Proxy War Against Iran Begins
We returned to bombing Iranian-backed militias in Syria today.
US-led forces at Al Tanf say they carried out fresh intentional strikes on pro-Syrian forces June 6th. Unclear how many of 60 troops killed
— Airwars (@airwars) June 6, 2017
U.S. warplanes bombed pro-regime Syrian forces backed by Iran in southern Syria on Tuesday, after those forces ignored repeated warnings to leave 35-mile safe zone the U.S. set up to train anti-Islamic State fighters.
A statement from U.S. Central Command said coalition planes destroyed two artillery pieces, an anti-aircraft weapon, and damaged a tank after issuing several warnings through the so-called de-confliction line with Russia.
There is one HUGE lie buried in that news article. Can you spot it?
It's the phrase "anti-Islamic State fighters".
We are training Free Syrian Army jihadists at that base, and their enemy is the Syrian regime, not ISIS.
Just note how the war map in that region looks today.
The blue bomb is our action.
The red guns all around it are FSA jihadists attacking Iranian-backed, pro-Assad militias, who are probably from Iraq.
Continuing #this_land_is_ours #osodalshrqia &Ahmad Abdo army attack Assad militias in Thermal Sana,Zaza,Sabaa Biyar,Glieghem& shahmi.
— osoudelsharqiya_en (@osodalshrqia_en) June 6, 2017
So what is really going on is our official backing of Syria regime change forces (as opposed to our unofficial stance of the last decade).
Also today the Kurdish-led SDF entered Raqqa today.
The end of ISIS is at hand.
#WrathOfEuphrates first pictures of #SDF breaking into #Raqqa city from eastern side,inside Mashlab neighborhood,fighting #ISIS @ManbijFm
— j-c vergès (@melisaraimmo) June 6, 2017
The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said on Tuesday it had launched an operation to capture Raqqa, Islamic State's de facto Syrian capital, piling pressure on the jihadists whose self-declared caliphate is in retreat across Syria and Iraq.
SDF spokesman Talal Silo told Reuters the battle started on Monday and the fighting would be fierce "because Daesh (Islamic State) will die to defend their so-called capital".

No, they're not going to die because
they are defending themselves.
They're going to die because the US is going to kill them.
Sure, they're not good people, but I will not give the US absolution for murder, which is what killing people without a declaration of war IS.
Dress it up however you like. Tell fairy stories about how a 16 year old vague authorization is enough. I honestly don't care, because the US is too cowardly to declare an open war and claim responsibility for the death done in the name of the United Corporations of America. The UCA. (Sorry, University of Central Arkansas.)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Trump is being very carefully conditioned
To go full war on Iran. He is too much of a policy illiterate to know it, but they know it in Tehran. McCain, Netanyahu, and Prince Salman may get the war they've always wanted much to the world's deep regret.
I keep forgetting that Obama isn't president
The only thing that has changed since Trump became president is the number of civilian casualties going up.
However, none of this would be happening if the PNAC group wasn't in charge of our foreign policy.
Just the fact that this country thinks that it gets to decide what happens in other countries is disgusting. How many lives will we take before someone stops us?
Gotta love this road show of spreading freedom and democracy.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
At the very worst, Trump is Dolores Umbridge
Thoroughly horrid, but not a Death Eater, and certainly not a Voldemort. Just a tool.
The real Death Eaters in this real-life, all-Muggle Harry Potter saga are the PNAC and their ilk.
True dat! He is just a puppet.
Trump isn't actually calling the shots on his cabinet picks, domestic agenda or foreign policy. It's probably Ryan, Pence and the crew at PNAC and other shadowy figures pulling his strings and passing the legislation that they have wanted passed. The republicans are so psyched about this and the democrats aren't in a position to block them. I'm still wondering how much of this is by design. He turned control of the military over to his generals. There was a reason for a civilian being in charge of the military.. but even that has gone out the window. The pentagon and the CIA broke the peace treaty in Syria and Obama did nothing. The question I have is what could he have done?
As detroitmeckworks stated, what is happening in the Middle East is murder. Our government has gotten very good at this since they have been doing it since the first pilgrim landed on the shores of this country. How long until someone puts a stop to this?
Hopefully, Trump will alienate our allies enough that they can break free from our influence and stop supporting our illegal wars.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
The PNAC section just kicks the doors in
for the next contingent - the neoliberals who proceed to rape and pillage.
I'm thinking the only solution, short of world war, is for the US to overextend and overspend on its global military might as it rots and disintegrates from within.
That is what John Kerry said during his Winter Soldier
testimony. He describes what the troops did to the Vietnamese and since it happened during a war, they got away with it.
That's another thing that happens when you break down people's defenses to not kill others. And these things happen in every war theater.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Next steps, US troops on the ground by thousands.
This will escalate and get worse.
Saw this story earlier
Was hoping you would write about it. All fits in with the sudden expulsion of Qatar from the coalition of the Saudis.
So they isolate Qatar and keep that gas field from being exploited while also moving on Iranian militias. A concerted effort militarily and economically to ramp up pressure on Iran. Have to figure this is designed to push Iran's moderate gov't into a corner and loosen its control over the hardliners among the mullahs and the Revolutionary Guard. Can't wait for the false flag incident where those militias are blamed for some incident: use of chemical weapons against innocent civilians, an attack on one of our warships in the Gulf, or possibly against one of our bases in Iraq.
The Saudis and Trump seem to have come to an arrangement to start a war against Iran, with Israel no doubt providing intel support on the downlow. If they pull it off oil and gas prices go sky high again, with all the fracking and pipeline operators back in the USA making out like bandits. It has the makings of a much wider conflict, as well, should China, Russia and God knows who else provide support to Iran.
Anymore I expect the worst I can imagine will happen, only to find out I lack sufficient imagination.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Expect the worst
Blame Russian hackers!
Of course!
Ok, so I'm getting that Russia is 100% kicking our asses
Is that about it? I mean, damn, they are everywhere, controlling everything. Who knew. So much for the greatest country on earth. Thank goodness we don't have to hear anymore about that at least. Russia is clearly far superior. We can't even run a real election. Sad! (as our illustrious president would twit). Democracy is officially over in this country. Thanks Obama! Good job. Apparently when he mocked Mittens for saying Russia was our greatest enemy, Mittems was right and Obama was asleep at the switch - letting Russia overrun our elections while he was busy bombing the Middle East.
Do democrats really want to go here? Oy.
Aah, what does Obama care? He’s got his $65 million book deal
and his $3+ million speaking engagements.
Nice work if you can get it.
And we thought we had dodged a bullet when Hillary lost the
If we do start a war with Iran, what happens with our military base in Qatar?
If Israel gets their wish, they should have to put their own troops in harm's way. For too long it has been our troops and our allies' troops who have been doing Israel's fighting. And using our tax dollars.
I know that will never happen because as Pat Buchanan said, Israel owns our government.
We saw Johnson cover for the Israelis when they attacked the USS Liberty. There were two ships that had tried to come to its defense, but McNamara told the ships to return the jets to their ships.
Johnson said he would rather those men die than to upset our relationship with Israel. And the incident has been covered up for 50 years tomorrow.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
50 years to the day since Israel’s attack on the U.S.S. Liberty
The 50th anniversary of Israel’s attack on the U.S.S. Liberty will be tomorrow, June 8th.
Not taking any bets on how much coverage there will be in Western establishment media. Lucky if it even gets a fleeting mention.
The biggest gas fields are shared with Iran
Whoever gets it first is the winner. It's like a big bowl of punch with two straws.
And really, ISIS is hardly the big
worldwide threat that America is. Please. These people.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Iranian backed is kinda a half truth.
Do they receive funding from Iran? Yes but the PMU fall under the purview of the Iraqi Ministry of the Interior. They are officially employed by the Iraqi government. Be wary anytime the MSM reports on the ME. At best they sling half truths.
Solidarity forever
ISIS attacks Tehran
Looks like the Saudi's have sent their proxy army into Iran. Maybe it has become too hot for them in Syria and Iraq. In any event their work there is done. Both these nations have been shattered and will take a generation or more to rebuild, that is if they are left alone. Iran is last on The List. Then it's fait accompli for that part of the Yinon Plan.
Pundita has a post on the current situation in Tehran which she has been updating as new news comes in.
Meanwhile on the other side of Syria
Assad regime threatens U.S. forces
What are the chances that Russia gets involved?
if the Syrian forces do fight back against the US, do you think that Russia will help them if they cross the red line?
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.