Huff(Com)Post's Ryan Grim Says TOP Experiencing A Resurgence Via The Resistance™. Commenters at TYT Video Say Progressives Left The Place For Good/Not Fooled by PR Makeover.
Was just listening to this TYT piece "Divided We Fell — Can The Left Learn From 2016?" while doing the dishes and thought I'd drop it here for folks. Seems there's been more talk lately about the cluelessness and willful ignorance of the moribund Dem Party, perhaps in part due to the release of the Hillary implosion book. It's really a discussion about Ryan Grim's puff piece in the HuffingtonCompPost (who in 2007 partnered with Breitbart) the claims there has been some kind of resurgence at TOP, as a place for The Resistance™. Yeah, right. Just buy these pair of Nikes, and your whole world will change for the better. Just Do It.
I don't know who this guy Ryan Grim is (but the guy interviewing him at one point says he himself is friends with Kos). But these tepid pundits, to me, are indicative of that same insider, blind partisan mentality that afflicts that embarrassing, juvenile place, afraid to criticize their puppet masters and to call the situation for what it really is. I have to confess, I didn't read the piece (and frankly couldn't find it on HP, a place I've refused to patronize for years now). It was enough for me to just listen to the two-part interview on TYT to get the gist. I also have to confess, I have refused to read anything over there since I left about a year ago; that place and all that it's been revealed to truly be, is so vile to me.
The main reason I was interested in sharing it however, was not to listen to these one-dimensional partisan blowhards expertly avoid the elephant in the room of why the Dems lost, but so that you could see some of the responses below.
Proving once again you can't fool the people who know the score on the ground, have followed the story and been personally involved.
To wit, here's some selections from the comments section of the video:
Icarus Arcturus 1 day ago
Never Hillary. Bernie Sanders would be president if Hillary hadn't rigged everything along with the msm.
93Dan O'Neill 1 day ago
6Blair Schirmerx 1 day ago
"Has the Left Learned...?" Learned... what? Not to allow the DNC to steal elections? 1:20 -- "Lefty Democrats"? What the eff is Ryan talking about? "Lefty Democrats" have been run out of the party. There's no room in the Democratic party for even a mild, New Deal Democrat like Bernie Sanders. The DNC is NOT going to support progressives running for office. The DNC is NOT going to surrender power, period. It wouldn't even tolerate the slightly progressive Keith Ellison as DNC Chair, though Ellison had the support of Schumer and Sanders.
For the DNC, "unity" means progressives must surrender, and corporate Democrats will change exactly nothing. As we see with the likes of Sally Boynton Brown, they won't even debate policy.
35Johnson Cherri 1 day ago
"Let's unite liberals and stop trashing the resistance against Trump." Saying while liberals trash progressives. You're absolutely right that establishment Dems want top-down conformity, and not unity.
28Red syrup 1 day ago
I didn't leave the DNC. The DNC left me.
13Saltyforeal 1 day ago
The latest think tank moves on the part of the ruling Democrats is downright embarrassing. They willfully misunderstand and keep forming groups to promote unity, when all people want is simple: open acknowledgement of primary rigging, and outside monitoring to prevent that ever happening again; consequences for the persons responsible in the rigging, not rewards; removal of the super delegate system; remove or severely limit corporate donations, etc. You need to fix a fundamentally flawed system. Can't speak for anyone but myself, but at least it would make me get on board. Action, not promises. Seen too many unfulfilled promises over the decades.
3Fluffy Bunny 1 day ago
Because of Markos's Hillary position I stopped reading the Daily Kos.
56John Keim 1 day ago
So did I.
3Jeremy Ellwood 18 hours ago
Because of the absolutely disgusting comments from Hillary supporters on KOS overall, I left.
I welcome discussion, but the comments on KOS pages reminded me of MMO forums. Disgusting rudeness that dwarfs their accusations toward Bernie supporters. They accused us of being rude and then just showed us how to be the most rude/disgusting humans on the planet.
2SamanthaVimes 16 hours ago
THANK you! I found my HIllary-supporting friends to be very rude and bullying. No criticism of any kind was going to be accepted, so I just disengaged with them. It was very hurtful.
1sully FL1 day ago
DailyKos was supposed to be a progressive website and then it backed Hillary from the beginning. They're a joke. Markos is a terrible human.
48Kathy Goodwin 1 day ago
sullyFLBernie wrote a large diary to Daily KOS before deciding to run for President. I, for one, wrote him that I would support him and volunteer for him and do everything in my power to help him; which I did!! The Daily KOS then suddenly became a rag to shill for Hillary Clinton!!!! I left them!!! I will NEVER go back to them any more than I'll EVER go back to being a democrat!!! Fuck Daily KOS, The democrats, and all the Clinton Evil Minions, FOREVER!!!! Join The Green Party!!! We will take over!!! #GreenEnter #GrowTheGreens
3The Dynast Queen 1 day ago (edited)
I remember that. I didn't frequent the site much as I was just a lurker but I found it super weird that a guy pushing a progressive message and us knowing he actually means it was being shit on by a "progressive" outlet. Hell at times even Breitbart and its even more right wing commenters were nicer to Bernie than the things I read on the DailyKos.
5Lisa Kazmier 1 day ago
The title is bullshit or based on bullshit because "divided" presumes that Hillary/Shillary deserved their support. She's NOT a progressive not "left." She likes war, likes promoting the MIC and 1% and sought the support of war hawks like Kissinger. Why would I vote for someone allied to Kissinger? Indeed, she never wanted my vote. I got told "she doesn't need me" because her supporters wanted crossover GOP votes that they didn't get. She's not a feminist, either and I am repulsed by assertions that I should see her as one because she's female. Was Margaret Thatcher a feminist? Or Theresa May? Hillary, unlike Thatcher, rode on her husband's contacts and pull, too. Thatcher didn't quite do that, did she? The DNC still tries to ride this bullshit and wants to define "unity" as capitulation to their big $$$ donors. Not buying then, not buying now.
42Justin B1 day ago
Lisa KazmierSpot on, Lisa! The democratic party is not the party for progressives. These people have learned nothing about winning over progressives. They just can't figure it out. The only thing they did learn is that they actually did need us after all.
What they don't get is that they can't run their typical establishment candidates and pass them off as a progressive champion. We will see through their bullshit every day. And offering us empty platitudes will get them nowhere.
11CmatthYBR 1 day ago (edited)
"The only thing they did learn is that they actually did need us after all."
Actually, I don't even think they learned that because they went with Perez over Ellison for DNC after the election. Both parties are horrible, but it's because of the voters. Everyone blames the DNC and the two-party system for everything, but it's the voters who nominate the candidates and for whatever reason, the voters won't nominate progressives. So, in my opinion, the problem's not the two-party system - it's mindless voters.
1the op kingdom 1 day ago
1Justin B 1 day ago
+CmatthYBRI mostly agree about you on the chair election. They are desperate to hold onto power and are frightened of losing us. That's why we have Perez and why Bernie is holding his hand on this "Unity" Tour. What a joke!
Voters are a huge part of the problem though. Easily swayed by messaging and easily frightened into voting out of fear. Ultimately, the power does reside in voters though. They just need to realize it.
For me... I am solidly with the Green Party now. They actually champion the type of progressive platform that the DNC battled against. The DNC and Democrats are done... they just don't see it yet.
Ozzy The Mighty 1 day ago
Hillary made Trump president. noth said!
31Dan O'Neill 1 day ago
NEVER hill
23Jordan 1 day ago
Simple answer: No.
Complicated answer: No.
PLEASE Stop voting alongside big pharma, big war and big oil... AKA, Democrats/Republicans.
This planet can't take it anymore.
19Johnson Cherri 1 day ago
This Daily Kos?
Daily Kos Founder Gleefully Celebrates Coal Miners Losing Health Insurance

Hi Mark
I think the original HuffPo referenced ties back to this. The guy who wrote this did say somehing about also working for TYT.
I also encourage everyone to listen to the Nader, Thomas Frank, and Bill Curry podcast I posted here if you really want to know what's the matter with the left. If we suck, it is no wonder the Dems suck.
With media like Kos, TPM, and this Ryan Grim, we get self-congratulatory @ssholes measuring their insufficient dicks and boasting anyway. Sorry for the language, but the third string on any team doesn't get to brag.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Definitely looking forward to that Nader/Frank/Curry discussion
Got to clean some more dishes and feed the Boy and myself. In fact, gonna turn that on right now while I do...
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
I listened to the whole thing last night
Still digesting the discussion, but it was interesting.
I didn't recognize the voices well enough to know who was speaking (other than Nader), but one of the guests at one point talks about being completely shocked and amazed at seeing how much people genuinely dislike Hillary Clinton. He says he "knew on paper" that she was not well liked, but he seemed absolutely flummoxed about why, and he couldn't believe how strongly people were repulsed when he actually listened to them talk about her.
He then went on to say that people actually liked Bernie -- with a tone of wonderment and amazement. Like, he really didn't understand why people like Bernie, and could not grasp why Hillary is so deeply despised. This left me wondering who it was saying that, and what's his deal? Why did he sound so clueless about something so obvious? Anyone know?
I also just read that ridiculous article about kos. what a pile of lies! Kos claiming he never took sides in the primary?? Good lord. Revisionist history anyone? He's so full of shit. It's clear he's happy the "Bernie bros" are gone from his website though -- it's good for unity and inclusiveness! Wimmins flocked there in huge numbers wearing their pussy hats after the big march on Washington, and they don't want to sharing the same website with no Bernie Bros. Unity! Whatever. This 58 y/o female Bernie Bro isn't interested in unity with that twerp, his followers, or his website.
Listening now, that's Thomas Frank.
I think the astonishment Frank expressed was more about the extent to which, people both despised Hillary, and really liked Bernie. Makes sense. Even Rachel Maddow, when she had her last shred of integrity about a year ago during an interview with $hills in which she accused her of making false claims about Bernie for a tv commercial, said Bernie didn't have an enemy in the entire Congress on either side.
It was a fair assessment, I thought, to say, especially someone like Frank or any other journalist who spends too much time in the Beltway, that they had no idea just how loathed she truly was, or how Bernie could become as beloved as he did.
We knew that, but hermetically-sealed-in-the-Beltway pundits and Dem Insiders had no clue (and by this, of course I don't mean to suggest in any way that this applies to Frank). I remember telling the blind Hillary cheerleaders at TOP that they needed to get out more, because it was very real and they were playing with fire by putting their eggs all in her basket in supporting her uncritically.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Thanks Mark
I was very surprised at how surprised he sounded. I thought, these are supposed to be people who are in the know about politics and such, and this is not a difficult thing to grasp. My husband was listening with me, and he literally burst out laughing at that part. It is painfully obvious to us, yet political professionals don't see it. That's truly strange to think about, and kinda scary actually. No wonder things are so fucked up.
Thomas Frank is not a political professional,
he's a historian and a damned good one. Read the yellow book if you haven't already. It's important.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
I'll take a look at it
Perhaps political professional wasn't exactly the right term, but his bio says he's a "political analyst and historian" and that's what i meant, a professional political analyst. Someone whose job is to understand politics. He describes the yellow book as:
He wrote a whole book on this very topic, yet he's still amazed that so many people loved Bernie, and despise Hillary... I'm sorry, honestly I'm not trying to be a contrarian, but those dots are really not hard to connect -- at least, not for the disillusioned people he's writing about. And I'm assuming he doesn't mean Hillbots and denizens of daily kos, since they think everything was peachy - until Trump. Those disillusioned and pissed off are the ones who flocked to Bernie Sanders.
Even Thomas Frank, great as he is
One friend of mine in Texas, NOT political at all and can be somewhat right wing, early days said she'd probably vote for Hillary but could not really stand her, citing corruption as her reason, not just personality. So many see it, and I think for many it becomes real easy to pass that off as sort of right wingish as Hillary was pilloried by the media back in the day, not always rightly so but in reality, more times than not. Ordinary people see it and some just feel it but can't articulate it. But the mistake is thinking that's all just media fed misogyny when it damned well isn't. People can tell, as my friend said to me, and that was BEFORE the emails came out.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Oh, Mr. Frank knew ... just not how much
Of all people, Thomas Frank understands the middle of America. I've read what he's written and he nails it constantly. Still, living on the East Coast, it had been some time since he'd actually sat down with Middle America. He knew full well that Midwesteners mostly loathed Hillary Clinton, but the depth of that hate is what surprised him.
Remember, Thomas Frank is a native Kansan. Yes, he's an academic, but a good one. Frank says the title of Listen Liberal is from a phone call he received while staying in a hotel in Wichita, Kansas. As he relates it, the phone rang early in the morning and the caller belted out, "Rise and shine, Liberal!" Somehow this brought the title to his mind. The point is that Mr. Frank was in Kansas when this happened, not Boston.
I was going to post something similar.
(Sidenote, don't know if he mentions it in this interview, but he talked with Jimmy Dore about how when he wrote Kansas everyone wanted him on their show. With Listen, those callls dried up. Wonder why?)
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
I don't think there's a more important book now than Frank's.
He makes the clearest case for what has just happened in American politics, the self-inflicted wounds leading to the demise of the Democratic Party.
I've watched many interviews, speeches and Q&A's with him about it, and am convinced everyone who claims to be stunned by the election results needs to read it to understand exactly just how we got to the place, in which someone like Drumpf could become President. It's probably the most important book to understand politics right now.
Over the past 40 years the Democrats completely abandoned the working and middle class, in exchange for the votes of the top 10% professional class, traditionally Republican voters concerned about their money, but who are more or less socially liberal. Dem operatives/think tanks over the years actually refer to this as The Coalition of the the Ascendent. They sold their souls completely to get some, and then just as much, Wall St money as the Repubs. They jettisoned unions, minorities and the working class, because they "have no place else to go" - until they didn't. They then deregulated media and the banks, pushing the final nails into the coffin. Obama picked up the shovel to throw dirt on top when he refused to prosecute the "savvy" bankers that his attorney general said were Too Big Too Fail.
When it was released last March it, to me, was the thunderbolt needed to shake out the rest of the Dem partisans voters from the gender identity/personality politics that was driving them to accepting yet another Neoliberal, Wall St puppet, destroyer of the middles class/minorities.
I remember peppering comments all over TOP with the interview he did with Thom Hartmann, in hopes of waking people up. It was an epiphany for Bernie supporters. But the $hills completely, utterly ignored it, refusing to even acknowledge what he was saying.
Most pathetic part is that, as we can see from their refusal to acknowledge the crucial part the Clintons and Obama played in setting up this debacle to happen by throwing around non-stop red herrings about Russia, Resistance™, Bernie Bros, popular vote, etc. etc., their heads are still buried deep in the sand - thanks to little playgrounds like TOP's Neoliberal sandbox.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Thank you! Just watched the whole interview
Finally had time to watch this video tonight, and I'm so glad we did. After watching and then talking with hubs about it for awhile, we agree that Franks is both incredibly insightful about, and somewhat distanced or isolated from, the people and lives he talks about. He is so right on about what has happened, but still removed from it... he even admits this himself, as he talks about his own credentials in the meritocracy. He is both right on, and yet still viewing it all as "stories" rather than, you know, people's lives. There's a distance there. The historian perspective, I suppose. And it's different watching him talk than just hearing his voice with no context. This was very helpful and interesting.
He is exactly right about what has happened. I may just read that yellow book. Thanks to all who responded to my questions.
No doubt and I do agree
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Whole podcast is great, wide-ranging. "Corruption #1," says
About 38 min in, Curry lays into the party.
Paraphrasing: First get some convictions. We don’t have dealbreakers, issues to demand of these people.
Not a peep out of Dem leadership, when Trump proposes insane military budget increases; none of it worthwhile, all of it destructive. Sending 50 Tomahawk missiles is gets applause from MSNBC, CNN and Dem leadership.
Need new press, peace movement, we need an anti-corruption. Every other country the fight against corruption is at center of Progressive politics.
Great to hear him again. I thought his pieces in Salon during the primary were some of the most powerful indictments of the Democratic Party's collusion against the surging and winning populism of Bernie and just how unfit and weak of a candidate $hills truly was (and to think, he was counsel to Bill Clinton while he was president).
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Calling out the unions, PPH, and the rest of the veal pen...
All I can say to that is it is about time. There was some union guy at dkos who also campaigned for Bernie. I can't remember his name. Boy did he get pissed at me for daring to call out the unions for endorsing Hillary.
I have no patience with people that hinge their values on who is doing it. When it's Hillary blowing up Russia, ain't she grand. When it is Bush, hang em.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Agreed on all points dkmich
I loved those parts of the podcast discussion and agree entirely. Planned parenthood in particular was a huge disappointment to me, for endorsing Hilz even though Bernie had a much stronger record on supporting women and reproductive rights. When the faked "selling baby parts" videos came out, Bernie immediately and forcefully defended the organization, without reservation or hesitation. Hilz on the other hand waffled and called the videos 'disturbing' and avoided taking a stand. So typical. But still they endorse Her, because reasons. Very eye opening, how easily bought off those kind of "liberal" groups are. I've realized I don't know what liberal means. It obviously doesn't mean what I thought it did.
@CS in AZ
If not skimmed off regularly, scum tends to rise to the top in any organization.
That's because psychopathic personalities are ruthless in their desire to gain power over others and in their desire to keep it, once gained.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
@CS in AZ So well said.
Good on ya, CS. This 49-year-old woman ain't having it either. Fuck Hillary. Or, eew, don't.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
That last comment?
Pure gold.
Kos in all his asshole glory, out there for the world to see.
Thanks for the post!
Some pretty good comments there at too.
Good to know there are folks all over the place talking about how these phony bastions of (Neo)Liberalism (i.e. TOP) need to be exposed and fought.
At the risk of cluttering things up here (I figure folks can just skim or skip over if they please), here's a few of those:
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
The blaming the Bernie voters for Hillary's loss
There is another huge pie fight over there about Bernie's statement today about Osfoff (?) not being a progressive and Her supporters are still blaming Bernie and his supporters for Her losing to Trump.
2 diaries full of contempt for Bernie. And let's never forget that he isn't even a Democrat!
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
"Here in California, we have different ideas" ?
Uh-huh, dream, but don't lead people on. The state is effing falling apart, one day it will be awfully apparent, I hope not soon, I hope not ever, but I don't think so. What's he going to do with "That's the system." Brown, and "We're capitalists" Pelosi? Deport them? Harris too? And all the California Rs, Independents, and super delegates? What a fantasy. Prop64 clampdown is gonna be a big shock, I think. People don't know what's coming I think it's going to be horrible. When the Mendocino Sheriffs Department acquires an LRAD, that is a clue. "Not for crowd control." ~wink wink~ Yeah right. Just don't be an "unlicensed grower" because nothing has changed, asset forfeiture then prison. ABC needs to be investigated, now they are finally looking at the tax board. Sorry to be stuck in reality but there it is.
And HOW does that happen, what you think the steps are? That's what I want to know. People like that, with no apparent clue, make me sick and tired. It gets old.
Edited to ask: Everyone knows California practices "At will" employment, as if it provides workers "choice", right? "That's the system." NO safety net at all for the coming generations, sorry 'bout that. Immigrants flooded California construction. Worker pay sank. Here’s why ?! Mmph! No words for that pile.
Let 'em go. There's NO way that I want to
bail that place out:
Maybe George Clooney and Meryl Streep will pay it off. They raised millions for the Clinton Creature. And the state rigged the primary.
I say "Toodles. And don't bother to write."
Cali - the entire state has been Kardashianed.
EDIT: ti/to
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
"Maybe George Clooney and Meryl Streep will pay it off"
We know their needs, show us their deeds. Thanks.
I left that hell hole right after the edict
and have never returned. I think I may have skimmed the diary listing once or twice and that was surely enough of that.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Apparently the DK Veal Pen is back in business, herding them in.
Those vicious, dirty knaves, spinning each other inside their safe little bubble, feeling all frisky wearing their pink pussy hats and signing petitions. They wouldn't know a social movement if it ran right over the top of them.
When confronted with two of the most powerful, significant and focused movements in generations, Occupy Wall St and Black Lives Matter, these same soft, smug Neoliberal pricks at TOP were M.I.A. completely, when they weren't disparaging them (especially toward the former, which could cost them campaign money). Craven bastards.
At TOP it's all about the campaign donations (which means protecting the Economic Terrorists of Wall St donor class, and continuing to shamelessly take their money for speaking fees, "that's what they paid"), us vs. them/Red vs. Blue, kowtowing to the Coalition of the Ascendent, social liberalism/fiscal conservatism, feel-good hipster Green Living™, incrementalism in the face of overwhelming support for radical change from the status quo, etc.
Can't face the reality of how much they are despised, having lost to the worst candidate of all-time and having already hemorrhaged over 1000 seats at all levels under Obama's Hope & Change™.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Obama & The DNC Lost 1000 Seats... Who's Bad Is That? nt
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Obama complicit. Knew privately $hills "political malpractice."
According to the new book,
Regardless of what we think of him now, I bet he's beyond livid with the Clintons, their feckless minions and pathetic sycophants. I also believe that on some very real level he had to have felt a strong kinship to Bernie's campaign with his own '08 run.
No wonder he took right off and out of this fucked country that he had a hand in, if not creating, then definitely shirking the real challenges it faced, and is yucking it up with Neoliberal entertainers and the like who will never feel any of that pain.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
It's an ill wind that blows nobody good, as they say. That wind just has to pick up enough more to blow away all of the corporate politicians in order to do everyone a lot more good.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Yeah, this is the same Markos Moulitsis
who celebrated coal miners losing their health insurance, who is still bashing Bernie supporters, and who recently posted in his latest ask me anything diary that policy does not matter. His opinion is that the Democrats will sweep in 2018 by not being Trump. Hmmm...where have I heard that before? My response to that diary was this:
This is the same Markos Moulitsis who wrote in July of 2014 that Hillary Clinton would be the Democratic nominee and yet he claims that he was neutral. Not! From that July 2014 diary by kos, the following.
Meanwhile Hillary Clinton claimed she had not yet decided on running so she could grift another couple of $million giving speeches to banks and big pharma.
Ryan Grim seems to be afraid of offending Markos. He dances all around the question of why kos continues to be so hostile toward Bernie's supporters. I personally find kos to be immature, petty and self serving. He is not a compelling writer, nor a deep thinker, or even a good strategist. He is simply a guy who got in on the blogosphere early and made a lot of money so he can drive his Tesla.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Kos is at best a narcissist
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
KOS is a male Palin trying to protect
His grift. Just like she's been trying to do.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
But . . . it was mathematically impossible,
he said, that any candidate other than Her could prevail. So much for thought in a mind apparently built of nothing but 1s and 0s. There's nothing quite like contempt for genuine education - or the willingness to be 'reached,' as I heard a New York judge once describe colleagues who were being bought.
They continue to misread the entire thing.
Once the Democratic party started squeezing out progressives, this progressive went freelance. I am a man without a party and I feel fine.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Markos is getting paid back for his loyalty
Now he's getting some positive and undeserved press for sucking DNC c*ck.
We don't need a phony villain
Her name is Hillary. That Ryan Grim didn't call out DK for its vicious ad hominem attacks on Bernie backers is deceitful. Who the F is he trying to fool? Himself? The Ides of March (2016) decree was the Krystal Nacht against Progressives on Markos's shit-rag. The exit from the Dems, many never to return, is still denied by R. Grim, who instead puts up a map of blue dots. Blue dots meaning what?
Issues? Say what? Just ask Tom "we stick to our values" Perez about issues. Ossify, the latest rising star is just as fake as a $3 bill. And Grim boasted about DK kicking in $150K for the Kansas race--in the last week. Nice gesture Kos, trying to rehabilitate your pseudo-progressive cred with the disenchanted.
As far as HuffPo, they were in the bag for Medusa from the get-go. They allowed H.A. Goodman to post his pro-Bernie stuff there, just to show they weren't TOTALLY biased. After the Dem Convention, Cenk was infected with insanity by backing Medusa. He didn't have to back anyone. He could have back Jill Stein. Why didn't he just STFU? the Cenkosaurus lost lots of cred with me--the only two good TYT people are Jimmy Dore and Jordan Chariton.
Cenk is another ex-Republican
Why do they, including Cenk and Co., think ordinary people who have to live in this duopoly from hell are so stupid that they do not care about issues or policy? Policy, issues and basic human rights including yours and mine are gone daddy gone because? It boggles the mind as to why in the hell anyone would give a fig about the Demorat's internecine political soap opera. Bloggers are addicted to misplaced outrage and fear. The culture war writ large and stirred by the likes of kos and the rest of the progressive pundirts, who all make a tidy living off the peoples misery globally.
Drop the mother of all bombs that will scare them into compliance. I just hope these so called progressives that pump the ongoing farce of politics all fade away. As for the progressive Dem. pols including Bernie, man o man, does no one notice that they are complicit with lunatic Republicans? Do they bother to obstruct or even fight the more evil then we are Republicans. Nah. What happened to the checks on power? I say good on people who are not willing to support a lesser evil and have enough sense to know that this game is rigged and deadly.
Why are we still fighting the rigged election instead of figuring out how to get all of them out of power. I find it hopeful that most people do not want anything to do with and refuse to give their consent to this insane political circus show. It's a mockery of democracy that in the end has no baring on policy or the mutual destructive agenda of the ptb. Why focus on the distractions of partisan fear and loathing and the persona's of the players. They all are complicit.
The carefully constructed reality, Axelrod's 'the world as we find it' isn't real. They created this nightmare world where so called progressives get up and say shit like 'wrapping his arms around Putin' or the progressive candidate says that Saudi Arabia needs to do their part in the killing grounds of Yemen. Do you want a vagina probe or a pol pussy grab along with your austerity and endless bloody war?
Sorry but I just can't get worked up about Hillary, Cenk, kos, Bernie, HuffPo, Demorat's, or any of the nasty shenanigans and bleating of the pols and the political apparatchiks that keep this mad tale front and center while the world burns up and all the funny money flows to the global ruling class. Living in the dark side is a by-partisan agenda and it is in no way progress. I think people who believe that the Democratic party is in any way redeemable or that the evil duopoly is 'inevitable' and that we have no other choice are delusional. This is not the only way forward, the only reality, the only economy, this is just not true.
We are all suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. I guess it's understandable as if your comfortable and have a decent lifestyle you do not want to bite the hand that feeds you. Tell me again how giving the 'progressive' chatting class the time of day is going to get me a Tesla, solar panels, keep a roof over my head, or stop the obscene for profit bloody killing grounds? The world is paying for our myopic political delusions and obsessions.
They forgot Kos suck up.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Okay, 5 points against--for his contributions to WaPo, Politico
Grimm wrote an hit piece claiming Sander supporters Putin dupes
Grimm wrote an article in huffpost that purported to look at how Sander supporters were duped by Russian hackers during the primaries in early March.
There was TOP diary that referred to this article showing what dupes Sander supporters were. I wrote a response which I regretted for the mere fact that I feel like I get fleas going there.
Up to that point, all the Russian hacking was limited to the general election. I believe Rachael Maddow refereed to the Grimm article to show that even Sander supporters were Russian dupes. The article is just a hit piece on Sander supporters.
I have no idea why TYTs would associate with him unless it has to do with Russia bashing. A number of TYT have more than drunk the kool-aid about Russia--they are creating the kool-aid.
Grimm appears to be a shill for party elites.
Grim seems to be another run of the mill Neoliberal flunky.
Found this too, "Did Bernie Sanders Botch An Interview With The Daily News? It’s Not That Simple.", in which he says:
As opposed to, say, Hillary's amazing ability to organize and inspire, create coalitions, get things passed, manage her staff?..heh. Right.
She fucking lost to the worst candidate/biggest goon ever to bungle up to a politician's podium. These interference-runners for the status quo of Neoliberalism should die a thousand deaths.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
My first thought exactly
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
With proper illustrations, you could read the book
Good lawd the establishment "liberal" media.
Bernie for whatever reason is playing sheep dog, or what I prefer to call a Greek siren. His role is now to put progressive lipstick on the donkey, and attract leftists to the democratic party and of course wreck themselves on the shores of the party.
As long as there are superdelegates and they take corporate
money, there is no hope for the Dems.
Sanders/Gabbard 2020 Peoples Progressive Party (PPP)
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
Why on earth would people want to try to "reform" the
democratic party when it's filled by people like that? I've been pointing out for years how Obama maintained a near 80% approval rating among democrats. So some people who are against war and imperialism want to reform a party where 80% of those in the party, probably higher among the partisans, support war and imperialism?
It's not just the DNC when the rank and file continue to support war crimes and wall street. Whatever supposed reform that takes place will be bullshit.
In the words of Hillary Clinton
"I Came, I Saw, Nir Died.” (in my books)
Markos, the "Deus ex machina".
I suggest to see Markos as a comedic device, because I can't help but having a small, sad laugh about it.. Wait til the internet dies and let's see what is left of them money raising digital slaves.
Hard to fathom that you can be a bigotted foolish slave., but this explains it:
Oh? MSM is embracing them as the "Left"?
How nice for them. Really.
As long as the MSM keeps propping them up, they'll stay in business... (I first heard about them in the MSM, after all...)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Grim reading indeed....
I've no time for that deplorable site and its deplorable owner.
from a reasonably stable genius.
DailyKos is growing again
According to Markos' diary from a couple weeks ago, I think. He is hiring 30 more people this year, he said. Sometimes I go over there and look at Meteor Blades' regular night owl, but the comments are blocked by my browser so it's not that bad. I did look at the comments in Markos diary though, it was hard. They are killing people in the Bay Area, part of the many problems here. That's what I think. It is murder by neo-liberal (they hate that word now, so I use it) crony capitalism. Fuck them, and their page view profits too.
So he's hiring new users himself?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Markos Moulitas.
Before I joined TOP in 2008, I read Markos' bio. Sure enuff, he cut his initial political teeth by registering as a Repukelican. That fact stuck in my memory. When he managed to make a bundle via his site, I wasn't surprised. He began to show his true colors by opposing critics of PBO. So, when the 3/2016 hammer came down, I left. I don't do diaries so have never been banned, etc. I do wander over there on occasion to read the environmental and woozle stuff. I take him and others like him with a grain of salt. Rec'd!!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.