Yeah, I remember Nine Eleven. I was on my way to teach a morning class and by the time that class was over, I was shocked to hear that both of the towers had collapsed.
Almost as soon as it became clear that it was a terrorist attack, the feelings of anger began to well up within me, but the anger I was feeling was definitely not the kind of anger that Bush was modelling for the media to transmit to the American people.
My anger was directed at America's leaders whom I could see were clearly responsible for this horrifying development.
Their meddling in in the affairs of countries on the other side of the world had finally inspired deadly attacks on us, here in America, by people had become enraged at the victimization of their people at the hands of our country's leaders.
But that was not the spin that Bush and Cheney were giving us. They declared that the horrible acts were carried out by a dastardly enemy whose sole motivation was that they hate us...they hate our way of life...they hate our freedom. No real issues involved that could possibly matter...they just hate us.
For the most gullible---and uninformed---and patriotic among us, that was all they needed to know: that some people out there detest us for no good reason, so we must use all of our military and economic muscle make them pay for their hurtful actions, hurt them back so hard, they will be afraid to do such a thing ever again.
And our much heralded Free Press lapped it all up, did their level best to foment a unity of purpose among our people, centered around an inchoate anger toward what they now saw as a very threatening 'Other' that we needed to be at war against.
I was angry because I was quite aware of the reason this attack occurred. It was America's support of Israel's colonization of Palestine, pure and simple. Osama Bin Laden made that perfectly clear within days/hours after the attack.
By establishing America as Israel's very powerful protector/enabler, America's leaders had made Israel's conflict with the people they displaced our problem, thereby putting us all in the cross hairs of Greater Arabia's warrior class.
And make no mistake about it. It was not Islam that was attacking America. It was another tribe's warrior class.
You see, every tribe around the world has its own Warrior Class. We are talking about a specific social group within every tribe that is typically populated by impressionable young men with a lot of testosterone + aged warriors from an earlier era (who have a lot of stories to tell about their great acts of courage) who all strongly identify with the high purpose of being Defenders of The Tribe from all its external threats.
It is this warrior ethic that was responsible for the Nine Eleven attacks, not the particular religion that they all subscribed to. Yes, the terrorists clearly believed that their actions were justified by their religion, but that is what we see in all tribes: America's Christian soldiers believing that their noble actions are approved by God, Hindu soldiers believing the same regarding their's the same with all soldiers subscribing to every religious tradition.
They all clutch a handful of rationalizations that convince them that their religion approves of their actions to defend the tribe, but in all honesty, they would do it anyway---without any religious orientation---simply because they want to be perceived as heroes of their Tribe, deserving of the loftiest expressions of approval, if they participate in actions that will supposedly defend the tribe from some great threat.
When I listen to the aggressive patriotism that many of America's political & military leaders (like Hillary Clinton) are inclined to express on days like Nine Eleven, I can't help but think about the hard lesson the German people learned about patriotism when they listened to one of the most patriotic individuals of their entire history, Adolph Hitler.
No German leader had ever had stronger feelings of patriotism, or more pride in Germany's achievements/values, than Hitler. But because a sufficient number of Germany's upper class allowed him to seduce them with his professed love of country, the German people ended up suffering the loss of millions of lives, the utter destruction of their cities, and an embarrassing ruining of their reputation as a people for several generations.
That's what happens---all too often---when people listen to those public personalities with swords in their hands who want you to know that they are great patriots who are more than happy to risk your lives in order to pursue some noble cause.
And yes, the ultimate blame for this belongs with those impressionable idiots in the media who do not realize that it is their tribal duty to question the boasts and the claims and the warnings of those who claim to be their tribe's greatest of patriots.
So yes, the anger still lingers and I am reminded of it every anniversary of Nine Eleven, when I have to listen to the crap spewing from the mouths of oh-so-patriotic politicians, like Hillary Clinton.
Can we please not let that war-monger get elected into office?

I'd like to make it clear....
...that I do not blame the patriotism that inspires the average foot soldiers who follow orders. Their desire/willingness to risk much to defend the tribe is honorable, as far as it goes. The problem is that they are so easily manipulated---not their own fault---by leaders who talk the talk to gain their support.
These soldiers depend on their leaders to not get them into life-threatening situations that are not 100% justified as absolutely necessary to defend the tribe from a real threat. They don't want to die/suffer in vain. That is why they are often the first victims of the misguided patriotism of bad leaders. Their victimization is a great as any suffered by any people...
James Kroeger
That thought motivated Robert Heinlein to envision a society
where only combat veterans get to vote.
Another alternative thinker proposed giving combat veterans a vote counting 3 times as much as a non-veteran’s vote.
Just my two cents after being in a peacetime
Army, that patriotism is many times patriotism for one's individual unit also, not merely or even necessarily political patriotism. While I have never served anywhere near combat, I got out right before Gulf One, at the time I did feel guilty for not going over there, but most of that was about not being there for people I knew and was friends with who had to go. But that too is tribal and while it isn't political, it does enforce the tribe mentality and protection of the tribe. And our leaders do know exactly how to manipulate that and they do.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
You cut through the chase on this one
without resorting to labeling any of us who do subscribe to many of the 'truther' points of view. I personally appreciate that.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Just. Wow.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
"Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel",
to quote Dr. Sam: Johnson.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Except that what's termed
Except that what's termed 'patriotism' in such cases is not a love of country but a pathological egotism where 'we' must be 'the best' and 'only'...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
The lesson... that sometimes the greatest threat to a people is not some 'other' that their leaders are pointing to, but is actually the leaders, themselves, who are doing the pointing.
James Kroeger
The really depressing thing is that
just under four years later, they went the Congress of Vienna one worse - the Congress, legendarily, had "learned nothing and forgotten nothing". Hurricane Katrina proved that BushCo had learned nothing and forgotten EVERYTHING.
This event was NOT a surprise, NOT something that couldn't be seen coming, and NOT something that "nobody could have expected". It was totally foreseen, totally predicted, and tracked with great accuracy - yet it was an appalling disaster all the same, precisely because of the malignant incompetence of BushCo.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
A disaster from a human
A disaster from a human perspective - but didn't a lot of The Right People plan to make a lot of money in redevelopment, etc. (pricing the previous inhabitants out of their home areas) from the sacrifice of New Orleans and her people? I seem to recall a Bush matriarch expressing her fat-headness in a comment to the effect of 'they don't feel it the way we would', perhaps since the (so-disposable) poors losing everything essentially lose nothing by the standards of the oligarchs. Or perhaps because predominately Black lives (whether regarding quality of life or as continued lives, period) don't matter to them. Or, more likely, both.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Why I call it "malignant incompetence"
They don't care who gets caught in their clusterfucks, as long as it isn't any of the "Right People" (i.e. the .01%).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
The tribal analogy is fitting
The you warriors look to the older ones as voices of experience, from people who "made it through" the last battle. The problem existing ever since the invention of organized military force is that the warrior culture is steeped in one inviolate rule: follow the chain of command, do what they say unquestioning. Our warrior class, like the rest of the population of any tribe is fed from cradle to grave by self-justifying reasons to fight somebody else. And in most of the cases, the war is fought strictly to protect and enhance the power for the rich. The primary remedy for this is a free and independent press--I think that institution is AWOL.
I've been watching a series on World War I (ten minutes at a time during aerobic workouts) and it continually blows my mind to see how the warrior class leaders of that era slaughtered/maimed millions of their nations' everyday citizen soldiers for no good reason at all.
The leaders of all of the belligerent nations that participated in the carnage could have easily stepped away from the decision to go to war and could have saved upteen millions of their people from death and mutilation and horror, but they all talked themselves into seeing an intolerable threat to...something...that they actually could have lived with = tolerated without any bad thing happening to their people. Only the Deciders would have had to face some embarrassment over reneging on some of their previous nobly expressed pledges.
And in every case, the insane propositions of the leadership class were able to carry the day only because the Free Press in most of the belligerent nations readily took up the battle cry and reveled in the glorious drama of it all. Because war psychology and social dynamics are so powerful, having a free press doesn't actually protect you from anything.
IMO, the only hope we have of avoiding these disasters rests on politically attuned and historically knowledgeable anti-war citizens joining their voices together to push back hard against the pro-war talk, and with a great sense of alarm. In this age of modern internet communications, we just might be able to stop the next big one, but as we can see today, it ain't easy...
James Kroeger
That's why the press was so enthusiastic. Just like the 'beans, bullets and boots' crowd- let's go make some MONEY! ! ! and kill a bumch of people too, but we don't care about that 'cause MONEY!
And you're right, we're back at it again, new and improved, even!
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
My thoughts exactly
As I read this essay, the first thing to come to mind is how extreme the influence of ultra rich military contractors is on all of us. We live in an oil economy because oil powers the weapons of destruction to a large extent. Without oil, all those vehicles, planes, tanks, ships, etc., would not run. Yes, we do have some nuclear carriers and submarines to assure we can anihalate mankind as a last resort... but that will only happen if those who control the MIC realize their power and control over the global economy and wealth has been overwhelmed. And to ice the cake, we know have leaders who are supporting development of weapons to win a "survivable" nuclear conflagration... your "new and improved " people/society/nation killers
Our support of Al Queda, which we are still militarily connected to, our support of leaders like Saddam, our support of Israel, our support of Saudi elites...all military, and all guaranties of perpetual war for profit, and protection of our control of the fossil fuel. Now we are going to elect the Clinton War Machine that has been directly responsible for a lot of those arms deals, and personally enriched by alliances with the MIC/ US Military
The media is nothing more than a propaganda/ euthanasia arm of the bastards that sell arms to both sides of every conflict.
You are right, but....
I appreciate your analysis of the tribal warrior class, which all societies have, and how they are used to manipulate people into war. You are not the first to talk about this, but it bears repeating as it is an important a factor in our politics now, as in the past. You do an excellent job of describing the problem. However.....
Please be advised that the theory that the 9/11 attacks were carried out only by a handful of Arabs armed with boxcutters is a myth. Assuming that they were involved at all (there is some doubt about that), they could not have succeeded on their own in not only crashing planes into buildings, but in making those buildings collapse. By now, 15 years after the event, there have been some very good independent investigations by highly qualified scientists, that have determined that explosives were used to bring down the World Trade Center towers 1 and 2, plus WTC building 7. The evidence is out there for anyone who cares to consider it. I can understand people who don't want to. It is most unpleasant to consider that we have a faction in our military-industrial complex that is willing to do terrible things to get their way. But it is one hell of a problem, and we do ourselves no favor by ignoring it.
In any case, whenever considering the 9/11 attacks, it is a good idea to ask the basic question, "who benefited?" People of islamic faith certainly did not, people in Iraq, Afghanistan and other parts of the middle east certainly did not, and the people of the United States have not. It was clear at the time, and still is, that the main beneficiaries of the 9/11 attacks were arms manufacturers, police agencies, the military and all those in our society of an authoritarian cast of mind. The 9/11 attacks have been used as a club to beat us over the head whenever we ask why we can't have a society dedicated to human and environmental welfare, why we can't have full employment, universal health care, a sane foreign policy based on international cooperation, etc. "But, the terrorists...." is the refrain, and we are off on another round of fear-mongering.
If we are ever to break this vicious circle, we will have to stop pretending that the 9/11 attacks were just the doing of a band of Arabs with boxcutters, acting at the behest of a charismatic Saudi residing in Afghanistan. Let's put aside our fear and talk about 9/11 honestly.
Read the NIST report on WTC 7
Here's some honesty for ya. There were no explosives. That is nonsense. Read the NIST report.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
They don't acept ANY source that doesn't support
"The Evil US Gubmint Did It". The same Evil US Gubmint that was too malignantly incompetent to protect the city of New Orleans - and large stretches of the Gulf Coast - from a hurricane that everybody could see coming for a week.
Any source that does not support the "planted explosives" conspiracy theory will be derided as "lies", "tainted", a "cover-up", or the new popular pejorative, "Fristing".
It is just not possible to reach some people.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
claims and evidence
Never mind that all such CT (conspiracy theory) falls securely under the heading of "Extraordinary Claims", which require extraordinary evidence.
It was observed -- by at least two million people directly in metro New York City and by hundreds of millions of people worldwide via television -- that several hijacked heavily-fueled jumbo airliners crashed into the World Trade Center towers, and as a direct result of said crashes, the towers caught fire and subsequently collapsed. These facts are not disputed by any human being sane enough to be considered on the subject, and are the ordinary claims supported by repeatedly observed direct evidence. The reliability of that direct evidence -- the observations -- is sufficient to make those the ordinary claims.
As to any CT nonsense, donde está the direct evidence? (Or as we said in the 1980s, "Where's the beef?") As in, where were actual explosive charges found -- or the facilities used to make them? Or some publicly named perpetrators who are facing reasonable chances of conviction for such crimes even with decent-quality defense attorneys? I ask any reader of this Comment to please note that in addition to direct evidence that such a perpetrator committed the crime, corroboration in the traditional forms of motive, means, and opportunity would also be required in such a case, as well as full, free, and public, unredacted allocution as part and parcel of the resulting prosecution...
The CTers don't even want to lift the burden of ordinary evidence for their claims. They really don't want to tackle the burden their claims actually bear -- that of extraordinary direct affirmative evidence.
But, as you point out, The Other Maven, that never stops them......
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Who is this "They"?
You could at least acknowledge that you are responding to a post by a specific person, who may not conform to your stereotypes.
As I stated in my previous post, the evidence is out there for anyone who cares to look. Apparently, you do not.
Re: Read the NIST report on WTC 7
I have. You should read this, linked below:
25 points of specific concern in the NIST WTC reports
The ones who hated the
The ones who hated the egalitarian ideal of the freedoms of Western civilization were corporate interests, ably represented by the Bush Admin, direct from polluting industries, in which I include the pharmaceutical branch of the intertwined/affiliated fossil fuel/petrochemical/GOM/nanotech industries. And they were the ones who took those inalienable rights from the American people (among those of many others in other countries) under the excuse of 9/11.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.