Clinton Could Still Win Me Over says a contributor at The Hill
Clinton could win over important voters in the second debate
According to Page Gardner, president and founder of Women’s Voices Women Vote Action Fund, the NEXT debate is when Clinton will win over the "Rising American Electorate (RAE) — the coalition of unmarried women, people of color and young voters who were crucial to electing Barak Obama president twice and will be key to a Clinton victory." I seem to be part of that cohort.
During the debate, my organization, Women’s Voices Women Vote Action Fund, set up a dial group with 100 likely voters, including white working class “persuadables,” white unmarried women and Millennials, aged 34 and under. Their job was to turn the dials up or down during the debate when they heard something they liked or didn’t like. They were also given a short pre- and post- debate survey so we could measure shifts in their attitudes and vote.
Our dial and focus groups showed that she has the messaging - and the temperament to change minds. After the debate, there was a huge shift in her overall favorability (+33 points), and positive improvement on trust, on being for the middle class and on the economy and jobs. She also succeeded in raising the intensity of support for her among white unmarried women and white working class voters who moved from being “weak” to “strong” Clinton supporters.
I think this bit of her article undermines her point:
A new Gallup poll that shows a sharp drop in the percentage of Americans who are sure they will vote in November. Overall, the number is down to 69 percent from 76 percent in 2012; the steepest drop was among voters 18-34 – only 47 percent of Millennials say they are sure they will vote this year (down from 58 percent in 2012).
I'm not in the Millennial portion of RAE (sure feels personal to have a new acronym label to describe me), but I've been predicting (and I believe DEM turnout demonstrates) that turn out will be depressed this year. Voting against a candidate does not tend to inspire progressives/liberals to get out to vote.
Yeah, I strongly fear and dread a Trump presidency...about as equivalently as I fear and dread a second Clinton presidency. I don't believe there is anything she could say which would make voting for her any more palatable to me - my ethics are not yet THAT much in the toilet.

How about ONE article titled "Hillary could still lose me?"
or "Clinton could still lose this (as she did in 2008)."
During the primary, we had the phony #BernieLostMe Hillbots. Now, we have the phony "Hill could still win me" Hillbots. What? Only those who declared for Hillary in Aught Eight are incapable of changing their minds?
In Shakespeare's Henry VI, Dick the Butcher speaks of a takeover by the 99% thusly: '
The NYT claims this was a compliment to lawyers:
Whatever. I haven't cared since I finished my English Lit final. But, let me be clear: The following is not, I repeat not, intended as a compliment to poseur media, whether in the U.S. or elsewhere:
Michael Moore stated it perfectly and Glen Beck agreed.
Trump is the molotov cocktail the american public wants to toss into the political infrastructure
The people are so frustrated that TPTB have not heard them, that the Democratic and Republican parties have abandoned them, That things have become so dire for average Americans without any seeming notice from the parties that they have decided that Trump is a human molotov cocktail to blow the whole system to bilthereens.
Glen Beck agreed and furthermore stressed that the divisions in this nation have thwarted the people's will. I yelled at the TV that he was one of the great authors of the division between the American People. He certainly played a big role, and his new populism is not to be trusted.
But I think Moore described it perfectly. There is no way I can vote for someone who cheated to become the nominee in the primary. Such behavior should not be rewarded under any circumstances.
The fact Bill Clinton and Donald Trump had a long conversation right before Trump announced makes me come to only one conclusion: The Republican nominee was thrust into his spot by the media and coincidentally, appears to be the only person on the planet that Hillary had a hope of beating.
Personally, I'm inclined to vote third party, sigh, but on the other hand, there is a part of me that wants to throw that molotov cocktail right at the DNC, the RNC and all the players who will suddenly have to deal with a whole set of different rules but don't know it.
I don't know if I agree if there is one reason.
ABH (Anyone But Hillary) is as good a reason as any, and people were saying that even when Jeb! seemed like the heir apparent.
If you are in a state whose electoral votes will go solidly for Donald or for Hillary, your vote for either of them will affect nothing, but it may say that you want the country to go in Trump's or Hillary's direction. However, your vote for Stein in such a state could help the Green Party get 5% of the popular vote and therefore get ballot access in 2020. And, in my opinion, anything that cuts into the stranglehold of the duopoly on U.S. politics is good. (Johnson seems to have that 5% and more locked in; Stein does not yet.)
More info:
That bears repeating:
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Thanks for the amplification.
Another duplicate post deleted by HW. I'm going for a record.
Wish me luck!
Your citation for the long conversation is...
The Washington Post
I needed to go back and check where this notion came from:
It's as reliable as the Washinton Post, FWIW.
However, in light of Bill and Loretta's little chat on the tarmac, and Hillary's subsequent "exoneration" in the matter of the email scandal, this story of Bill colluding with, or at the very least planting a seed in that bright orange head, should be getting more attention.
As outrageous and preposterous as it may seem on its face, a Bill Clinton-Donald Trump alliance to catapult Hillary into the White House looks like it may reside comfortably outside the bounds of CT.
You just can't make this shit up.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Trump does seem to be trying to lose
I imagine they are all scratching their heads, thinking what more is it going to take to get people to turn away from him?
I guess they thought it was brilliant, having the republicans nominate Trump, someone so ridiculous they thought he would have no chance in hell of winning. They didn't comprehend how many people would actually find him a preferable alternative to Hillz. Oops!
Now if she loses to Trump of all people -- instead of to a normal candidate like, say, Mitt Romney or some other republican with a modicum of political experience at least -- it's going to be extra humiliating for them. Thanks, Bill. Good plan!
I saw Moore and Beck
And had the same reaction as you to Beck - the guy who dug the schism and gave out shovels to others to deepen the schism, sounded regretful and bewildered, like "How the f did this schism get here?"
Moore, on the other hand, I always thought was carrying water for that obscure concept "truth" and I always thought he would follow the breadcrumbs wherever they led, BUT his message was essentially that Trump was a threat like none ever known and everyone had a moral obligation to vote for Hillary.
He was on target about the motivation of the Trump voters, that Trump is a "blow up the system vote", but many here have said the same thing, so it's no breathless insight.
The people who are to blame for Trump are the leaders of the Republican Party who could have escorted him off the stage in early days due to his overt bigotry and misogyny and advocacy of violence at his rallies. THEY are the most morally bankrupt people in this whole discussion. They were afraid Trump would have gone third party - so they avoided that but in the process transformed the Republicans into a fringe far-right party.
If Trump has never found bottom for his followers up to this point, can't we safely say that there is no bottom? The Republicans didn't just look into the abyss, they climbed down into it, saw the monster looking back, embraced it, and climbed back up to the surface to hand out monster masks to the population.
Meanwhile the media is still involved in their game of "This time he's really done it!" and Trumps followers are saying the same thing only with an entirely different reading of the line.
I think that Trump on his own has decided to let Trump be Trump, and I predict in the next debate he says something so outrageous that either the moderator or Hillary or both faint onstage and have to be carried off.
We are witnessing the complete and utter failure of the two Party system as both parties fail spectacularly at the same time in the same election.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
I am crossing my fingers.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
If I may add to your
If I may add to your insightful comment?
We are witnessing the complete and utter failure of the two Party (trade off scam) system as both (corporate/billionaire)parties fail spectacularly at the same time in the same election.
Much of this occurring because of Bernie speaking up for and with the American people, especially for those who'd thereby discovered that they were far from alone in wanting an actual democracy and gained impetus to act from this reinforcement.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
What gustogirl said and:
"Personally, I'm inclined to vote third party, sigh, but on the other hand, there is a part of me that wants to throw that molotov cocktail right at the DNC, the RNC and all the players who will suddenly have to deal with a whole set of different rules but don't know it."
Agree and think it's the only way forward. Haven't we tried everything else. Seems the next step on from Occupy and working our hearts and souls out for Jane and Bernie Sanders.
Heartbreaking to realize how much of the world depends on us, to stop burning up, destroying what's left of the planet.
A.B.C.= Anybody But Clintons
Good points...
Hillary Clinton, although the right-wingers paint her as a "liberal", is really nothing of the kind.
She is the consummate, corrupt Bankster-War-Profiteer, Globalist insider who mocks progressives behind closed doors (and will place only right-wing insiders like Tim Kaine into power). She, like Obama, will support the TPP, she will support having the U.N. control (filter) the Internet for "security" reasons (say goodbye to meaningful google searches and independent access), and of course she will support a whole truck load of horrific "Regime Change" Wars, chaos, gun-running, and mass-murder all around the Globe -- including direct Military confrontation with Russia.
People often talk about who is the lesser of the two Evils. Well, unlike Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton is the more effective Evil because she is far more subtle and articulate, and will have the whole Democratic Establishment behind her, as well as the whole underbelly of the Bush-CIA-Bankster power cabal, and the corrupt U.S. News Media itself. That is a dangerous combination.
Trump on the other hand (despite being rich) is just a gadfly who does not have the support of the Bush-PNAC-Neocon faction, nor the Henry Kissingers, Rockefellers, etc., and if he were in power -- the whole Democratic Base would be energized in opposition at the first sign of him doing anything radical. Therefore Trump would not be able to do that much damage, as his opposition to surmount would be far, far, greater.
In short, Trump is the lesser Evil here....and might actually shake-up the crooked Trade deals in a way that was positive for workers, and also get us out of being slaves to NATO. There would most likely be less Global War overall (with ISIS being his main focus) and a healthy refocus on what is best for Americans for once (instead of this constant ruining and destruction of our own Country, our rights, and bankrupting it .... in order to subjugate and reign supreme over Foreign 3rd-World Nations across the entire World).
So there is nothing that Hillary Clinton ever could say to me now, given her longstanding Evil associations, her awful performance, her unabated corruption (including stolen elections), and devotion to the Neocon agenda word-for-word, and verse-by-verse ... over the course of the last 25 years.
I would much rather see Trump win, and then have a new Election in 4-years with someone else - who might bring something new to the Democratic Party (and this will never happen if Hillary Clinton is installed as the incumbent and untouchable Queen figurehead).
So Bernie Sanders unfortunately is wrong on this matter -- the best hope for progressives now is to prevent the installment of a Hillary Clinton dynasty now, and hold Trump in check (which will be much easier than trying to ever hold Clinton in check), and then regroup again in the 2018 and 2020 elections.
Clinton is clearly the more effective Evil because of the big powers behind her, and because of her skill in hiding extreme tyranny (like the TPP and perpetual War) .. as goodness (with the Media covering for her). Think of Clinton as a Dick Cheney presidency with a little softer rhetoric (although not much), and support for a few token social issues.
Our Country cannot afford that. It's time to smash the system down now .... before it becomes impossible (and we are getting close to losing the Internet as we know it, and no change is possible).
[video: width:640 height:480]
Love Henry VI
Of course, that's the only line i know....
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Did the participants receive electric shocks when turning
the dial down? They would have to fry me to get me to turn the dial up. Yes, she said some good things, but lying is her specialty so I put no faith in her words. Now if she had spent some time personally passing out water in Flint without politicizing it rather than holding yet more fund raisers, I might begrudge her a nod.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
That's the key point campaigns always try to obscure
Campaign rhetoric from certified liars isn't worth the electrons it's written on. Neither Clinton nor Trump should be believed when they talk about what they'd do. Both have a long record to examine, and these are perfectly clear about what they would do.
"Rising American Electorate" sounds like more Center for American Progress bullshit relabeling the "demographic wave" lie establishment Democrats keep telling themselves to justify not listening to their voters. I think the only thing rising in the American electorate is the vomit that next month's election results will induce.
Please help support caucus99percent!
An investment in barf bags might be very lucrative
Doc, I think your prognosis is correct--now let's go make some money!
Barf bags with the caption "I voted." Even better to give them out before people are in line...
From the Light House.
I think they think I will feel honored to have a new name with an important, influence-sounding title. But, they have demonstrated to me in word and deed that they could give a crap about my actually voting and all I feel is the vomit part.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
That's the point.
If you profoundly distrust someone, it doesn't matter what they say.
On the other hand, the Hillmeister has gained about 5 points in favorability, so she's up to a whopping 42.6% of the country that considers her trustworthy and likeable, so, Go Team!
EDIT: Actually what she's really done is LOST 5 of her unfavorability points. Her unfavorables used to be up around 58-59 percent, and now it's down to 54.2!
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
In order for me to distrust someone, they have
to repeatedly (and I do mean repeatedly) show me that they are not trustworthy. It takes a lot, so they really have to make an effort.
As to her unfavorable numbers, I expect those to drop again. However, given the pollsters have learned better how to manipulate their polls and target certain populations for an expected outcome, I don't trust those either. = )
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
A little research on this group.
Here is what I found.
E-gads - now I'm not sure what group they think I'm in! n/t
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
When you figure it out, would you please let us know. I wanna' be in the group you're in.

And I'm w-a-a-a-y past being able to figure it out.
Here I was scurrying to be in YOUR group. ;-)
Honestly, I don't give a crap what box they try to cram me in. I. just. can't. do. it. for. her. A lot of people I care about have done their best to twist my arms and try to 'reason' with me. Exactly NONE of it is reasonable from my perspective.
Giant Meteor 2016!
Just End It Already
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
God, they're disgusting. Like the Bushes, but less honest.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
So it is just another of Hillary's buddies...
That engages in Voter Suppression and Election Fraud efforts, that is also a money laundering foundation for self enrichment & tax evasion purposes...
Go Figure!
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Who the hell is VPC?
You throw out a lot of journalistic sounding crap but fail to identify the translation of the principal offender from its acronym? That is journalistic malfeasance, humprhrey.
That's the problem with Hillary. She thinks we are idiots who can't see through her crap. She has surrounded herself with Yes Men and Women who are too afraid to point out reality to her, and her obtuseness is clear at every turn.
The VPC link is at the top of the first blockquote
I didn't know who VPC was/are either until I noticed the link and checked it out.
Sorry, my mistake. Too late, too many glasses, too much crap
in this week ( a friend is very likely dying). So I get short, drink too much and want to get angry at someone - anyone. My profoundest apologies. I especially regret when I am stupid, so that's a twofer.
Never apologize for a righteous rant!
Venting good--Hillary bad
Besides, I find that a glass or three of prosecco always helps me write better.
Sheeeiiit gusto!
We ALL have a bad one once in a while when it comes to the cra cra!
And I agree, more people could identify what the initials stand for a little clearer at times. I, too, had to go back and look. Also, imbibing is no vice in this day and age, end of life decisions and issues suck!
Do the best you can with what you've got.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Very sorry for such a tough week
You're among friends here and can show up no matter what.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
David Brock
Anybody else wanna bet it's got David Brock's fingerprints wiped off it? Probably Podesta too...maybe even a bit of Sidney Blumenthal, who doesn't seem to be able to stay out of anything that's dirty.
The first thing we do, let's get rid of focus groups
Get Public Relations outta politics please. Stop trying to psyche the mind.
Sure does indicate there is no core Clinton, it's all a show, the best ratings will win. Idiocracy achieved.
Ummm, from upthread
I see nothing in the article to indicate
That these viewers are a representative sample.
Here's some info on this outfit:
And they fit right in with Clibton:
> During the 2008 North Carolina Democratic Primary the group ran into legal trouble[32] when it was reported by National Public Radio and the Center for Investigative Reporting that automated calls had been made to African-American voters providing confusing information, which may have misled voters to believe that they were not registered to vote.[33] The robocalls did not identify the VPC as the caller.[34] Attorney General Roy Cooper ordered the calls to stop, and the organization was ordered to pay a $100,000 fine.[34][35] Some saw the calls as an attempt to suppress Barack Obama primary voters because of the VPC's affiliation with several high-level Hillary Clinton allies, including John Podesta and Maggie Williams.[35]
> In 2008, a number of VPC's vendor contracts were called into question after it was revealed that VPC had paid Integral Resources Inc. nearly $800,000 for phone services. Integral Resources Inc. is run by Ron Rosenblith, who is married to VPC president Page Gardner. VPC also paid several million dollars more on contracts with companies run by five additional members of the group's board of directors.[36]
So they used Dail Devices to score the debate
for Trump/Hellery. But the group contains Millennials, who we know largely favor third parties. And there was no 3rd party candidates on the debate stage.
Yeaaah, no. All this proves is which of the two sociopaths sounded like less of a whackjob during the debate. They cannot conclude Millennials are going to vote for them.
In other news, I saw an article that W Bush's daughter attended a HRC fund raiser in Paris. Man, those conservatives are eating up Hellery's meadow muffins.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
You'd have to kill me first to get me to vote for Clinton
And even then I might not bother.
from a reasonably stable genius.
could still win me over"?? I'm sure she will say anything to win you over. The question is, are you actually going to believe it? When these thoughts come into your head please take a quick hit of the George....
You are correct
There is nothing she could say which would get me to vote against my self interest in this election.
If she said something I liked, I would believe she did not mean to implement whatever that was.
I believe she has it in for people like me. Should she win, I predict I will be worse off in 4 years.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
The only thing Clinton do that I would approve of
that could win me over would be if she came out publicly and stated the truth and fell on her sword.
That would "Win me over". Still wouldn't get me to vote for her but I would despise her a little less.
Well that, or she could just drop dead on the debate stage, that would improve my opinion of her too.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
From your lips to the ears of the Goddesses
Well that, or she could just drop dead on the debate stage, that would improve my opinion of her too.
Still waiting for Assange - now it's going to be a video? Ecuador had a fit fit cuz someone tried to break into the Embassy. I hope he has good guards working for him!!!!!
I used to feel sorry for the
I used to feel sorry for the so-called "values" voters, many of which believe so strongly in their religious faith that they absolutely refuse to acknowledge the wisdom of keeping it out of governance, especially when the only issues they really seem to care about are the ones that let them look down on and try to control other peoples' sexuality because they trotted to the polls like good little soldiers and pulled that lever for condescension and authori-tah, but never used to notice that what they want done at the national level never actually happens. If the Republicans ever reversed Roe v. Wade, for example, then they'd have to try harder to come up with new shit to agitate their base base. It's not that I don't think they could because transgender is the new "black" for them these days, especially in my home state of NC. Some of these people have noticed finally though, and some of them are voting for the immoral Trump to send a message that they're tired of being lied to.
Anyway, the point is that where my own condescension and delusion came in was that I actually thought I was smarter for voting for Democrats. When I started to realize that they were failing over and over again to actually accomplish the things they promised during silly season, otherwise known as "the campaign", I believed for quite awhile that it was because the Republicans were stopping them. I even emphasized the make-up of the "Supreme" Court to myself and others more and more as time passed by and the failures continued to mount. That obstruction excuse is true to some degree, but now I see through the long con. The Democrats need the obstruction, and that is the real reason for their deliberate failure.
It's like watching one of those crime shows where the investigator nods sagely and announces that there is not one perpetrator acting alone (emphasis on the "acting" part) but two! Aha! They've been running the good cop / bad cop con on us all this time, and now that we know it, they somehow think we'll go back to pretending we don't. Not me, not ever. I'm in this demographic too, but for me to be any less persuadable I'd have to literally be made of stone.
It was a difficult lesson for me...
I preferred the virtuousness I felt before the scales fell from my eyes.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Oh yes, me too. I'm still
Oh yes, me too. I'm still somewhat in mourning over it all. I thought I had my cynical armor covering all my tender spots, but I guess I missed a few. Part of me has, since I became an adult, expected individual politicians to have really large egos, much like actors, because I figured that to be able to take all the rejection and to feel capable of overcoming large odds and then to be able to lead (That last one's for the politicians.) that you'd have to have a pretty strong opinion of yourself. The utter contempt I have for most so-called journalists is a bit stronger because they are supposed to be impartial.
I almost puked typing that last sentence. The state of the media and propaganda in this country has also destroyed every movie or show where some idealistic hero saves the day by whistleblowing on the bad guys. Nowadays what should be damning revelations are made all the time, but the media buries them in a shit-storm of distractions and accusations of ulterior motives on the part of the whistleblower.
Some really smart and diligent people do still dig into the money trails and try to get their findings out to the public, but the public is too busy queuing up for the newest IPhone or video game or reality show celebrity scandal. It's revolting. That's why I hang out here because I need to be around people who care and pay attention. So few people do, but I do understand that, by design, for most people just staying alive and keeping a roof over their families' heads is all they have energy for. After such ponderings I mostly go back to my favorite Wicked Witch of the East quote from The Wizard of Oz: "What a world! What a world!"
That I ever thought it was otherwise hurts me for that loss of innocence you mentioned.
... I'm in this demographic
Just the head part - they're obviously imagining (and desperately trying to sympathetic-magic up?) a very large collection of voters all having rocks for brains. But the 1% has clearly sucked up virtually all of the brain-rocks for their own use, lol.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Good one! Surely they can
Good one! Surely they can spare a few pebbles to trickle down to the little people.
Apparently you just haven't heard the right message
But don't worry, as we speak they're fine-tuning their talking points, trying to find that perfect combination of words to finally convince you that we're Stronger Together, that You're With Her, that you should stop holding out and Bow to Your Rightful Queen. To the K Street crowd, the reason for your continued resistance couldn't possibly be that you have principles or anything, so it must be that you just haven't heard the right slogans yet. But they're on it with their little dials.
"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum." --Noam Chomsky
It's good to know I'm not an important voter
Being a married woman who is well over the age of 35, I don't qualify for the important voter category. Whew! At least I don't have to worry about Hillary making any effort to win me over. Which is just as well, since there is no chance of that happening.
It's so liberating, isn't it?
This election has been so nasty, I can't imagine that there are that many fence-sitters at this point, either.
Such phony propaganda pieces make me laugh at The Hill
Jesus, they're still writing these boilerplate bullshit Conversion Posts. I don't know anybody that believes them anymore, because the Hillbots at places like the Daily Dreck overdid the entire motif, to the point where you could sit down, pull a half-dozen of them up, and figure out the boilerplate text from the text someone customized for themselves.
They are so smug and self-assured, they don't realize when they do stupid shit like that. Here, they think "more is better". It's not. Think that's exaggerated? See how many of those "articles" and "posts" you can identify between today and the end of this week.
I'd like to win back my right to be registered... and vote.
As if.
You can never win over someone you cheated.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Maybe we should bronze your motto.
"You can never win over someone you cheated." This should be right up there with "Never give a sucker an even break." Of course, they are related and now more people can see it.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Even recognizing that much (most?) of what's out there
should be questioned, so heavy is the propaganda coming from all sides, it seems that voters' minds are largely made up. Only late-breaking info could make a difference for either major-party nominee, I think.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
stay tuned
looks like Assange may give us some tomorrow...
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member