
The Weekly Watch


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What is patriotism? The standard dictionary definition reads “love of one’s country.” However, it seems that patriotism is often confused with nationalism.

Nationalism is about power: its adherent wants to acquire as much power and prestige as possible for his nation, in which he submerges his individuality. While nationalism is accordingly aggressive, patriotism is defensive: it is a devotion to a particular place and a way of life one thinks best, but has no wish to impose on others (Orwell 1968, 362)

Based on Orwell's definition, the US is full of nationalists rather than patriots. I like the idea of loyalty to place. I think America the Beautiful would be a better national anthem celebrating our natural beauty rather than our bombs bursting in air.

A Poem for July 4.
1904 version

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!

Having served and survived I have empathy for those who also did

Memorial Day focuses on death and physical injury. Some folk also understand PTSD. What is almost never mentioned is the universal damage military service does to people. You hear that it "builds character" and similar excuses for the harm it does.

To see what I am getting at you have to step out of the box they put us all in. War has been with us since the country began and it is no wonder that it is a basis for our culture.


Yeah, I remember Nine Eleven. I was on my way to teach a morning class and by the time that class was over, I was shocked to hear that both of the towers had collapsed.

Almost as soon as it became clear that it was a terrorist attack, the feelings of anger began to well up within me, but the anger I was feeling was definitely not the kind of anger that Bush was modelling for the media to transmit to the American people.

My anger was directed at America's leaders whom I could see were clearly responsible for this horrifying development.

Hellraisers Journal: War, Patriotism, and Wage Reductions to Beat the “Barbarous” German Workers

The working class has no country.
The employing class has stolen them all.
-Robert Minor

Sunday May 21, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: War and Wages by Robert Minor

From this month's Review, some thoughts on War, Patriotism, and International Solidarity:

WWI, When They Ask You, Robert Minor, ISR, May 1916.png

Hellraisers Journal: Barbarous Mexico by John Kenneth Turner, "The Book of the Hour"

There are no limits to which powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Sunday April 2, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: "The Book of the Hour

Hellraisers Journal: John Sloan & Charles Erskine Scott Wood on "Patriotism" from The Masses

Let those who own the country, who are howling for and profiting
by preparedness, fight to defend their property.
-Elizabeth Gurley Flynn

Saturday December 18, 1916
From The Masses: "Do You Believe in Patriotism?" Part II

In the March issue of The Masses, various Socialist writers responded to the question, "Do you believe in Patriotism?" Yesterday Hellraisers featured the answers to that question from two prominent Socialists women, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn and Sara Bard Field. Today's edition features the responses of John Sloan and Charles Erskine Scott Wood:

From John Sloan

the masses cover june 1914 ludlow (2).jpg

If I had to love a country I could love no country but this, nor could I find a fitter one to hate.

I put Patriotism with the other isms,-Militarism, Anarchism, Capitalism, Individualism, Socialism, Dogmatism, Catholicism, Protestantism and Rheumatism (I had almost written Catechism), but I am answering your question. I hope that social progress will eliminate all isms-though in the case of Futurism we have a hard one to catch.

Patriotism licks the boot of capitalism and until the earth-worms get the latter's carcass, he will need patriots. As the wage system will never enable the people of any country to consume all their products with a profit to the owning class, foreign markets are a necessity to be fought for. Patriotism is a potent means of providing the fighters. Conscription is another powerful persuader and Our Country has both (see Dick military law passed by congress in 1903 and 1908).

Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn & Sara Bard Field on "Patriotism" from The Masses

Let those who own the country, who are howling for and profiting
by preparedness, fight to defend their property.
-Elizabeth Gurley Flynn

Friday March 17, 1916
From The Masses: "Do You Believe in Patriotism?" Part I

In the March issue of The Masses, various Socialist writers respond to the question, "Do you believe in Patriotism?" Today Hellraisers features the answers to that question from two prominent Socialist women, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn and Sara Bard Field. Tomorrow's edition will feature the responses of John Sloan and Charles Erskine Scott Wood. K. R. Chamberlin also offers an artistic answer to the question:

Artist K. R. Chamberlain on Patriotism

Patriotism by KR Chamberlain, The Masses, Mar 1916.png
PATRIOTISM by K. R. Chamberlain.
The Editor, the Munition Maker and Investor: "Outrage! American Killed in Mexico! War!"

Hellraisers Journal: From The Masses: Art Young on Munitions Makers Fanning the Flames of Hatred

You put a gun in my hand and you hide from my eyes,
Then you turn and run farther when the fast bullet fly.
-Bob Dyaln

Monday February 28, 1916
From The Masses: The Munition Maker & Uncle Sam

This month's Masses expressed a few thoughts on the war now raging in Europe. We found the following drawing by Art Young to be especially relevant.

"It's a Great Country" by Art Young:

The Masses, The munition maker and Uncle Sam by Art Young, Feb 1916.png
The munition maker has made us hated in Europe, and now we must buy munitions
from him to defend ourselves against that hatred.