Clinton, DNC and Obama Claim Russians Hacking Elections. Where's the Proof?
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." Markos Moulitsas, founder and owner of Daily Kos.
So, why is the media pushing this story of Russian cyber attacks and hacks into the DNC, DCCC and Hillary computers and servers. Why the claims that Putin is trying to hack our elections, based on nothing more than bald-faced assertions and anonymous sources without any shred of evidence being presented? Isn't that the essence of a conspiracy theory where one has nothing more than vague suspicions and speculation to support the claims being made?
And why is the media reporting it as fact that our elections can be hacked when a few months earlier, after mounds of evidence that there existed statistically significant evidence that voting machines likely were hacked to flip votes to Hillary and away from Bernie, and that voting rolls were purged or people's registration information changed to benefit Hillary? Sanders supporters were called conspiracy theorists and tin foil hat nutjobs, because our voting on electronic machines was completely safe and anyone who said anything otherwise was crazy, a liar or a Trump supporter, blah, blah, blah.
Yet, suddenly now these same "safe" e-voting machines can be hacked? And suddenly the Russians are behind these hacks on the DNC, DCCC, and state voter registration databases, and also the Guccifer 2,0 and wikileaks disclosures? Not one solid piece of evidence has been offered by anyone in the Clinton campaign to support these allegations, yet the media is repeating this story as fact. Even President Obama is now "warning" Russia not to influence our elections and saying they are likely behind the hacks of the Clinton campaign and DNC.
What suddenly changed to make it clear to the media that our e-voting machines were vulnerable to hackers and that Putin and Russia is behind the wikileaks and Guccifer 2.0 hacks other than mere allegations made by Clinton and her campaign and a few "anonymous" sources?
Why is the media pushing a conspiracy theory without asking for evidence of any kind other than anonymous sources and statements by Clinton, her surrogates and now the President, when previously the media ignored or dismissed as conspiracy theories the evidence presented by experts on election fraud that showed clear evidence that hacking of e-voting machines in favor of Clinton very likely affected Bernie Sanders chances in the Democratic Primaries?
Why did the media dismiss Sanders supporters well supported election fraud claims as a tin foil hat conspiracy theory conspiracy theory only a few months ago, but unsupported claims of Russian cyber attacks and hacking of the Clinton campaign is accepted now uncritically as fact without any shred of evidence to support those allegations?
Democracy Lost: A Report on the Fatally
Flawed 2016 Democratic Primaries
Stanford Study
An Electoral System in Crisis
Clinton Campaign Says There Is a "Direct Link" Between Trump and Russian Hackers
Obama: 'Possible' Russia interfering in US election

Oh well, of course...
it has to be the Russians, I mean come on, who wants to destroy the US more than the Russians, ya know, gosh don't you know the Russian's are bad? What's wrong with you? (snark)
I think this has something to do with it....
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Oh goody, I'm the first one here!
But 10 other comments will probably pop up while I type this friggin' thing, because I'm both verbose and a perfectionist.
First of all, so wonderful to see you, Steven! You are the bees knees, man, and I'm glad you are on the road to recovery.
Second, Hillary Clinton's campaign is royally fucking up everything they touch. I don't understand it, really, but that's what Democrats are best at: squandering victory at every opportunity. Jesus Christ, these people are the worst campaigners in modern history.
Clinton's campaign has to keep the focus on things other than herself because she's a terrible, awful, no good, very bad candidate. Hillary is so full of flaws and has such a shady history that no one is buying the shit she is selling, still. This is why they are claiming that the Russians are hacking shit when they have no legitimate proof -- it keeps the lotus of the election news on how bad other people are instead of how good Hillary Clinton is. Because Hillary Clinton is not at all good.
Thanks to recommendations from other c99p folks, I now check out websites I was unfamiliar with and had never checked out before. has been a favorite of mine, and this article really captures the heart of the absolute stupidity of the Clinton campaign:
I hope that didn't violate Fair Use, but I parred it down as best I could. The whole article is really spot on.
Hillary is going to lose this fuckin' thing and we are gonna be stuck with President Trump. I don't even know what to say anymore.
To add to today's to do list: look up how to emigrate to a Scandinavian country, or Canada.
I miss Colorado.
apologies, my comment got there first... (
way too much coffee today) and yours is so much more, well, better (lol)
Secondly, I think your absolutely spot on
Key word, "STILL". Can ya believe it? Same shit, different day, and new clothes, really, really expensive ones.
Oh, I see, only $7,500 not over 12 grand, for a coat. While I would'nt want her to be without clothes, do you, or anyone else for that matter, NEED, casual / dressy clothes that cost 7500 or more? WTF?
This video from RT, is a bit more about Trump's interview with Larry King, but ...Lionel Lebron, from Lionel Nation YT channel, his reply is epic (rant, "it's Larry King..."), about what is happening with the Hillary campaign and all this Russia bashing and it's the Russians.
Same script, different day. Hollywood only has 3 ya know, or so I've been told.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
No worries, Shiz--
she'll "win."
Whatever you have to worry about in November, you don't have to worry about President Trump.
Anybody who can rig a primary like that don't need no stinkin' voters.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Nothing original about Markos--
That quote "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof" was originate by Marcello Truzzi, a paranormal investigator who was a notable skeptic of the pseudo-sciences.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
...and also a skeptic of pseudoskeptics...
...who dismiss or ignore evidence offhand, without investigation.
The proof is with the deleted eMails.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
We have been prepared to accept the "official" results
The worst-case scenario is that the election is close enough for either side to manipulate. If Hillary wins, then the Democrats will pretend that no hacking happened as the Republican veterans of vote manipulation cry foul. If she loses, the Russians did it because of Trump's connections to Putin and the Mafiya and they both prefer him in office. Either way, the public will have been denied an honest accounting of their voting. TPTB want no trouble over their selection for president.
Edited for title typo
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
No, we haven't
those days are over.
If Hillary wins, the fix is in. She can't draw over a couple hundred people to freakin' campaign appearances. Nobody wants her except a bunch of online partisans, half of who won't actually get up off their ass and vote come November. The other half is only voting out of "fear", but the Fear of Trump is on the downslide again. If you're a fan of poll numbers (which I'm not, but I'm just sayin'...), his are on the upswing again because people do NOT want to vote for Clinton.
If Trump wins, it would be no surprise at all. People are going to vote for him and they might vote in enough numbers to beat Stein and Johnson, and keep Clinton from getting a firm majority. The only reason they so desperately push this narrative is that they don't want you voting third party. Too bad, so sad for them....
About 60% of voters will be voting against a candidate
rather than for a candidate. There are non-primates that, if given fair media coverage, could get 40% of the vote against Trump and Clinton.
Yup, and that's probably a good guesstimate
Which means it is also worth noting that we must stop acting and reacting as if there are only two candidates. That's not true. And this is the year to prove it, if ever there was one...
Indeed! I have one of those non-primates living in my house, a feline named Chocolate.....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
A related question might be,
who is behind this non-stop, anti-Russian media blitz? No matter where we look, in "Western" news outlets, we get a thoroughly biased version of Russia's actions and motives. The News Industry is spreading disinformation in ways large and small, intentionally ramping up hostility to Putin, and rather obviously trying to create a political climate favorable to war.
Current attempts to blame "the Russians" for hacking DNC emails are just the latest iterance of an ongoing campaign. I believe this is being coordinated at the highest levels of the US government, with the compliance of most major news organizations.
Something very similar occurred throughout 2002 and into 2003, in preparation for the invasion of Iraq. War drums all have a certain sound, no matter which war they are drumming for. I am hearing them clearly right now - they are getting louder, and the tempo is increasing. Coincidentally, an aggressive interventionist is about to be elected as America's "Commander in Chief".
Did you really have to ask?
It should be obvious that DoD--the Pentagon, the military brass--they're pushing for this. Got to keep the war machine cranking out armaments. There's a huge stockpile, they've got to use some of it, so they can build more!
Yes, and Ash Carter
is certainly among the worst of the current crop. But who appointed him as SecDef? Our very own Nobel Peace Prize winner, Mr. Hoper and Changer. Carter's previous specialty being a strange hybrid of nuclear arms control and weapons procurement. The rot goes deep into the bowels of the "National Security" establishment, and I suspect the CIA of being close to the center of it. DCI John Brennan, another Obama appointee, serves at the pleasure of shadowy masters, about whom we know next to nothing.
Rumor has it Putin has her emails
He and Assange are holding a Damocles sword over her coronation. If they really do have the goods and they really do release them...
The full-court press against the Russians has me thinking Putin and Assange are not bluffing.
You expressed something that occurred to me. (My time at TOP has created within me a deep fear of expressing anything that could be labelled a conspiracy theory.)
Suppose Putin or Assange does have the goods. The Clintons and all those who surround them have created an environment where, no matter what the emails show, the focus will be on . . . Putin.
An email comes out with a list of "suggested contributions to the Clinton Foundation for various State Department services. You aren't going to let the Russians put Trump in office are you? What kind of American are you?
Actually, I'm thinking it's just one more "Squirrel!"
Anything to detract focus on her actual competency and policies. The whole Russia! thing is another version of her "Trump is evil!" gambit. Keep the focus and blame on things and people who are not her and do your best to discredit anyone who tries to focus on her weakness as a potential POTUS.
Any error of judgement or otherwise while she's in office will most likely be met with even harsher PR measures. Which means she's another Bush Jr. and will start or escalate wars just for political gain.
Trump might accidentally get us into Ww3. Hillary and her media-savvy minions have most likely planned it all out.
the use of the term "squirrel"
I've seen it used now and then and it brings back fond memories of David Brin's book BRIGHTNESS REEF. Where one of the other races asked if there was some creature from the human's home planet that was looked down on and made fun or. The answer given was "Squirrel", and when the other races wanted to insult or argue back to the humans, they were promptly shouted down with "Squirrel SQUIRREL"
Or us there another source?
Rocky and Bullwinkle. What other squirrel is there that has ties to the Russians?
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Actually, I'm thinking it's just one more "Squirrel!"
Anything to detract focus on her actual competency and policies. The whole Russia! thing is another version of her "Trump is evil!" gambit. Keep the focus and blame on things and people who are not her and do your best to discredit anyone who tries to focus on her weakness as a potential POTUS.
Any error of judgement or otherwise while she's in office will most likely be met with even harsher PR measures. Which means she's another Bush Jr. and will start or escalate wars just for political gain.
Trump might accidentally get us into Ww3. Hillary and her media-savvy minions have most likely planned it all out.
You know, this doesn't mesh with past Russian
I would think Russia would be far more likely to sit on intel re Hillary than to release it to the world, because it has far more potency as a threat that info will be released than it does as a simple release. Further, isn't it far more potent a threat against a sitting president than a mere candidate?
It is clear to me that this is a double header, propaganda-wise. Not only do we increase citizen's unease about Russia (pulling from cold war days), but this is an attempt to besmirch Assange and Wikileaks. It is an attempt to assail the veracity of any email releases by Wikileaks.
Much as I love the 1985 movie “Back to the Future,”
whenever I see it I always have to ask myself, “All right, which brainwashing outfit was it exactly, that decreed the villains should be Libyans?”
Gaddhafi? He was always a dead man walking. They’d already set him up long before his time — long before his time.
CNN Breaking News - Republicans now believe that Russia
is behind the hacking of the DNC computer systems, the various state voting systems--yada, yada, yada.
(The story being that returning lawmakers--both parties--have been briefed, and provided 'evidence' by various Agencies that Russia is behind these breaches. The White House is studying 'what to do about it.')
Further proof that 'the One Percent rules.'
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR) - Dogs Available For Adoption
Update: Misty May has been adopted. Yeah!
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Oh, such piffle they're pushing, honest to FSM...
A LOT of folks are way, way ahead of CNN on this, and they know it's bullshit. They know it's such bullshit that they're doing what we're doing here--laughing and mocking it ...
One word...
Trump. The media is pushing this bullshit because freakin' Donald Trump is tied with the best-known, best-financed presidential candidate in history. The Coronation is imperiled by a looney New York real estate developer, and the MSM just can't stand it that the little people have learned Her Majesty has no clothes.
Us proles already know that Madame Empress Has No Clothes
and I don't care how much CNN has to say about "Trump"--all those emails state unequivocally what actually went down over time, and they show collusion with the DNC and the Clinton campaign, and the American media.
Let them run their stupid coordinated bullshit machines. They are liars and not only do they know it, they know WE know it. Their desperation is almost pathetic at this point.
You've nailed it, EDG. The
corporate masters/the One Percent must be in panic mode to put out a story about Republicans 'seeing the light' about the hacked Dem Party (and state voting) systems. I seriously doubt that more than a handful of the most corporatist neoliberal Repubs are willing to join corporatist Dems in this Kabuki Theater; but, to hear Wolf talk, you'd think 'the Russians are coming!'--literally.
OTOH, I worry a bit that talking heads may be able to sell a story like this, considering the prevalence of low(er) information voters in some quarters. For instance, I heard (on XM Radio) a Dude conducting man-on-the-street interviews on a Fox News Channel show--don't know the name of the show, or the host--only that he's a millennial, since he brought it up. Unfortunately, the majority of the interviewees not only couldn't name their own US Representatives and/or Senators--they couldn't even name the VP of the United States, or even recognize his photo--although, a couple said 'he looked familiar.'
Now, that's downright scary!
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR) - Dogs Available For Adoption
Update: Misty May has been adopted. Yeah!
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I wonder how many emails the U.S. has stolen via
hacking foreign dignitaries and heads of state? Oh, wait. We are the good guys. Our gov't would never dream of committing such a criminal act. Plus it's just downright unfriendly! I don't know why we sell arms.
Blaming the Russians. Of course they did it. Now the DNC has the perfect cover up for hacked voting machines.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage