The Saturday Evening Post
It's another week has passed, and I'm still in another world across the sea. I hope the world is spinning your way. Let me share a little of what I'm seeing, and ask you to do the same. What is the world like where you are? What did you learn that was of interest or importance this week? I'll try to contribute in the comments, and hope you will too.
It has been nice to leave the election and politics behind and experience the planet and its people. Somehow we get caught up behind the screen and miss the reality and the beauty. Of course there is plenty of sorrow to go around too. I'm asking you all again to please fill in for the weekly watch.
The news here in Ireland is very pro-Clinton...much like the States. I continue to wonder if it all is a set up - with T-rump as a purposeful patsy. People here are very interested in our joke of an election.
But let's forget that and let me share a few pictures:
And now back to some news...
Last week's Saturday Evening Post featured video news (youtube) sites. Here's a list of print resources:
What have you read lately that spoke to you? What are the big stories of the week?

The mother of my closest friend has never been in good health
So, anyway, way back when, the doctor prescribed some Guinness to help build her up a bit. (Don't ask, I only play a doctor on the radio.)
We would troop off and buy the required 'medicine'. Suffice to say, she not being a drinker, the results were amusing.
from a reasonably stable genius.
What struck me this week was Trump trying to fat shame
Miss Universe. Miss Universe! She would still be gorgeous at twice the weight. I'm not much for Trump gossip, but this got under my skin more than his usual disrespecting the entire known universe. If that man looks in the mirror and sees a good-looking guy, his mirror must have some mighty powerful mystical magical powers. His trollish behavior should stop everyone, even his stable of ex-wives, from voting for him.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Nothing new here.
Hillary is wonderful. Trump is scary. Save the world, Vote Hillary!
Hope you are enjoying your trip. It looks a little cold and dark, but then, so is Michigan. The seasons are transitioning. Fall is here. My husband made chili. That makes it official.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I haven't made my first batch yet but then,
I'm in Arizona. Maybe around Halloween.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
World News for Weekly Watch
After Five Decades of War, Colombia Signs Peace Agreement With Rebels
Sunday, Colombians vote on the historic peace accord with the FARC. Here’s what you need to know.
Colombia's second-largest rebel group has said it is ready to begin formal peace talks with the government, days after a historic peace deal was signed with the country's largest rebel group.
From civil war to gang war: new violence drives Salvadorans to makeshift camp
Oxi: New Drug Terrifies Brazil
[Apparently it's easy to make, cheap to buy, addictive after one try, and quickly fatal. I included this because I fear the recipe will spread quickly.]
Iran showcases new combat drone, copied from US unmanned aircraft
In the worst unrest in the disputed Himalayan region in six years, more than 80 civilians have been killed and thousands wounded,...
Pakistan on Thursday said two of its soldiers were killed in an "unprovoked" attack when India fired across the border of the disputed region of Kashmir, while India said it had carried out a "surgical strike" against terrorists, in an exchange that marks an escalation in tensions between the uneasy and nuclear-armed neighbors.
Female Farmers Suffer Most in Southern Africa Drought
[because of unequal rights based on sex]
"All Life is Problem Solving" - Karl Popper
Still editing from couple of months in Africa, preparing to go for a couple of weeks into Utah.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Putting this here because I've had a few & it's open thread
Purposely didn't come here today. Listened to my faves on Sat morning NPR - Car Talk, Wait Wait, and The Moth thing. Then I helped a co-worker with his EEOC claim paperwork and did some catching up on what I neglect by being here all day Saturday and Sunday - housework.
However, about an hour ago, I received a curious alert about an Anonymous video I might like. Well, having already had a few, like a dumbass, I clicked on the YouTube video link.
It's not all that special, but I question it's source. I want to post the link, but I don't want to somehow inadvertently hurt any of you.
It's a message "To the United States 2016"
Soooo, be warned. I'll post it, but click at your own possible peril. [video:]
Oh, and the upstanding white lives matter group of Houston held a shouting match with the normal, good people of Houston today. Yay for the good guys in the most diverse city in the US!
Is that Guy Fawkes speaking?
Is that a computer-generated or altered voice? Neat--wonder how a female voice sounds through that. Let no one presume that males only are dis-interested, dis-involved, dismayed at current events here in the USA.
I read on FB (no comments, please) that HRC has demanded the end of popularity or any other -arity polling online. No prisoners are being taken alive. A supposed directive aimed at MSM. Because, the polls she is not controlling, she is losing. Badly losing. Boo hoo from me. FB is being actively scrubbed now, hope Reddit is surviving better.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I assume I'm now on a watchlist for viewing that
Hahahha. Thanks for that link.
"When you talk about destruction. Don't you know that you can count me out." Revolution, The Beatles
I love the first youtube comment under that video.
"Don't have to engage in violence, just elect Trump. The country will dissolve overnight.?"
It should actually read "just elect Trump or Hillary"
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
If all it takes it to get on a "watchlist" is to watch videos,
then I think we should all watch them with the thought in my mind of overwhelming the insane, too-wide-of-a-net surveillance system the NSA set up. They're already hoarding way too much information to render the whole stupid program of any use to get the real terrorists, because they're too busy sweeping up anybody who watched an Anonymous or Edward Snowden video
To be honest I think the same and sometimes hesitate on clicking too. But most all times I do. I think Lee Camp has a joke that after he does something like this he usually clicks on some cat videos, then some other weird pop culture thing, then buys something stupid online - all to confuse the authorities. I realize it's very important, especially that they are trying to scare us into waiving all our freedom in order to get the Terrists and anti-American dissenters, that we all stand in strong solidarity in opposition to this authoritarian, anti-Free Speech.
We must stand with Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, John Kirakou, Jeremy Hammond, Chelsea Manning, etc. History always vindicates the truth tellers. But it ain't easy for years, if not one's entire lifetime. Yet, the solidarity network of supporters is so deep, warm and loving to withstand their cold, empty state bullying.
Since 9/11 I'm so tired of the subtle and overt ways used to cower an entire population into passivity, fearful obedience and encouraging xenophobia and running to the "authorities." It's so important for us individually to stand as examples of the Ben Franklin maxim about giving up freedom for a little security for liberty deserving neither.
In the first few years after 9/11 in NYC I remember encountering in the Village while having lunch a fearful guy, maybe a tourist, who seemed very concerned I would be wearing an anti-Bush t-shirt and speaking so freely about what a disaster he was in public. The more he expressed concern for my stances and rant, the more animated and louder I became. Consciously I was also attempting to quell his irrational fears that one couldn't speak his mind, reminding this media-warped fraidy cat that there's nothing more quintessentially American.
As one of my biggest activist friend's t-shirt says, "Whistleblowers Set Us Free."
Dissent is the lifeblood of democracy. Do so in every way, every day.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Thanks for your comments
Hope you are all doing well. Back home soon, and will participate more then.
All the best...Cheers!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thank you for all that work and for those wonderful pics.
Whenever i have a choice, I choose stout over other kinds of beer. Only on tap, of course.
Uzbekistan’s late dictator Karimov and Obama’s foreign policy
It’s Ted Rall from three weeks ago — isn’t it typical of the times we live in that sometimes the most serious research and commentary is to be found on a cartoonist’s blog?
hmm, lovely article ...
Pentagon Paid for Fake ‘Al Qaeda’ Videos
So, we paid UK PR companies to create phony Al Qaeda vids.
Because the twin engines of American Exceptionalism and the American Dream almost completely obliterate any impulse in the average citizen from criticizing one's government, we have a majority population of lemmings all set up to believe, beginning with heavy conditioning during childhood, that we are the Greatest Country In The World(TM), becawz at least we don't have no propaganda like those Commies do in Russia and China. We're so freeeeee....
I would venture that the U.S. are the world's masters of propaganda. The amount of bullshit and lies preying on our subconscious and coming at us from every conceivable angle, from the gov't, the corporations, Big Pharma, the food monoculture, the bought and paid-for MSM, the sports industry, etc. is staggering. All saying in various ways, "USA!USA! USA!"
Thanks for the article link.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
As I don't know US history, I often wonder when this all
started. Already before the WWI ? I just wonder because it's so startling how deeply ingrained the propaganda is in all aspects of daily life of the citizens and my hunch is, it might have increased since people hang over the world wide web every minute of their life I was aware of the Nazi propaganda and the Communist propaganda in the past, but those were clear cut totalitarian regimes. What is to me so different with the US is that they are masters in deception to sell themselves as a democracy, while their laws and actions don't implement what they are selling. As a general observation one gets the impression that one can't trust anything to be what it is said it is. To live with that amount of distrust and con artistery all you get are emotionally and psychologically disturbed people, who are then open prey for manipulation of their minds by those, who can make a profit out of it.
The Natives are restless. I am not sure that we will get to
selection day, can we borrow the Sorting hat? That would be worth TV coverage, except I already cut the cord. Keep your fuel tanks full, this will get wilder.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
In one of his books, John Lennon wrote something like,