Democrats fulfill Einstein's definition of Insanity

They will never learn, apparently. This is the outfit that thought Hillary was a great candidate. This is the outfit that thinks their elite are only elite-sounding. This is the outfit that thinks Russia excuses them from all their unforced blunders. This is the outfit whose House Leader Pusillanimous Pelosi says the democratic party doesn't need to change--it just needs a better messaging system (as if the MSM and Fake News weren't enough).

This is the party whose former DNC chairman, screamin' Howard Dean thinks he can lead back to victory by "taking it (the "message") to all 50 states--but screw the people anyway.

This is the Party whose former DNC chair Curly Schultz (putatively of 3 stooges fame) thinks that her supervision of Democratic loss of federal and state legislative seats and loss of governorships represents doing a "good job".

Well, the Brain trusts at Party Central are now cooking up another lame brain idea. Now certainly some of those involved have different ideas but the old guard, which is definitely getting older, still hasn't got the message.

Don't get me wrong. Bernie's great but he'll never be allowed to win, nor will cowardly Liz.

Einstein's definition of Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a better result.

So sane Democrats, you can't get there (WH) from here--try another route.

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Lily O Lady's picture

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

Bisbonian's picture

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

MsGrin's picture

The party wants to be dead, apparently.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

snoopydawg's picture

after Hillary lost to Trump.
The facts are that they aren't trying to learn anything and aren't going to change. This is who they are. They are quite happy to lose with Hillary then win with a Bernie candidate.
They have become DLC democrats and they aren't going to change unless we kick them all out and get people in who will do what they promise.
They aren't going to get a better message system. How many years did we scream at Reid and Pelosi to grow a spine and stand up to the republicans? There are two groups of government in this country. The ones we see publicly that we think are making the laws or passing legislation, then there's the other government that works behind the scenes called the Deep State.
I've posted links to an article that describes them. I'll try to find it if anyone is interested in it.
Obama is only a public figurehead as are all presidents since at least Kennedy if not all of them.
The banks and the think tanks and the council on foreign relations and other groups like them are.
And it's not just people in this country that is part of the Deep State.
There's the Bilderburg group and the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds which all have the CEOs of the banks on them.
J.P Morgan and others that created the federal reserve are included in this group.
Sounds CT, right?
You can decide if it's CT or not.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

if you can find it.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

but I think it's a somewhat amorphous thing, without clearly defined boundaries or intentions -- which makes it difficult to precisely identify. It's not a singular entity, so much as an unofficial, secretively organized configuration of powerful individuals and interests. Its scope and influence are clearly multi-national, its tentacles reach far and penetrate deeply, but the degree to which it is centrally organized is a mystery to me.

I've been wondering about Trump's relation to the Deep State. He does not seem to have developed many connections with it, and he has in fact expressed antipathy to some of its most cherished objectives. How much of an "outsider" is he really? Does he want to join the club, does he intend to cooperate with it, or does he think he can challenge its power?

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about one of the only voices I trust, and an bear to listen to.

Biden - this has got to be snark? yes?

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who's latest book is called "The Deep State." I think you've made an excellent point about the Rump - I think he wants to join the Deep State, he certainly will have his hands full trying to really challenge it. Lofgren called it more of an evolution than an active conspiracy, so you're correct in thinking there's no one single person or group who controls it. They all want the same thing - American hegemony over the globe, unchallenged gambling in the casino of derivatives and commodities, and constant war to drive up profit margins and also ensure American hegemony. Our media is part of it as well, as we all know very good and well here at this site.

Trump will have no choice but to work with it, and I think he is showing by most of his choices for Cabinet positions that he will cooperate. And hey, what's so bad about a public vs private persona, eh? That's how it works and they like it that way - it will generate lots of media noise and the corresponding dollars and keep the public just confused enough for their agenda to do very, very well under Trump.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

elenacarlena's picture

I read the "Success Stories" page at your link, and it's interesting, maybe instructive.

Most success has been at the local level, and we tend to think we have to act nationally, but the difference in lives locally has been huge. Local politics may be where we should focus our efforts. Success there also provides experience for more activism on a larger scale

Also, the stories illustrate that one has to be fearless if needing the court system. The "little guy" cases that prevailed are sometimes surprising.

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Nearlynecessary's picture

It really makes the sideshow of partisan politics seem entirely ridiculous when one considers just how little power the pols have. It is all for show, slight of hand to distract the masses while we are all robbed blind by a small group of greedy psychopaths.

This needs to be exposed to a wide-make that-worldwide audience.

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Any stained glass afficionados? Please check out my website:

Pricknick's picture

Don't ask me to "Break a leg" as I walk on the dance floor Biden?
Nope. Dumb idea. Foolish, wasteful thought.
Please ask Joe to retire or go the way of the plumber.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

That IS insanity if that's the 2020 slate

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Daenerys's picture

it'll be the same shit as the last two/three elections. They don't care. (I won't vote for him either.)

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This shit is bananas.

He'd be 78 by the time of the inauguration. There has got to be someone thirty years younger the Democrats can run. I'd take no older than 50 as a minimum; hell, if it was actually possible I'd take under 40 and as close to the cutoff at 35 as possible.

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Yellerdog's picture

He could be the first to take the oath using a walker. Doesn't that count for something? Seriously Biden is the best we can do? I don't think so. My prescription is old white guys need not apply. Past time for younger blood, that looks more like the majority demographic of the country, to try and clean up the mess my generation has made. I use the word try advisedly because we don't know how close we are to a climatic tipping point of no return.

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insider and finance-sector tool that Clinton and the rest of the old guard are. He's the genial face of the status quo. An easier product to mass-market than a Clinton in these times but hard to swallow when you understand what he is.

If Biden ran and we still had a reasonably open Internet, we'd see footage of him on non-MSM sources presiding over the Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill hearings. We'd learn about his role in "reform" of personal bankruptcy law at the behest of the credit card industry (he's from Delaware, remember). And we'd hear that in '07 he joined Clinton in voting to keep cluster bombs falling on civilians, something I just learned from a reddit comment.

Bernie woke up a lot of people. If we want true change, more of us have to put aside what may be lifelong assumptions and scrutinize politicians' records--both words and actions. The farce of this election showed that we can't rely on a neutral Third Estate to do that for us. After all, Clinton's record still isn't being examined critically.

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

riverlover's picture

Current hysteria about the Trump win, the inability to believe how she won the popular vote, but loses in the EC. Trump voters are all racist hicks. Rumors of her gala tomorrow, she may walk back her concession. Will there be the fireworks show that got cancelled on election night?

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

At least Reid is gone, maybe Pelosi will wake up during the next 3 years? Not betting money on it, but...

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The democrats need to learn from one of Americas greatest philosophers J R Ewing. " Once you can fake sincerity the rest is easy."

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Hell no, we won't go along.

The Dems realize that Biden would have beaten Trump. He's really no better on policy, but has a benign grandfather compared to nasty Hillary. I think that it is doubtful that he will run in two-oh. If Trump is successful then no Democrat will beat him and the party will nominate a second string sacrifice. If he is not successful and America has had their fill of Trump, then any Democrat could win and they would be blowing an enormous opportunity if they did not nominate a young, attractive, well-spoken candidate, perhaps minority or a woman. Although, the Democrat party has an unlimited capacity to do the wrong thing. And why the 'F is Pelosi still the Democat House minority leader?

Biden and Hillary are done. That's finished, kaput, bye-bye. And, well, frankly, good riddance. One can hope that it's the end of the DLC, third-way, triangulating, right of center Democrat candidate. When the Democrat party realizes this then they will also realize that the party is in the state of a giant, imploding, vacuum. Where are the new leaders?

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Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

TheOtherMaven's picture

A lot of "quotable quotes" have that problem, that they weren't uttered by the person they're attributed to, but they needed saying anyway. Smile

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

problem with falsely attaching a name to the comment to give it a gravitas or a credibility or an appeal that it may or may not have without the fake attribution.

As for this particular comment, I've seen and heard it two ways. One way describes it as one definition of insanity, as in "One definition of insanity is doing...." That, IMO, is a useful concept, though not actually a definition of insanity. (One could just as well call it one definition of stupidity.)

The other way I have seen and heard it is "The definition of insanity is doing...." IMO, that is a very stupid statement.

In that statement, a single word makes a world of difference.

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ggersh's picture

as to where the D's are, why would they want them to change.

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Alligator Ed's picture

Instead of "better results", he said "different results". Mea culpa. But the DemocRATs will still never learn.

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“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
― Albert Einstein

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I guess you didn't look at the essay at the link that I provided in my prior post. Here it is again:

While someone certainly said that and attributed it to Einstein, Einstein never said or wrote it or anything like it, as far as people who investigate such things can determine. And, if you've read anything Einstein wrote, it really doesn't seem consistent with his style.

I know it's attributed to him all over the internet but, if we've learned anything about the internet, we've learned that untruths can be repeated endlessly on site after site.

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detroitmechworks's picture


Yep, we're right at the start of a new century. Definitely time to get into the "This is the way we ALWAYS do things" mentality.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

EdMass's picture

Ya see ~2/3rds of the Democratic Congress comes from California, New York and Massachusetts. Vital centers of interest of traditional Democratic voters in those evil Fly Over and Rust Belt States. Tried to afford a home in any of those Bastions of support of the working class? No? Ok.

Ok. sorry. Going ageist here. Our "Leadership" is on average in their 70's, they miss rotary dial phones and talking to Emily when you had to make a long distance call. But wait we have a young and vital bench of true progressives ready to take the reigns. Oh. No. We have lost the federal government, 2/3rds (theres that percentage again) governships and an historic number of State Legislatures.

Don't you dare lecture me about the definition of insanity.

I'm a Democrat.

Biden 2020!

I was born and raised this way.

So there.

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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!

elenacarlena's picture

"Hillary would have won if we weren't so sexist!!"

This is their takeaway. Bunch of idiots.

OTOH, after the Repugs spend 2-4 years destroying the country, maybe any DLC candidate will be an easy win. Incrementalism might not look so bad next to regression. Sigh.

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Strife Delivery's picture

Apparently the Democrats are fine, or so it has been said. They just have to wait for minority groups to grow in population while white populations decline. that rate, buckle up for 2060 folks, that's when the Dems will really be in charge.

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