The Party of Gentrification
I’ve been thinking about the election. More precisely, what the morticians the pundits (both professional and amateur) repeatedly offer as explanation. Or, I should say, explanations.
It was due to stupid voters in flyover country, an elitist campaign, deception, farce, racism, anger, greed, foreign manipulation, economic anxiety, deliberate sabotage (looking at you, Comey) ignoring Bernie, moving too far toward Bernie, Congress, emails, the mass media, Bill Clinton, Republican vote suppression, an undemocratic electoral college (Save us Hamilton-Won!), Donald Trump's pussy-grabbing Id vs. Hillary Clinton’s cool super-ego, or, or , or, and on and on they roll, etc.
Today, I was reading a piece in the Guardian by Aditya Chakrabortty titled A Brexit betrayal is coming – but who will get the blame? The sub-title is telling: Leave voters wanted the status quo to be ripped up, and Theresa May simply cannot fulfil this promise.
Buried deep in the article was this paragraph:
One of the canards about the referendum is that the decisive swing came from working-class voters furious at high immigration, and that therefore the primary issue that needs to be resolved in the next few years is who gets to stay in Britain and how. Whenever I hear that, I think of the voters I spoke to in south Wales just before the vote. True, all the leavers volunteered immigration as their main justification. But the longer we talked, in this area that remains almost exclusively white, the more it became clear that they were angry at something else – not the invisible refugees, nor far-off Brussels. One, Gareth Meek, told me: “I’m angry at the British government. They sold the country out. There’s nothing we own any more.” A multitude of frustrations, pushed through a binary vote. [emphasis added]
How apt. So, yeah, our vote was marginally less binary than the yes/no of Brexit (obligatory nod toward Johnson and Stein — as if) but it feels the same — a multitude of frustrations filtered through a binary choice. Continuity or change.
The final paragraph in the Chakrabortty piece is telling:
What happens when Meek and his fellow voters realise that their vote for change – however loosely defined – means more of the same? When that call to take back control ends up with them playing the same old captive market, there to be ripped off by multinational capital. Who will take the blame then?
Do we have a vision for the future or will we stand strong as the de-facto party of multinational gentrification?
(Might post this tomorrow am on The Other Site, just to see what happens. - Heh.)
We lucked out with Trump
No matter how terrible he is on some fronts, he's also a libertine. He has no incentive to burn down the world because it's hard to get laid after Armageddon.
The real problem is that the Dems are not learning from their mistakes and next time around we won't be so lucky.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
forget the dems
they're just distracting instead of addressing. With leaders like wall street Pelosi and Schummer.. why bother or worry about the Dems?
Democrats had the election stolen in 2000 (FL), 2004 (OH) and in multiple states this year but not a scream nor a holler. They fight against us. They are next to useless in this struggle...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Obama controlled DOJ with its Voting Rights division for 8 years
And yet in every single election we read about soft voter suppression techniques like minority areas having fewer/broken machines, long lines, run out of ballots, etc. How many times have you read that story in your local paper or seen it on your locals news? Every single damn time something like that happened, an investigator for the FEDERAL voting rights divisions should have made visits to the sate Secretary of State and whatever local officials are involved in deploying those machines for an interview about exactly why the screw-up and that they are put on notice that if it happens again, they will open an official investigation and expect a prosecution for repetitive failures in this regard.
What about Crosscheck? That system has been in the news for at least two years as a method where Red States have found a way to purge their voter rolls of mostly minority and ethnic populations as a way to suppress/deny their vote. If you read the articles, although the check was supposed to be names, SS#s, birth dates, street address, etc., in many case the only check was name, throwing up lots and lots of duplicates. Now there's careless, there's negligent, there's stupid, and then there is very conscious evil acts to toss people off rolls. At the very least, instances where the state only looks for name duplicates, at minimum they are careless, grossly negligent, and stupid in thinking that is any kind of adequate check to entitle them to take away a citizen's right to vote; but it is so careless, negligent and stupid that it begs belief to think that highly placed elected officials could do this accidentally. So where was the Obama DOJ on this? What actions did they undertake to prevent the wholesale purge of voters?
What effort has the Obama administration made to ensure that every voter in all Federal elections has access to a secure, non-tamper proof voting process? What has the Democratic Party done about correcting the situation or at the very least making it a campaign issue? Weren't there large numbers of voters who found themselves surprisingly ineligible to vote in Democratic primaries? Where was the concern on the part of the Party, and even more important, where was the action to find out what was going on?
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
I think you mean
'tamper proof', not non-tamper proof.
Maybe I just read it wrong. Anyway, I agree with your comment.
But really, where has Obomber been on anything progressive?
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Duplicate again.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
And yet again!
Definitely operator error!
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Trump eliminated the middle man
They no longer have to buy politicians to do the globalist bidding, we put them in office. What will happen when voters figure it out? I hope they burn it down. If they don't, the planet will. We only have two parties.. one is useless. The other destructive. Americans are trapped.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
The Democrats aren't going to change
They may shift their insincere rhetoric to gull more voters, so their sponsors will keep shoveling more money their way. More importantly and dangerously, they have to try to keep the veal pen open and operating.
The Trump administration is going to engender a lot of opposition. The effective opposition will be movement-based, and organized around issues. DAPL is just the start. Today's Democratic Party exists primarily to corral these movements and their supporters, then defang them and deliver their voters to the oligarchs' approved poodles. Our main job in the next few years is to resist this, and keep the Democratic Party marginalized. Assholes like those infesting TOP will be our best allies in this effort.
I'm coming to believe that the next phase of politics won't be Party based at all, but will appear in grassroots movements. It may look like the 1960's more than anything else. A new political party could arise from coalitions among these movements, but they will have to avoid the corrupt Democrats to avoid being neutered. The idea that only Democrats or Republicans can win elections is a point of religious faith among partisans. Our two present parties may finally die once we prove that it's just not true.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Re:The Democrats aren't going to change
Then maybe it is time to say goodbye.
We can leave them with a song, though.
[video: width:300]
Oh, the Democrat’s choice was frightful
Her “fans” were mean and spiteful
Their tantrums and insults flowed
Let ‘em go, Let ‘em go, Let ‘em go.
Oh, their arrogance wasn’t stopping
And the lies they told were whopping
Still clinging to the status quo
Let ‘em go, let ‘em go, let ‘em go.
We decided we’d had enough
Of rhetoric and pandering, too
So we finally called their bluff
We felt it was long overdue.
Oh, the Working Class stopped believing
Their lies — were so deceiving
So now that we have told them NO
Let’ em go, let ‘em go, let ‘em go.
Oh, the party is slowly dying
With neoliberals crying
Their standards have gone so low
Let ‘em go, let ‘em go, let ‘em go.
We’re tired of corporate thieving
When we leave, we won’t be grieving
Just one thing before we go
Told you so! Told you so! Told you so!
When we finally say goodbye
They can all slowly march to their graves
The Establishment — sure, they’ll cry
But we will no longer be slaves!
Oh, the fighting & all the dividing
The cheating, the secrets, the hiding -
Their cronies and the status quo -
Let ‘em go — let ‘em go — let ‘em g-o-o-o!
Sometimes I just can't help myself.![Smile](
Not quite a Mondegreen, but I will never hear the correct words
again! And now I have an earworm, TYVM.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Oooooo, another instant
Oooooo, another instant classic! Thanks!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I'm interested in seeing how Brand New Congress works
someone posted a link to their site and I admit to initial skepticism before even opening it up as we've all seen these supposedly progressive organizations before that usually dwindle away to nothing or are just a front to get contributions that go to people like nothing you had in mind when donating.
I have to say, I liked their platform as published on their site, I can get behind just about all of it, although I did think "negotiating drugs in Medicare" was conspicuous by it's absence even though they advocate a Medicare for all option.
Their game plan is to run brand new candidates, regardless of their party affiliation if they agree with the platform, in primaries and if their candidate loses they will have an alternate plan b Independent poised to run in their stead. I guess that would be because of sore loser laws. I think it's hardly needs to be said that one could presume that they would find a lot more Democrats than Republican agreeing with their platform, but one never knows - Bernie proved there was some crossover with Libertarians.
I actually like Brand New Congress more than what I have seen of Our Revolution which seems to me to be a more likely contender to be swallowed up in Democratic politics as usual although I will continue to watch to see if it becomes viable and not just another veal pen for Progressives.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
On the notion of binary choices in the eletorate
I agree...and it frustrates me to no end