Is CNN trying to resuscitate itself as a real political network rather than establishment clones?
Times are changing. Sometimes for the better. Hillary Goddam Clinton is being offered a plea deal by Sessions' DOJ to plead guilty to "prosecutable crimes" in return for no further legal actions against her for CGI, uranium one, pay-to-play, and her email scandal which is still producing more poisonous (for her) fruit. My take is that she can NEVER admit that she has done anything wrong and will go down with her Titanic-sized load of garbage rather than admit she was a felon. Think about November 7, 2017 before HRC was expected to ascend her throne, would anybody then have expected this turn of events? Even Chuckie Schumer has now told HRC to back off and essentially go away.
The haughty NYT, the so-called "Paper of Record", still tows the line of the corporate masters. Carlos Slim probably has enough spare change to keep the NYT solvent but the NYT is irreparably damaged in its present form. Changing their tune? Not likely.
AmazonWashington Compost, the CIA's direct print organ, will not change its government or deep state agenda, even in light of the changing views of Americans--even those on the conservative side. No weathervane there--ever.
CNN, which ranks below the Cartoon Network in total viewership, possibly could be beginning to realize that they are going to follow the Democratic party in their quest for self-annihilation, unless they change. Hence, they have allowed two true progressives some airtime: Nina Turner and Ro Khanna. I don't know if I trust Ro Khanna completely due to his extensive tech ties. But Nina is the real deal.
So here's the interview which leads to the present essay:
Here is a valuable point, other than the content of the interview (15:53 long), which is important on its own merits. Namely that the Alternate Media (AM) has been steadily growing in authorship and readership. The internet is truly the voice of the people, even though quite a few sites are subsidized by donors expecting a return on investment. And of course, outright censorship, now euphemistically called "algorithms", decide what is appropriate speech. The appropriateness of course depends upon the economic and political of the internet hosts.
I surf the intertubez frequently (which is quite difficult for an alligator to do). In my travels, I am coming across more and more channels--the number of YouTube channels devoted to politics is growing steadily. Distrust of the MSM And the Government (aka Powers That Be) has become steadily more prevalent in the general population of the US. This is not to say that new channels are primarily progressive; they aren't. There are Conservative, Socialist, Nihilist, Pirate, Oligarchic, etc. channels popping up every where.
But I have noticed a phenomenon about which I may speculate, that many conservative channels have larger subscribers than many progressive channels. I am not talking Alex Jones scale nor Cenk Uyghur scale. I am talking about people like David Seaman, a generally conservative but definitely not establishmentarian, who has about twice as many viewers as Tim Black. Their subscribers numbers (both channels are growing). Two channels which hold great promise, though most of you may not be familiar with are the Rational National and Tracy Beanz. Both are progressive. Both have noticeable increases in subscription rates, even though still small.
I am not here to plug any particular channels, but to illustrate the growing number of independent channels, whether right, left, or extraterrestrial, bearing no allegiance to corporate donors. But can anyone on the internet with even the vaguest interest in politics fail to realize the growing AM power? Most certainly the MSM takes notice. Even the flailing NYT had to counter the accurate perception of their failing circulation by ridiculously proclaiming that they sushi in their cafeteria! Who the Hell cares what those suckers eat? It's what they try to feed us that matters to us.
CNN's recent posting of views opposing their corporate masters should not be mistaken for support of those views. It doesn't. But one doesn't have to think back very far when CNN never mentioned Bernie Sanders until Bernie's support became so overwhelming, they would look like the fools they are for failing to at least mention him--even though they have never supported him.
Other little items of an anti-establishment nature are beginning to creep into the MSM because they can no longer keep the lid on their reporting as tightly as it was even a year ago. For instance, even though the DNC fraud suit is rarely mentioned, if ever, in the MSM, the perpetrator Debbie W. Schultz has been coming in for a crescendo of deprecatory material; well overdue in my opinion.
So the times are changing. But are the levels of awareness that "we've been had" increasing rapidly enough to effect a substantive change is politics? By this I mean not "incrementalism" as personified by HRC and DNC, but real no-holds-barred progressive change. The first test of this will not be in Trump's presidency but in the 2018 elections. Will more progressives be elected on the blue ticket? Will more incumbent establishmentarians be primaried out or defeated in general elections, that will tell us.
The MSM can no longer avoid the earthquake which is growing in magnitude with every day. CNN, the weakest of the MSM outlets is more aware of this or at least ready to grudgingly acknowledge this tectonic shift in our politics, than the other outlets.
Once again, this essay should be viewed as presenting principles rather than strict factual analysis of the post herein cited. Those of you who follow any of my posts, know how desperately in love I am with the Camel s/.
Here are examples of my love for Willie Brown's fling thing:
One last comment about the video above:

With all due respect to the Corporate Newz Network,
the Cartoon Network does have Robot Chicken.
The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.
That means, I suppose, that I can't eat it.
@SparkyGump as a proud, longtime
Fucking traitors aided and abetted treason in the highest levels of our government. Guys like Wolf Blitzer need to be perp-walked right alongside Huma Hari....
Luna, does media revenue
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
It's a weird equation.
Except that isn't working well anymore.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
I suppose if people here at C99 think that the oligarchy's
dem party imperialist Nina Turner and Silicon valley's inside man dem party billionaire Khanna, two sheepdogs for the oligarchy's democratic party, are "true progressives", then they might think having them on CNN might mean CNN is becoming "progressive" too. Which makes the term progressive all the more worthless.
Could not agree with you more on the word
"progressive," Big Al. It's a DLC fudge word, to make Third Way Democrats seem liberal. Also could not agree more about The Revolution. In which universe is fundraising to re-elect incumbent Clintonite Jean Shaheen a revolution?
If the Democratic Party had treated me like it treated Bernie, I sure would not be fundraising for it or for anyone who endorsed Hillary, like, oh, I don't know--Jean Shaheen and every Senator and member of the House except Merkel. Grijalva and Ellison (the latter two being co-chairs of the Progressive Caucus that Bernie founded and chaired for eight years). And I have little doubt those three endorsed him because the DNC told them to endorse him.
They might as well re name the party
If we called the DP what it really is, it would be banned
SCUM manifesto
Or you could call the Democratic Party what it really is
Or perhaps
Not generalizing would be real helpful
I've grown a little weary of the "sheepdogging" motif. It is divisive and no longer matters, frankly--this shit is what it is right now. So take the information and assign the value to it that the information deserves. We should stop throwing all the information under the bus because of the person mouthing the words of the information. Nina Turner is not the source of this particular bit of same, she is the conduit in this example.
Well, I didn't say all people here,
I suppose if people here at C99 think
is a generalization to me. I think many of us have the same goal. The restoration of democracy, peace, and a fair and equitable opportunity at life for all. How to get there is the problem and the difference. I have no idea of the right way or wrong way to get there or if right and wrong even exist within this context. I just want what works so I can get what I want.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
You're right, how to get there is the difference and the
But even more on here, imo, are or will under the right circumstances still support the democratic party and some of it's pols, like Turner. Most would have voted for Bernie as a democratic for president and if he had won, they'd be helping him try to build the dem party for 2018 to help his agenda. Many are still holding out hope that Bernie and his revolution can make inroads in the party and take over the hated DNC.
So ya, that's a problem. It will be interesting to see how it shakes out as the next election gets closer.
I agree with everything you said...
But.... we/I have to allow for it/you/me to be wrong. I am not optimistic, but I have to keep my options open. I always try to have my cake and eat it too. So the more irons in the fire, the better odds of winning.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
@lunachickie what might be more
Even if Nina Turner was truly progressive before June of last year, one has to understand (and i think you do) that as part of the Bernie Express, once he's compromised, she is too. No politician or staffer associated with Bernie's campaign at a high level can be viewed without skepticism or trusted without caution right now--especially if they've continued to march in lockstep with him since last June.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
@Big Al Both of these progressive
Fraud, bribery, perjury, all prosecutable if you or I do that shit. The Democratic party is saturated with crime.
The only reform I know of for criminals is a little prison time.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Why settle for only a little prison time?
@Alligator Ed You are right. Lots
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Lots of prison time - especially when it comes to Hillary
Make the punishment fit the crime
spelling corrected
Unfortunately, we're not allowed to make the punishment fit these crimes. That pesky old Eighth Amendment stands squarely in the way!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
@thanatokephaloides They should have
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
True progressives should declare war on war
You have been the primary voice, although certainly not the only voice, here on c99 opposing the war parties of the duopoly . As has been demonstrated aptly, there can not be progress unless these insane wars for profit--or for anything-- are halted. We will have no domestic peace. We will have no global peace.
Anti-war should and must be one of the pillars upon which a humane politics is erected. One other pillar, out of several, must also be included: MFA-SP.
Until we hear that no-war message, we can never be certain that Berniecrats in leadership are on the level. Tulsi Gabbard comes closest. But patience; things have to shake out more.
@Big Al I don't think either of
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Thanks, Ed.
snopes says the plea deal story is unproven. Not disproven, just unproven.
Heard on MSNBC: The Deep State is nothing but our government, working. So, why we hold elections? In a similar vein, the duly-elected (insanely, but duly) POTUS, to whom the Constitution of the United States entrust foreign relations, talked to Putin on his own. Pearls were clutch at MSNBC because no one from State was there to coach Trump on what to say. (As in, if Putin says A, you say E.) Sadly, so many think what they hear on TV from either a neoliberal shill organization like MSNBC or a conservative shill organization like Fox is gospel.
Didn't a Caucuser from Ro Khanna's district was a corporatist, even though he ran as one of dem Justice Democrats? Still think reforming the Democratic Party from within is a pipe dream, or worse. And, when The Revolution endorses and fund raises for someone like incumbent Clintonite Jean Shaheen, people need to stop making unqualified statements about The Revolution's running progressive candidates. Then again, since Hillary and Obama claim to be progressives, maybe Shaheen fits the vast tent that is the word "progressive."
Clinton's donors--the likes of Goldman Sachs. If they like Kamala Harris, just guess why. If establishment media is pushing here--and, oh, boy, are they!--just guess why. (I wonder: Did Kamala think Hillaru's comment about Gandhi's working at a filling station in the US was Hillarious or deplorable?)
Why we hold elections?
I love Nina Turner, and she was sure looking good in the CNN clip, but I am still waiting to hear an antiwar, anti empire, bring the soldiers back home program from self-described progressives.
As for the rumoured Clinton plea deal; what I want to see is the claw back of every cent possible of the money that was donated for Haitian relief, the money to be spent ON the island BY Haitians, and maybe Haitian expats, whom I understand have done very well, contributing their knowledge and expertise. The figure I keep hearing is $US13 BILLION! With that amount the Big Dog could have built a four lane highway from one end of the island to the other; bought every Haitian fisherman a new boat, reforested the high mountains with native species and set up nurseries to grow and distribute tropical seeds and plants to Haitian farmers--just like our own USDA used to do--not to mention building schools, hospitals, and clinics.
Mary Bennett
I am waiting to hear what you are waiting to hear
That is the keystone of a truly 360˚progressive program. Can't fund social/economic programs until the military beast is muzzled and put back to where they belong--and I don't mean the 190 foreign-bred US military bases.
Secondly, I would love to see the Clintons cough up every cent they defrauded from people everywhere--and then be jailed--or maybe they should be jailed first.
It seems like a lot of the money
that was intended to benefit Haiti ended up helping the helpers more than the helpees.
Duz I beleeve Snopes? Nope!
Maybe Snopes is
That's what the site gives me when I go to that essay.
The link is to my essay, La Revolucion. You commented on it. I'll try giving you a link to the first reply to the essay.
Thanks for your help
You didn't need to do that, but thanks so much for the
kind words. I had a bit of fun writing that one, which is not always the case.
Kamala Harris is a rising Democtratic Star /s
Wall Street's rising genitalia
And it's not Ms. Harris that those genitals anticipate fucking. It's us.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
@HenryAWallace The idea that Our
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
@HenryAWallace misdirected response
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
CNN Exec attempts to save network...
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
That's hilarious!
Mr. Bean at his best.
The Alt left is what we are.
It's the only way to differentiate former Sanders supporters and even the Green Party supporters from the DNC/Third Way Wall St. Democrats. The term
Progressive has become xerox in the political sphere.
Alt left says anti status quo, non establishment. Just like the Alt right has divorced itself from establishment Republicans.
Further, the Alt right and the Alt left have more in common with each other than with their respective establishment parties.
As with the MSM, the establishment parties are on the wane.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Alt left also says imperialists
Where does that leave those of us that did not support Bernie or the Green party?
That's the trouble with labels I guess. But ya, this "alt left" label seems to have popped up recently to described the Bernie wing of the democratic party. I've even seen them described as radical leftists. Even radical is getting a bad name.
Not to dicker with words, Big Al
But I did indicate "former" Sanders supporters. We could probably go back and forth all day long deciding whether Sanders still represents many of us on the far left, or progressive left, or leftists, or even social democrats. Maybe I've missed something but I have never noticed anyone to the left of the DNC/Third Way crowd as imperialists.
I thought the general topic was that everybody wants to claim the "progressive" label, but few fit the criteria. Or use it to fool.
My entire point was many of us are fed up with the hijacking of our former party, the Democrat Party.
As has many on the conservative right, or the Alt right. They too are fed up with the hijacking of their party, the Republican Party.
Funny thing, they are vehemently against the wars in the ME.
So are we.
They are against the New World Order/ Globalists.
So are we.
They want to jail the banksters.
So do we.
They want to reduce our military footprint from all over the globe.
They want to bring back jobs to America.
They are, again, vehemently, against the Investor Dispute Resolution Panels in the TPP and Nafta and all treaties where it exists.
I could actually go on and on. But if there ever was a poster child for Divide and Conquer, this would, glaringly, be it.
Do I make any sense at all here?
I have spent a lot of time in the last few months monitoring/interacting with those on the Alt right. Mostly at Breitbart, Zero Hedge, Naked Capitalism, and others. Enough to get a feel at what sparks them off the most, which is "libtards" and Socialists for the most part. But I can glean from them (Mostly their comment sections) their hatred for those items I've mentioned above.
If we are ever to make a stand it is now. And we need all the help we can get.
United we stand, divided we fall.
The enemy of mine enemy is my friend.
We can all sweat the small shit after we've taken our country back.
Sorry for the lengthy rant.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
I agree, there is a lot
of common ground that the two "Alt" groups share. Probably more than either of them shares with the two establishment Parties. And neither the Alt Right nor the Alt Left is being hoodwinked by the msm's blarney.
'Zactly native.
The establishment R and Ds are all in for the MSM. They can do no wrong.
But with the Alt right,like their leader Trump, they see it as "fake news". Very much like we do. Only they call it the "liberal" fake news.
Both the Alt right and left see it as blarney. Good word, native.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Understand, good rant.
Funny thing about the "alt-right" though. I was tempted to write an essay about an article I was linked to at Breitbart about Susan Rice stating Trump should "live with" North Korea having nukes like our government lives with Russia, etc. The comments were merciless of course against Rice, deservedly so, but also very pro Trump and pro violence against North Korea without any indication of knowledge of what is really happening and why. That's a dangerous propagandized mindset and doesn't indicate the kind of anti-imperialism we need. They might be against a war with Russia but then they'll turn around and get rabid about the next manufactured evil dictator dude. But yes, I do know many on the so called right who are just as against war as some of us on the left, although not necessarily for the same reasons.
"Alt-left" is a non-starter
It's BS, but the term helps make their point, so I reject it.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Respectfully disagree, Dervish.
At this point, none of us should give a flying shit was their apparatchiks do or say. Hell , they're trying to hijack "progressive" from us. I say give it to them, have them shove it. They will label us no matter what we try to identify ourselves as.
Labeling ourselves as Alt left at least gives us a label. The "Alt" gives us something in common with the other Alt, outcasts from our former party.
Unless, of course, you have something better.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Not to press a point
But we are running out of time. 2018 is coming fast. Both establishment parties would love to see us dither and dicker around in the dark.
I can hear them now;
"Those people can't even figure out what to call themselves, let alone come up with a platform or slate of candidates. How could they ever become a voting bloc, let alone a threat to the mainstream"?
I dunno Dervish. If you have some grand plan I'm all ears (or in this case, eyes). I'm seriously trying to move us all forward here. Lets start with a name.
Alt left.
Let's get the attention of the Alt right, with a platform.
No more military adventurism. They don't want it and neither do we.
No more roadside asset forfeiture. They really hate that.
No more Globalization. It's just a vehicle for the NWO.
Reining in the banking cartel. They are deathly afraid of a cashless society.
It's a start.
Tic tock tic tock tic tock.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Agreement on those four issues alone
might form the basis of a provisional coalition to unite disaffected USians of various stripes. But they'd need to temporarily set aside significant differences of opinion on other important matters.
Agree wholeheartedly, native
Significant differences still exist. But by prioritizing what is most important and compromising on others we could form a significant coalition.
Arguably,the all war all the time is probably the most important, but some may disagree. Constant regime change around the globe is on the to go list.
Some issues may simply need to be reframed. Such as, the Wall. Those at Breitbart get angry that foreigners cross the southern border at will, taking American jobs, overloading our social services, birthing babies for citizenship, and seek amnesty, while others buy into the robbers, rapists, and murderers hysteria.
For me, the Wall means defense against cantaloupe calved terrorists with 100 lb backpacks of sarin gas or ricin powder coming across the border.
Either way, I do believe as a sovereign nation we should control our borders.
Certainly restoring our rights against asset forfeiture is more important than affirmative action laws.
I think everyone wants the Patriot Act repealed.
None of these issues will get you a seat in either of the establishment parties, we know that fur sure fur sure.
Thanks for your thoughts.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Count me in on that
Brilliant rant, earthling1
If we were the alt left, we'd be blowing things up or
setting up communes. We're former Democrats.
Again, Henry
What would you suggest?
We're running out of time.
Surely you don't want to return to the fold?
They already said they don't need us. Remember?
The Former Democrat Coalition?
And I've never heard anyone here at c99% advocating blowing anything up. Or starting a commune.
How would you, Henry, describe us here at C99%?
Serious question. Please.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
I just think there's something better than
Bernie Bros Branch of the Democrat Party.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
@HenryAWallace Hmmm. Well...the last
I never actually saw Bernie as a Democrat. Anybody who regularly calls himself a socialist (no matter how wrong he is), can't be a Democrat. No Democrat would be caught dead uttering the word "socialism" in any positive context. Democrats exist in American politics so socialists can't.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Saw during a Twitter search in relation to ending Endless War
that Newsweek has this:
That's a change, no?
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
CNN segment was good, but an aberration.
With this they get to say, "No, that's not true; we have real Left Progressives." Nevermind the 99% of our red herring programming, horse race nonsense and insipid celebrity gossip.
Great to see Nina Turner get her just deserves; she's the real deal. The California congressman...I'm not so sure. Think he's a corporate money whore, like Harris. He put on a good show though, had his Bernie populist points sharpened for the appearance (my guess is going in he was coached by his staff that he would have to attempt to out-progressive the true progressive, no-nonsense Turner, who as his surrogate speaks with Bernie's clarity and focus).
The whole Harris thing is another manufactured farce of identity politics to the max. Identity for all the wrong reasons, as explained in this piece by a black woman writer who takes exception to it (should probably be an essay but I don't have time - TOP douchebags should have to read this).
"HOW IDENTITY BECAME A WEAPON AGAINST THE LEFT: Reaction to criticism of Kamala Harris shows how the voices of progressive people of color are erased…." by BRIAHNA JOY GRAY
For anybody willing to go over to the pestilent Neoliberal cesspool, here's a good one to float on top of that sewer:
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut