Open Thread - Friday, November 27, 2015

Welcome to the Black Friday edition.

There is a big sale!

5 Years after Citizens United, Democracy Is for Sale

This week, Republican presidential hopefuls like Gov. Scott Walker, Gov. Chris Christie, and Sen. Rand Paul will travel to an exclusive resort near Palm Springs, Florida to kiss the rings of David and Charles Koch.

The New York Times calls it the "Koch primary."

Over the last five years, the Koch political network has evolved into what many have described as a shadow political party. The Kochs and their network of wealthy donors spent $300 million in the 2014 elections, after raising at least $400 million in the 2012 presidential races, with almost all of the spending passing through an array of political vehicles that are officially "independent" from candidates and political parties.

Today, candidates who receive the blessing of Charles and David can watch their political fortunes skyrocket, thanks to the huge financial resources the Kochs and their deep-pocketed allies can funnel into elections. Joni Ernst, for example, was a local elected official four years ago, yet this year was sworn-in as a U.S. Senator and delivered the Republican response to the State of the Union address--a rapid trajectory which she attributes to support from the Koch political network.

If a "Koch primary"--where a handful of wealthy donors can determine political futures, regardless of political party--sounds more like an oligarchy than a democracy, you are probably right.

‘Citizens United’ and the Corporate Court

We live in what will surely come to be called the Citizens United era, a period in which a runaway corporatist ideology has overtaken Supreme Court jurisprudence. No longer content just to pick a president, as five conservative Republicans on the Rehnquist Court did in 2000, five conservative Republicans on the Roberts Court a decade later voted to tilt the nation’s entire political process toward the views of moneyed corporate power.

In Citizens United (2010), the Court held that private corporations, which are nowhere mentioned in the Constitution and are not political membership organizations, enjoy the same political free speech rights as people under the First Amendment and may draw on the wealth of their treasuries to spend unlimited sums promoting or disparaging candidates for public office. The billions of dollars thus turned loose for campaign purposes at the direction of corporate managers not only can be but—under the terms of corporate law—must be spent to increase profits. If businesses choose to exercise their newly minted political “money speech” rights, they must work to install officials who will act as 
corporate tools.

The Court, transformed by the addition of Chief Justice Roberts and Samuel Alito, who were nominated by that lucky winner in Bush v. Gore, took this giant step to the right of all prior Courts without even being asked to do so. The petitioner, Citizens United, sought only a ruling that the electioneering provisions of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (better known as McCain-Feingold) didn’t apply to its on-demand movie about Hillary Clinton. But the conservatives sent the parties back to brief and argue the paradigm-shifting constitutional question they were so keen to decide. As dissenting Justice John Paul Stevens observed, the justices in the majority “changed the case to give themselves an opportunity to change the law.”


In the five years since the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision the dominance of big money over politics and policy has grown, seemingly without restraint and with dire consequences for representative self-government. A functioning democracy requires a government responsive to people considered as political equals, where we each have a say in the public policy decisions that affect our lives. It is profoundly anti-democratic for anyone to be able to purchase political power, and when a small elite makes up a donor class that is able to shape our government and our public policy.

It’s not just the amount of money being spent on campaigns and to lobby our elected representatives—which is on the rise and increasingly secret.1 The problem is that our current system for funding elections allows a few people and special interests to have much more power over the direction of our country than the vast majority of Americans, who have different views on public policy than the wealthy elite.2 We’ve been fighting to control the improper influence of money in government, whether from wealthy individuals or corporate interests, since the founding of our republic.3 But we are at a low point, where large financial interests wield tremendous political power, and much of the blame rests squarely on the Supreme Court and its campaign finance decisions.

There's a war on Christmas! It's about fucking time! The crass commercialism would make Jesus sick.

I relinquish the pulpit, state your grievances.

It's Drunk Friday!

¿cuidado conmigo para un tequila?

no te olvides del cazador de la cerveza

Jesus approves!

Care to join me?

Life will test you.

Sometimes you just have to escape.

But, be careful out there.

Have a great weekend!

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gulfgal98's picture

I hope everyone had a peaceful and pleasant Thanksgiving. We survived but now I am stuck with a ton of leftovers. Thankfully, my husband loves leftover turkey, etc because I could care less. I do not do Black Friday or any such nonsense. But tonight is fourth Friday gallery walk and the galleries and shops downtown should do well. Have a great day all.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

hecate's picture

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NCTim's picture

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

Shahryar's picture

after our feast last night we got to talking and, being quite full, didn't notice that we hadn't put out dessert or made tea. We were all getting tired and our guests left so now we have an apple pie and a pumpkin pie that we'll have to eat by ourselves.

Today is going to be a grab bag for me. I have to get some work done. I know it's Friday and no one is expecting any reports until Monday but if I don't get on it I'll fall behind. Then there's the college football game at 1 pm between the scholars from Oregon State versus the academic whizzes from the University of Oregon. I expect that contest will be a mismatch and that the outcome will have been decided by halftime so we can go for a walk to the library. Then, not following the game anymore, I can imagine that Harold Lloyd or Harpo Marx have gone onto the field.

Speaking of academic whizzes...Here's Princeton vs Agnes Scott College. Go Agnes Scott!

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lotlizard's picture

Just a reminder where global jihad came from.

It may be surprising to hear, but it is a plain historical fact that modern international jihad originated as an instrument of US foreign policy. The “great menace of our era” was built up by the CIA to wage a proxy war against the Soviets.

Uncle Sam: "Don't worry! They're trained to only attack Russians / Syrians!"

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mimi's picture

the crap out of my mind with your music selections.

Good weekend all.

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NCTim's picture

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

hecate's picture

i caught a fleeting glimpse
out of the corner of my eye
i turned to look but it was gone
i cannot put my finger on it now
the child is grown
the dream is gone
i have become
comfortably numb


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hecate's picture

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mimi's picture

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shaharazade's picture

which is rare I kind of enjoy the fleeting moments of floating on the bubble with no psychic pain.

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mimi's picture

... just disregard my cranky comments...please.

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joe shikspack's picture

i'm getting ready to do the thanksgiving thing again, this time with the kids and dogs tonight. it's a marathon of turkey weekend.

here's another one to add to your drunk friday theme.

oh, by the way, the evening blues today will feature a guitarist that i think you'll enjoy.

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NCTim's picture

I am headed to the auto body shop. Thing2 had a fender bender. Hopefully, I can get into the gym today, too.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

mimi's picture

Five Ways Sanders Could Democratize the Financial Sector That Clinton Won't Touch

Imagine we would all withdraw our savings from the banks and put it into credit unions.

1. Reinstate Glass-Steagall while encouraging individuals to withdraw their savings from big banks in favor of credit unions

As discussed above, Glass-Steagall-type separations of commercial and investment banking would greatly diminish the size of the big banks. This would greatly reduce their capacity to coordinate campaign contribution and lobbying efforts, and would make them more vulnerable to competition from credit unions and their smaller counterparts.

Additionally, with the media coverage afforded US presidents, the new president would inherit a direct line of communication with the public. In the five weeks following the Occupy-inspired "Bank Transfer Day" on November 5, 2011, roughly two-thirds of a million Americans created $4.5 billion in deposits for credit unions by withdrawing their savings from conventional commercial banks. With a president supporting such a program, even more significant transfers could likely be achieved. This would catalyze the development of a democratically managed, owned - and accountable - financial sector.

2. Establish connections between credit unions, postal banks and the Federal Reserve, bypassing the big banks.

With Congress unable to pass legislation, the US government's response to the Great Recession has largely come from the Federal Reserve's monetary programs. Through its policy of quantitative easing, the Fed directly capitalized the country's largest banks with $3.5 trillion between 2009 and 2014. The goal was to increase credit extension, thereby creating jobs and boosting consumer spending power.

Rather than hoping this indirect credit extension found its way to everyday Americans - and that the middlemen big lenders didn't skim too much off the top - the Fed could have directly capitalized credit unions. The money would have been more likely to find its way into the hands of the people who needed it, as credit unions could have put the money to work building the economy from the ground up.

One could at least dream about it ...

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mimi's picture

The Answer to Terror: We Need Determination, Not Saber Rattling

Islamic State's terror thrives in a vacuum ...

The aim of the terror practiced by Islamic State is to surprise, to induce fear and to shock, all of which it does. But beyond Syria and Iraq, it is not war, and it certainly isn't World War III. It's still just terrorism. Islamic State is in no position to endanger the foundations of our nations. Nor can it present the kind of long-term threat posed to humanity by climate change. But it is a mastercraftsman of terror, which is threatening enough. Only once we have come to understand just who the opponent is, can we begin to act.

May be our intelligence people should just become mastercraftsman against terror and leave the fighterjets, warships and other weapons locked up in the vault.

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shaharazade's picture

I'm so stiff this morning from cleaning, cooking and hauling food into the house. Even though I roasted a 7lb. chicken instead of a turkey I went full blown traditional Thanksgiving fare. The chicken was from a local farm in Canby on the outskirts of Portland and was so unprocessed that I had to pluck feather ends and clean out it's innards. Made me seriously consider going back to being a vegetarian. I was so tired that after dinner when I finally sat down and enjoyed my family I forgot the pies, tea or coffee. I did enjoy looking at my son's latest pottery creations and chatting with my wonderful daughter in law. I also got to know my granddaughter's boyfriend a little more. I learned from them how hard it is for young people who are starting out, making there way in this economy. My granddaughter has two jobs and is going to art school and carrying a pretty heavy class load. Even with 2 jobs and her boyfriends with one good job they have a hard tome getting by. She and her partner had to leave early as she was scheduled to open the store where she works at 5:00 this morning.

We had an interesting discussion about our various immigrant ancestors. We concluded we're all mutts from just about everywhere in the world. It was good to share a feast with people who are aware that this country is made up of mutts, refugees who entered the US, many times under dubious circumstances. I wish people in this country we're not so damn bigoted and frightened of 'other' as they too are other. It gave me hope to listen to 3 generations with humanistic values who respect and human rights and diversity. While none of are politically active partisan's anymore (thanks Obama) and run the gamut in the fake spectrum of right, left, center, moderate far leftie, blab blab blab, we all agree on the important stuff like love, peace and understanding. However none of us are holding our breath that change we can believe in is anywhere in sight.

We're going to see this guy on the 16th of December at a local venue that used to be a movie theater in the 40's?. I think it's going to be an acoustic set. We saw him a couple of years ago and it was one of the best shows I have ever been to. I like seeing music in smaller venues rather then stadiums or clubs and the old Aladdin Theater with its uncomfortable original lumpy seats offers a great view (if people stay seated) and good acoustics if the band isn't turned up to 11.

We saw Southern Culture on the Skids there last year with my son and daughter in law and it was so loud it distorted the sound and was kind of painful. Not only did people get out of their seats and dance they got on them.

So now other then the kitchen floor I've got a squeaky clean house a a lot of leftovers, including two pies. It's pie for me for breakfast. I'm very thankful for this community and the communities that exist in the real world I find around me. Hope you guys all have a good day.

I posted this in the wrong OT so I moved it....Is there anyway to delete the misplaced first version of this comment? There seems to be no delete function in edit.

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I deleted that bad boy.

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NCTim's picture

We were regulars at their Christmas party. "... all my friends are comin' by to party and get high ..."

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

shaharazade's picture

They are one of my son's favorite bands and last August for my birthday he took us all to this fun show. I bet their Christmas party was big fun. I had never heard them before but my son figured they were right up my alley as I'm a big rockabilly, surfer and punk music fan. I like the mix of genres and they meet my criteria of good and funny. I loved a band back in my youth called The Cramps which also threw in a little swamp Goth in this mix. They opened for the Buzzcocks at Santa Monica Civic and the hard core Buzzcock fans spit on them when the Buzzcocks started their set the punker's all heckled them with ' Get off the stage you Wanker".

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shaharazade's picture

I just finished listening to Arlo singing Alice's Restaurant, a Thanksgiving tradition. Here's another Arlo song that's pretty funny and a lot shorter.

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enhydra lutris's picture

medley/segue, it is completely new to me. The whole set is waaaaaaaaay cool, thanks again.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

NCTim's picture

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

divineorder's picture

these and you good! Keep up the great work.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

mimi's picture

may be "the submissive girls" or I am sure you have some word for it from the "psychiological professional's category" scheme.

I am not sure if I like what I read or watch. I don't want to comment. I just wonder how long it will take til too many young girls are bashed for being too easily be pressured and how fast parents get blamed to not know how to prevent their girls from going "jihadi". A video to watch:

The Girls Who Fled To Syria: Groomed By The Islamic State

How One Teenage Girl Was Almost Lured Into Joining Islamic State

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