Chicken Hawks

American Cowardice

There's a particular brand of cowardice that's uniquely American.

There have been many versions of cowardice over the years, but throughout history, it's never been presented and accomplished in this wholly American and incredibly hypocritical manner. It may perhaps end up being our lasting legacy to the world, something that truly has not been present in the human psyche before the rise of our empire.

Hellraisers Journal: From The Masses: Art Young on Munitions Makers Fanning the Flames of Hatred

You put a gun in my hand and you hide from my eyes,
Then you turn and run farther when the fast bullet fly.
-Bob Dyaln

Monday February 28, 1916
From The Masses: The Munition Maker & Uncle Sam

This month's Masses expressed a few thoughts on the war now raging in Europe. We found the following drawing by Art Young to be especially relevant.

"It's a Great Country" by Art Young:

The Masses, The munition maker and Uncle Sam by Art Young, Feb 1916.png
The munition maker has made us hated in Europe, and now we must buy munitions
from him to defend ourselves against that hatred.