DWS and the hot potato computer: "Yes, I want it...er, no I don't"
One thing about Dumbocrats, besides their lack of economic / social / sane programs, integrity is their abysmal lack of computer skills. Of course the epitome of all such qualities is Debbie Washerwoman Schultz, who was so bad that even her fellow Dems dumped her (although Medusa did rescue her afterwards).
Now if you look at the MSM (Mostly Shit Media), you might hear a peep about the Pakistani Posse of Computer Criminals, starring big bro Imran, aided and abetted by a curious group who just so happen to be close relatives and a BFF. MSM attentiveness to computer misuse is as astute as their finding that Hillary Rotten Clinton is the most corrupt politician since politics was invented by cavemen and cave women (I have no intention of being labelled sexist--so there!)
No doubt some c99er's have seen the infamous confrontation between DWS and the Capitol Police chief during a budgetary review in which she demanded--not one, not twice, not thrice--but four times to regain possession of a computer abandoned behind a pillar in the capitol building. "Der vill be konseqvensess" or in other words, give it to me, it's mine. I want it now!
As many currently are aware, deplorable Debbie hired Imran Awan, her then-BFF upon recommendation of Representative Gregory W. Meeks in 2005. Mr Meeks was still standing by his bud Imran as late as April, 2017, more than two months after the Awan Pakistani Posse was forbidden to enter the capitol or have access to any IT material, computers, data (February 2, 2017). Only in April did the morose Meeks release the ABs from their appointed plunder, after one last payment.
But Debbie apparently has a mad crush on Imran, she was attempting to keep on the down-low.
Being desperately loyal to colleagues, excepting Bernie Sanders, she continued to profess her ardor for Imran.
But soon, Debbie, ever dauntless, duplicitous and deceitful, began to see the light; you know the kind of light coming from tiny windows in your prison cell. She then reflected.
Picture of DWS reflecting:
She remembered with fondness the home district in which she used to swim in the warm waters, at least until Broward County beaches inexplicably got polluted. Nothing better than a nice swim in my pool, she thought.
Side note: I have often thought of swimming in Debbie's pool. Here's a picture of me getting ready for my swim date with Delicious Debbie:
Oh, yes, where was I? Perhaps contemplating vistas of blue skies rather than gray ceilings, DWS contemplated that perhaps she and Imran were not meant to be BFFs. She decided to renounce all claims to her secret lover's computer, even though it was encrusted by state secrets, and filled with bank account numbers. One might think, that after all the sturm und drang with Chief Verdorosa about said computer, that Imran's love token to her and the DNC would not be abandoned so summarily.
But ya gotta hand it to the lady with hair of ramen, she is consistently inconsistent, except in devotion to her sovereign, the Evil Queen, Mad Bomber of the World, and Preserver of the Empire.
As a fitting conclusion, here is DWS reminiscing on her crushed relationship. Note the picture was taken before Debbie discovered bleach. Debbie, decades later, told her sovereign about bleach--and, well, that's another story.

You had me at "lady with hair of ramen"
Got chopsticks? Have at it!
That one filled me with admiration and laughter.
DWS is in a pickle
Here are a few thoughts I have:
1. Is DWS a hanging chad? Is she expendable? No democrats are vocally defending her actions.
2. If DWS was so concerned about Awan being targeted for his religion/race...then why did she let him go and not keep him on the payroll?
3. The video with the Police Chief in the budget hearing was painful. First, DWS's attitude toward him openly hostile throughout (not just when referencing the computer). No one else was rude or condescending to him. It seemed like she was implying that they always submit a budget that exceeds their objectives and then implied that the budget will be approved but Police Chief should be careful. I interpreted that as her first threat to the Police Chief...just warming him up for her second act.
4. DWS must have been 'beyond desperate' to bring up the computer in this setting!!! More open hostility and verbal threats! And how many times did she say the word "Member"?
5. If the computer had not been looked at previously by the Police Chief or FBI, her rant at the budget hearing would have prompted anyone with a half a brain to immediately take a look at it.
6. Now, she is distancing herself from the computer...NOT HERS...NEVER SAW IT...DON'T KNOW WHAT's ON IT. That totally tells me it is HERS and she will now blame Awan for stealing all her emails and documents and loading them into this computer for nefarious purposes.
7. So how does she prevent Awan from rolling on her? Awan mysteriously leaves the country with a lot of aiding and abetting by more mysterious players...never to be prosecuted by US.
The private plane is waiting on the runway.
Private? Nah - he'll fly commercial
Another masterpiece, LSM!
Dear Alligator Ed,
Dear Alligator Ed,
If you keep outdoing yourself like this, I might die laughing, albeit while well-informed. This is a truly great piece of writing, in all possible ways. ('Gater haz teeth in that crocodile grin!)
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Thanks, Ellen