American Cowardice
There's a particular brand of cowardice that's uniquely American.
There have been many versions of cowardice over the years, but throughout history, it's never been presented and accomplished in this wholly American and incredibly hypocritical manner. It may perhaps end up being our lasting legacy to the world, something that truly has not been present in the human psyche before the rise of our empire.
I refer to that particular brand of fear and coddling that will do anything to avoid the mistakes of the past, so far as to completely reject anything new. Going so far in fact, as to repeat much older mistakes for the sake of avoiding a momentary problem. Some might call it "Chicken Hawk", but the overall malaise goes much deeper than that.
In short: Americans are afraid of being seen as afraid, and will do anything to prove that they are not. It's endemic to our culture.
Mental Health problem? Don't bring it up! Hide it, wash it away with drugs, but for god's sake DON'T embrace your difference. In fact, we will make certain that you are properly registered so that if something does happen, the blame will solely be upon you and not the fearful and bigoted society that helped create the entire problem in the first place by destroying the infrastructure!
Got a war to fight? Use toys. Use Bombs. Use anything but soldiers who will come home with obvious scars from the war. Encase them in armor, hide them behind walls, ANYTHING to prevent them coming in contact with a potential threat! Drop a drone from continents away, and wonder why your enemies don't respect you. Torture them behind walls to prove your toughness, and cry not about the fact that torture existed, but rather that it was revealed.
Got a murder problem? Buy a gun. Buy two. Cling to the one amendment that hasn't been completely eroded by the courts as if it is the saving grace of our civilization. Pretend that all that's needed to save the day against a government gone amok, swaddling its enforcers in the same armor used against enemies, is your six shot revolver. You are a brave man, and any who say otherwise will have to talk to Betsy.
Got a political problem? Don't for the love of GOD even THINK about voting for anybody but the major parties. They are FAR worse than you can possibly Imagine, and will destroy the nation! Even if your side does the same thing. Hell, ESPECIALLY if your side does the same thing. Sit, down, shut the fuck up, and huddle. Your savior is incoming.
We learn nothing from prohibition, making the same mistakes we made less than a hundred years ago for the sake of fear. We learn nothing in ordinance, so afraid of running out of ammunition that we send our soldiers to war with sub-standard weaponry built by the lowest bidder. We learn NOTHING from a broken political process, so afraid of the boogeymen created out of whole cloth by two parties with every bit of skin in the game that we continue to vote away our Enlightenment principles a sliver at a time.
America is a land of cowards, whose greatest fear is being SEEN as what they are. A land of bullies, flush with the idea that if they puff out their fur enough, the big scary terrorists will just leave them alone, even after being been bitten multiple times. They will hide behind their "heroes", but will never once contemplate the fact that they could be the hero they are waiting for.
As always...
Feel free to disagree.
And if you do, Go big or go the fuck back to Kos. I want and demand your best shots.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Again, disagree?
How does one disagree with a presentation of self-evident facts such as your Diary?
One doesn't. Facts are facts, and your contentions are indeed facts, easily evidenced everywhere.
Srsly: A truly excellent Diary and rant, amice!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Thanks for the compliment, again!
I usually do my best writing at 5 AM, before my kids get up.
Don't know why, just something about that dark morning that gets me in the mood to rage against the dying of the light.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Richard Burr, aka sack of poo, ...
is up for re-election and has been running ISIS boogie man advertisement. I yell at the television about what a coward he is.
I sent Burr's Senate email a complaint when The Patriot Act was being debated. He sent me some gooblety goop about terrorism and standing with the President (W). The downside, Burr has my email address. As soon as BHO announced closing Gitmo, Burr sent out an email about "Brave North Carolinians and Obama invalidating their hard work rounding up terrorists. So I yelled at the computer.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Fear does seem to be the dominant theme of establishment.
I sometimes think that Operation Paperclip was the worst possible end that could have occurred after WW2.
We brought all the fascists over here where they were allowed to perfect their doctrines of fear and hatred.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
operation paperclip
Actually, those fascists were merely our own chicKKKens come home to roost. Read Henry Ford's political writings sometime.
(But not within 60-90 minutes of eating. Vomit's a rather unpleasant mess to clean up.)
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Very fair point.
And many members of our political class had family who worked actively with the Nazis.
History is such a depressing thing sometimes.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
"Well it don't make 'em runnin' scared," said Billy.
"No," said George, "It makes 'em dangerous."
All the sudden the Hippies got relevant again
Which of course is why the establishment is so keen to blame everything on us, even if we don't fall neatly into their hippy stereotype.
I fully expect much more hippy punching in the next few weeks all across the media.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.