Help Us Select A New Name For This Site--UPDATED
Update: If you have any new site name suggestions, please add them in the comments. In a few days we will aggregate the suggested names and decide which we will use. Thanks for participating.
Finally the new Drupal upgrade to version 8 has been released, but I'm going to put off installing it until it is more stable, probably in a couple of months. Another reason to put it off for a while is the many modules (non-core programs) that we use for c99p will not be compatible until they are rewritten for v.8. Much of our site would cease to function without the updated modules.
Soon we will need to renew our server and domain name fees, so if we're going to do it now is the time to change the name of this site, as we've been talking about for months. Here are a few I've been bandying about and a few submitted by others.
Some of mine:
Taken from a quote by Joe Hill: "Goodbye Bill. I die like a true blue rebel. Don't waste any time in mourning. Organize". ~Telegram to William "Big Bill" Haywood (1915-11-18), quoted in International Socialist Review, vol. XVI (December 1915)
Another quote from Joe Hill: "All the world is made of music. We are all strings on a lyre. We resonate. We sing together".
From an Ethiopian proverb: "When spiders unite, they can tie down a lion".
WhenSpidersUnite would also work.
Some more:
I have to say, I'm very fond of BlueFrondeur.
Meaning of frondeur: rebel
Origin of fondeur: 1790-1800; French: literally, a participant in the Fronde (the rebellion against royal authority during the minority of Louis XIV), equivalent to Fronde + -eur
Submitted by: Pluto's Republic
bluehighway (already in use so would need to be a variant)
I'm particularly fond of pulppolitics from Pluto's list.
Submitted by: hecate:
Bread and Roses (already in use so it would have to be a variant)
That has a long and honorable left tradition, deriving from an early 20th Century speech by Rose Schneiderman, who said "The worker must have bread, but she must have roses, too."
This would make an excellent name but would need to be changed or added to as it's already in use.
Now let's hear from you folks, any ideas?
Note: I saw some suggestions in last night's Evening Blues, please resubmit them here. We will take a consensus of the members, but joe shikspack and I will make the final decision.

I realy like him.
I liked his first group Generation X which was popular I was in art school I bought this album and was a big fan. I saw him live a few times in SF clubs after he went solo. He was pretty scary looking as he looked like he was molded out of plastic. He's a great singer. A good and funny performer. White Wedding is another favorite.
How about “ageless *blue-tent* ninja protesters” ?
blue shifted galaxy
blue kitten com-mew-nity
blue earth
feel welcome union
blue way bridge
Thanks ll...
blue shifted galaxy? Yikes, The Big Crunch?
tent of the blues? (kinda like house of the blues)
I like Blue Hotel
it's a triple entendre
To thine own self be true.
Big fan of the ninja turtles so obviously "ageless mutant ninja protesters" has some appeal to me. Don't know if Eastman and Laird would approve
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
I really don't like Party of Nobodies
It's a bit too clever and I don't think it would wear well.
And anyway, I prefer for working people to think of themselves as somebodies because it's difficult to build Solidarity with a bunch of Nobodies. What I like is: "We are the 99%!" That sounds powerful to me.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
agreed, even if we might be all just some nobodies,
we come here to become some somebodies who want to be heard and make an impact. I believe not many would understand this name. I also like to have the 99 in there, as that refers to the occupy movement and the mass of working people. I don't know if there has to be in there the word blue or blues. On the one hand you want to distance yourself from blue democrats on the other hand you are a political site which needs the blues to survive.
thoughts on site names, three suggestions
I've been thinking that the new site name should be something idiosyncratic yet memorable and abbreviate-able. It should also be
something that will "wear" with time and
even a redirection of the site's original
"purpose" some 10-15 years down the
Hamsher's naming of Firedoglake (FDL) was marketing genius. Marcy Wheeler's emptywheel is almost as good. (I'm still trying to suss the meaning of that name, which seems positively koan-ish.)
That said, all I've come up with so far are the more pedestrian:
• [the Something (99th?) ] Intelligencer
• TheFirstHurrah
• Division-99 (Div99) *
* A military division, comprised of roughly 10,000 soldiers, is the smallest combined arms unit capable of indepedent operations. (from Wikipedia)
I wish there were some way to toss a ton of nouns into a hopper then pull them out three at a time until some a-ha! combination pops out. Guess that's what brains are for. If only mine worked better.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Thanks for the input dr...
and you make some excellent points. A site name, a brand if you will, is as important as the content. I like TheFirstHurrah.
The Last Hurrah? The Last Laugh ? /nt
Place names are appealing to me.
Like The Blue Light Lounge or Bluestar Observatory. House of Blues is a great name.
I also really like trains because they're going places. Like The Blues Train, Platform 99, The Cobalt Express, Blues Canyon Flyer, Second Thought Special, The Mainstreeter Special, The Indigo Flyer.
Heh. I hear Joe and Johnny going: "Girl, pulease. Start your own blog."
(PS: And a rift off of Joe, above, how about the "Big Tent Blues" — more than a couple meanings, there.)
We like you right here, and please proceed P, you're good at this!
I hear Johnny and Joe going....
I think of us as Cassandra but I haven't come up with anything clever using her name.
not at all...
i am kind of partial to place names like "end of the earth bar and grill" or things along those lines. train imagery is also something i like.
heck, we could combine some train names, like, say:
antelope zephyr
blue comet special
black hawk flyer
lost city daylight rocket
east wind express
fisherman's arrow
meteor midnight express
north star marksman
royal blue rocket
speed merchant streamliner
twin star turboliner
or there are some adaptable lyrics about trains
she caught the katy
a mule to ride
well, you get the idea.
... more names
Ghostly Blue Beacons
Lighthouse Blues
Lighthouse 99
Blue Rays at Lighthouse 99
Rhythms in Blue
99 Blue-Spotted Sting Rays
Blue Sting Rays
Blue Hawks
ok, I am blue for lack of oxygen to my brain. Good luck with name calling...
three name ideas and some (more) thoughts
I suggested the following names last night, mostly in jest:
However, the following did just pop into my head:
And, the more I think about it, the more I like it. So, of course, it's taken - as a ".com" but not as a ".us." Using .us instead of .com or .org makes a whole lot of otherwise taken names available. So, I offer up:
JtC, may I suggest you make this post "stick" so that it doesn't age off? Thanksgiving week isn't the best time to reach the largest audience. Also, the title of the post gives no hint it's about renaming the site.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
aren't working right now and with a major upgrade coming up, I'm not going to expend a lot of time (which I don't have a lot of) right now troubleshooting it. I'll update this essay in a couple of days, with a list of all suggestions and a chance to add more.
sounds like a plan. thanks! /nt
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Blue Tide Rising is better than Blue Moon Rising
because actually the tides are rising and that's a big issue. But both are nice, have a nice look and sound.
To thine own self be true.
I think...
BlueTideRising is excellent. It has meaning both in the realm of politics and climate change.
Blue in politics
means the Democrat Party to me, and, if
this is a site aligned with that half of
the duopoly - and you want it to rise -
. . . Are Independents, Greens,
Socialists, etc., welcome? to help the
Blue Tide rise?
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
blue means Billie Holliday singing "Am I blue"
blue is a colour, it's music, it's a state of mind, it's many things besides the Democratic Party.
In Canada it is the colour of the Conservatives and yet I never think of them when I think of "blue."
To thine own self be true.
"Blue Flames of Discontent" /nt
Taking another stab at this
Left Out Blues
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I can't resist: Blues for Reds.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
ice99 n/t
Excellent! A seed crystal for planet-wide political state change
For those who might not know, it's a reference to "ice-nine" in the Kurt Vonnegut novel Cat's Cradle.
If "ice-nine" is the neo-feudal political economy or "New World Order" or culture of death threatening Earth, then Ice99 would stand for the antidote.
Wow. Ice 99 really is a fascinating name.
I didn't get it at first. Thanks, lotlizard.
it also
has the benefit of retaining the 99, for people who've become accustomed to this as a 99 place, so they won't be completely at sea with an entirely new name.
The problem is hecate...
somebodies already scooped it up. It's for sale, but as a premium name and who knows what they're asking for it. Type in your address bar and you'll see. It would have to be a derivative of ice99 or inquire on the price. A new un-owned domain name is 15-16 dollars.
what about
org and net? Can the site be an org or a net? Maybe some of these suggested names have not be Stolen on an org or a net. Or maybe the site could declare itself a government, and use .gov, or an educational institution, and use .edu, Also, weren't they going to release a bunch of new ones, like xxx for porn sites, or even .pizza, and .beer? And just who, exactly, are these Rulers of the names of the tubes?
I see the domain name is available, for $2.99. That's a relief. And it can be purchased together with and for a mere $10. is another $2.99 bargain. is also available, for $11.99. For an extra penny you also get,, and ice99info.
At least that's what the GoDaddys say.
org and net can be used but I'd really like it to be a .com.
Speculatin' money-grubbers, they grab up potential good names and hold them for ransom. Or sometimes they have a site that goes defunct and they retain the name to resell.
but if the Robbers have Stole all the good .com names . . . what is the disadvantage of having a net or an org?
None, I guess...
but having a .com is like having your name in the phone book, you are somebody, per Nathan R. Johnson. Or moving to a small town that's had a phone number prefix of 777 for decades and suddenly you get one that's 877, it's just, just, a thing.
but . . .
Johnson was a simpleton. ; )
There's a site name: thehappysimpletons. Totally available now via GoDaddy in all domains! ; )
Does it have an effect on traffic, netting or orging? Does being a net or an org mean less people may come in, because the neighborhood is seen as seedy or square or something?
I guess...
since .com is the oldest, it's like a prestige thing, a totally tubular neo-noob thing to avoid at all costs. Can you tell I'm having a hard time rationalizing this?
uh, yeah ; )
But you're also being quite honest, since, as it's clear I don't know what I'm talking about here, you could have just claimed that Studies Show that people are 38% more likely to go to a .com than a .net, and 41% more likely to .com than .org, and I just would have said, "gee, really? oh, okay then", and that would have been the end of it. ; )
Apparently they have .com alternatives you can get that include "biz," "club," "xyz," "tech," and "rocks." And who knows what else. Maybe it's time to make one of them the really cool tubular prestigious happenin' thing. ; )
I guess the bottom line is...
it's just way way cooler having a .com, but if it means having the right site name I'm open for a .net or a .org, but goodness gracious, not an .xyz!!
okay ; )
You might then want to run some of the suggested names, that are currently barred from com, through an org and net and etc. generator. Not an xyz one, though. ; 0
Yeah man...
xyz is lame, bringing up the end of the alphabet and all, unless of course, it's the Klingon alphabet we're talking about, then it's badass!!
klingon opera
is also underappreciated.
There's good reason, for that underappreciation.
just went into some tubes and learned there that "com" is short for "commercial," which means "making or intended to make a profit," which means capitalism, which means money uber alles, which means Danger Will Robinson/non-real/Wrong. So I don't know that we have to feel any particular attachment to it. ; )
That page is also interesting because it features a photograph of a gnome who generally lives in a hollowed-out tree who is pointing to words and circles on a piece of mounted butcher paper that represent the highways and byways of the ur-tubes.
Is it...
Al Gore?
Here, you tell me:
I don't think that's him.
Gosh, to think that I almost selected a 'net' domain--didn't
know anything about the prestige of .com versus .net versus .org!
Seriously, I avoided .net, .org, and .co by adding a numeral to the domain name. I didn't like doing it, but I can live with it, I guess.
BTW, I also like Ice99. It has a lot of visual appeal, IMO.
Have a good one!
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
This reminds me of
trying to find a band name that isn't owned by somebody some where. A music lawyer suggested that they put letters in a hat draw them out and use the mishmash . Kind of like Joseph Smith did to get book of Mormons, pulled right out of his hat. They didn't, instead they picked a name so ugly no one that no one in the world owned it. Shahryar's business website debacle was resolved by putting a 'The' in front of his business's name. Some Germans we're squatting on it and it was a hassle to buy it. It works fine. Variations on a theme seems like a good run around and can often be intriguing.
and yet
books and films not infrequently recycle titles.
So while maybe half a hundred books are out there called The Island, if a band formed behind that name it could scream and sue if somebody else used it, and presumably there is but one tube with that name.
i'd seen comments on the left side-bar on this thread, and while i wore myself out before reading every single comment, suggestion, and question: i have one myself. it's not clear to me how much the 'blue' suggestions really refer to democrats. if this is by way of a Dem site, i'll say that you seriously don't want me here, which is just fine. but i will say that i am not a dem any longer, after working for the party for several decades in the past.
i am also by way of an iconoclast not only of the 'sacred cow liberal greens', but also of the sacred cows glenn greenwald and edward snowden. given all of that, i'd just hate to have you spend a bunch of your time helping me to blog here. seriously, y'all would likely come to loathe me.
Hey, wendy
I think it's great you're here, in all your trademark iconoclast-ism.
I'm not sure folks are identifying as Democrats, here. Or, making a point of it. There's been some sort of sea change. I don't do "Parties" — so that's just my impression without paying a lot of attention.
The discussion of "Blue" here largely refers to the site's flagship "Evening Blues" — a daily curated news event/post. It happens to have a theme of Blues music. In fact, Blues music permeates the site. The folks here [not me] are astonishingly knowledgable about the Blues, I believe there are several accomplished musicians here, as well.
I mostly stick to geopolitics, but my orientation is very pacific. However, I fully support a strict isolationist policy for the US and its Dollar. But ONLY for the US, which I believe should barely be seen and not heard at all.
The rest of the world should get together as often as possible and have fun and play nice and trade like crazy with each other.
I am sure you are more than welcome here.
Disclosure: I personally worship Edward Snowden as a god, but it's not a deal breaker.
To me...
much of the discussion of "blue" references not only blues music but also our blue Earth.
Yeah. Pacific, too, as a stand-in for antiwar.
However — I think I just changed my mind on "blue."
Unless the new URL is — I mean it. wendy is quite right.
This is not a blues site, and the people here have been terribly betrayed by blue. The entire sorry state of the US is the result of a blue betrayal — the craven cowardice and hypocrisy of the Democrats, since 2009.
I like any of the proposed names above — as long as the dog-whistle-word "blue" is eliminated.
At least, that's my current take.
Good point...
and duly noted. No matter how we slice and dice it, it would be viewed by most people as a Democrat affiliation or at least Dem leaning signature with the word blue in it. And this is a multi-faceted site, none of which have much to do with the Democratic party. Sure, some here support Sanders who is running as a Dem, but it's done so while holding noses and I think most people understand the rationale.
That's why it's good to talk this stuff out before hand and why I wanted member input.
no, don't take the "blue' suggestions the wrong way. I think you'll find most if not all of us here in no way a part or parcel of the Democratic Party. That's basically why this site was established, we are sick and tired of being thrown under the bus. We have disaffected Liberals, folks of the far left, Socialists, along with Greens here. You'll find yourself in good company.
Many here are Bernie Sanders supporters, but certainly not because he is running as a Democrat, and plan on voting for alternatives if Bernie loses or drops out. Myself, I plan to vote Green if Bernie is unsuccessful and have heard many others voice the same opinion, and I may vote Green anyway whether he wins or not.
You'll find that Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party are generally despised here.
To put it plainly, We are NOT a Dem site. Right folks? You'll fit right in Wendy, but that's your decision.
If you'll read the comments in this thread your question of c99p and the Dem Party is addressed.
I am guest here and don't feel I am an US Democrat
nor do I feel like a liberal or progressive. I come closest to Socialist Democrat a la Sanders, but in many respect more than that. I think if you worship Greenwald and Snowden, you can feel at home here. The Blue thingy is for me just not important (I am German and can't help it, so blue doesn't mean much to me, yellow neither, but green is very ok.) I even try to find out if I should be a Socialist, pure and simple. I hope all that is not THAT important. People are very generous here and let me talk nonsense whenever I happen to do so. The Blues is a huge part of this site and it's what it makes a sanctuary. Of course, sometimes idiots like me, who don't know your culture, post non-blues music pieces, just because I am having my fun. And they let me have it. So, really, people are very friendly here.
I don't know who you are, but everyone else knows you, so forgive me. I have to "look you up".
Or may be I know you but, but aren't aware of knowing you. Hmm...
So, please stay here (that is an order and German-style snark, in case that is not clear).
I don't regard Glenn Greenwald or Edward Snowden as sacred cows
I do respect figures such as Greenwald, Wikileaks, Manning, Snowden, etc. as Davids going up against a huge Goliath of a machine committed to "Full Spectrum Dominance" over all Earth's inhabitants in every realm, whether political, economic, media-sociological, or military.
There are a few on the Web who consider Wikileaks or Snowden to be just another type of intelligence community ploy, a sophisticated form of "limited hangout" for the Internet era. But somehow I doubt that your iconoclasm would be coming from that direction.
lotlizard, you know all of it is beyond my paygrade, right?
For me cows are not sacred, I like to eat their meat and drink their milk. I respect the guys you mentioned, because they seem to speak truth to power and do risk a lot to do so, at least that's what I assume.
I don't know who is lying, who is staging, who does a kabuki dance. And I am kind of tired to find out.
All I meant to say is for Wendy to feel at home here, just to help this site along to grow.
Au Contraire
I think you will fit in nicely here. This site is not about being a Democrat or even supporting the Democratic party. I bristle at the Blue/ Red fake political and cultural breakdown. It's carefully cultivated by the powers that be who are not democratic or even Democratic. I am no longer even a registered Democrat after being an active member of my county party for 10years. Even on a local, city and state level the Dems are so corrupt and such evil fucks I refuse to vote for most of them. This is after having worked hard and spent a lot of money to get the bent bastards elected and in power. I like those sacred green cows but find them ineffective and like the Judaean Peoples Front pretty useless. I like Snowden and Assange and read Greenwald. I find them effective, but hey I have no problem with anyone who wants to take them off their pedestals. Sacred Cows are not at all democratic imo. I like this site as we are a mixed bag and seem able to still remain free from self censorship. So feel free to let it rip in the direction you chose even if it taking on my own personal Sacred Cows.
it does seem that my take on 'blue'
was a misapprehension, shaharazade. i'll sure give it a go, and JtC just emailed me instructions on cross-posting via Easy copy, bless his pea-pickin' heart.
i'll try not to worry about participating site wide, but when my home site pops, it often does with a bang. the commentariat: we are a motley crew, and (ahem) tend to argue with one another, but at least the café isn't the dreaded 'echo chamber' as some are.
i used the "it's alright, ma" lines to anchor an entire diary once. (smile) now i'll try to go work on part II of my climate change series... and maybe post part I here soon (she sayed hopefully).
WD, you will be a great addition to C99%. The views
here run the gambit. Now, more than a few members blog/have blogged at DKos, so it's not to say that no one here is/has been affiliated with the Democratic Party.
But, you know how 'left' my views are--and I feel at home.
Seriously, I've gone from being a Deaniac, who just several years ago was so eaten up that I was a member of two DFA Chapters, to a blogger who has no Party allegiance, whatsoever.
All I care about anymore, is the issues. And that's how I read you. So, IMHO, you should be a perfect fit!
Hey, Everyone have a great rest of the Thanksgiving holiday!
A little late, but . . .
[babes_64, Photo Bucket]
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."--Japanese Proverb
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
mornin', all
@ Pluto: i know for a fact that ed worships you, as well. thank you for the welcome. i like the blues, too. mr. wd and i used to be musicians. ‘’, lol. ‘pacific’: yes.
@JtC: ‘disaffected’, another good word i’d forgotten. guess i’d have to say i’m a socialist, but in a non-traditional way, and not a democratic socialist (the bern). and a non-violent revolutionary. i will try to post some things here, and i thank you, and hope folks enjoy them.
@ mimi: you made me laugh, thank you. if your comments addressed to me, i may have to look myself up to see who i am.
@ lotlizard: i am a major supporter of wikileaks and manning; you know, the Bad Whistleblowers™ (smile). and in fact, for months, i posted their ‘revelations’ at my.fdl and let others explain the slides and whatnot to me and others. but as i heard them speak and write of their views on democracy, freedom, and politics actually are... but i’ve posted all that at my own website, and likely won’t need to bring any of that over here. R & B okay here? almost put in katie webster and some boogie woogie blues...
'______ oasis?' the mexican proverb: 'they tried to bury us, but they forgot we were seeds'.
p.s. after i'd previewed this the first time, i couldn't find the submit button, and started over. hope i didn't post it twice accidentally.
Do you believe in non-violent revolutions?
I have difficulties to visualize those. If you live under an empire, you either are non-violent and the empire doesn't give a shit about you, or you are up for a revolution, which I think means you have to risk to get drawn into potentially violent activities.
My brain can't handle the expression "non-violent revolution". Seems to me an oxymoron, or at least "all talk, no walk".
We have violence all over the place and very little revolutions, too. Just always same 'old, same 'old non-democratic empires of any kind, one more kabuki than the next.
I also can't handle Bernie Sanders expression of a "political revolution". For me that would be a rewrite of huge parts of the US constitution and that never gets done, as it would mean you have to force people to do so, which is so un-democratic that nobody dares to be the "authoritarian".
I like to live in peace. So, just leave me all alone with all your revolutions that are none. I am so not wanting to get into anything political anymore. I feel defeated.
My name for this site is "mimi's out of the blue haunting ghostly bedfellows". I really don't give much into a name. I never understand their meaning anyhow, like Firedoglake, what's that all about, a dog at a lake watching the fire? And what is your own website's name ?
You know each other, I don't know you. Listen, I want to live on the ground and not in the clouds. So, I am not sure how long I will survive.
Rx for Mimi
Ignore the "words." (German is your language, right?) Read over the words that block you. Feel the ideas, instead. I know that you do that, because I have learned from you.
I don't use the word "revolution" because I know it's a trigger world and a propaganda trap. I use the word "evolution." Everything can be done without violence. You just do it. Like the Iran treaty.
You are dead wrong about writing new constitutions. This goes on all day, every day, all over the world. There are elaborate mechanisms for this that have been in place for hundreds of years. There are also experiences people through the world at the very highest levels of law and sociology, who help nations develop drafts of their updated Constitutions. For example, Ruth Bader Ginsburg is one of them. She consult with nations as they work through their drafts. Almost all nations have modern, easily amended constitutions. They are generally rewritten after 40 years of so.
New constitutions are not written by governments. They are written by people and professionals and scholars. They are read and ratified by people, not governments. Governments have no say over constitutions. (Only Americans are not aware of this. It is deliberately omitted from their education.)
The United States is the only nation with an obsolete constitution, written on the ass of a sheep. It was written to appease slave holders and is completely irrelevant to the 21st century. The vagueness and corruption of the ancient document is why it is entrenched and can no longer be amended. It is the reason that the United States government is now corporate owned. The US constitution is why the US is not fit to influence the world and why it no longer has a democracy — but a pay to play system, instead.
Eventually, it will get done. Or not. If not, the American people will just continue to evolve into primitive Orcs and grunt a lot. But there will be no revolution. So don't worry about it. You're thinking of "tactics," but it is "strategies" that bring about change. And those happen smoothly, without coming to blows.
Thanks, Pluto,
I understand most of what you said, I am not afraid of revolutions, I think they are needed. If in the US even the electoral college can't be rewritten or discarded, I wonder why I should believe that after 40 years the US constitution would be rewritten. What has so dramatically changed in the US constitution since 1975? Have there been any major rewrites? Why did you believe that I am afraid of revolutions? Actually I am afraid there will never be one.
I am very sorry to sound that ignorant. I am very down these days and being dependent on the US is not what I worship, to be frank. You are very kind to explain all of it to me. Thanks.
I think the reason
all of these 'quaint' pieces of antiquated paper cannot be rewritten or fixed including the farce of our so called two party electoral system because it is easier for the powers that be to both manipulate and destroy/undermine the basic principles and the systemic foundation that did allow checks and balances, separation of powers and the bill of rights. The interpretation of our 'sacred documents' is now left to be interpreted by the odious Supremes, who I have major contempt of. Just like religious wacko's use the bible for their mendacity so do the evil fucks who own and run this country. They aren't about to upgrade or rewrite the book that allows them to interpret/ re-interpret the intent of those biblical figures The Founding Fathers. Just my take on why we can't get some damn change and justice. As for the electoral system it was never documented in the constitution and has always favored the rigged house with it's duopoly corrupt system.
i'll try the easy parts first, mimi.
i really can't remember how 'firedoglake' came to be used, but i vaguely remember the original site owner may have lived near a lake of that name. perhaps christy hardin smith.
my site is:
café babylon
soul food and freedom music
'babylon' being the rastafarian designation for the western (US) empire and client states.
i didn't mean to beat you over the head with the term, mimi, and you may indeed believe i live with my head partially in the clouds.
my picture of revolution will require, as martin luther king said, a massive revolution of spirit and conscience, featuring an epiphany of loving-kindness toward as many as possible. i couple that with the many indigenous around the globe who are convinced that the world is on the verge of just just massive change, as the maya say: 'we will hammer our swords into ploughshares, honor the earth, work hard toward living simply and sustainably without greed for material wealth, i.e.: higher consciousness. i've long imagined that it would be third world women who would be able to lead us out of this dreadful morass, as they do seem to see farther into the future, and many test their ideas and plans as to how they would look in seven generations.
it was one of the key reasons i was so thrilled about the Idle no More movement in canada, really, and heard the heartbeat of their hand drums throbbing as they circle-danced in protests all over canada. for the same reasons i was, and am still, an ardent Occupy supporter, as that movement still is alive behind the scenes, creating alternatives in communities, and will be ready when the time comes.
the time? whooosh; i suppose when the immiseration of people gets so deep and terrifying, hunger is even more rampant, homelessness more common, an so on. when there's nothing else to lose, iow, is when people's minds are able to imagine a better world, true justice for each of us, and a direct say in how were governed. as with the zapatistas: laws come from the people's caracoles, are sent up to a loose governing body for consideration, then offered as plans to the people. one of their mottos is: 'if we try it, and it fails, change directions'.
i'm watching the global indigenous agitating for their rights to maintain better lives, and refuse to put up with the constant degradation of land and water by resource extractions of all kinds, and while the victories are few so far, it's coming. but it's they who have taught me what capitalism is about, and of course it's devolution, neoliberalism: the rich get richer and the poor get...austerity, fear, oppression, and misery.
anyway, that's a bit of what i mean by revolution. it is harder to imagine just now, but most days, not all, i can still see it coming. and really, what choice do we have as bloggers and writers but showing what's afoot, the pushback movements against the evil, and presenting alternatives so many are considering?
best to you,
Thank You, Wendy,
thanks for the link to your site as well. I will read it.
I guess I am so overly sensitive to the constant first response, when people start talking about anything "revolution"-related, which is the one, that it has to be non-violent revolution. When I observed those reactions online on dailykos, I always felt the suffocation of people, who wanted change, is so palpable, that unless you declare three times before saying anything else, that you are for non-violence, you are considered an evil violent revoluzzer.
I follow you completely on the movements like Idle no More and Occupy. Third world women ... (I guess I stumble over the word again, and Pluto said, I shouldn't, but get the idea behind it)... so I follow you on that too, no questions here at all.
But, as I am not from the US, the image I have in my mind, when it comes to "revolution" is the one of the "November (German) Revolution" in 1918/19,which resulted in the replacement of Germany's imperial government with a republic, the Weimar Republic. Like mentioned in the Wiki link, the uprising (in Kiel and Wilhelmshaven) very close to my hometown, so I have a kind of feeling for those Naval guys):
This rebellion / mutiny was violent and it ended up in a revolution. It gave us at least a republic and a parliamentary system. So, despite being violent, that revolution was necessary to change "the constitution" (monarchy) to a democracy.
Those revolutionaries were inspired by socialist ideas.
Ok, I am a know-nothing in history, but reading through the Wikipage makes me regret I don't know more. All I feel is that the constant insistence that one has to proclaim one is for non-violent actions, sounds to me like the fears back then, the SPD (Social Democratic Party) had about an all-out civil war. Before even being violent, you are already judged as violent, because you failed to say the opposite.
And this vacuum after failing to seize power was the source for the Nazis to gain influence and power later on, right?
So, when I envision "revolution" I see the bloody street battles in Berlin and elsewhere in Germany during that time. Why? Because I had an aunt (born around 1908 I think), who thought it was "very exiting" to watch those battles on the streets as a child. I remember people talking about her always to want to join those fighters as a young kid of 12 years or so. She was also one of the two persons in my family who ended up supporting Hitler. Her father (my grandpa on the mother's side) was not. So, all of it splits sharply into families. Not so funny I think, but that's what it was.
I think, if you are hungry and angry, and you get so exploited and oppressed, it will lead to the oppressed pushing back against the violence imposed on them with violence of resistance of their own, especially, if they see no other option.
I can't comment, as I don't know anything about the zapatistas, other then that the Wiki page introduces them as "a revolutionary leftist political and militant group based in Chiapas.. Oh, oh, violent, huh? (No worries, I am not afraid of resistance movements, who potentially can be drawn into violence). So where's the dividing line:
From Wiki:
When does the defensive (but violent) war ends and the civil (non-violent) resistance starts?
I never seem to see that line.
Do you hear the angry men singing the song?
Martin Luther King for me was not a revolutionary, Ghandi was also not one in my mind, they were spiritual leaders of conscience to help the people resist against oppression, injustice, exploitation etc., so I consider those movements they lead, peaceful disobedience and resistance movements, not revolutions. May be that is wrong. The fact that they got shot is even more frightening, because they were so peace-loving spiritual fighters. And I like to say that I speak out of my mouth without much sense, as I simply have not the educational background to be more precise in my wording and understanding.
No other choices and I admire all those who can write and blog so well and knowledgeable about those alternatives. I am just more pessimistic and don't see it coming. But then, may be that's just my way of an excuse for "giving up". So, no honor for my attitude. I know that much.
I have so many things to read and bring back into my mind. Thanks, Wendy. I learn a lot here. I see how correct Pluto is in saying I stumble over the words. Jeez, I stumble so often, that I barely walk upright and straight. Sorry for walking like a drunkard...
I'm sure I'll keep calling it "The Caucus"
at least for a few months. We buy a tea that used to be called "Easy Now". The name has been changed to "Cup of Calm". We're easing into that, calling it "Cup of Easy Now". It'll be the same for this place.