The UnRepresented Party, or How to Start a Revolution

"Democracy cannot function without an informed public."
Thomas Jefferson

When people vote they affix a signature, either on paper or electronically, to verify and document their vote. That record is accepted by all (theoretically) as generally what each citizen wants from their government via their political representatives. This citizen input into who is allowed to make decisions for them is paraded as democracy. This process involves many millions of people during the national government elections, as many as 130 million during presidential election years or approximately 55-60% of the voting eligible public. During the mid-term elections the total participation level can dip below 100 million as seen in the 2014 election where only 36% of the voting eligible public voted.

Only 36% of American citizens elected most of our 537 national politicians in 2014. Politicians who were largely controlled by the oligarchy that controls this country of 330 million people. The number of national representatives hasn't changed since 1912, it was capped by Congress in 1929. They said "no more representatives for you!" That's our supposed "representative democracy", the system we accept to maintain the illusion that Amerika is the greatest country on earth and the greatest democracy ever achieved by the human animal. The country that has the God Given Right to be the global policeman and the purveyor of all that is good and right, responsible for keeping democracy safe, the sole superpower and the "exceptional" nation.

Come on man, that's what we're supposed to believe and we all know it. That's what's been pounded into our heads since we were old enough to hear.

We're at the point in American history where we should admit this political system is kaput. It can't be reformed, it must be replaced. It was never meant to provide democracy, thus the "republic" label. The purpose was to keep the ultimate power at the top with the rich and powerful, the "ruling class". It was designed to prevent democracy. That's exactly what it has done. The results are more clear than ever, we regular citizens have no say in the political process and our votes mean nothing.

How can a former president, Jimmy Carter, come out and say the U.S. is not a democracy, that it is an oligarchy, and nothing is done about it? How can another former president, Dwight Eisenhower, warn us about the dangers of the military industrial complex but we end up with an insatiable global killing machine and spying apparatus and a government trying to rule the world by force? How can JFK warn us about the evils of the CIA and the Federal Reserve System and yet they have more power than ever? How can we allow that? Why are these issues not addressed in this country by it's leaders and citizens? How much longer can it go on?

The issues are not addressed because we do not live in a democracy. We are being ruled.

It's obvious (to me) we need an independent political movement to challenge the duopoly and the oligarchy to bring some semblance of democracy to this country. Not just democracy but an end to the ultra criminal and unconstitutional activities those in control of our government are engaging in and aiding and abetting, and accountability and justice for the past and current crimes committed along with reparations to the victims. The reparations must come from those who committed and benefited most from these crimes against humanity.

Wall Street, the Federal Reserve System, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Bank of International Settlements, the World Trade Council, NATO, the military/intelligence/security industrial complex, Bilderberg, the thinktanks, institutions, clubs and foundations and the revolving D.C. government/corporation/big bank door, the Big banks, the corporate media monopoly, etc. all need to be abolished, curtailed or reformed to limit their influence on government policy, their role in the incredible wealth inequality and class divide in this country, and end their insane and immoral quest to rule the earth and all the inhabitants on it. Fuck them.

What can we do?

Assuming you've ruled out the republican and democratic political parties, the choice is between a "third" political party, i.e., trying to compete against the duopoly in this failed political system, or an independent movement outside the political system and electoral process. The duopoly consisting of the democratic and republican parties is completely controlled by the oligarchy, the ruling class, and the rich and powerful. The entire system and accompanying institutions that have been created over the last two centuries are designed to keep it that way. Money talks, bullshit walks and we regular citizens of this country are the bullshit.

So ya, to do this we're going to need money, lots of it. The problem with a third party, besides the system being severely stacked against them, is it still requires a "middleman" to participate in this system of representation, the election of political candidates to political offices. They then become politicians who represent their "constituents". Nationally they would take their place in a congress or senate with 535 seats dominated by the duopoly. Since WWII, only 5 non-duopoly politicians have been elected to the national Congress or Senate. Taking this course would require extreme patience because it would probably take decades to elect enough politicians from that third party to be able to impact policies in Congress, let alone implement radical measures like mentioned above, i.e., revolutionary actions. That's assuming those who chose this path could be more successful than those who have repeatedly tried over the last 70 plus years. During that time we could all die from nuclear war, climate change, and/or extreme poverty. Or all three. While those that rule us kill many more millions. Either way alot of people will continue to get hurt, continue to have their one life to live taken from them in the name of greed and the quest for power. An age old equation the human race has never been able to solve.

The wild card in that however is if a third party president could be elected. That could be a game changer with the right person. But placing our bets on one person to save us is a tired human practice that rarely works and often leads to even worse results. And it's not democracy to allow one person to make decisions for everyone else. I'm in favor of abolishing the presidency and creating a different management structure to prevent the world having to worry about what "Trump" will do, or whoever it is. And that's a reality, check out the rest of the world and what they think about Trump, it's ridiculous. They don't know what the fuck could happen. We don't either. It's embarrassing to be an American.

So why not cut out the middleman with an independent movement that does not include electing politicians? It's not like it would be easy and fast, it would require great planning and organization, and money as mentioned above. But it could still be representative of a large number of people with a platform of citizen input, like a political platform only much better. It would be validated, just like on an election ballot, with signatures verifying the rightful democratic input from those participating. It doesn't require people protesting in the streets, although that should be part of it, but can include millions who feel the same but can't join the street protests. There has to be a way to include those people. It could produce results a helluva lot faster than a third party.

We want an end to oligarchy, war and imperialism and rule by the rich.

It would have to be combined with a boycott or protest of some kind of the duopoly, an organized, publicized boycott or statement against the duopoly and a demand that our voices and opinions are given equal measure, as is our inalienable and "God given right". It would be basically like a petition, but what in politics isn't like a petition? When electing politicians all we do is sign our name. This is the same thing.

Actually we could have our own election. We could have a national referendum like is done in other countries. Except there wouldn't be any no votes, only votes from those that agreed with the platform, like with a political party. We could get 20 million, 50 million votes much faster than we could get a significant third party presence in Congress and Senate. We wouldn't need "permission" to have a people's referendum, we would just do it.

Somebody has got to organize all the different organizations, blogs, independent news sites, initiatives, groups, etc., that are currently working toward the same thing. There are alot of people who want this but mostly they're all doing their own thing.

How would an independent movement be able to influence what happens in Congress and Senate and with the President? Why would they listen to us? Because we'd make them listen to us. What other choice is there? Sooner or later we're going to have to do that. It's like put up or shut up, shit or get off the pot, quit your whining and do something. The only alternative to is keep voting in this system hoping that a couple centuries of peasant futility can somehow be overcome.

When I say "we" of course I mean those that want more than just a higher minimum wage or medicare for all. "We" who want an end to oligarchy. We want an end to the wars, the unbelievable wealthy inequality, the unfair practices and crimes committed by the financial class and an end to rule by the rich. We who want a revolution, a changing of the power to the people. A new way of life and a peaceful, equal and just way forward. It's got to happen or greed and the quest for power will kill us all.

It depends on what you want. If you want a revolution, it's going to require something like this, and more. It's got to be big, it's got to be organized and well funded, and it's got to be committed against the oligarchy and for democracy. Everyone is born equal, stays equal and has an equal voice. Solidarity. If you want to continue the same path with the oligarchy in charge where our rights are slowly being taken from us to the point of being slaves, then continue voting for politicians offered to you by the duopoly.

If an independent movement/revolution is not what you want, the answer is easy. Just keep trying to elect better politicians to represent you, either third party or with the duopoly. And quit stressing out about what can be done. That's your answer.

I know what I want. I want freedom from these fucking assholes and an end to, and justice for, their crimes, and I'll do whatever it takes to get it. I'm tired of being ruled by rich people and I don't want my children, my grandchildren and great grandchildren ruled by rich people either. I believe we're ALL equal and we ALL should have an equal voice. I believe that's the only way. They are not better than me. I believe we must end rule by the rich, which is basically rule by greed.

We need an antiwar movement ASAP but I don't think an antiwar movement will do it. It's never done it before. Nothing has really challenged the power and wealth of the oligarchy, face it. The rich have always been in charge in this country. I do think that ending imperialism, global imperialism not just U.S. imperialism, could be an instigator to real democratic social change. But probably not, we have to confront this issue head on, not from an angle. Ending oligarchy and rule by the rich will end imperialism and war. All war is for the rich. Again, we being those that want a new beginning.

It's like they say, we need to go big or go home. I'm ready to go big. In fact, that's all I'll accept. I read a quote earlier today from Hannah Arendt, the only morally reliable people are not those who say “this is wrong” or “this should not be done,” but those who say “I can’t.” I'm not trying to be morally righteous here, I'm just saying I'm not going to take anymore of their bullshit. To each her/his own, as it should be.

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Big Al's picture

Maybe it will spur positive debate. I read a couple comments just today of people asking what can we do. I've been chastised recently for ranting and raving too much without offering solutions.
I don't know the solution but I know it's going to be really, really hard. If we want a solution we have to accept that first off.

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PriceRip's picture

@Big Al

          If we were using a Caucus Format to drive the group discussion, I would certainly gravitate to this corner of the auditorium. In community organizing the mechanism is position statements written on large sheets of paper tapes to the walls and a lot of people milling about adding comments until it becomes obvious that a consensus is forming, hence the "I would certainly gravitate to ..."

          So, the trick (as it were) is to see if this gains traction to provide focus to the overall ebb and flow of the conversation here at caucus99percent.

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Big Al's picture

@PriceRip during my fed govt career. Particularly effective with good facilitators.
I remember when Pierre Omidyar the billionaire pledged 250 million to start the Intercept and whatever else they've got going. All the choir said yea for the billionaires, yea for Greenwald. I said, fuck that, give us the money for a revolution. We'll rent out a convention hall and hold a meeting to decide how to take down the power.
Of course, now we have the Intercept. I think that was when I was still on Daily Kos.

I'm trying to decide if I have the energy and commitment to try to get something going like this. I'm convinced it should be done around the 2018 election. 2014 saw less a 36% turnout as I mentioned above. 2018 could be worse and with an organized boycott against the duopoly, it could bring real attention.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

And I say that based on everything that's happened over the last 50 years. In fact, I'd even be in favor of abolishing the Constitution itself based on the simple fact that it does almost nothing to protect the rights of us commoners, let alone the commons themselves.

What we replace them with, though, is another matter. I don't trust the congress, the senate or the 9 monarchs who refer to themselves as the supreme court. It's a damn sad situation, isn't it?

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

Big Al's picture

@The Aspie Corner It's like having a mass murderer serial killer next door and knowing it, but no one believes you. Even your kids think "Mr. Smith" is a nice guy.

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Weak unions, I guess. Because their top went rotten too, workers don't want to be organized by a bunch of corrupt assholes at the top, even if it means good wages and bennies. Weird huh? Thanks for this essay, for trying to get heads together toward life of peace. Keep going, every week please. Wink Heh.

I keep saying withhold money to effect change, call it boycott or whatever, did FlushRush "work"? My ideas are mostly because I don't have any money left I think. Projecting. But if half the country really is poor now, oof, I don't know. Yesterday I read about Hollywood writers talking huelga, maybe they can start a rolling jubilee of strike actions. LOL that would be ironic as hell, for me in California. Go Hollywood, fuck Sony and Disney, corporations from HELL.

Big Al what about the oligarchs in Washington state, Bezos and Gates? Are you fully divested from their ass-fuckery? It reaches pretty pretty far now. Maybe if all people set examples of self-sacrifice for the common good, it would inspire more to give a try. I know my sobriety has helped others stop drinking booze, and my impoverished vegan diet has inspired others to eat better. That is weird too. You never know who you reach, just put it out there and see, I guess. Keep going.

Peace & Love

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mimi's picture

reading it over and over. That's on us, not on you.


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I agree with Big Al. A mass political movement parallel to the existing system is the middle way between revolution and ineffective reform efforts. Fifty million citizens agreeing with an anti-imperial platform would have clout. A hundred million, more clout. I think "The Majority Party" is a good candidate for a name. Or maybe, "We the People." Or "The Peace Party." The national referendum is a great way to begin the organization; only "agree / belong" votes is an excellent approach to drawing together the smaller groups. Nothing prevents a citizen from working in multiple ways toward the same ends (can belong to The Majority Party and work to "primary" Diane Feinstein, boycott Monsanto, etc.).

The administration of this movement should lead by example. Pay differences should be small; workers on the bottom should get better than average pay, top leaders, less. Maybe a minimum living wage for everyone, plus percentage increases at different levels, up to a max of, say, five or ten times the minimum. Didn't Schumaker have an opinion on that in his book, "Small is Beautiful?" His book was based on solid personal experience.

Many will have good ideas on how to proceed. "I can't" is a starting point.

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Wink's picture

Party" or "Our Peoples Party" or "It's Our Party" (and we'll win if we want to)

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Strife Delivery's picture

At this stage in the empire, with everything collapsing, it, in my view, can't be done peacefully.

Those in power will not give up power. They will hold onto power. That power wields a lot of wealth. And that wealth is their addiction. They will never give that up. In fact, they kill people specifically to increase that wealth. As you mentioned, that is what war is all about. They do not care if the country is collapsing. They don't care if it collapses at all. They will steer this ship right into an iceberg and then they along will man the lifeboats.

Perhaps I'm wrong, perhaps I'm just too cynical, but I don't see a movement, any movement that has serious potential of causing significant change, happening peacefully unfortunately.

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@Strife Delivery and that wealth is armored to the teeth, so to speak. That fear pisses me off, I wish I did not know what petty tyrants and sycophants are in charge of the California Sheriffs Department. Prop64 clampdown coming via Sessions will be vindictive as hell, now I know how those kooky gun nut people feel. The jack boots are real.

There is a recall effort on Freitas in Sonoma County, that will go nowhere with Ds in charge. I don't know why Mendocino is allowing Allman his LRAD, except it is probably exploiting public post-trauma from Jerry Melo's murder. I was staying in Willits three days a week through that nightmare, me and another old lady out there alone off-grid, and a murderous madman on the loose (not the cops). She had shotguns and packed a .38, which somehow made me feel better. It was for noise to scare bears and mountain lions, but still.

Thanks, I just had to get that out. Hope I'm wrong.


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Strife Delivery's picture

@eyo Could you clarify the second paragraph?

I'm just really unfamiliar with a lot of the wording or the events that you were describing so I'm kind of a blank stare at the moment ha.

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@Strife Delivery sorry I was lazy about linking, too upset. This is cursory searching, all bad memories. Hard stuff.
New loudspeaker ensures MCSO will be heard loud and clear

The Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office will now have a better means to find people who go missing, thanks to a new, high-tech loudspeaker. The Board of Supervisors on Tuesday approved the purchase of a Long Range Acoustic Device, or LRAD, for MCSO at $7,300.

The LRAD 100X, the model requested by MCSO, is portable and is 20 to 30 decibels louder than a typical bullhorn or patrol car P.A. system, according to the manufacturer’s website.

Sheriff Tom Allman said the device will aid in searches for missing persons, most often hunters and mushroom pickers, which cost the county tens of thousands of dollars. Allman recalled the 2011 search for Aaron Bassler, who had been accused of murdering two men in Fort Bragg and led law enforcement officers on an intense manhunt in the Noyo Basin, saying the LRAD might have made that search a little easier.

Don't get lost.
By Public Domain,

A NY Times report from 2011: Hunting a Suspect on His Own Tough Turf

The manhunt began after Jere Melo, a prominent council member and a former two-term mayor, was shot and killed around 10 a.m. on Aug. 27.

That Saturday morning, Mr. Melo, 69, who had also worked as a forester since the 1960s, was walking in the deep woods as he often did for his job, said his son, Greg Melo: after being contacted by a property owner who believed someone was growing marijuana nearby on private timberland, Mr. Melo went to check on it.

Once he had GPS coordinates for the garden, he planned on sending them to law enforcement, his son said. ...

I didn't know Jerry Melo personally, but I know lots of people loved him dearly, he earned tons of respect. Matt Coleman too.

Shortly after, the police connected Mr. Bassler to a second killing: on Aug. 11, Matthew Coleman, 45, also a forester, was found dead outside his car on a rural property more than a dozen miles north of Fort Bragg.

Mr. Coleman, who was working in the area, was killed by multiple gunshots. The authorities found Mr. Bassler’s DNA at the crime scene.

Tom Allman, see #31 here: Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association

(by CSPOA on Jan 16, 2013) Sheriffs have risen up all over our great nation to stand up against the unconstitutional gun control measures being taken.

The following is a list of sheriffs and state sheriff’s associations from who have vowed to uphold and defend the Constitution against Obama’s unlawful gun control measures. I applaud these public servants for their courage and conviction.

I would encourage other Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers to add their voices to the growing numbers of faithful protectors of our freedom.

Freitas recall, RIP Andy Lopez: Close to Home: Effort to recall Sheriff Freitas will move ahead — here’s why

On March 24, members of the Community Action Coalition served a notice of intention to recall Sheriff Steve Freitas from office. Just hours later the sheriff announced that he would not seek re-election in 2018.
The 2013 killing of 13-year-old Andy Lopez by Deputy Erick Gelhaus fanned deep-seated resentments of local Latino communities, which had already endured years of racial profiling, humiliation and senseless killings by law enforcement. After the sheriff reassigned Gelhaus back to street patrol, one Latina from Santa Rosa said, “The message was clear: you are faceless, nameless, voiceless, and we don’t care about you.”

Edited to fix Allman typo, and then add illustrative (I hope) photo where LRADs come from. Allman promises to not use it for crowd control, you decide. Don't think about pipelines in South Dakota, think about lost mushroom pickers.

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Strife Delivery's picture

@eyo Thanks, that sounds like a rough experience.

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@Strife Delivery I could go on about his deluded ideas for imprisoning the mentally ill, but his lying is what really pisses me off. I know people who tried to "do the right thing" and paid to apply for his stupid zip-tie program (cannabis markers, for the consultants that raid). Well that didn't work too well, and where did the list go? Somehow it ended at the DOJ. He is a backstabbing mo-fo. Both he and Freitas jumped when Sessions called them to D.C., as did every U.S. Sheriff, as far as I can tell.

I'm an old DFH in California, now witnessing yet another destruction of industry for oligarch profits. Disgusting. People don't care because, legal weed! Who read all 60 pages of Prop64 before voting? Anybody? Bueller? Track and Trace should be abandoned, not embraced. Why would people want that? I don't. The watershed can't take what's coming and they know it, it is ecocide. What a mess. I hope my cynicism has finally lost its prescience. Thanks.

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lotlizard's picture

@Strife Delivery

At this stage in the empire, with everything collapsing, it, in my view, can't be done peacefully.

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snoopydawg's picture

and work strikes. How do we get enough people involved is both the question and the problem. I don't know how many of you see what the conservatives are saying about what's happening in this country, but so many of them are on board with what our military is doing in the Middle East because they actually believe that its fighting against ISIS and al Qaida. They don't believe that our government and our allies are arming and funding them. They believe that Iran is the biggest sponsor of terrorism when we know otherwise.
They have bought into the propaganda about the reasons why we are the world's policemen and the other BS nonsense about the war of terror.

And anyone who runs for congress is vetted by AIPAC and other Jewish leaders so I don't know how we get around that. I don't remember which congress member was removed from office because he went against AIPAC. It might have been Feingold who then was reinstated after AIPAC didn't like the person that was running.

If we take to the streets they are ready for us with the militarized police and their military weapons. Look at how they took down OWS when they were threatening the banks. What will they do if we threaten our government? I'm thinking that they will do another false flag and then declare martial law.
That might be in the works anyway.

I don't mean to be a Debbie downer and say that this isn't possible, I am pointing out what we would be up against.
I agree that something must be done and soon if we are going to have any chance of having a representative government. I don't know how to get enough people who will see that things need to change.

I agree with the Aspie Corner that the constitution isn't worth the paper it's written on because our government doesn't abide by it or our bill of rights. Look at how many rights have been taken away from us since 9/11. The patriot act was written before the attacks, they just needed an event to happen in order for it to go into effect.
Which reminds me of this
And this

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt


brutal and ugly.

a government ready to kill its own people. why?

"If, as you say, it's not a crime to be a panda, then why are we in jail? "

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QMS's picture

and with it awareness expands. The rumblings of re-evolution are getting louder as we speak. Thanks Al.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture

The problem always comes back to having an effective media platform so the message isn't distorted.

Certainly we can agree as a nation on many policies.
First on my list...Corporation are NOT citizens...they are profit machines that need/require regulation and supervision.

Others include:
Reduce the military budget significantly (half to three quarters) and redirect the money to domestic issues and world peace (ie clean water and food for the poor of the world).

Leave all fossil fuels in the ground and create a clean power system.

Develop a clean, accessible public transportation system.

Have universal health care.

Develop a national jobs program that provides everyone a living wage with more public sector positions like teachers, rangers, environmental workers (for mitigation and monitoring), health professionals. and so on.

Reinvent our government with direct (internet based?) voting on important issues, or at least allow the people to directly veto new policies and laws.

Restructure the injustice/prison system to reform rather than punish and eliminate for profit prisons. Decriminalize drug use.

Provide free public education until students move into a career or profession.

I could go on and on, but the point is there needs to be a blueprint to start conversation.

And as we discussed yesterday, (the other piece of the puzzle) we need to educate US citizens about they way they have been manipulated by the corporate oligarchy in order to bring people to the table.

I know I'm dreaming, but it is important to dream. Thanks for the essay Al.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

PriceRip's picture


          This sheet of paper needs to be next to the original sheet of paper, what do y'all think?

          Continuing the group organizing theme as suggested here ( @PriceRip ) very clean easy to read lists are critical to developing a consensus that can lead to coordinated actions.

          My fear and prediction: This article and its concomitant comment stream will slide quietly off the "front page" into oblivion never to be seen again.

          I would very much like to not have that "fear and prediction" become a reality.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

@snoopydawg Hell, even the founding plutocrats didn't follow their own document. In fact, we've been under the oligarchical model of government since the founding. The bill of rights actually does more to protect them than it ever will the rest of us. And it shows throughout our entire 240 year history.

I've spent years trying to get people to understand this basic fact but as you pointed out, the people are too heavily propagandized to want to listen.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

@The Aspie Corner works better than reason every single time. Reading some Chris Hedges this weekend about the propaganda ramp up before WWI and how well that worked for them to get the US to enter that "war to end all wars." Its just like advertising and it works. When I think of the poisonous legacy that left behind, how many generations that not only were directly indoctrinated but how it trickled down to future generations too, it seems almost insurmountable. A legacy that keeps on giving our oligarchs a willing and compliant public to prosecute their wars based on greed.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

us with our elections. Every red-blooded, patriotic American would agree that corruption is not good. Patriotism and pride of country requires that we have clean elections.
I'm not sure exactly what the solutions are to cleaning up our corruption. Perhaps citizen-held elections as opposed to corrupt Democrat or Republican party held elections? Paper ballots? U.N. election oversight? Who has the best reputation in the world for the cleanest elections? We could ask for help from that country. (Not sure anyone reputable would actually want to help us though.)

In light of the fact that there are 330 million American citizens and 537 'elected' national officials, I think it is unfair that the 330 million have to be tasked with a revolution. The American citizens after all, are the ones supporting the 537. As someone else on c99 noted a few days ago, American citizens are so generous to the 537 politicians, that these politicians have much better healthcare, pensions, benefits, vacations, houses, transportation, educational opportunities for their kids, and perks than the majority of the 330 million.

There are shades of snark in my response but I appreciate your essay very much. I do resent that we have to do all the heavy lifting. I just worked my ass off to pay the taxes....I, and everyone I know is a good citizen. We do our part and we try to make things work, yet we get taken by the corrupt.

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and I really like it. My sticking point is the title. Revolution implies violence. That, I think, is a loosing proposition and it dooms these efforts to failure.
My interest is how to solve these giant social problems and I agree with you that it will take a giant social movement. We have blueprints on how to do this. The New Deal offered some solutions and some Scandinavian countries have policies we would do well to imitate.

Laugh if you will, but Trump's "make America great again" slogan carries this implication of fixing problems. Yes of course it is full of bravado but it appeals to people because of the notion of fixing our country. Yes, Trump has already reversed his positions on specific fixes to our surprise there. The point is that Americans can get behind that idea. Simply put, I prefer a slogan closer to Trump's (and I acknowledge the need for improving it) better than anything with 'revolution' in it.

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