Does the Truth about 9/11 Matter?
I wanted to write something for the 9/11 anniversary but couldn't decide what angle to take. There are so many angles. There's the obvious angle, who really did it? The evidence. The third building, WTC7 that fell like a pancake. The dancing Israeli's. The "New Pearl Harbor" prediction by the neocons who took charge under Bush. Did a plane really hit the Pentagon, or was that a missile? Did Bush and Cheney know? The list goes on and on.
There's the War OF Terror angle. The U.S. went to war immediately after, first with the Global War on Terror starting in Afghanistan and then the Iraq war. This also marks the fifteenth anniversary of war (the argument of whether this country is really at war or not, constitutionally, is another angle). Donald Trump wants to put a wall around the country. The War OF Terror is now institutionalized in this country and on most of the planet. There appears no end in sight after fifteen years.
There's the Nationalism angle front and center in the National Football League's opening Sunday which happens to fall on the 9/11 anniversary. The flags waving, the victim honoring, the military parading, the people standing, the stories, the promises to protect our "freedom", it's all on display. The media saturated with emotional tributes and nationalistic propaganda with nary a thought given to the millions killed and displaced, the countries destroyed, or the children burnt alive under drone bombs in faraway lands. American hypocrisy off the charts.
There's the Conspiracy Theory angle where the government, its oligarchy owned corporate media and their lackeys paint those seeking the real truth about 9/11 as Truthers. What a kick. They're crazy, wacky, you name it because they don't believe the government story. You know, the same story told by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. Who wouldn't believe them?
Many angles and everybody's writing and talking. What's the purpose? What good is it going to do for truth,justice and the "American" way? The other iconic event that perhaps rivals 9/11 in its political significance is the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Jr, JFK. It's been over fifty years since that happened and the conspiracy to murder JFK has never been truly settled, even though the current evidence clearly destroys the official story and basically pinpoints who, what and why. Those involved will never be brought to justice. And the political situation it caused, a literal coup in this country, has never been rectified by the truth regarding the JFK murder. We the Serfs are certainly under much tighter rule now than we were fifty years ago.
Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to those researching, analyzing and exposing the evidence because we do have a fairly clear picture of what happened, who was involved and why they did it.
But I wonder whether that will matter. It doesn't seen to matter with JFK. Massive lies and deceptions are the foundation of this country and our government at the highest levels. Will anything said contradicting the "official story" even matter? Will even proving who really did it matter? It's been fifteen years and the official Bush/Cheney endorsed story is taught in middle schools right after Columbus discovering America.
Wow, what a downer. I started out trying to decide what to write about and came to that.
Hmm, let me see.
I'm sorry people died on 9/11. I'm sorry so many people have died because of 9/11. We're talking millions now. The ripple effect from that event has literally changed the world. The impact it has had is astounding if you think about all the subsequent wars and killing, destruction of lives and countries, assault on liberties and literally our freedom, the incredible advancement of the power of the military industrial complex joined with a security/intelligence industrial complex, the instutionalization of the War OF Terror on the entire planet, the creation of a top down national police state via the Department of "Homeland" Security, the spying and data collection on our lives, etc., etc, etc., there's just never been anything like it.
All because of 9/11. Who knows what would have happened if not 9/11. It's not like the ruling elite wouldn't have engineered something else to advance their insane plans for power. Because they are fucking insane. But 9/11 happened and here we are, in a fucked up world with hope hanging on for dear life.
I think hopeful reasoning might conclude that we've reached the outer limits of human greed and power lust and a course correction is on the horizon. The rise of China and Russia in the last decade coupled with the crumbling facade of the American Empire may force a come to Jesus moment for those still intent on ruling the world. So we might not die from a nuclear holocaust. Like a 21st century MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) situation.
But then again, we might. It was just fifteen years ago that people within our government and the governments/ruling classes of Saudi Arabia and Israel brazenly engineered an event that changed the world. That means they're capable of anything, they and those like them. We've been shown, not only with 9/11, but over the course of the last century what those with the most power on the planet are capable of doing. And we could have Hillary Clinton as the "Commander in Chief" until 2021.
Proving who was really behind 9/11, exposing the real Truth about 9/11, supporting those that do the research and spread the information is very important to those of us who want to topple our rulers. It matters. Those that did the crime need to be brought to justice. The War OF Terror needs to be ended. The laws, practices and institutions created for the War OF Terror need to be abolished. We can't give up on that. They'll keep doing it again and again if we don't stop them, they've proven that since 9/11 with other false flag events to supplement their "New Pearl Harbor". There can be no true People's Revolution without 9/11 Truth and Justice.
The Truth does matter, if not, what does?
Bush knew, Cheney knew, Rice knew, there is no doubt.
"But that’s not all there is to the cover-up: As I mentioned and documented in my July 20th news-report on “9/11: Bush’s Guilt and the ’28 Pages’,” U.S. President George W. Bush was also involved in the 9/11 operation: He had instructed his National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice to block his obtaining from U.S. government sources any specific information about what the attacks would entail, or about the date on which they would occur. (Presumably, he already knew, via his private communications with Prince Bandar or someone else who was in on the event’s planning, all that he had wanted to know about the coming event.)When CIA Director George Tenet, on 10 July 2001, was practically screaming to Rice to allow him into the Oval Office, to meet privately with the President to inform him of how urgent the situation had become to take action on it, she said: “We’re not quite ready to consider this. We don’t want the clock to start ticking.” Tenet was shocked, and dismayed. That encounter with Rice was intended to urge the President to establish a hit-team to take out bin Laden, so as to avert the operation — whatever it was, or would turn out to be. The way that Chris Whipple put this, in his terrific report in Politico magazine, on 12 November 2015, titled “The Attacks Will Be Spectacular”, was that, “they did not want a paper trail to show that they’d been warned.”
"Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” The CIA’s famous Presidential Daily Brief, presented to George W. Bush on August 6, 2001, has always been Exhibit A in the case that his administration shrugged off warnings of an Al Qaeda attack. But months earlier, starting in the spring of 2001, the CIA repeatedly and urgently began to warn the White House that an attack was coming."
So they knew. There are the theories of LIHOP and MIHOP, let it happen on purpose and made it happen on purpose. Some think they LIHOP, some think they MIHOP, some think they didn't know, which has been proven false. For me there is no such distinction, if they LIHOP'd they MIHOP'd. I think it's quite naïve to think they knew about it but decided to do nothing about it so they could have their New Pearl Harbor to kick-start their New American Century. That's just too much of a coincidence to believe. No, they knew because they made it happen.
Or you can believe this guy:
"Nobody in our government at least, and I don't think the prior government could envision flying airplanes into buildings."
To me it seems abundantly clear
that the Official Story of 9/11 is itself an extraordinary claim! And that NIST's "explanation" of how and why three steel-frame buildings collapsed into their own footprints is pure hokum, and certainly not anything resembling "extraordinary proof".
The so-called "Truthers", including thousands of well-respected and knowledgeable engineers, architects, and professional pilots, have assembled a veritable library of solid evidence that debunks the 9/11 Commission's story on multiple points. Six of those ten Commissioners by the way, have themselves strongly and publicly criticized the Report's methodology and conclusions.
The fact that you and many others have chosen to believe the tissue of lies, evasions and half-truths that forms the Official Story, in no way discredits the evidence presented by those who have examined 9/11 more independently, closely, and I would say, objectively.
If you have the patience, I recommend watching this rather lengthy video, for a credible perspective that differs markedly from your own.
"Does the Truth about 9/11 Matter?" No, because
no two people can even agree on what "the truth" is.
Any attempt at discussion quickly degenerates into meaningless noise, at best, and vituperative name-calling at anything less-than-best.
So the hell with it.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
If all the people who claim they read the 9/11 Commission report
If all the people who claim they read the 9/11 Commission report really read the report, we wouldn't have to argue about all this. The foundation of facts is there, and has never been seriously disputed.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
9/11 commission report contributors themselves say it’s tainted.
From John Farmer’s Wikipedia page:
That doesn't say what you think it says
"[A]t some point in time, a decision was made not to tell the truth about the national response to the attacks on the morning of 9/11" (emphasis added)
Not "the attacks" - the national response to the attacks.
We now know there were some hinky things about "the national response", like a totally premature declaration that the air at the 9/11 WTC site was "safe to breathe" (boy howdy it wasn't!).
One might also add Cowboy Bush's instructions to "go shopping".
One might add that government agencies had been falling all over their own and each other's feet before, during and after the event.
This isn't Evil Grand Conspiracy stuff - it's Grand-Scale Clusterfuck.
It amazes me how so many people cannot or will not see that a given administration can be evil and stupid and incompetent, all at the same time. This even with the glaring example of Hurricane Katrina, which was more of the same and much, much worse.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
They want us to believe in cartoon super-villains
According to 9/11 "truther" (or whatever they want to me called) dogma, the Bush administration may have been incompetent at everything -- but somehow they managed to perfectly engineer and/or facilitate the 9/11 attacks in a secret act of treason without leaving behind any witnesses or concrete evidence.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Cartoon Villains Like Osama Bin Laden?
He and the 200 cave dwellers that we elevated to world "leaders" which precipitated the destruction of several countries that had no national connection to the 19 terrorists?
Cartoon villainy, indeed.
Funny how the PNAC's American Peace pogrom just flowed right from that, eh? Irony or coincidence? Definitely not conspiracy?
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Funny that their incompetence did not extend to implementing the PNAC plan for perpetual war.
Why Are These Clowns Winning (highly recommended piece)
Bush is widely recognized as the worst president of our time, perhaps history. And that's true from our perspective or the perspective that they pretended to have -- progress, security, and freedom for the American citizen.
On those standards, he was quite the loser and quite unsuccessful: tanked the economy, removed privacy, mired in perpetual war -- all of these massive failures to civil society.
But if you look at the goals of the Republican National Sabotage brigade -- Starve the Beast, create a new existential threat to rationalize perpetual war, degrade democracy and personal privacy, reward his corporate pals, etc, Bush was a smashing success.
He got everything except for Social Security. Everything!
So, if you look at the national response to 911 as protecting America, it was a failure. But if you look at it as a pretext, a convenient excuse to conduct perpetual war and implement command and control and psyops on the population, it was a smashing success.
Here we are 15 years later with a Democratic President droning, invading, spying domestically, etc?
Mission Accomplished.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Thumbs up
I agree, but none of this means the Bush administration followed the LIHOP/MIHOP scenario, for which we have no evidence. There is evidence that planning for the invasion of Iraq was underway early in 2001. There is more evidence they wanted to use the 9/11 attacks as an excuse to attack Iraq. The source is Richard Clarke:
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Right, a Catastrophic Pearl Harbor Type Event...
In case you missed it, we invaded Iraq 18 months later after a year of the drumbeats of war.
Maybe in 2041 we'll get the 3" rise of the backseat of JFK's limo, shattering the official story. It is possible that it will be an Occam's Razor event. I don't know.
All I know is that the official story stinks and led directly to the PNAC's pursuit of the American Peace. Lies surrounded the entire thing.
A confluence of events? Perhaps.
How about Powell's lies?
Was that impossible to be an inside job? We've never gotten actual confirmation that he "lied". Where's the proof? We should just stick to the official facts and accept the fact that he believed what he was selling to the UN?
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
"All I know is that the official story stinks"
"All I know is that the official story stinks" is not a logical case for LIHOP/MIHOP. I assume that by "official story" you are referring to the 9/11 Commission report, even though it is not the Bush administration's explanation of what happened.
Please read the report, it is fairly short and well-written.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
It has been referred to as a fraud & whitewash"
These writers who object to the report give reasons to back up their objections.
Vanity Fair
The Path to 9/11: Lost Warnings and Fatal Errors
Harper's Magazine
Whitewash as public service:
How The 9/11 Commission Report defrauds the nation
By Benjamin DeMott
We know it's not the whole truth but I think it should be the basis for further inquiry and any objections to it should be backed up with good reasons and evidence.
To thine own self be true.
"you've covered your ass,
(Barnie)... " spoken by G. Dubya to some security liaison when said liaison attempted to present intel of imminent attack to Dubya.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
There can be no common ground between
those who think that 19 fanatics with boxcutters fucked up the city of New York, the Pentagon, and the US Government;
and those who think that the US government intentionally fucked up the city of New York and the Pentagon, and tried to fuck itself up as well. (Where was that fourth plane headed? The White House? The Capitol?)
Some people just can't face the fact that Random Shit does happen, and can happen to anybody. They find it more comforting(!) to think that their own government hates them and wants to kill them. That superimposes "meaning", albeit of a diabolical kind, on otherwise meaningless events.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Considering your sig line I find it curious you wouldn't want
to know what Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, etc., knew about the attack by 19 Arabs with boxcutters and if they did have prior knowledge, which they did, there's no doubt about that, why they didn't do anything about it? It would seem you'd like an answer from Rice on what she actually meant by the new revelation that she "didn't want to start the timeline".
If Bush, Cheney et all, who are fucking despised on this site, who started illegal wars, enacted unconstitutional laws with the help of a subservient Congress, knew or had anything at all to do with it, wouldn't you want to know for sure?
It appears not. You appear to want to believe Bush, Cheney and company and let it go while criticizing anyone who won't.
I made my position quite clear some time ago:
Bush & Co had their heads shoved so far up their asses that they weren't able to realize what was coming at them, or to respond effectively when it did happen - and they made a lot of bad and wrong decisions because they still hadn't pulled their heads out.
They repeated the exact same pattern with Hurricane Katrina, with far less excuse.
Edit: And I do not intend to waste any more time responding to people who think I'm nuts.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Me, I don't fit
in either of your two categories. While I am firmly convinced that there was much more behind 9/11 than has been publicly acknowledged, I do not insist that "the US government" was solely, or even mostly responsible. I do think that some part of it, or some group(s) within it, must have been at least complicit, if not actively involved. It doesn't look at all like Random Shit to me.
But you're right, there's little common ground among the various theories. I consider the Official Story to be but one theory among many, and far from the most credible one.
As always, spot on analysis
So glad you're here.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
But we can trust the NIST like we can trust the FBI, right?
Amazing isn't it?
The same government that wanted us to believe that the Iraqis were throwing babies out of incubators, that Saddam had WMDs, that Jessica Lynch was rescued in a daring raid by the troops, Assad used sarin gas on his people and numerous other lies.
The passport that was found intact enough to read a few blocks from ground zero was a nice touch.
And that Pat Tillman died during a brave run up the hill, except he didn't die that way.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
The idea that science, evidence, and reason may support
interpretations of politically fateful events at variance with the reports of committees of government insiders, is received by some as threatening in the extreme.
This leads to special care needing to be taken so that discussion of such interpretations is not shut down.