliant! Thanks! n/t
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Hopeful article regarding methods of common people
effecting government policy.
Have been intrigued watching the lives of individual Chinese improve over the decades while ours are deteriorating.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Morning SOE
All ways wonderful to get the morning 'farm report'.(beans are up and bellies down in light trading)
Good to see you found some nice girls to take care of the mite problem. (Guys tend to get their heads bit off.)
Between your reports from the farm and mine from the beach, I think we pretty much have it covered..
Have a good one all...
I want a Pony!
Feeling a coastal breeze and watching the ocean
sounds good right now. Have a good one.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
One Rock High, and Many Wide
Another great video, thanks. LOL your cow cracks me up, I remember some of the friendly ones when I lived on the fish farm. It was also a
600547 acre cattle ranch, babies sold for meat after growing one year. The lowing is real, the mom cows cry and cry for a couple of weeks when their toddlers are taken to the auction house, then they forget. I have seen a bull take out a hundred yards of heavy duty barbed wire fence in the blink of an eye, to get to a cow. Poor things.Our pig used to graze way up on the hill with the cattle, you'd see this short red dot up there keeping company with them. He would come when we called, and then the silly cows would follow. Oops. Funny when you can't get to work on time through the cows. Before cell phones, oh forget it. Nothing happened before cell phones and the Internet, that must have been a dream.
Edited: the acreage and added drone footage because it is public land now. woot You can almost see the little cabin I lived in @ 2 minutes, just up from the fresh water pond on the left, going along the dirt road at the end of Estero Lane. Keep going and there are cows on top of the ridge at 3 minutes. I think I can even see where the old mort pit was. Don't ask.
As Hurricane Harvey hits Gulf Coast, Central Valley must prepare for the coming storm
Huh! There are 100 shiny new billionaires in California, how 'bout them chipping in half? Hahaha!
Happy Thursday
good luck
Sounds like some more good reasons
If only the dogs and cats could get by without meat
the decision to keep the livestock would be simpler.
At the moment it seems right to continue a small reproductive herd with selective culling. That stage of human development between hunter gatherer and crop farmer. Several stages before urban dweller with no hands on interaction with food production.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
moose and cow
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Once they learn they are able to break a fence
a bovine is unstoppable. I do my best to keep them ignorant of their strength.
The girl in the picture is now 12 and has not had a calf for 2 years. She babysits the calves and is the first one to come to the night corral for hay when called.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Watched the video
Wow . . . that's where you grew up? Beautiful.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Here's something I came across
A US light colonel was relieved of command of a secret drone base in Tunisia last year over allegations of sexual improprieties, among other things.
Colonel sacked
This sort of thing always leaves me wondering if there isn't more to the story, and how can US commanders be so stupid as to fall into crap like this? Anybody over O3 has a target on their back regarding foreign intelligence... not saying that that was the case here, but Paquette would have been a ripe target, if he wasn't already.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Sexual abuse in the military is a protected activity
Remember the strong push back for any changes in the reporting of sexual abuse (men & women) via any channel other than the existing chain of command. I think too many people were feeling as if past actions could effect themselves or those they care about. Changes in enforcement are more likely to happen if there is a cut off date for actions that area prosecutable.
I changed the order of the text and my bolds.
Judge did avoided a conviction of a high ranking officer of sexual abuse. Nothing special here.
He used information obtained from his leadership position to interact with (persuade) an 18 yo.
The described leadership style.
The sexual abuse charge was from his own written words.
It did not take him long to create the situation after taking over command as if this was a pattern of behavior, not a one time situation. His past commanders may have tolerated similar behavior in the past.
If my recollection is correct, Navy has had more public sexual scandals and Air Force has kept theirs out of public view.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Good morning, SOE. Looks like there is a ton to read, watch
and process and we here are already knee deep in great quantities of work (chores, errands, and all that good stuff.) I hope to get a break to deal with said info shortly. I am very interested in seeing if the water harvester has dabbled with forcing localized condensation and, if so, how.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Smoke has been keeping me inside
more time than normal for research and thinking.
Some of the rock placement could encourage condensation. It simply phrased differently.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
I got a chance to watch the vid and it is great and full of
good ideas, but didn't go near the subject I was thinking of. Basically, on some days it gets below dewpoint and one gets dew. On other days it gets close enough that a few specific objects and/or surfaces will drop low enough to generate precipitation on themselves, even though there is none anywhere else nearby. (Sometimes, for example, a projecting metal object will condense water out of the air and generate drips, while all around is dry.)
People have experimented for ages with techniques to try to enhance this effect, "air wells" as it were. Some I have seen are like rock domes above rock lined pits. My idea involved using steel plates which would be kicked down in temperature by a peltier junction somewhere during the pre-dawn times and which would be mounted above catch-basins of some sort.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I keep telling the US Forest Service.....
..... to include lots of Cannabis when replanting the burn scars!
It holds soil well, and
ifwhen the sites burn again, the smoke we breathe might do us some good along with the harm!"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Not enough rainfall in the local forests
Could use your plan in the western part of the state. Might drift.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Praying mantis . . . solution to greenhouse?
Good morning! Once again, thanks for the links to great information and other advice. I have some funky little spiders eating pepper plants in my greenhouse. Don't know if they are the same as your spider mites, but we have praying mantis hanging out around here. Never thought about catching them. The greenhouse is a 5 year experiment that at this time, I am unsure of it's true value. The only things that are really successful are plants that survive the summer (130+ degrees) and then can produce through the fall and winter. Peppers and Malabar spinach survive. Peppers are really happier outside though. I have done tomatoes in the greenhouse, but you only get a few before it gets too hot for them.
A report on new experiments.
I'd like to comment again on "Lessons of the Loess Plateau" that eyo originally posted. That video is still haunting me. IMO Big Ag is unwittingly desertifying our country. We will ultimately need to turn to these lessons of the Loess Plateau to bring the land back to health.
Hey eyo . . . when I was a kid on the dairy farm, every morning and evening we would stand in the barn door and call the cows. "Come Boss!!!" (in solfege "so mi") They would form an orderly line and walk from the field to the barn. Your cows thought you were calling them, rather than the pig?
Lastly, another link from the randtntx comment in the same vein . . . . . . Back to the victory garden mentality that we so desperately need!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
The sunroom is managed as a micro climate
Experiment with the same techniques as the outdoor micro-climate. It is for my zone 7-9 to winter over certain herbs plants. Started using it last year to grow zone 4-5 greens in the winter. Use ventilation and curtains in the summer to prevent over heating. In the winter it is heated to keep above 40 degrees minimum.
1. Maggot Farm. Decomposition of road kill is too variable. A harmful fungus or bacteria may be present before the maggots are introduced.
2. Grow shelves. So far I have not needed shelves. The direct sun is not to hot for the seedling to start indoors or outdoors. Major local problem outside is slow germination due to cold soils and low night temperatures. Fortunately when necessary the sunroom has enough light for starting plants in the early spring and fall.
3. Fodder. The livestock fodder systems I have reviewed use primarily barley or wheat. The oats at my feed store are all rolled. Interestingly the local grocery store now has wheat and barley grass in the produce department for sale. In the 80's grew I lawn grass for my indoor cat (seeds were not pre-treated with pesticides). Let the outside pots grow weeds and set one occasionally in with the chickens for graze.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Lucky you to have a sun room . . .
I had a nice one in my Chicago suburb home almost 30 years ago. A wonderful feature of homes in northern climates.
Thanks for bringing up the dangers of road kill in "maggot farms." I forgot to mention the reports I read about disease in the decomposing animal that can even kill your chickens. I wasn't so sure about even trying it until a comment said, "hey . . . we're vegan and we get it to work."
OK . . . so wheat, barley for fodder . . . and I was wondering about wild bird seed mix. And what another great idea to just let weeds grow in a bucket! The chickens would love that too.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
The mixture in bird seeds would have different lengths
for germination. Try the mixture, decide which plants worked best and then purchase only most cost effective seed.
This fodder system site has information on nutrition composition of the different grain and legume grasses at the 3 to 6 inch stage of growth. Will need to look at the nutritional pdf for each forage, no summary page.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Great fodder link
Thanks! Very encouraging.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
I think on FB someone said they were roof-harvesting rain
by multiple septic tanks, 1000s of gallons. I just wanted to do it in garbage cans. But no livestock here.
My TBI surprises me
every day with a new disability. It's all disconcerting to me. Grammarly caught multiple spellos in the previous sentence. I am trying hard to not feel sorry for myself.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
You have had a lot to work through
sadness is not inappropriate. It is hard having to evaluate if one can continue to live the lifestyle they are accustomed or have to make adjustments.
Sorry to send you to dailykos but I don't have time to bring this diary I wrote for Kosabiity over to the site today and the comments are as instructive as the diary. I hope it helps.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Still beng an optimist here but listening to my body
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Wildfire threatens Burning Man, entrance road closes
Pyramid Lake 1941
It's been hot here, getting hotter. Fri, Sat, Sun:
North Bay braces for prolonged, ‘oppressive’ heat wave, increased fire danger
Say goodbye to August, this is the photo on my Accordian Crone calendar this month. Welcome (to Hell City Limits, Exit 666)

September is an outhouse? oh noes.
Now Trump wants to stop the Harriet Tubman $20 bill.
The dude is a sick racist. If any American deserves to be lionized it's Harriet Tubman. What a shriveling little coward Trump is compared to Harriet Tubman.
Beware the bullshit factories.
taking personal responsibility for solving a problem
She truly is an American hero. Trump is unable to effect foreign wars, but can continue to score points for domestic strife.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.