Michael Moore explains Trump's support.
The clip below is about 4 minutes long. It says a lot of what I've been saying for the last 20 years. The clip stops before Moore goes on to make the case for Hillary (or so I'm told). But watch it. Powerful stuff. But the corporate media tells the masses that the only choice they have is between the Dem and the Repub.
I watch a powerful clip like this, then I come crashing down to earth in the realization that barring a miracle, Hillary Clinton will be our President. Not Bernie Sanders. Not Jill Stein. Not anybody with the foresight and the courage to steer clear of the iceberg that we've been heading toward for the last 36 years. Nope. It'll be business as usual kids. But after I post this, I'm going down to the court house in my sleepy little West "by God" Virginia county and early vote. For Jill Stein. So at least I got that.

Dropped my ballot off today for Stein
bummer was there is nothing down ballot but Dem or Rep, and I can't vote Rep and didn't want my ballot invalidated so I voted for the Dems, yuk.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Same here.
I even looked at any of the Republicans to see if they might have an argument against shitty incumbent Dems, but they were all so horrible. I hate living in a state with jungle top 2 primaries.
How does a ballot
become invalidated? Thanks.
That was my question
In every election, There are under votes in some races. That means the ballots were counted even if not all the races were voted upon.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks, gulfgal.
I don't believe a person has to vote everything either. There are always ballot measures/amendments, etc., all kinds of things people aren't sure of and skip. I am not sure if judges are on this ballot. Another thing I am sure many people skip.
I am considering skipping my vote for Rep. I don't want to vote for the current guy (Dem/superdelegate) and the only other choice is the Republican who I also don't want to vote for.
I have a green Presidential and Senate choice.
My mail in ballot is here! I haven't opened it yet. I'm going to drop it off a few days before election day at city hall which is very close by.
Purely paranoia on my part
I just don't want them to have any reason not to count it! I doubt it would invalidate it, but I wasn't willing to take a chance this time.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Here in Ohio
in my county all the votes are counted whether you vote for everything or just one thing. I live in a 62% republican area so I skip all the commissioner, county engineer, auditor, treasurer etc races because it's always the same people/republican running unopposed. The lady running the BOE is a good Dem though, Bernie supporter.
I've been told several times.....
..... that Oklahoma requires a vote to be cast in every race or question; and if any are left blank or otherwise spoiled, the entire ballot is invalidated.
I do NOT believe that is legal in any election where Federal officials or questions are decided, but I could be wrong here, too.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
He's a pig,
and it's gonna be closer than anybody thinks. The Mormon dude in Utah just might have a shot at fucking things up. I said might have a shot.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
We get a pig whether we vote Dem or Repuke.
Remember the pig who cost us $60 million to get the details of him spreading his semen about the Oval Office? If the Dem wins, that pig gets to take up residence in OUR house once again. Puke!! On CNN, they keep saying "but he's not on the ballot." Then maybe he shouldn't live in OUR house. I don't want Hillary to be president for many reasons. That that pig will have plenty of time to soil OUR house is one of them. Even if a minor one.
That helps Hillary
Because in 2 Party World, Utah is traditionally a red state. I just started to read this article in the New Yorker about Greenland melting and climate change happening on a delayed response so that we will really start to feel it unlike anything today and how truly f**ked we are. Only Jill has the foresight we so desperately need now.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I'm not in the mood --
to listen to a guy who endorsed Hillary Clinton and who told the world back in 2004 that John Kerry was the "#1 liberal in the Senate" when Kerry was running as a smart version of W.
Anyone willing to post a brief synopsis?
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
He, like Bill Maher, hold themselves responsible for W,
as they voted for Nader in 2000. Just guilt. I can't imagine that he's really thrilled with the choices this year.
Moore talks about how a Trump vote
is a big F**k You to the establishment. And all Trump voters are excited because finally they can cast a vote against the system that has been screwing them for their whole lives.
But the clip is cut out of his new movie and is misleading. So I assume after this clip, the movie goes on to say why they are being played by Trump.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Moore speaks for the high school graduates, or near grads,
who were led to believe that you could have a middle income existence doing mind numbing labor at an auto factory or a steel mill and hope to retire with enough pension and health to enjoy a few years. It's an unsophisticated, but sincerely held, effyouseall to those who sponsor politicians like the Clintons.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Oh, people like those in Allentown, of whom Billy Joel sang. n/t
You mean Bruce
Springsteen, right?
No, Billy Joel, 1982
"Working hard in Harrisburg," for the Clampdown.
From Wiki:
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Pennsylvania had steel mills from one end of the state
to the other.
In the city where I was born and raised, Bethlehem Steel closed the Sparrows Point mill - continuous casting, as modern as you get - and 30,000 people lost their jobs. 30,000. It had been the largest steel producing plant in the world.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
The American Iron and Steel Institute
There’s a trade association that goes back to 1855, but I guess for some reason they weren’t very good at that lobbying stuff.
Presidents Truman and Kennedy had to deal with a steel industry whose management and labor had real power.
Well, what we all need to keep in mind is that it doesn't
make a difference. We're still going to be ruled by the rich. We're still going to be under the thumb of the police/military state. The U.S. will continue to be an Empire, the rich will keep getting more rich and the poor more poor.
It's a political race for a position we don't need. We don't need a President of the United States. It's time we look outside the proverbial box and create a new way.
Indeed. More and more every day I think it becomes clearer...
that the only thing likely to change things is blood.
Lots and lots of blood...
I still feel there is a slim chance that the American Empire will pull a USSR style fragmentation (Probably the best of options at this point.) down into 8 or so affiliated sovereign nations with an EU style pact for mutual defense, borders, etc. but my optimism for such a "Positive" outcome is waning.
It's a sad day when the most positive political change you think possible is the dissolution of your own nation...
I think I now possess a better understanding of how those other people who found themselves caught up under a corrupt regime feel than I ever wanted.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Maybe even a better understanding of why the first secession?
Admittedly that was over a rotten cause, but part of the country wanted progressive change, and the other part wanted things to stay the same forever with their 1% holding the (literal, in many cases) whip hand.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
A remarkable speech.
There's a transcript at Zero Hedge
If anyone is interested in hearing the whole hour, plus
a few, you can download it from iTunes for $5. Search "Trumpland."
Better yet, cancel iTunes
Give the fiver to a street person. Apple is no friend of labor, or the environment. Don't reward bad behavior, that's what I think.
Moore says on tweeter
that right wingers cut this video clip out of context and makes his movie sound pro-trump but it ain't.
He's kinda happy tho because all the Trumpbots are running to iTunes to buy his movie. Hahaha.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
BTW. Moore is a Hillbot (ugh)
just so everyone is clear. etu Michael?
The "former progressives" sellouts list continues to grow.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
He's a former Bernie guy who drank the "HRC because must
stop Trump!" Kool-Aid. Hard to fault him for that when Bernie himself sings the same song. Look around: it's everywhere with insistent drumbeats. Few bother anymore to claim she has anything to offer except (supposedly) being better than Trump.
As to thoughts about what to get Hillary Clinton for her birthday? If Moore opened his tweet to suggestions, well, I can only imagine what creative minds would offer in lieu of #50StateSweep.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Trump voters
It's so odd for me this year that I have no problem with Trump voters. In years past, especially the Bush years, if I found out that a new acquaintance was a Republican and voted for Bush, our relationship was just about over. They disgusted me. They were too ignorant to associate with. I really couldn't understand how anyone could vote for him, especially the 2nd time after all we had been through.
With Trump voters, it's completely different. I don't believe they are all racists, etc. They are disgusted with the system just like we are. They want change. They know we are on the wrong track, and believe Hillary is establishment/same track just like we do. They watched the bank bail outs and no accountability just like we did. They think they are getting screwed over and they are not wrong. Trump addresses that in language they understand. He also connects with his rally crowds, (which Hillary does not do).
Trump, in his stump speeches, always says "I will be your voice." Jobs, jobs, jobs. America first means that they (citizens) are first. He is going to fix our roads, bridges, airports. He says Hillary and the rest of them have had 30 years and they aren't doing it. "He's tough, he's a winner." He'll make it happen. (Not my opinion. That is his reputation. Just ask him.
Ann Coulter said roughly 'We aren't voting for him for his personality. We know he's a lout. We are voting for him for his policies!' (I know Ann is not who you go to for information, but I'm just giving you a Trump voter's perspective.
I haven't seen the rest of Moore's talk, but I am sure he goes on to talk about climate change, Scalia, and puts the fear of Hitler/Trump or is it the Russians, in the audience's minds.
Funny that even Michael is not having a talk about how great Hillary is. Instead, as usual, it's be afraid of Trump.
Know what you mean.
I'm going to vote early tomorrow. 99% sure it's going to be Jill. The 1% is for trump. I just don't want clinton in the WH. I have an extreme allergy to war. So here's my dilemma.
Trump ? war
Jill no war.
Personally, I'm hoping this phenomenon
means that the artificially created divide between red and blue, right and left, conservative and liberal - is dissolving. Because we have no chance of changing anything until the people unite.
The Powers That Be will always use race, etc., to divide us
DAPL protesters, Black Lives Matter, and folks like the Bundy ranchers all standing together, exercising their right to peaceably assemble, all standing up for each other, all learning from each other, all armed — now that might get results, eh? That’s why it'll never happen.
have said it many times
think Clintons are much more dangerous than Trump. So, best option I see is to help Trump destroy the republican party, and get the democratic party out of the clutches of the Clintons. Makes me sick t think of Clintons back in the White House, and bringing their scummy friends with them. Ugh!
Liked the Steve Cohen video on an earlier essay - asking such good questions: when did wanting detente become treason. Also grateful for the Putin video on another comment thread.
My fear also, is that Hillary is more dangerous than Trump. She would be the one to fear as another "Hitler". Her obsession with killing people is beyond sickening.
I’m with itlHer. n/t
She's adopted two thirds of his (Bernie's) platform! says Moore
From this interview, ick: LOL! “Michael MOORE in TRUMPLAND,” Critical New Film - Lawrence O'Donnell
Make me retch. Michael Moore cashes in and goes kerplunk, ignoring the corruption baked into "Our Revolution" from the start. And another thing, does Bernie read wikileaks? He should stop campaigning for Clinton cronyism. That's what a true revolutionary would do, not this incremental sell-out shite. Nope. Cue stick figure dancing:
My Number 2 pencil will be filling the box for Jill Stein, who's adopted three thirds of Bernie's platform plus more.
P.S. My LOL goes to the thing in the TV comments. All my love to the losers and spoilers. Peace.
But what's her
Private position?
her private position: The BOHICA!
Will spin to public position once they are in the White House. A pose with global foundation for enforcement. Thanks Leu2500 and good luck!