The Seth Rich Assassination: "It doesn't matter how...We need to win this MoFo"
I am hopeful that I can finish the Seth Rich part in one essay before moving on the other prong of this story, which is about the Awan brothers. I suggest that you revisit my earlier essays for background, even though some of this will be repeated here.
1. More reasons to love Debbie Wasserman Schultz
2. Seth Rich and the Awan brothers—Democratic rope-a-dope
3. Prologue: DWS, DNC, and the intersection of two colliding investigations.
As illustrated in the third essay, there is one point of intersection between the Seth Rich assassination and the Awan brothers spy ring: Debbie Wassermann Schultz (DWS). Of course none of this would have happened except for Hillary Clinton (HRC). However that latter connection between DWS and HRC, although obvious, still needs to be elucidated, hopefully in courts of law (plural intended).
This cast of characters reads like the DC phone book. I will try to place facts with the various names.
The title quote comes from Scott Foval, a political operative formerly with People for the American Way (PFAW), subsequently for Americans United for Change (AUFC). In turn, Scott Foval reported to
Robert Creamer
Robert Creamer is an unsavory character, once convicted of fraud for which he served a brief sentence, hence is a felon. Many details of the Creamer directed Democratic primary rigging, performed in conjunction with the DNC, and apparently with the enthusiastic support of HRC, are revealed in a set of videos made by James O'Keefe of Project Veritas. Project Veritas is a RW oriented organization which investigated voter and election fraud by the DNC/HRC.
Here are three pertinent videos by O'Keefe's group:
Some of you are saying: "Yuck, Project Veritas" or, gasp "James O'Keefe, you can't be serious?" How can you deign to cite these crazies? Think about two things before making any judgements. The first point is an analogy. During the War Crimes trial Nuremberg, dozens of unsavory individual testimonies were elicited, usually self-serving but with some truth. Not only were these testimonies heard--not censored--but were used to convict other war criminals. [Think for a minute about a known War Criminal, HRC, before dismissing the source]. The second point is the results of the Project Veritas videos. If they were so phony, why was Scott Foval fired within a week? Why did Robert Creamer, a man who had been to the WH and had more than 30 meetings with Barack Hussain Obama (BHO) resign within two weeks of the video? You think it was the result of "insane" propagandistic hit pieces? That is the mindset of those #alwaysHillary robots.
This prelude, involving Creamer, Foval et. al. is to set the stage for a vicious political campaign that has left many dead in its wake and is continuing to do so. Death, indeed is the central theme here.
The murder of Seth Rich is dealt with in a Wikipedia article. For those who have delved into this matter, one can see the admixture of basic facts, like place of birth and employment, with denunciation of assassination as "conspiracy theory" (CT). Many untruths abound in this entry, which should be excised for being markedly biased and dishonest. [One case in point is about Rod Wheeler, private investigator, backtracking his original story about the assassination. The full Rod Wheeler interview with George Webb and Jason Goodman is cited in another following essay.
Rich grew up in Omaha, Nebraska.[18][19][20] He graduated from Omaha Central High School in 2007,[21] and he earned a degree in political science from Creighton University in 2011.[22] He moved to Washington, D.C. to work for pollster, Greenberg Quinlan Rosner.[23] In 2014 he began working for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) as the Voter Expansion Data Director. One of his tasks at the DNC was the development of a computer application to help voters locate polling stations.[2][24][25]
This position involved developing software for later use by the DNC belies a position so often stated by Hillaryites that Seth Rich was too low in the hierarchy to have access to such "high level" material which were published by Wikileaks. Yet Rich was tasked with producing the very software and related files which were later uploaded to Wikileaks. This is yet another disproven falsehood propagated by the DNC and its allies.
Seth Rich told police that he was a political target. See also: (4:55).
Brief timeline by George Webb of Seth Rich up to last hours before death (3:08)
A more complete Seth Rich timeline (48:56) is included in the following video
Readers, you may have noticed that we haven't gotten to the actual shooting and consequences yet. We need some more background.
Why did those whole ugly mess come about in the first place? Hillary-centric of course.
First we have to remember the Russia, Russia, Russia narrative which was actually born BEFORE the DNC nominating convention. Plans for this actually began in June 2016.
Many may recall the video of process server Shawn Lucas, in the lobby of the DNC headquarters serving a subpoena for records of both the DNC and DWS. Shawn Lucas died in August.
This alleged death by drug overdose, by voluntary self-administration consisted of 3 drugs: Kratom, a non-prescription pharmaceutical which contains a very weak opioid and is commonly used for pain; cyclobenzaprine, which a prescription-only pharmaceutical used as a muscle relaxant*; and Fentanyl, an opioid about 100 times more powerful than morphine. This is an unusual "cocktail" for a seasoned drug abuser to use. *In my 38+ years of medical practice I have never seen one case of recreational cyclobenzaprine use. An interesting question arises about how those drugs were supplied.
Where are the prescription bottles of these three drugs if Lucas had access to them, and who was the prescribing physician, if there even was one? Additionally, what are the odds Shawn Lucas would take all three? He seems like a very sharp guy, it appears illogical for the mentioned cause of death and no further investigation, especially in light of his being a witness.
Furthermore, it has been published that Shawn Lucas was not a drug user.
Another video provides more information about Shawn Lucas and his employer. (16:15)
Here is the video "You got served!"
After Shawn Lucas's drug overdose, the DNC filed a motion to dismiss the DNC fraud suit over improper service of subpoena. That, the first motion to dismiss, fortunately was quashed, even though the process servicer "coincidentally" died.
In this essay, the murder of Seth Rich has only been mentioned tangentially. So much background information needed to be disclosed that would make the essay far longer than it is already, when we begin to discuss the actual night of the murder and subsequent events.
See you next time.
I watched a part of the Wheeler interview....
He isn't backtracking. He is under a gag order. Despite it, he makes it perfectly clear there is a cover up going on, and he believes that the Seth Rich murder is related to his job.
Sane Progressive tied in the Intercept leaker. She thinks "the hack" of the machines has to do with Arizona and the primary. The point she makes, and it makes total sense, is that Hillary was always the one to benefit from Russia's cheating. She admits she's speculating, but she says she smells a rat. I'd like to know how it is that "THE" Intercept outed a leaker? Assange is asking Greenwald WTF? And Greenwald has "no further comment at this time".
Even crazier, a right wing militia has stepped up to protect Jared Beck and his wife. A coalition of sorts is developing between the right and left over this issue. Russia and the right cannot be trusted, but then, neither can the US and Hill/Obamabots. If the two opposing factions ever join forces on common ground, it would be the end of the duopoly. They must be crazy at this turn of events.
I am amazed at the citizen and investigative journalism pouring out of UTube. It is hard to know who has a guy with a butterfly net waiting for them, but all of them cannot be dismissed out of hand. A Reddit group did investigate and uncover the Clinton ties had by the company slandering Bernie during the campaign. The main stream media is NOT going to turn over any rocks.
Last but not least, this story is so long, convuluted, and full of details that it makes the crash of 2008 look like Dick and Jane.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Have they overplayed their hand?
For too long, Republicans and Democrats in power have been playing on the same team. Social issues are kept to the forefront to keep us divided and to give the impression of a difference between the parties, but behind that, the differences are few, if any. If the left and right can see past the diversions, I think you're absolutely correct. They won't give up with out bloodshed though. I'm afraid things are going to get a lot worse...
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
The "Village Police,"
(if there even is any such thing) Will Not arrest any Villagers. Sure, there might be "Hearings," but we know where they go. The only Villagers to ever fall on their swords are the low lying fruit, the Village flunkies. DWS et al are too well protected (and they know it), so, yeah, could come to bloodshed. The "revolution" is a brewing despite the efforts of "Resist" to stop it.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
They say Resist but mean Collaborate — with the Deep State. n/t
Your observations are accurate but I didn't mention it
"Project Veritas" is work of racist, Breitbart con-man, O'Keefe
Again, it's whether the message is good, reliable, prudent and trustworthy, before killing the messenger I suppose. And I confess I haven't had time to keep up with all the twists and turns here as much as I'd like.
But James O'Keefe, of Project Veritas, is a former Breitbart, racist, RW extremist bigot, smear artist.
To wit, from Alternet.
Frankly I don't have the time right now. But anyone can simply find a litany of abuses and fraud from this pathetic, lame POS. He's got ties to Bannon even.
6 Manufactured News Scandals Produced and Promoted by Breitbart News and New Trump Campaign Chief Bannon
Remember what this odious clown/faux journalist did to Shirley Sherrod, Civil Rights activist who co-founded a collective farm in Southwest Georgia and helped develop Community Land Trusts throughout the U.S and whose father was murdered by a racist farmer?
From Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), "Sherrod Hoax Exposed, but Breitbart’s ACORN Fraud Lives On."
Eric Alterman in The Nation, "Journalism's Age of Shame"
There's just too much really ugly stuff on this asshole.
I don't believe he's ever been in search of truth, for the common good, or speaking truth to power. He's just another dupe who has a warped RW-media poisoned worldview that commie, black-lovin' libruls wanna take our guns, Bible and flags away and is out to get "them."
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
O'Keefe is a known liar, confidence artist, and criminal, who has been caught falsifying evidence more than once. He's also a deeply damaged individual on a personal level, as shown by the extremely weird case involving a female journalist on his boat.
Giving any credence to anything produced by O'Keefe or anyone who willingly associates with him makes even less sense than giving credence to something produced by the NSA -- and they are professional liars by executive mandate.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
O'Keefe is an obvious no go.
It is easy to discard anything coming out of his mouth. Problem is, there are so many "new" players that it is hard to know who is credible and who is not.
According to the DNC lawsuit attorney, he and everyone associated with the law suit is being seriously intimidated and threatened. People investigating Seth Rich's role and all of the related story are also reporting threats, hacking, and crowd strikes against their emails and social media accounts. Are all of the threats false too? If the lawsuit was dropped and they all shut up tomorrow, the only winners would be the DNC, Democrats, DWS, and Hillary. Add in the Dems who are dropping out of their elections because of threats to their lives, and the incredibly inept and suspicious Intercept leak, and something really screwy is going on.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
yep. How is it that
this fucktard pos is not in jail?
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Yes and why are HRC and DWS not in jail?
@Alligator Ed Same reason. They
Anybody who can be connected back to Bushes or Clintons gets a get-out-of-jail-free card. Unless the Bushes or Clintons need to throw them to the wolves.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
thanks, Mark of Queens,
I always need such clear worded explanations. Too much for me to look through all that. Glad you posted this.
@Mark from Queens Sometimes slimeballs tell
Or maybe it's simpler, and he just wants to attack anyone or anything affiliated w/the Democratic Party.
Either way, it would be better for us to go to other sources, since I believe Alligator Ed is on the right track here.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Despite all the nasty stuff of which O'Keefe has been accused
@Alligator Ed They're talking about
He's participated in hit jobs before. That's the issue. That creates a deep distrust. It doesn't mean he's lying now. It means that it would be better if he handed off the job of publicizing whatever he's got to someone who isn't famous for engaging in baseless slander.
I believe your account, FWIW, but while I haven't got an automatic bias against relying on RW sources, this one is seriously untrustworthy. It would be better to use other sources.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
O'Keefe is problematic on many levels
Creamer btw, is the husband of Jan Schakowsky (IL-9).
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Give credit where credit is due.
NO credit is due James O'Keefe, period. He has a long, long track record of fraudulent attacks. If you are citing him, you are reducing your argument to his pattern of fraud. Any consideration of his work (and I'm stretching that word's definition here) that lends him the slightest credibility insults those he has smeared before.
Just, no. We can find allies elsewhere.
Your comment is a logical fallacy
O'Keefe may be sighting facts
but those facts would be a lot easier to believe coming from a credible source as opposed to a known fraud.
I'm great at multi-tasking. I can waste time, be unproductive, and procrastinate all at the same time.
The ease of believability
@dance you monster IMO, he's probably a liar
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I have been following this story
George Webb and Jason Goodman have done a ton of research on this. They also interviewed Rod Wheeler who was the private detective hired by the Rich family before the DNC got to them.
Rod Wheeler is very credible to me. Even though he is prevented by a cease and desist order from talking about specifics of the case, he still gave us a lot of good information about the investigative process and those facts already in the public domain. I highly recommend everyone watch his interview. Rod Wheeler and his attorneys reviewed the interview to ensure it met the conditions of the cease and desist order prior to it being published.
George Webb uses metadata and public information to establish time lines and linkages that he uses to formulate his conclusions. These guys are getting real close. By staying public, it provides a margin of safety for them, although what they are doing is very dangerous.
Also Bob Creamer is not only a very unsavory person, but he is also married (since 1980) to U.S. Representative Jan Schakowsky. The rot is everywhere.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Aced me again, gulfgal
Very interesting interview.
Thanks. Wheeler does come across as very credible.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Heh, not a gag order, a cease and shut up order
You know that they are trying to cover things up when other news agencies start calling it a conspiracy theory. The one way to stifle conversation is label it as a conspiracy theory.
Box is going there with this article
The bonkers Seth Rich conspiracy theory
Thanks for posting this video, gulfgal.
Oh, good point. Why is the FBI involved with a routine robbery? Ah, because of his laptop.
Great video. Hopefully we will learn what happened to Seth and the others that have been killed during this corrupt election.
My biggest problem with Hillary winning the primary is the exit polls not lining up with the vote tallies. And there is a lawsuit or investigation about that.
How many investigations are going on and related to the primary? How anyone can say that Hillary won fair and square has to be deluded.
One question people aren't asking is, how many people who had their party affiliation changed or were kicked off the voting rolls weren't able to vote in the general election? If that happened to Hillary, I can't think of a better way for her to lose
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
What I find most disturbing in reaction to this essay
is the amount of vitriol unleashed by mention of James O'Keefe, to the exclusion of other, considerable evidence contained in this essay. I am surprised by the lack of attention being paid to the Shawn Lucas assassination prominently featured in this post.
Why has no one commented upon the biased and largely untrue narrative in Wikipedia about the Seth Rich murder?
The Shawn Lucas information
We can expect these investigations to be DOA unless new information comes forth. I have little doubt that dark motives are behind these deaths, but how to prove that, when the wheels of justice are controlled by those in power?
I also don't understand the urge to shoot the messenger regarding O'Keefe. I know what his motives are, but couldn't care less, if the revealed information is accurate.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
I agree with you on the drug angle and also the fact angle
Fentanyl is available in IM and IV forms as well as cutaneous patches. It is not available in oral form, at least legally through FDA approved methods. IM Fentanyl injections could be revealed by careful forensic analysis. In the absence of a detailed autopsy report which examined possible injection sites, the Fentanyl patch, which has a slow onset but prolonged length of action (72 hours), could have been a source of overdose. But this surely would have been detected when Shawn's girlfriend found him on the bathroom floor. Surreptitious injection sites are numerous, including sublingual, buccal mucose, nasal mucosa, underneath fingernails or toe nails, the axillae, perianal. Were these sites examined?
The only oral fentanyl we've ever given
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
I forgot about the lollipops. Thanks for the reminder]
[video:@dervish Because he has
I agree that it's taken up too much time in this diary. Let's refocus.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
@Alligator Ed I guess because I wasn't
So sad, but not surprised.
Do we want to try to fix the entry? My guess is we'd have to keep re-editing it over and over again.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Things we think we know two days ago are changing
@Alligator Ed I'm horrified by the
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
None of hospital records or autopsy report
Wikipedia is crowd-sourced.
ANYONE can post ANYTHING about ANYTHING, and it gets little or no vetting for accuracy. There have been a number of cases of editing wars, to the point where pages had to be locked to stop them.
If there are sources, follow them and see what they say. If there are no sources, caveat emptor.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
@TheOtherMaven Correct, and
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Sorry, Alligator Ed
I did not mean to step on you with my post. When I posted this, I was thinking you would be moving to the Awan brothers in your next essay. Even the info on them is in flux as of today. This stuff is moving very fast, much faster than most people realize.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Quite alright, gulfgal, sharing is great