Friday Night Photos
Submitted by Bollox Ref on Fri, 01/13/2017 - 6:13pm
The 'I've got a cold' Edition, so not really feeling up to much.
Anyway, here's a shot I took in 1897, or thereabouts. The English Channel viewed from the village of Beer in Devon.
Hopefully, once the temps rise above -0 F., I might actually take some new photos. That and the nose improves.
I might collapse before I actually post this, but if you have photos to offer and want to post, fee............

Hi Bollox,
No wonder you're not feeling up to much. You've been around for 120 plus years!
In honour of Ray, a very special person, as this life leaves him after only 41 short, but very full years.
Photographed last evening while looking for light in my sorrow. Light was something Ray always spread so gently and steadily.
Thanks for posting Bollox, and for your sublime photo which really does look like it was taken in 1897. Feel better soon!
Hey Janis!
Sorry to hear about your loss. I'd waffle on more, but not being a wordsmith, I can't offer much to comfort the hurt.
Thanks for your shot. Do I see a face there?....
from a reasonably stable genius.
Thanks Bollox.
The serenity of your photo was comfort.
A horse's face, maybe?
Conceptually I knew that palms were monocots.
Corn ear there really tells...
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Thank you riverlover, for new information,
in only the way you are so adept at.
I had no idea my favourite culinary delight was related to a favourite tree.
janis b
I mentioned last week that my Royal Palm was blooming.
It is a shame I did not capture it in first color.
I also show the base of this palm that I worked around when rebuilding the deck where it resides. It was not in the deck perimeter when I started my deck remodel.
And for the sorrow in your life, I took a photo of this Flame of Memory, one of hundreds of Agaves blooming at my house presently
I also took many photos of blossoms of myriad plants around my house. I may post some later, but here`s a photo from this evening.
Storm`s End
It has been raining for a few weeks & we are quite thankful for that, as we`ve been in drought for years here.
I`m already against the next war
Hi Knucklehead,
I'm happy I saw your post before closing down for dinner.
That Royal Palm, by its flower looks somewhat related to the Nikau Palm here.
Thank you for the visual drama and beauty of the storm's end, and the promise of the Agave's brilliance.
Palm thru deck is cool
I have a Hemlock, same deck circle. May need to widen it. Circle cut, I mean. PT 2X6 I think. I am considering new deck stains. Got new (nearing building code) stair rails down many deck stairs. Cedar tops. 2X6. Considering purple. Deck is quasi-cedar color, new non-PT infill boards suck up color differently. Stairs originally stained bleach board look, 2X4's edge up. Benches similar construction, also stained bleach 30+ years ago.
Chile-mango salt water taffy now. The burn (bern?) continues.
Sorry west coast: when it rains, sometimes pours or makes snow. Eastern side, now 23F. graupel dusting 2 days' in a row. Love snowball graupel.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
That sunset rocks, Knucklehead!
The palm is awesome, too.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
peace janis
Your picture looks like a smiling African woman with a fabulous head dress
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Thank you, magic mama ; )
Condolences, janis b.
I hope your pleasant memories will carry you through.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Thank you Raggedy Ann
your POT post doesn't seem to register in the 'Open Thread' department.
Must be the cold....... thick head and all
from a reasonably stable genius.
You can go to 'edit'
and add another 'Open Thread' to the tags.
If what you are referring to is "Pot", I can post many many photos of my pot plants here at my house.
Say the word.
I`m already against the next war
High Knucklehead,
I have seen some of those sticky photos of yours in the distant past. If you insist on posting them again, you just may find me on your doorstep tomorrow.
Go for it, they are beautiful!
You're probably going to get sick of seeing zoo pics this month
But it's Zoo photo contest time. Free admission if you bring a camera
It was a beautiful day on Wednesday, 50 degrees and sunny. But we had freezing rain on Tuesday so things were a bit slushy. On a downhill portion of the boardwalk I took a fall. Camera and lens are ok...
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
All those fantastic noses, beaks and tongues!
Thanks boriscleto, especially for the cat's amazing tongue acrobatics.
Lovely shots Boriscleto
50 F!!?
That's 50 deg. higher than where I am. Sheesh!
from a reasonably stable genius.
I'm going again tomorrow
For a photography meetup. It's only going to be in the teens...
That's how the whole fall/winter has been. We've had 67 inches of snow but there is none on the ground after 2 days of above freezing temps...
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
The wood ducks always seem improbable, seen on my property
But I have. The lion pair seems to have understood they are a bit N of their range. Still musk-ox at Syracuse zoo? Relatively dull, as many ungulates, but at least temperate until now.
No snow in the hills E of Ithaca. Driveway flood/freeze/thaw has led to sand being laid on top. No idea where that came from. Tracks in right nice!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
No musk-ox anymore
They do have some American bison though. Guanaco, Muntjac, Markhor, Thorold's White Lipped Deer.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
You win hands down.
Amazing captures of animal habits & expressions.
I`m already against the next war
Always enjoy your animals
And I love that curly pink tounge.
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Beautiful birds and cats.
Hoping to get out with my new camera tomorrow to my favorite birding place, if weather and time permits. I also bought some warm boots so they'll get a test run too. We never know what we might see there. It's been warm enough this week that the pond shouldn't be frozen over.
Janis, please accept my condolences as well.
This shit is bananas.
Hi Daenerys,
Thank you for your condolences.
I think the quail family are living, at least part time under the deck. The babies are so fast moving and growing, that by the time I reach my camera, they’re long gone. But I managed to photograph the father, who didn't seem to be in any rush. It shows how round they really are, something you made me aware of.
I hope you saw some interesting things today.
I certainly did!
Will post photos below.
This shit is bananas.
Stunning photos, boris.
Thanks for sharing!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Hey, BR--thank you for tonight's Photography thread.
BTW, your ever-changing avatars are almost as interesting as your photography.
Agree with Janis--not certain 'how' to make this thread show up in the upper right-hand "OT" column, but it would be great to figure it out, so that you Guys can showcase your very excellent work.
Everyone have a nice weekend!
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
The SOSD Fantastic Four
Available For Adoption, Save Our Street Dogs, SOSD

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Thanks Mollie.
It looks like you might have tried below to find a solution. I think Bollox needs our help along the way to his recovery. Thank you for all your support, in all ways.
Hey, Janis, it's my privilege
to support you Guys--your wonderful work really brings this non-photographer a lot of enjoyment.
My condolences to you, in the loss of such a young 'special person.' It must be wonderful to be able to honor a friend, and, at the same time, find solace in your photography. Take care.
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
The SOSD Fantastic Four
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Hi Mollie. I only just saw the rest of your comment,
below the emoji.
You described exactly how I felt. Thank you.
Thank you!
Off to find some brandy.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Oops! Unintended 'blank' entry, but just saw BC's
gorgeous zoo photos--so, thanks!
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
storm photos
Crazy storm here. Waves, beach eaten by waves. Birds galore on our quieter-than-other beaches.
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Wow, it looks like the storm
turned your world on its side.
I really enjoy seeing your beach from your eyes. Thank you magiamma.
Really amazing waves like I have never seen
And the ocean was brown. Brown. The birds confused. The waves would come and they would fly up, land back in the water only to have to fly away again. We have some wood on the beach in the winter but never this much. The mouth of the river is just on the other side of the cliffs. At low tide in the summer you can get across. Well, need I say it. Yes, I need to. Global warming. We have front row seats. Enjoy the show or maybe the ride.
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It's amazing how sublimely beautiful the wood
on the beach looks, splashed by the violent waves in that photo, especially knowing that it's all wrong.
I hope your beach survives, and we do too.
Terrific second shot!!
from a reasonably stable genius.
Thank you
Hope you feel better. Rest well.
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Magia, love the second photo
Where was it taken from?

I sure miss going to Bodega bay north of San Fran where I could camp basically on the beach. I don't know if I've posted this photo of the camp area before, but instead of paying $25 to stay in a spot, I'd pay $5 and camp in the parking area on the middle of this photo.
But twice I did stay in the spot on the left side in the middle spot on Xmas. The Central Valley would be fogged over and cold, but it was in the 70's at the ocean.
This was my little trailer that I pulled all over Northern California from the ocean to the Sierra and over Tioga pass in Yosemite to Mammoth lakes.
When I went to the Sierra, I would find a fire road and then camp in a clearing away from anyone. That's my idea of camping, not where there's a million people in designated spots.
It was a rental trailer that had been scuffed and horrible looking inside and I painted it white over the dark wood paneling and it looked much bigger inside after.
I would get lost too many times to count but since it was so little I could do a U-turn anywhere I wanted.
It was being parked at my friend's house and the river flooded and the inside got full of water damage so it went away.
I'd sure would like to have another one some day.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Santa Cruz is
just a bit south of Bodega Bay. That camping ground in Bodega Beach is the only one right on the beach that I know of. That is a such sweet little trailer. So sorry you lost it. CA is pretty amazing. And even where there are lots of people if you go in on a trail only a mile they mostly disappear. I hope you get another trailer some way.
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Awe, Santa Cruz
I love that place and it was the first place that I saw the ocean. You are so lucky to live there.

I agree that CA is amazing. Even though I lived in Modesto, I loved the doctors I worked for and almost every weekend I either went to the ocean or the Sierra. I went on my job interview during the president's day holiday and so many people had gone out of town I thought that there weren't many people living there. I was surprised when they came back and traffic was a nightmare.
I lived by an area that in 5 minutes I was on hiking trails that went through oaks and almond trees.
On my website I have a lot of photos of that area. And the others are from my travels around CA.
I would love to be able to move back there some day, especially if I could afford to live in Marin.
This waterfall is in the middle of the town where people live surrounded by redwoods. It's a half mile walk from the trailhead.
I had a doctor in Marin and after my appointment I would often go to Muir beach and then take some back roads and go on roads where I had no idea where they lead.
Keep posting your pictures of SC, please.
My website
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
wow it's Sunday and this is still going
I want to visit that water fall. And am planning on visiting your website again after this reply. Thank you for the reminder. You saw the ocean in Santa Cruz for the first time - very cool. I saw it in Oregon when I was young. I remember still the sunset and the red clouds. I couldn't stop staring at them in amazement. The traffic is worse now in Santa Cruz but I go to the beach early in the morning for sunrise. No one is there. Funny how that is. It's the best time for me.
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Bottarini Ranch
Wow Dawg your posts always send me back. Before I worked at the Alvarado Street Bakery co-op, I live-worked on a fish farm at the very end of Estero Lane, where the Estero Americana meets the sea just south of Bodega Bay. Lucky. I did know George Bottarini, he was a funny guy. Definitely one of the good old boys.
Coastal access rocks! Never surrender. My few photos from that time are not digital,

unscanned.scanned one from September 1985. Now looking for my RV photos, I had a little self-contained Mobile Traveler we used to take up to Salt Point, Bodega Dunes was the favorite though. Took it to Yosemite once. I miss camping, yet another non-discretionary item long gone from the suffering budget.See ya?
Edited to fix typos add photo.
I camped at Salt Point too.
You are right, the central coast rocks.

What did you think of Yosemite? The first time I went there I was disappointed.
After driving for over 2 hours I saw the 3 Brothers mountain, then half dome, the waterfalls and then El Capitan and the exit park sign.
I thought WTF? I am leaving the park?
I think that I was disappointed with it because I had spent my childhood going to Glacier park and up into Waterton lake and we'd spend two weeks seeing all the sights.
I went backpacking in Yosemite from the Tioga pass road and saw the beauty of Yosemite.
But I would give anything to be able to go back to Mammoth lakes which is the backside of Yosemite and take my digital slr camera.
There are 5 lakes in the same area, but I had difficulty photographing the mountains and I was using a film camera.
Just after I hiked up to this area that I would have gotten better pictures of the mountains, I ran out of film. !!!!
Here's the one where I ran out of film and the only one I liked from down by the lakes.
Crystal Crag is on the right side of the photo.
And here it is from bye the lake
I hope that both our financial situation changes and we can get back to camping in a trailer. Mine wasn't self contained but it never bothered me
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I wrote about a headstone at my cemetery
that a family had lost 4 children in the late 1800's and finally photographed it.

The 3 girls lived less than a year, but Mike lived for 10 years.
I can't imagine those parent's pain, but especially this father losing his son.
In the back of the headstone are grave markers with the names of the mom, dad and son. Mike is called Mikey Darling.
This picture of this ice cycle was taken with my crappy phone camera and doesn't capture how beautiful it was.

One of my tries to photograph star trails
In this picture an airplane went through and also either a satellite or the space station.
This tree blocked the snow from melting
Janis, sorry to hear about your friend.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
How beautifully strange the icicle is.
And how tragic, but also fortifying, life and death can be.
Thank you for your condolences.
I have one more that shows the snow on it
If I'd had my other camera I could have adjusted the depth of field to make it stand out.
I am trying to email it to myself from my phone, but it's a hit and miss if the stupid phone will email it.
And of course every time I take my camera on my walks, there's nothing to photograph.
I agree with what you said about death. It's going to be a year at the end of the month since mom died and I can't believe how fast the year went bye.
If that other photo ever gets here, I'll post it so check back.
I added the tree photo, not sure if you saw it.
Funny how I have been walking at the cemetery for years and then find something I have been walking bye and not noticing.
Can you see the dates for when the girls died?
The family moved around a lot in a short time period. And they didn't have airplanes, just horses and buggies.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
The dates in the photo are not clear to me,
but time and life have no borders anyway.
I hope you can transfer your photo. And it's so rewarding to always perceive the new in the familiar.
That last photo of frozen trunk and branch shadows is great.
Yes, I agree
And purple? Wow!
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So sad, both the need to remember one lost child but not more.
There is a Civil War Small cemetery downhill from me. Very sad the number of children, (small cemetery, maybe less than an acre). Near source of a downhill watershed. Fixation chemicals have leached out. What to do???
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I think it might have been that he mourned the boy
Because he was older and they bonded more than his girls. Can you see the dates of their deaths?
I can on my iPad since I can enlarge it
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Snoop........ your last shot... very intriguing.
Thanks for posting.
Definitely on the brandy now.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Thanks Bollox
It was wicked cold that day and the patterns of the snow melts were intriguing.
Here's the other picture of the ice cycle. You can imagine how much better it would have turned out if I could have blurred the background.

I cropped as much as I could so the clutter is removed.
Enjoy your brandy
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
What are those odd figures in the background?
Christmas decorations on people's graves
I cropped it as much as I could because the original photo is full of them. As I wrote upthread, the photo doesn't capture how unique the ice cycle was and the lighting sucks. It was very pretty and there was more light than what I captured.
There are so many great decorations that people left on the graves and when the ground crew takes them away I get to take anything I want because they are just going to throw them away.
Same thing after Memorial Day, I can take any plants and I put them in my yard
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Nice snoopy, that you replant
what would otherwise be thrown away. I'm sure your memorialisation of those are appreciated, in some form or another.
Very cool
Very cool photos. The one that is special is the photo of the tree created from a tree by the natural light of the sun, shadowed by itself. There are so many layers of photography in that photo, it should be used in the study of light in the way photography works. Very amazing one.
Myself, I walked outside the other day & almost stepped on this portrait created by sunlight drying an area on wet pavement. I even posted it on Facebook basically as humor, but got many "likes/comments" on it.
I had it titled thusly,
Drying wet spots in my driveway.
Is it screaming? A dog? Am I just having an Acid flashback, or is my driveway a canvas to the "Unexplained"?
I`m already against the next war
Well that is just totaly cool
It is humorous but also surprising. And the moss? A scarf blowing or hair... What fun.
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Thanks, Knucklehead
Your photo is incredible. The lichen on the pavement looks like a scarf blowing in the wind on an alien.
It's amazing how we photographers notice things that other people might miss because of our awareness of our environment.
That's why I noticed the snow that didn't melt because the tree blocked the sun.
On my other phone I have a picture of a shadow that looks like my dog Abby, a black lab.
I'll post it in next week's essay after I get it off the phone with the picture of Abby.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
My old camera, like my iPhone 5-ish sucks battery power.
At least now I know to circulate rechargeables now, too late on my learning curve. And the cam is not that good!
I bought (cheaply, but not enough) a Cu string of inline fairy lights that wind around (to me) a significant pine top. Three AA batts dimmed and died within a week. I have more AA's, just disappointing. No seasonal significance for white lights inside?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
In future, keep the AA batteries in the freezer.
They probably won't dim as quickly when used.
There's always significance for white light inside.
Last purchase was a 12-pack of A's and one of AAA's
Freezer would work, semi-space. Yes, I have new color-changing lights and I prefer the not-color versions of options. Glad to hear I am normal by c99 standards. But totally into LED effect lighting. No new lighting for 20 years does that to some.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I too prefer the white variety, unless they look like this ...
An artwork at our local gallery ...
What the heck is that art
anyway? Looks like pointy things sticking out with ?lights on them. Really interesting.
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BR: I had heard so much about the chalk cliffs near Dover
Chalk not being a popular site for geologists in the US. Little sedimentary hereof that age is my guess.
A very complex train/cab event took to Americans across the Channel from Dove on a Hovercraft. OMG. I was seasick, no drinkies for me. To Calais. Beach runnup landinp and walkout onto sand, in France! Firstie for France! Et je pense je suis parle Francais. I did okay, except for directions. My husband had either no or grand idea how much it stretched my bubble. He learned to say "Bonjour". 2 weeks traversing France, all around. Another near-divorce moment. Good moments. Special in Provence. Or Camargue. Or N in Carcassonne,
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
We used to travel through France when I was small
My father would confuse the French with all sorts of stuff. 'Ou est le Key?........ when in hotels.
I had to navigate him around via Michelin maps. Nightmarish stuff.
from a reasonably stable genius.
You sound better Bollox, like the brandy is doing the trick. Save some for next time ; ).
Michelin maps come in different scales
We got caught on the ring road outside road of Avignon because the map did not have the more detailed scale of the roads to get into the city. It's funny now but it was really crazy then driving in a foreign county trying to figure out where we were going.
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Goodnight all,
Looks like Bollox is feeling better. We are grateful for your participation.
Dinner time!
And don't forget that this space is open to anyone with any interest.
Cameras hate me. It's true,
However, if cold weather is the subject, I found this.
It's an open link to the Harbin, China Ice Festival.. This is unbelievable. Beautiful
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Hey, cool signature line, sojourns--my sentiments, exactly! EOM
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Hi sojourns,
I couldn't open the file, but looked at these images. Fantastic!
Very Cool
I was really taken aback by that city of ice.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
bird photos from today
I got two life birds today: gadwalls and a green-winged teal!

common merganser

northern shovelers, gadwalls and mallards

northern shovelers and the green-winged teal

I thought it was another gadwall until another birder on FB pointed it out; I couldn't see the definitive green patches on it.
northern shoveler male

a pair of gadwalls

northern pintail

This photo didn't turn out as clear as I would have liked
gadwall butts

a greylag/Canada goose hybrid (I think)

Really loving my new camera!
This shit is bananas.
Thanks Daenerys.
I'm glad you're loving your new camera.
The 'northern shovelers and the green-winged teal' photo is really wonderful to look at. It's such a satisfying composition and the reflections in the perfectly still mirrored water are beautiful. I love how the ducks are all looking in different directions, and the little spots of 'rust' colour on their bodies and the grasses/reeds ... and that one leaf floating in the foreground, nice.
Glad you like it!
I do like the contrast and reflections myself.
This shit is bananas.
Very cool, Danni
Where did you take those pictures? Liberty park or is there another pond or lake where you live?
If it stays warm next week, I think I'll go up to our local pond and see what birds are there.
On the weekends it's too crowded, but the middle of the week should be less.
The dawgs will be upset because they won't be able to go swimming.
I looked up your camera and it looks like you are going to enjoy it. I like the zoom feature.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Great Sig, snoopy.
Decker lake in West Valley.
I love it there because there's always a lot to see and few people. It takes about an hour to walk around the entire lake and observe. The downside is there's so much garbage lying around; but i'm trying to work with the Green party of Utah to organize a cleanup effort. That probably won't happen until spring now.
Lee Kay ponds is another great location. There's a lot of good birding areas around Salt Lake actually. If you go to you can look up different places and see which species have been observed there recently.
This shit is bananas.
I looked it up on google earth and I can see how big it is.
I see that it would take time to walk around it. Is it a natural pond or man made?
I searched for beus pond in the foothills bye my house and there's a photo of it in winter, so I don't know if it's going to be walkable now, but I'll check it out.
I can be hiking within 10 minutes from my house and there's one canyon I like to hike at because the others are full of bikes and they think that they own the trails. The one I hike isn't good for mountain biking and the dogs can walk off leash there.
I saw on KSL that there's a outdoor company that pays people to pick up trash. Check it out and see if you can get paid for picking it up where you walk. You probably will have to keep clicking on load more articles to find it since I saw it two days ago.
I don't usually photograph birds but I'll see if beus pond is accessible and try to take some for next Friday.
Have you figured out how your camera works yet? Sure looks nice.
I have a canon 40d with a tamron 28-300 lens. And another point and shoot but can't remember what the brand is. But it takes videos which my Canon doesn't.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Ooh, good idea!
I will check that out; hubby and I found a new apartment so we could definitely use some extra money!
I've heard Beus pond is a good birding spot; I'll have to check it out some time. There's a few places I need to check out; hooded merganser and goldeneyes are on the top of my list to photograph so it's a matter of figuring out where would be the best place to see them.
I THINK Decker lake is a natural lake, but not being a UT native I don't know for sure. (Wikipedia tells me there's a Decker Lake in MN too, how about that!)
I've got the basics of the new camera figured out. The zoom is the main reason I decided on it. It's fairly similar to the old Cannon Rebel film camera my family had, but with the bells and whistles of a digital camera. It also records video.
This shit is bananas.
Looks like they're looking for hikers
I don't really hike, so I guess I wouldn't qualify. (Last time I tried an uphill hike I felt like I was going to die.) I also don't have an Instagram account. Ah well.
Maybe when the weather warms up some hubby and I will just go out there some weekend with some trash bags, instead of waiting for GPUT to go through the proper channels (West Valley City, I guess). Might need some hip waders to get the stuff out in the water too.
This shit is bananas.
Nice photos
The Gadwall butts are very cute.
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