TYT's Cenk Lays It Down : HRC Should Be "Very" Concerned, Support "Super-Soft," She Is The "Mayor" of the Village of Corruption.
Just wanted to bring this all to everyone's attention if you hadn't seen it.
Cenk seems to be at his wit's end and burning out with having to defend a candidate he knows in his heart of hearts is a rancid embodiment of everything that's wrong with politics and everything he's been standing up to fighting against. But there's that shadow, that lurking monster around the corner, that big, plodding dunce coming for us..."We Must Defeat Trump."
I haven't watched him since at the end of the Primary after he disappointingly transitioned like far too many Bernie supporters into another Fear Trump-Must Vote Hill bitten by the rabid dog of fear-mongering. However I still get the TYT subscription clips on YouTube and scan their headline stop see what they're talking about. I'm glad I took a look because his segments tonight were impressive.
He pulled no punches in issuing scathing criticism for how bad of a candidate she is, pointing to poll numbers bearing pretty bad news for the $hills & Co, and explains why people are not buying into her even as the MSM laughs it off predicting she'll win in a landslide. He still thinks she's going to win, but as he reminds us here he's one of the few inside the media who says it will be a razor sharp victory if it is.
New polls out today about the General Election. Disaster Time.
Buckle up everybody. This thing is not just a wild ride, it is crashing.
Brace for impact.
Trump ahead in Ohio and Florida, according to some big polls.
This next whole clip, "Why People Don't Trust Hillary Clinton," is really worth watching. It's Cenk when he is at his best, digging in to the fundamentals about why people are so disenfranchised in politics while the Beltway remains willfully ignorant and oblivious.
Speaking directly to DC and Dem insiders who still maintain insufferable, completely ignorant views claiming they don't understand Her unpopularity and untrustworthy numbers, he lit into a scathing attack of the myopia that prevents these cocktail lapdogs from getting their heads out of their asses.
People do not like her....
She is the second most dislike candidate in American history. She is lucky to be running against the most unpopular candidate in American history as long as we have had polling....
Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton have taken over $3 billion in terms of direct salaries through speeches, etc from multinational corporations and banks.
So why pick on poor Hillary Clinton?
Because even though she might not be the most corrupt (in DC), she is a symbol of that corruption.
Get it through your head, because you don't get it.
Here she is, the living embodiment of the establishment, the status quo. This system that the whole country believes has been corrupted. Over 90% of Americans believe that money corrupts politics. And by this measure there is an argument for the Clintons being the most corrupt. They've taken the most amount of money, $3 billion.
You can say until you're blue in the face, "that's not fair, some of that went to charity. And those speeches were fantastic. I would have paid $250,000 for them as well." Maybe. But not a lot of people are buying that.
Of course they want something in return.
There is a story in the Podesta emails about how companies pay to the Clinton foundation and give direct money to Bill Clinton for speaking so they can get an audience with Clinton, because they got important cases, billions of dollars in cases in front of the government. We see the corruption. You purposely have chosen, in Washington and New York because you are part of the establishment, not to see that corruption.
The rest of us see it as clear as day.
Just because she's not as bad as Mussolini doesn't make her an angel. Get it through your head that the American people see the problems with Hillary Clinton. Why are the American people so upset? Because they are right. The system has been rigged.
We live in a Walmart economy where a guy used to have some degree of respect for their jobs and in their lives. They would go out and work on an assembly line and a great number of other jobs. Now everybody is working for minimum-wage and God, it kills them that they have to get food stamps.
And they are blaming the wrong people for the problems. Some of them are Democrats, some are Republicans, but they are getting crushed out there. Why? Well, those multinational corporation's gave billions of dollars to politicians, and in return they got lower taxes. They got to offshore all their tax burdens....
Because they know that they pay off the politicians and every once in a while instead of paying 35% in taxes the politicians make a deal and they pay 5% in taxes for that tax holiday, that's how they crush us. That's how you get income inequality. The minimum wage hasn't moved in years. We are arguing whether it should be $15 right. Now it is $7.25. That's what creates this crushing economy.
Hillary Clinton is the embodiment of that corrupt system. And you wonder why her's support is so soft? You wonder why a week out from the election she is now tied or losing to Donald Trump? That is why. Open your eyes...
But you can't see straight, "I don't see the corruption, you guys are being unfair. Hillary is great. why can't you see that she is great?" She is not great. The American people don't think that. They think she is part, not all, not solely responsible, not nowhere near, but part of that systemic corruption.
It takes a village to do that kind of systemic corruption. But she is perceived by a lot of Americans as the mayor of that village. And the reason you can't see that, if you live in Washington and New York and are part of the establishment, is because it is your village. You are in that village. And I'm here to tell you that you got it all wrong. Hillary Clinton is an a enormously weak candidate because of all the things I just outlined.
Wikileaks reveals emails that show the depth of the corruption at the Clinton Foundation. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. https://www.tytnetwork.com/join“When top Bill Clinton aide Douglas Band wrote the memo, he was a central player at the Clinton Foundation and president of his own corporate consulting firm. Over the course of 13 pages, he made a case that his multiple roles had served the interests of the Clinton family and its charity.
In doing so, Band also detailed a circle of enrichment in which he raised money for the Clinton Foundation from top-tier corporations such as Dow Chemical and Coca-Cola that were clients of his firm, Teneo, while pressing many of those same donors to provide personal income to the former president.
The system has drawn scrutiny from Republicans, who say it allowed corporations and other wealthy supporters to pay for entree to a popular former president and a onetime secretary of state who is now the Democratic presidential nominee.
Band wrote the memo in 2011 to foundation lawyers conducting a review of the organization amid a brewing feud with the Clintons’ daughter, Chelsea Clinton, who was taking a stronger role in leading the foundation and had expressed concerns about Teneo’s operations.”

Most unpopular
would no doubt be Herr Drumpf.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Nope. Hillary's just sunk below Drumpf's depth of opinion
I read somewhere, that since the reopened email case, her unfavorables rose to 60% versus Trumps 58%.
Trump's still worse
RCP has Clinton at -9.3 and Trump at -21.0 in the polls since 10/20, but the last 3 polls average Clinton at -14. I think the overall polls shift with which story has freshened the public's disgust most recently. The Clinton campaign is winning because they've been better at laying out a smokescreen of excuses for the corporate media to use to discount the import of the Wikileaks and Comey stories. Trump's minions have fewer options for disguising what a raging asshole he is, mainly because he doesn't have the wit to keep his pie hole shut for a week at a time.
Clinton is going to win. That has looked like a foregone conclusion for some time. I've begun to ponder the Republican counter-attack, and how it might spin out. Without boogeyman Trump to point at, the Empress is going to look awfully scantily clad. "The Russians, the Russians" just ain't going to cut it once the Wikileaks revelations start getting serious attention in the media and in the right-wing spin machine. Trump's idiocies have mitigated that process so far, but not for much longer.
Those who wish for a Trump win to destroy the Clinton's lock on Democratic Party politics may just have it wrong. The best way to ensure the Gotterdammerung of the Wall Street Dems might well be to ensure a Hillary victory. She could be the first president to be impeached and removed from office.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Polls Are Meaningless
This has zero significance:
Every poll about every political measurement lacks credibility to predict this election. Who's going to steal Ohio and Florida this year? Which campaign hijacks the most black box votes? Every Single swing state is a complete unknown because every single vote tally in every swing state will be manipulated.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
This is why Hillary will win.
The establishment and the powerful (who control the voting machines) definitely want HRC since she'll be so much better at pushing their regressive agenda.
" She could be the first president to be impeached ...
and removed from office."
I would modify that statement to read that
"The $Hill WILL be the first president to be impeached and removed from office."
and can't happen too soon, IMHO --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
It seems to me that Her Heinous's support is soft.
Very soft. In fact, once she takes office, it
willmay be that the public realizes that despite her claim of being the most qualified/prepared person to become POTUS, she is incompetent. She will be disengaged, a la George W. Bush. ("Coup, schmoo, did you check out those sconces, Huma?") She will still be under investigation by the FBI.Almost everyone that I know who is a Hillary supporter says something about "the lesser of two evils" or "at least she's not Trump". (Although some trolls here and elsewhere have said "We'll pull her to the left AFTER she's elected", I have yet to hear somebody say this in person.)
Barring an unforeseen miracle, after about 18 months of her rule as POTUS, her supporters will be denying they ever even heard of her.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
It happened with Reagan
In 1980 and 1981, I worked with lots of people who bragged about having voted for him. As the effects of Reagan's first recession devastated California's aerospace industries by 1982, many of these same people vehemently denied ever doing so.
It was an interesting lesson in humanity.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Well, maybe TYT and others
Well, maybe TYT and others once considered to be more factual/on the left will regain cred by again going after the big evils and accurately informing the public n time to prevent an evil from gaining power over the country/world?
This looks promising, as does more recent Clinton stuff.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Most unpopular
would no doubt be Herr Drumpf.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Hey, Cenk, welcome to
the party! About time!
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
yeah, well, as you may have noticed, he never actually
said "don't vote for her".
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Thank you!
Cenk has lagged behind a whole bunch lately.
Is he tiresome of the unbelievable stupidity?
Has he succumbed to the daily droll that is reality mainstream?
I think he's burned out on the doldrums of being a daily heartbeat away from a dead country.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Cenk nails it. But he's right, not much can be done about it
now. We tried to tell them if you fear Trump, nominate Bern. We tried to tell them that their arrogant attitudes turn everyone off. We tried to tell them that you can't pivot to the right, you need the left.
They've been deaf. They said they didn't need us. They told us to go away. Let a Trump win be on their conscience.
Astonishing that she can't beat an orange combover buffoon.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
The only campaign that
sucketh more than hers is his.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
True. It does often appear that he is trying to lose.
If that's the case, he needs to try a little harder yet!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
E.C., you make an assumption which is questionable
They have no conscience--or they have no brain--or both.
Heh. True.
Perhaps I should turn that around.
After all we tried to tell them, for which we were dismissed and belittled and smeared, nothing that happens to them now is going to prick my conscience.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Are We There Yet?
Damn... this election has had more twists and turns than a John le Carré spy thriller novel.
"A penny for your thoughts, sweetheart?"
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
Heh. Well, She twists. Good to see you, darlin
I've been thinking about you lately, hadn't seen you here or There. Hope you've been OK!
Was starting to think I'd have to start my own collection of cartoons for every occasion! Saved this one today.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
heard a guy on the radio this morning (bob & tom show?)
say that he went to a haunted house and the scariest room was a 2016 voting booth.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Doing Well, Thanks elena
I simply haven't had much free time of late. Hope to contribute more fairly soon.
I don't think I'm alone in thinking that I'll be really glad when this election is over.
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
In a way, but if we had months yet I'd be happy.
Months to light a fire under Jill and get her some national network media attention.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Ironic Cenk is telling anyone to open their eyes
Cenk, old buddy, maybe it's high time you opened your eyes. Because, you know, this "you've got to vote for our worthless turd because their worthless turd is even more worthless" shtick that you've signed onto isn't exactly new or original. Fact is, there's always going to be a horrible Republican boogeyman ready and waiting to ensure that most of those disgruntled lefties like yourself who have no stomach for the culture of corruption or the DLC neoliberal orthodoxy stay safely within the Democratic Party fold.
Why do you think they pull the exact same shit every four years? Because it works! And it's people like you who make it work. They really could give a flying fuck if you withhold your approval, just as long as you don't withhold your vote. Something to think about before you start getting too preachy and self-righteous. Abusive relationships require just two basic elements - the abuser, and the enabler. Recognize anyone in that scenario by chance?
inactive account
American voters need to go into those voting booths
humming some o’ that Nancy Sinatra tune . . .
♪ ♫ These booths are made for walkin’
And that’s just what we’ll do
This is the day these booths are gonna
Walk away from you
Cenk Went Whacko Yesterday On The Tweeter
He spent hours culling thru tweets that people had sent him, and retweeting the ones that said "Atta Boy Cenk, you're doing a great job.". Apparently he was getting annoyed by people attacking him for admitting that Hellery has flaws. Hahhaha.
While he may not be a total Hellery fan-girl, he's still pushing "Scary Trump" meme.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
The third video is excellent
In the third video Cenk does a great job of breaking down the Podesta email in which Doug Band lays out the case for continuing his relationship with Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. Cenk cuts through all the extraneous drama and carefully dissects how the pay to play corruption works for all of the involved parties. Watch the video along with reading Bob Swern's essay from last Thursday on the same subject. It is all very clear to even the most naive reader.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Clinton deep state not done yet
The DOJ is withholding the seized Huma/Anthony devices from the FBI, despite Weiner granting access sans warrant. Obama is putting forth tears during campaign moments for Hillary, about the significance of voting for 1st woman prez (as if any woman would do, her criminality be damned). Biased polls predicting big black turnouts for Hill are causing Trump to pull ads where he probably would win. The entire MSM is shillin' for Hill and voters are swayed by the constant drumbeat. Early voting is showing big Hill wins. The courts are flooded with Hill lawsuits against Comey and the FBI for election tampering. Celebrities, like Miley Cyrus ("Clinton is a goddess"), and other big wits are telling fans to vote for Hill. Bernie is stumping for her. The Clinton campaign has reserved a barge laden with victory fireworks to go off in the East River after polls close in New York on Tuesday night. Sound familiar? Didn't the MSM and Clinton campaign declare she had clinched the nomination the night before Cali voted in the primary?
My point is: the deep state has power over every aspect of our lives, thanks to the Clintons and their public-private partnerships. They know how propaganda works and create their own version of reality in voters' minds. Hell, the Clintons went after Julian Assange by creating a faux dating website with faux subscribers, some of whom have claimed that Assange raped them (or is it a site for child predators; I've forgotten?) and these faux victims are suing him in the courts. How can ordinary citizens fight against this juggernaut of corruption, influence, lies, and money, backed up by state, police, and military power? The answer is: NOW is the time because our arsenal against them is dwindling. Either Comey and the FBI come through with an indictment, or we vote Trump in. Either event will put Clinton, Inc. to rest for good. If my state, New York, is close next Tuesday, I'm voting Trump. If Hill is ahead, Jill gets my vote.
Outside of the blind zombie Dem voter most folks are apathetic,
which would seem to manifest, especially after this dreary, soul-sucking election season, in folks just staying home. Except for the Trump supporters, who are excited but seem only to care that there's an outsider running. Doesn't matter that he's a pathological liar, a sleazeball, a real estate shyster/casino gambling goon, half-witted stunted adolescent buffoon/quasi fascist.
In what should be the most perfect scenario for people to realize the fraud of the duopoly, and within which people could start waking up to an acknowledgement that it is finally within in their power to possibly dismantle it by voting 3rd party, we have the entire media colluding to discourage everyone from imagining this scenario.
Every now and again someone in the media who has bought into the Fear propaganda, has a moment of clarity and spouts some truth. I was glad to see the way Cenk exposed the mentality of the courtiers. stripping bare for all to see this enforced non-reality these pricks in the Beltway stay smugly and snugly inside.
And how does this shit start? At the center of this hermetically-sealed world is the hubris from which the Emperor's New Clothes alternative reality sprouts and is cultivated, grown to perfection to be gobbled down by the lemmings via the MSM lapdogs. It's galling how out of touch these ultra privileged pillagers really are, that they never hear anybody pushing back against the statute quo propaganda being formulated by those selling their candidate. It's the reason why they can't even pass basic laws restricting gun rights, or passing universal healthcare, or instituting free higher education, or prosecuting the banks - they just don't have to see the damage wrought to the middle and working class. To admonish any nascent dissenters who raise questions the in-crowd draw on arrogant and duplicitous colloquialisms, such as the one Thomas Frank talk about, "everybody knows...," to dismissively make the listener doubt his own intuition while ridiculing his own naivety.
Talked with two guys after my gig Monday night. Asked what they were hearing. One said he had driven all the way down from Corning, NY (Upstate near the Finger Lakes). Says that although he's in a little blue bastion he sees nothing but Trump signs everywhere, and mentioned a disturbingly huge one on his drive down (he's probably voting Jill). The other said a lot of his friends are so sickened and dispirited they don't even want to talk about it and are not saying how they're going to vote. Added that he thinks a good few will probably not vote this time (he himself seems to be buying the Fear stuff, but sounds like he might not vote at all too). He did acknowledge the narrative of the first female after the first black president was a narrative many Americans can identify with, and therein lies the danger of simplistic propaganda working on a populace not prone to thinking much beyond basing their vote on whether or not they'd like to have a beer with that person.
It's obvious to almost everyone in the 99%. This is a sham to prop up a corrupt, arrogant and intensely disliked person. No one is showing up to support here out around the country. 10 to 1 folks believe the media is assisting this hobbling, pathetic candidate. The tiny cabal in DC and their courtiers are the ones in the alternative reality. Now reality is bearing down on them.
Former Bill Clinton counsel Bill Curry was one of the few who tried to raise red flags in a series of scathing, jaw-dropping assessments of Hillary's doomed campaign:
It’s almost over for Hillary: This election is a mass insurrection against a rigged system
Sanders has ended the coronation and fired up the grass roots. Now Clinton's electability argument is crumbling too (2/7/16)
The Clintons really don’t get it: False attacks and failed strategies as Hillary repeats 2008
They're distorting Sanders' plans and ham-handedly using Obama and race. It's a dangerous game and a losing plan (2/16/16)
“It’s the corruption, stupid”: Hillary’s too compromised to see what Donald Trump understands
The key 2016 issue is outrage over a rigged system by special interests. There's a reason Hillary doesn't get it (2/26/16)
Hillary’s inevitability lie: Why the media and party elites are rushing to nominate the weakest candidate
For two years, media has swallowed and peddled the Clinton inevitability line. She's the one Dem even Trump beats (3/8/16)
It should be over for Hillary: Party elites and MSNBC can’t prop her up after Bernie’s Michigan miracle
Trade, wages and the corrupt political class are the new key issues. Bernie and Trump finished off the party elites (3/9/16)
We must smash the Clinton machine: Democratic elites and the media sold out to Hillary this time, but change is coming. Neoliberals, D.C. careerists and the pundits lined up this time. They won't be able to rig contests moving forward 3/29/16
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
So you're telling me
that after weeks of pretty much ignoring anything negative about Clinton, now is the time where Cenk decides to go hard on her, when truly nothing can really be done. Great job, Cenk. Great job being the "watchdog of the establishment," or however he said it in the past.
TYT hasn't been worth my time since the "loser donald" vendetta started.
Wikileaks pulled back curtain & revealed Rommey in pants suit
I think alot of people were not fooled by the re-invention of Hillary as a progressive, hell, even liberal. Wikileaks revealed really the entire apparatus of the party supports what I believe some pundit called Hillary: Rommey in a pants suit. And for Cenk who is trying to do the right thing very hard to continue to back a candidate who in private couldn't even be described as liberal. The best that can be said now is that Cenk is now supporting the more socially moderate republican.
Reposting this with minor
Reposting this with minor editing;
Both Clinton and Trump - now that the latter appears to be potentially getting serious about the Presidency and as Hillary self-implodes and her health, both physically and mentally, fails - have similar running-mates/back-up Presidents ready even on their own to enact the fascist agenda of TPTB.
Guess who/what I suspect may have arranged/approved this, in case Hillary can't be cheated in or otherwise make it until the election?
(All bolding and other emphasis in following quotes is mine.)
And Pence is evidently a TPP-supporting, anti-abortion-and-gay-rights Koch-sucker psychopathic windsock paired with another psychopathic blow-hard billionaire, neither of which would help balance the other in serving TPTB against the public interest, even if they had any choice under corporate 'law'.
This isn't a loyalty test, it's a sanity test.
Going by his past, it indicates to me that he's a Party loyalist where he does not control. As President, he would, provided TPTB approved or didn't care.
And he's another psychopathic, anti-abortion, medical-rape-imposing, Wall St. allied, TPP-supporting windsock paired with another psychopathic soaking up billions from donors and being one operator of the Clinton corruption machine for whom rules and laws - and decency - do not apply. Neither of which would help balance the other in serving TPTB against the public interest, even if they had any choice under corporate 'law'.
I wouldn't bet on there being much difference whichever corporate party candidate gets cheated in.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.