Glenn Greenwald destroys the "Russia hacked the election" story
Submitted by gjohnsit on Sat, 12/10/2016 - 3:26pm
Was Russia behind the DNC hacks? Maybe, maybe not.
But one thing we know for certain: no one has produced any proof.
The Washington Post late Friday night published an explosive story that, in many ways, is classic American journalism of the worst sort: the key claims are based exclusively on the unverified assertions of anonymous officials, who in turn are disseminating their own claims about what the CIA purportedly believes, all based on evidence that remains completely secret....
Needless to say, Democrats – still eager to make sense of their election loss and to find causes for it other than themselves – immediately declared these anonymous claims about what the CIA believes to be true, and, with a somewhat sweet, religious-type faith, treated these anonymous assertions as proof of what they wanted to believe all along: that Vladimir Putin was rooting for Donald Trump to win and Hillary Clinton to lose and used nefarious means to ensure that outcome. That Democrats are now venerating unverified, anonymous CIA leaks as sacred is par for the course for them this year, but it’s also a good indication of how confused and lost U.S. political culture has become in the wake of Trump’s victory.
At this point does the one thing that Democrats, and anyone with intelligence, should have done first - reminded us of the CIA's history of lies.
To begin with, CIA officials are professional, systematic liars; they lie constantly, by design, and with great skill, and have for many decades, as have intelligence officials in other agencies.
And then Greenwald presents motive.
Former acting CIA Director Michael Morell not only endorsed Clinton in the New York Times but claimed that “Mr. Putin had recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation.” George W. Bush’s CIA and NSA director, Gen. Michael Hayden, pronounced Trump a “clear and present danger” to U.S. national security and then, less than a week before the election, went to the Washington Post to warn that “Donald Trump really does sound a lot like Vladimir Putin” and said Trump is “the useful fool, some naif, manipulated by Moscow, secretly held in contempt, but whose blind support is happily accepted and exploited.”
And while we are now being treated to anonymous leaks about how the CIA believes Putin helped Trump, recall that the FBI, just weeks ago, was shoveling anonymous claims to the New York Times that had the opposite goal:
So we have an anonymous leak from an organization of professional liars, published in a newspaper with highly questionable journalism ethics.
(note: the WashPo quietly walked back their last Russian scare story)
Basically, this CIA leak means less than nothing. It's a non-story.

Another amusing example of Democratic hypocrisy
When James Comey makes a few public comments on an actual, highly significant investigation of Hillary Clinton, even after he very suspiciously exonerated her, he's suddenly Donald Trump's campaign chairman. But when murky, anonymously sourced reports out of the Obama administration, citing the fucking CIA, accuse Trump of being a puppet of Putin with no evidence offered at all, Democrats treat that as if it were carved on the walls of the Lincoln Monument.
Trump may or may not be a puppet of Putin. He's dumb enough to unwittingly serve as one, and irresponsible enough to knowingly benefit from being one too. But the gullibility and irrationality of Democrats in eagerly swallowing this story shows me that the party is nowhere near serious about fixing itself. Its rotting carcass will continue to poison our,politics for years to come.
Please help support caucus99percent!
This is my favorite part:
They're in full melt-down mode at TOP.
You're right the party won't fix itself, in fact, I'm convinced that that is exactly what these crazy conspiracy stories are aiming at. How can the beltway consultant class access the next $1 Billion plus campaign budget when their reputations are shot? None are employable now, or should be, yet if they can claim that they did everything right, and that it's all Putin's fault, they can rehabilitate themselves. They become innocent victims.
Next we'll hear that not only did the Russians hack the DNC etc, but that Putin also altered the content of those e-mails in order to frame them. Donna Brazile didn't sneak questions to Hillary, billionaires didn't have instant and open access, and intel wasn't shared with Sid.
It's a bold lie, but they've got nothing to lose, the only way they can maintain their influence is to discredit these leaks.
Who benefits? It appears to be the beltway hacks. Those are the people that we've got to take the party back from.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Not only TOP!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I had forgotten about Booman!
I wonder if I still have an account there?
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Wasn't CT a bannable offense at TOP?
I guess not anymore.
Consider what is on the wrecked list:
Joy-Ann-Reid's segment: The problem's deeper than Trump as a Russian puppet
A Ten Point Action Plan for Resisting Putin's Takeover of America
Electoral College Can Stop A Russian Coup In The U.S. Will They Be Patriots, Or Russian Agents?
The Trump women played a part in all of this Russiangate
I am typically reluctant to use 'language'
But holy shit, I went and read through both the diaries and comments....these people have gone absolutely bat-shit crazy! They wholeheartedly believe this shit. There is just no hope.
These will be the same people that are clamoring for censorship (bills are passing as we speak), government/corporate control of what we are allowed to read, what information we get, what web sites are filtered away...while at the same time condemning those EVIL countries that suppress and indoctrinate their people. But ours will be the 'good' kind of censorship and indoctrination, for sure.
"Please, keep us stupid and malleable to your war whims!"
You got that right. n/m
And so were accusations of shilling, yet the swarms of hornets over there engage in both constantly. Markos says he's letting them get it out of their systems, so maybe it will wear off eventually, or maybe the ban hammer will address it.
If the crew that floated those leaks dominates the party, there will be no change anytime soon, and that would be a pity. I'd hate to see the Rs deepen their lead by much, I don't want Mitch proposing Constitutional amendments. The Ds need to win in 2018, but they can't/won't do it without profound and fundamental change, and a complete jettisoning of the current people and methods. It's like rehabbing a crack addict at this point.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
To expand upon your thought above...
It's like trying to rehab a crack addict by giving him unlimited access to heroin instead.
The problem isn't the drug, its the addiction.
They are Money and Power addicts, and as anyone who has ever worked with addicts will attest, when you try to address the problem with them they react either with fake outrage, denial, hostility, lies or outright violence rather than admit that the problem exists.
This election was just the first awkward intervention the progressive family has had with it's drug addled relative, The DNC, and won't be the last.
The DNC will either realize it has it's problems and ask us for help with correcting them, or it will die of an overdose of its own greed and hubris.
Color me bad, but at this point I am just hoping for a quick OD so the family can move on with repairing our lives.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Au contraire
"Some CTs are more equal than others." Apologies to George Orwell.
They preemptively said emails were fake & Russian hacked b4 wiki
Heard the shills on a Sunday morning (poor people TV) program. They warned that fake emails were coming because of Russian hackers.
Not sure how they knew what wikileaks was about to dump, but I think it was just before the Podesta gems.
If needed, I can go look at my old comments, in order to nail down exactly when - because I certainly mentioned it the Sunday it happened.
Do you truly believe Trump is
dumb or gullible?
Secretary Clinton didn't seem to care enough about the
wage earning class to even lie to us about protecting the dwindling good paying blue collar jobs in the USA. Trump doesn't care, I am pretty sure, but he was politic enough to put on a show of caring. I don't see where a Russian connection would change things regarding this core issue.
The election turned on the economy.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
The election was a referendum on the economic issues that mean the most to average Americans. The bottom line is that people will vote their pocketbooks first above all else. When times are good, then people may look at other issues, but this time, it was pocketbook issues for many voters. Clinton lost the Rust Belt. NAFTA killed jobs in that same region. The TPP was going to further eviscerate whatever jobs were left.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
As if our government
never spied on foreign governments' correspondence.
Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, was recorded in a phone conversation with our Ambassador to Ukraine discussing how the new government of Ukraine should be arranged. The conversation was recorded and released to the public and is on YouTube. Immediately the State Department and U.S. media focused on who recorded and leaked the phone call and claimed it was Russia. No discussion of what was said in the phone call.
OK. Let's assume it was Russia. So what? Does it matter that Victoria Nuland has been arranging for U.S. tax dollars to support a Neo-Nazi terrorist army in Ukraine? Should we know about that? Does it matter if we hear about it from Vladimir Putin?
I kicked the hornet's nest
I posted this at TOP and it got buried immediately.
GOS jumps the shark, again
This is one of the replies.
And here's another
Hahaha, an original thinker you found there....not
The other theme
Greenwald use to be a good journalist now he is rubbish. As soon as the WH changer letters from R to D that started.
Greenwald had his detractors at DK
Long before this because of his exposing Obama administration failures and supporting Snowden. About the only place he was valued was by us in the EB before the move here imo.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Why oh why oh why
is anyone still reading the Washington Post. I have renamed it, Jeff's Journal.
Remember who owns it now! Not that it was much before, but now, yuck. Not counting what ever deal Jeff has with the CIA. He gets big money, and it's all, for want of a better word, dreck.
Of course it is...
I too recently posted over there (I know, I know, I said I quit...weak).
It is just not worth it anymore...the stupid and blindness is just too strong. There is no way around/through their brain muck that I can discern.
They are slowly but surely
driving the intellectuals off of the site, and it's becoming increasingly difficult to have a genuine and fruitful conversation over there. A couple of more purges and only blithering idiots will be left, challenging each other with crude insults and fart jokes.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Thanks for the TOP posting
that "Russian propagandaist machine" was in so many of the comments -
what has happened to that place?
Haven't read anything there in months - it has gone totally bonkers!!!!
You'll gain more insight in an hour
of C99 than you will in a week of TOP.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
This is obamas's WMDs ruse
It's sad to see so many people fall for it.

I've mentioned before that many of us joined DK because of the Iraq war and the other things that the republicans were doing, but once Obama continued doing the same things in the Middle East and elsewhere, many of the people on the site went silent.
Anyone writing about it were told to stfu because it made Obama look bad.
His use of drones? They are okay because they save American lives. It didn't matter that those countries hadn't threatened the USA or that he didn't have authorization to use them.
Libya war? No problem.
Syrian war? Same thing.
Now in your diary over there I saw a few people defending the USA and NATO buildup.
Greenwald and Assange used to be great journalists when it was against Bush, but they won't hear anything bad said about Obama when he did the same things that they hated when Bush did them.
Jumped the shark? Hell they've jumped more than one.
I wonder if we will hear that Putin is throwing babies out of incubators too.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
He is isn't he? and drowning baby Pandas too!!
He's a VERY BAD MAN ya know?
I got that at Booman Tribune
When I questioned whether Booman was serious about Trump having his followers makie death threats to opponents. I don't doubt that random idiots are making death threats but that they are orchestrated by trump? I'd like to see the evidence other than WaPo (a known DNC front) citing unnamed CIA agents.
But just questioning it got me labeled as a Trump supporter and a Russian Agent.
NEVER going to vote (D) again. I voted for Tammy Duckworth in a tit for tat and I voted for my local Dems, but the debt is paid. If they want my votes in the future they will have to run as (I) or (G) or (XYZ) but never again as (D).
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I'm not surprised in the least, I admire your tenacity in
bothering trying to put a different perspective. The noise machine has been turned up to 11 and any descenting voices must be crushed.
Everyone now not completely onboard is now the enemy, reminds me of some Maoist splinter groups.
Great essay, thanks for this! nt
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
I am afraid to go there and look at the responses to your post.
Maybe after a few beers and Taco Bell tacos--hey it is all I can afford right now. And it suits the website.
Hey, no need to deprecate or explain
They go pretty well with beer
Pour Yourself a Little Vodka
it will add to the mood.
Apparently we are all Russian now.
Progressive to the bone.
Jazz, in another diary there
someone asked if they needed to learn to speak Russian soon. And yes that person was serious.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
They are just begging to be trolled
Some of us should post about how we've seen Soviet tanks on the streets of our cities.
Are you trying to make me pee my pants?
Lawd, if someone does, I will pee them!
ZOMG! The Russians Are Coming!
The Russians Are Coming!
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
That would be awesome
Killing me just thinking about it. And for additional fun, post the same photos Inhofe used as 'proof' of the tanks rolling your neighborhood.
Well I'll be darned
someone did! Flying Trump flags in fact.
I wonder what percentage won't regard it as snark?
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Well, I can sorta see their point of view,
what with all of the nuclear subs and ships they have surrounding the US in the oceans and those fully equipped military bases they have every other mile on the Canadian and Mexican borders.
Not to be alarmist over this stuff, but
but the borders between the Baltic states of EE, LV, and LT and Russia are not at all that well defended: in some cases, not even that well defined as they snake mysteriously through dense forests.
It took the then USSR less than a day to march from the border to the capitals, occupy the Parliaments, overthrow the legally elected and internationally recognized Governments, and a few more days to force the Parliaments (with literally guns to their heads) to vote "begging admission" to the Union.
Were Drumpfkopf to become Preznit, I have no expectation that the Balts would not be sold out to Putin any less swiftly.
And again I must remind people here -- Ich lasse euch bemerken -- that that the Baltic peoples, languages, and cultures are in no way related to Slavic, so there's no "excuse" of "rejoining" Mother Russia.
F*ck Trump. Really. F*ck him.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
repeat deleted...
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
yeow...I think Mark Summers wrote front page article cause of u.
Man, did you stir up the proverbial hornet's nest.
This is FP now
I wonder if they realize how they sound?
Right out of the 1950's.
"They" want to take us over. First Crimea, next Lithuania, and finally Hootervile.
Russians preferred Trump but not by much
They were smart enough to know that one or two comments slightly favorable to doing honest business with Russia does not make a policy. Now that Trump is the President elect, Russians are very nervous and have a wait and see attitude. They are watching his cabinet posts and waiting to see his foreign policy actually take shape. This is in comparison to Hillary who is a certified Russophobe and a danger to world peace. The Russians are just looking for a US President that will work with Russia in an honest fashion, basically.
Russians are laughing at the claim that Russia, as a state act, stole US emails from Democrats to help Trump win. The West in general, and the US in particular, seems extremely illogical and dishonest. It's hard to dispute this.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Let's say the claim is true
Let's say the Kremlin did this.
What was their motive to do something so risky?
Hillary would have scared them so much that they would have thought the risk of WWIII was worth the potential blowback.
Russians DID fear Killary. Built massive bunkers & drills 10/16
Surely you know this. You're like the go-to guy for this.
Yes, they held massive nuclear drills in October - before the election.
My millennial daughter told me about it. Of course, it can only be found on fake news sites. (Not even going to use quotes, as it's a waste of effort, like a snark tag.)
Third time to try to post. Hoping for the charm. Otherwise, fuck it!
I mean, this Russian fear mongering is dangerous. Behind every curtain, every news anchor, there is a Russian spy pulling the strings. Every shadow, if you squint hard enough, Putin is there.
But, for the sake of assuming that this is true, that Russia did influence the election to get Trump elected. You hit it. Why? Of course, Democrats quickly spout that Trump is easily manipulated and just a puppet for Putin to exert his control. Ok...sure. Anything else?
How about Clinton having some frightening, hawkish tendencies towards Russia? The propaganda was quickly set into place (look at the Dem convention, with the rah rah USA chants of war). If anything, again if this Russian angle is actually true, this would be more of a desperate Russian plan to stay out of war, by trying to keep Hillary away from power. This to me reeks more of desperation and fear than nefarious power dynamics.
Yes. We had an agreement with Russia,
from the time of Gorbachev, to eliminate nuclear weapons systems, and Gorbachev signed the beginning of this process with Ronald Reagan.
Defense Secretary Ashton Carter is a physicist and nuclear weapons specialist with a long history in DOD procurement. Elimination of nuclear weapons systems would mean the end of an industry, of course, and so our arming of Neo-Nazi forces in Ukraine, I think, was an attempt to force Russia to secure its Naval Base in Crimea. All of this baiting and confrontational behavior is a desperate attempt to save the nuclear weapons industry from extinction. I call it desperate, not because it's unlikely to succeed, but because it's so fukking dangerous. And because it's so costly, but of course that's the goal, the spending.
The CIA the most reputable of sources and poisoned wetsuits.
After defending warmongering the Democrats will now rally round our dirty tricks brigade. How times they are a changing.
PS. If it was the Russians then why/how did the CIA fail in their duty to protect America from exactly this type of thing?
No joke
This is the most perplexing and bizarre transformation, flip-flop I've witnessed over the last decade.
Exactly, LaFem
We have over 800 private contractors along with the NSA spending billions a year to keep us safe they tell us, so if they can't stop these types of actions then why the hell are they spending our money?
Does that thought even go through their minds?
I know that it used to over there.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Private Contractors are just there to eat pork!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I wuld bet they all get pounds of good bacon as a Holiday Bonus. Screw Duck or Turkey!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Just after the 'Russian hacking' meme began,
Glenn wrote an article pointing out that there was no evidence, only anonymous assertions cited as proven fact. As yet, I've seen no evidence produced, only escalations and repetitions of the anonymous assertions. Now Obama appears to be agreeing to substiantiate these assertions. Wonder how that will work out for him?
If they find nothing, then it will be a cover up.
So then Obama himself
becomes a tool of Putin? Just kidding but damn, to see them twist themselves around that knot might be fun to watch. For about 5 seconds....
I agree with Cronewit that he's appearing to substantiate it, my very first thought upon seeing that today.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
"Par for the Course"
Yesterday Glen wrote a recap of that story. One anonymous tweet pointing to a forged WikiLeaks email was enough for a handful of TV personalities and the entire Clinton campaign to say the WikiLeaks emails were "full of inaccuracies."
So when the Pro-Clinton crowd gloms onto some obviously fake story, yeah, it's par for the course.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
They floated plenty of their own
fake stories as well. Mountains of them in fact.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Yeah, they left
some floaters, alright. And to that crowd they smell Wonderful!
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
FBI Involvement--the plot thickens
Now Harry Reid is saying that the FBI covered up the Russian involvement in this year's election.
"The FBI covered up information about Russia seeking to tip the 2016 presidential election in Donald Trump’s favour, a senior Democrat claimed on Saturday, after reports emerged about spy agencies’ investigations into hacks of US political parties.
Harry Reid, outgoing Senate minority leader, compared FBI director James Comey to the agency’s notorious founder, J Edgar Hoover, and called for his resignation."
Spy versus spy!
Thank you for posting this, LaFem. I needed a cartoon laugh at the ridiculousness of this all.
Just a reminder to all. If elections can be hacked and rigged, perhaps the real problem is our reliance upon computer tabulations based upon proprietary software?
Of course the Dems prefer to demonize the Russians instead of actually examining themselves for this eleciton defeat, but we should look closely at how the Dems have adopted Rovian techniques of accusing others of what they themselves probably are doing.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
We & THEY know it's proprietary software, but THEY need it
They need to control elections, and us.
When we move to a more Bolivian type election, with paper ballots being counted where they were cast, in public (cell cams rolling), and done so by voters - drawn via lottery, our elections will be more viable, with more trustworthy results.
We need to make that happen!
Harry Reid has had one too many punches to the head
No wonder he's retiring.
And anyway, given Comey's last statement with regard to the investigation into Clinton's 'doings', I thought he had been rehabilitated as a 'hero' in the Dem camp?
I can't keep up with who's a zero or hero with these people
from a reasonably stable genius.
Grossherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
Presumably one of the Grand Duke Ludwigs.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
tapu dali gets points....
The flag for members of the grand ducal family.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Danke sehr! Macht spass, nickt?
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Do you mean the one right before the election?
I think the fact that Hillary lost was what switched it back since it put Comey on the blame list there.
Yep, that's the one
Well, he was a 'hero' for a week at least.
ClintonWorld is a tough place.
from a reasonably stable genius.
This is just bizarre.
They are discrediting the FBI - Danger Will Robinson!!
I'm seeing everything through the lens of the so-called FBI_Anon agent chat from July 3. The setup is major corruption in Clinton Foundation, Pizzagate is real, etc. If Clinton wins the election the whole thing goes away, if Trump wins then the FBI will pursue Clinton.
If they are discrediting the FBI then it appears as though the investigation is indeed going to proceed with the new administration. Someone must really be crapping their pantsuit if the CIA is being co-opted to pre-empt the upcoming FBI investigation.
What's next? In the next 6 months a smear on Trey Gowdy, that's my prediction.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
Trump is no fool
He played the electorate and both parties like a violin. I dislike him intensely, but claiming that your opponent is a fool after you just got beaten is the height of cluelessness.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Note the Gaurdian has all but dropped this story
BBC as well, didn't take long as it was all over it this am
Now they have less to blame
Now they have less to blame for their own idiocy
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Meanwhile at the old NSA....
Progressive to the bone.
Coups and wars since WWII
Progressive to the bone.
A Venn diagram of the above 2 maps is not necessary
I have met one CIA person, here in Ithaca with maybe-connected spouse to both learn Farsi. Left to Hawaii.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Appeals to authority...
Are all that folks have left.
Oh look, 17 government agencies ALL agree that it was russian hackers! No, you don't need to see the evidence. There was no evidence that Hillary committed any crimes, too, but that didn't stop you from believing it, so why won't you believe THIS??
/Outraged MSM talking points.
The problem is that they keep telling us that we need to TRUST them, and not our lying eyes.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
There were many people who voted against authority
but I admit having no idea if Trump voters voted for authority or just wanted to bitch-slap someone named HRC.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Ah, I looked and even responded.
I noticed there were more than the normal diaries attacking Putin/Trump. In fact, I have noticed without really keeping count, that these types of articles seem to appear on a regular basis at least once a week. Somebody or something wants this issue to stay front and center on TOP. It seemed to me that in just scanning headlines, which I mostly do, this issue was fading as people fought over class/race/gender and Trump actions.
Brock must have got more funding
I suppose this provides us with a handy guide to CTR trolls operating at DailyHos.
It doesn't matter who "hacked" the emails.
Whoever did it merely pulled back the curtains to expose the ugly truth.
Odd how it all stops at "Bad Russians!"
If it were a Russian coup that put Trump into the presidency, wouldn't you want to be figuring out a way to reverse it?
Saudi vs Putin
I have solid sources that say the whole thing started as a bet. King Salman of Saudi Arabia hates Putin. But he is an arrogant ass and Putin knows he is. So King Salman said 'I can get anyone elected President in the U.S." Putin bet him a dollar he couldn't. But the condition was they got to pick the other's candidate. Putin went first. "King Salman, you have to get Hillary elected!" That stung. But he has vast resources and money going to many think tanks and newspapers, so he accepted. But to pay Putin back, King Salman thought long and hard. He came up with Trump. The two then went to work using all the tools at their disposal.
The reason this is so hilarious
is that it's essentially the truth.
Saudi vs Putin
I have solid sources that say the whole thing started as a bet. King Salman of Saudi Arabia hates Putin. But he is an arrogant ass and Putin knows he is. So King Salman said 'I can get anyone elected President in the U.S." Putin bet him a dollar he couldn't. But the condition was they got to pick the other's candidate. Putin went first. "King Salman, you have to get Hillary elected!" That stung. But he has vast resources and money going to many think tanks and newspapers, so he accepted. But to pay Putin back, King Salman thought long and hard. He came up with Trump. The two then went to work using all the tools at their disposal.
Obviously missing
From the memory of many Americans, almost all Clinton voters, and many, many republicans is that the Good Ole USA has, for much of the last 150 years, (or more) been actively involved in overthrowing, undermining, or assisting from within, to overthrow, manipulate, threaten, steal the resouces, enslave the population of, and alter the will of the people in nations all over the globe.
Who to F--k do these idiots think we are. So Russia sent us emails that showed how corrupt the DNC truly is, and the DNC has not, cannot, and will not deny the reality of their corruption, but wish for us to believe that is is someone else's fault that HRC lost the about deflection @#$@&^%***
Have to admit I'm a little confused here--
In my world, Guccifer 2.0 and whoever implemented a successful phishing scam on John Podesta are probably the good guys. At the very least, their actions are helpful, which is more than I can say for the DNC, the Clintons, or the Podestas.
So the thesis of Greenwald's argument, which is that there's no proof of who did it, while an important point to make, kind of misses a larger point: if we are trying to find out who did it, we should probably be looking for them so we can shake their hands.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver