Dear Politician Who Represents ME

crimes against humanity.png

One thing we can do is try to shake things up, at least let them know we're watching and we know what they're really doing. Subject them to the real truths and see what they say. Make them respond and get on record their lies and obfuscations. Maybe even make them nervous.

If we could pound them with things like this from hundreds if not thousands of us at one time, it might have some effect. I know that if my representative received 100 letters from her "constituents" all at once saying something like the below, it would get some notice. If we kept it up, it would get more notice.

I'm sending this to my national congress representative and my two state senators, Murray and Cantwell. I would encourage anyone else to use all or part of it and send to their representatives.

"I am writing to you as a U.S. citizen and a Vietnam era veteran supposedly being represented in Congress by the WA-03 Congressional representative, the office you currently hold. According to the rules of representative democracy, my opinion and concerns should be noted and taken into account as you perform the duties of a congressional representative.

My question to you is, why is the United States government illegally waging a proxy and now direct military war in Syria, and under what authority, and under what authority is President Trump allowing the building of illegal U.S. military bases in Syria? U.S. military involvement in Syria is against international law and amounts to war crimes against the people and country of Syria. Did you, as my representative in Congress, approve this?

I demand that Congress investigate the war crimes currently being committed by the Trump administration in Syria as well as the previous war crimes committed by the Obama administration. I demand that you, as my representative help to facilitate this investigation and work to stop the war crimes being committed by the United States government in Syria as soon as possible and to hold accountable ALL of those involved in those war crimes, including all government and non-government officials involved and political representatives. I demand that you present to Congress a resolution to cease and desist the blatantly illegal building and maintaining of U.S. military bases in Syria, and cease and desist all efforts to assist ISIS and Al Qaeda in attempting regime change and country balkanization in Syria.

As a U.S. citizen from your district, I want the killing of innocent children by the U.S. government to stop immediately and demand that you bring these demands to the attention of the entire Congress.

I eagerly await your report of actions, as will the innocent children of Syria."


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And I think we should include photographs of innocents who have been slaughtered, maimed, traumatized and drowned as a result of these crimes.

I also think we should be able to file criminal complaints against members of the federal government who commit these crimes.

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is their justification for the war in Yemen?

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Big Al's picture

@Linda Wood Saudi Arabia. The topics are almost limitless.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

But your theme song's off a bit.

The protagonist n your song wanted his letter!

Your Non-Representative (ref.: the first 10 minutes of Jimmie Haskell's prophecy album here) is more likely to have a reaction of this kind:

[video: width:500 height:350]


I say this from experience. My Non-Representative in CO-5, Dougie Lambaste Lamborn, has been evading demands from several of my friends for a face-to-face meeting for years.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Big Al's picture

@thanatokephaloides it's one of the worst lip sync efforts of all time.

From my experience, congress has to respond to it's constituent's personal letters. I don't know if that's official or customary, but I've always gotten some kind of response, usually totally worthless.
When I worked for the fed, I worked in HR and we'd get "congressionals" all the time when a congressional office would request information to get to their constituents. It was always a high priority with a strict (30 day) time limit to get the info sent off.

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snoopydawg's picture

Great idea, big al. My representatives are Lee and Hatch. I received a phone call from Hatch this evening, but it was a robo call so I didn't get to talk to him.
When he first ran he said "what do you call a congress member who has been in congress for 3 terms? You call them home. I will only serve two terms and I'm out."
Guess how long he's been in congress? Way too damn long.
I will send this to him tomorrow.
Imagine if thousands of people sent a letter to our representatives.

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If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

I'll get right on it, penning my anti-war sentiments and sending them off to... Dianne Feinstein? Kamala Harris? LOL never mind, did that for decades (Boxer before Harris, not like illegal wars are new) but go on I hope it helps you. Jared Huffman is my "Representative" in the House, he wears a purple tie instead of a pussy cap. He always votes like a "progressive" and doesn't give a shit about anyone outside his Marin County bubble. He is not capable of casting a vote or representing anything I value, that is reality. His office also returns a form letter in reply, from a robot in D.C.

Same shit different day, life sucks then you die. Why not try to be happy for a minute before it's all over, instead of wasting time on fake electoral politics? I know it's harder now because the TVs are in every pocket and purse, worn around like they are StarTrek communicators and not TV tracking devices for advertisers, with the side affect destroying everyone's right to privacy. Along with "Join us on Facebook" No Thanks! I am off that hamster wheel it is sad watching others keep going but I understand why. Even Snoopydawg wants it to be true.

Imagine if thousands of people sent a letter to our representatives.

Thousands of letters to /dev/null or the circular file, because why not. It is how the oligarchy rules our government, in case you didn't notice or somehow forgot.

Good luck

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Alligator Ed's picture

@eyo I get from my Congress critters and Senators, now including the wonderful Camel and Feinstein and especially Salud Carbajal; the latter has not seen it worth his while to even respond with the customary bullshit.

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Big Al's picture

@eyo And whatever, some people are going to keep trying whether you like it or not.
Good luck.

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@Big Al sorry about that assumption. It's not you, it's me.


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Imagine if thousands of people sent a letter

they are comfortable with this sort of squeaking from the littles.

as long as they can enjoy themselves we are pissing in the wind.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

And they've sent some of their staff on junkets to Tel Aviv. They have high marks with AIPAC, and are hand-carrying their desired legislation to congress. They have also collected their millions and millions of dollars and most appear to be unusually lucky investors. To confuse constituents, their caucus rotates the pro-war votes. That way, everyone has a mostly progressive record, with only a few random exceptions. They have heroic, patriotic, heart-rending explanations of why, that one time, they voted to fund illegal wars in places like Syria and Afghanistan. They are thoroughly engaged in the extermination of Shiites throughout the Middle East and beyond to appease Israel and Saudi Arabia while servicing the Deep State (and the Petrodollar). Thus, they are accepted by the culture in DC, and are protected from the savage frenzy of the press. The American people pick up the entire tab and their children are strapped with the debt obligation. The donor corporations are heavy with wealth and war profits. It feels so safe and secure to be in their embrace.

They've made it across the chessboard and are crowned DC's latest multi-millionaires.

But if you don't look past America's borders, and most people don't, you'll never see or consider or be troubled by any of that. The US is a safe space™.

When you fix your focus on domestic issues, and no one listed above does, your representatives can shine like super heroes. Whether they are denying health care to shiftless Americans or building a massive Apollo program that promises to create thousands of jobs — they're working for their Party, their donors, and their voters — in that order. They show up at all kinds of events, where they occasionally get some press. They sponsor at least one of the social causes trending on Twitter and attend conferences at lovely resorts. All of them are wangled by lobbyists, they dispense favors to those who put up election cash, and they still bring back as much money and opportunity as they can to their home state, which is their job.

You have really outstanding representatives, compared to most. You'll get a response to your letter. Perhaps it will be a discussion about how much they respect your concerns. How protecting the troops while they are off fighting for our democracy is the number one priority of all patriots. Surely they'll discuss how we've been hit by another 9/11 in the form of a cyber attack on our election process. We must stay strong and send a clear message to those who stand against us. There are people in the world that mean us harm.

I'm thinking that congress people in their bubble may be among the most uninformed in America. I bet they fell for the evidence-free Russian nonsense — foisted on the US intelligence agencies by the neonazi Ukrainian culture at CrowdStrike — hook, line, and sinker.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Pluto's Republic

You have really outstanding representatives, compared to the rest.


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QMS's picture

I'm writing too. Stop the illegal wars!

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Big Al's picture

what's the fucking use. I'm not going write my congress person, screw it. There's absolutely nothing we can do.
Over and out. It's been real, it's been fun, but not real fun.

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Lookout's picture

@Big Al

and I also think it is good to let the DC bastards know everyone isn't blind to our capitalist war mongering.

I think the message from the UK is to focus on young folks. I've been thinking we need teach-ins like we went to in the 60's.

Of late I've come around to your view that politics and politicians will never address the problems. We need a massive peace movement. Here's the best group I've found...

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Big Al

absolutely nothing we can do.

but I do think pols must be pushed much harder than with letters.
how to confront them,and take them out of their comfort zone is the question.
short of physical violence, is there a way to make the life of a corporate sellout representative not fun?

look at how these people live. what they are promised.
they have shown themselves willing to sell us out for these comforts. if they continue to enjoy the spoils, why would they ever change?

In other words it must be that the Congressmen who fuck us over suffer in their personal lives. Or they won't ever get off it.


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@Big Al I don't know about Pluto, but I have not been right for a very long time. Sorry if my outlook is a bummer, it does make people stop talking. I wish it wouldn't, but it does. Crap grammar for the win.

Just label me TOXIC and ignore me going forward. There are professional industries built around that concept now, life coaches and such. Onward!


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from my letters has always been something along the lines of "I appreciate your concerns and I assure you, I will look into the matter."
I am a voter, not a funder. That response is all I will ever get from them.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

not the disease.

If letters are to be written they should be more along the lines of:

All the problems of the world and the nation can be directly attributed to the corruption running Washington DC. You are part of that corruption.

The people are gradually losing their blinders. They don't believe you when you speak, they don't believe the media when they "report" and have lost all faith in their "government". Sooner or later something is going to have to give, and I'm not talking about your donors.

Please indicate by your actions and your words that you recognize the corruption all your constituents see, and that you are doing something to heal our nation from the disease of moneyed interests and you will have plenty of volunteers and donors. We are all sick of it and want to return our nation to good health.

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WaterLily's picture

@gustogirl I vote that we all adopt and send it.

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Twitter could be such an effective tool if everyone would use it for that. For example. If every tweet mentioning a person by name or hashtag replaced those with the person's @address, the person would get all of those tweets into their in box. As is, they just get talked about instead of to.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Hetrose's picture

Imagine if thousands of people threw shit at their representatives, threw rocks at their representatives, threw the book at their representatives, or shot at their representatives. Just be sure to attach a note of specific grievances and how long they have to skip the country if they don't comply.

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QMS's picture

@Hetrose I like your spirit. I can imagine hordes of people knocking on democracy's door. These so-called representative of the people are going to have to answer to our call. Stop the wars, heal the sick without the $$$ and let us make a future worth living. I'm fighting for us.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare