How to campaign against Hillary Clinton.
Bernie Sanders was too much of a gentlemen to do this, but he probably could have routed Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Primaries by a large enough margin to overcome all the blatant cheating and voter disenfranchisement --- had he added this kind of attack line into his daily campaigning each day:
[video: width:640 height:480]
Donald Trump will hit Clinton right where she is supposed to be the strongest: her (so-called) "experience" and "readiness" (?) to be U.S. President. Dr. Jill Stein also does this as well.
Recall how the U.S. News Media has often portrayed HRC as the most "experienced and prepared" commander-in-chief for U.S. President to ever come along since Dwight Eisenhower (or was it George Washington?). This is of course total nonsense.
The truth is that Clinton is totally clueless about Foreign Policy, and always has been. She has to be explicitly spoon fed scripted sound-bites and carefully-phrased, bellicose, War Rhetoric (Propaganda) from the Neocon-controlled Think-Tanks, and the globalist "Council On Foreign Relations" network. This is also why she just repeats the same failed policies and tyranny over and over and over again -- because the script calls for it -- and no actual thinking is really involved.
Donald Trump may just expose this for all to see during the upcoming Presidential debates.
Get your popcorn ready............
A Look Back at Trump's Historic Take Down of Jeb Bush
How The Establishment Choice ... lost
[video: width:640 height:480]
[video: width:640 height:480]
Trump did that just right:
an even tone of voice, calm demeanor, no hatred contorting his face. I have to say it did my heart good to hear someone state the facts in public, on camera.
... and he's probably going to do it to The $hill, too --
and The $hill deserves ALL OF IT. "Good riddance to bad rubbish", as my late-lamented Gramma used to say --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Ms. Sniper Fire
[video: width:520 height:380]
Here's Diana Johnstone,
from her book Queen of Chaos:
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
You convinced me to listen to the video, katchen
Because I respect your opinion and level head. Normally I'd never voluntarily listen to Trump and would have to be tied to a chair to endure a video of him speaking.
But you are right, in this one he sounds surprisingly coherent and correct. It seems he might be getting serious about winning after all, and perhaps getting some coaching on his presentation and demeanor. If he keeps this up, $hillary might just find herself in real trouble in this election.
Pretty scary to admit
that after watching these videos, Donald Trump speaks for me.
and I don't think he wears an ear piece
what's THIS about????
And Huma texting her earlier to ask if she remembered to take it with her, or should she take it? So they've been playing this game for a long time...
It never ends...
I actually had that speech on today.
My impression is that they've neutered him. He was a little more natural when he got to stuff like this. He was rattling off facts & figures and you know trump doesn't do that. Early in the speech his audience wasn't into it st all, they were very quiet.
Trump was rattling off Wisconsin budget figures
When he was campaigning in Iowa, against Walker. It was startling at the time that he was so accurate.
Bernie didn't hit her much on FP at all...
although there was always plenty of fodder to do so.
Even after he trounced her at their debate on foreign policy ("Not Henry Kissinger!"), he never really followed up with any sustained critique of her warmongering or regime changiness for the rest of the campaign.
It's always been a mystery to me why he didn't.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
... probably was the threats --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Great Point ....
Bernie Sanders gained the upper hand on Foreign Policy right there, but as you said then never seized the moment and mounted a sustained attack on her (disqualifying) record of epic disaster and failure (and her corrupt advisers like Henry bleeping Kissinger).
He had so much material to just pound her with.
CT: Nice hotel you've got there.
Be a shame if ...
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Clinton is as Rummy might say "target rich"
Trump could go after her from the left, and from an anti-war perspective and do very well. Let's remember that Obama got his first traction by opposing the Iraq war.
Important Hillary poll
The easiest way
for myself and many others to campaign against her, is not to vote for her.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
The entire speech is worth listening to.
It is only 33 minutes and has a lot more really good points regarding Obama's and HRC's foreign policy.
He also announced that 88 generals and admirals just endorse him. Wow!
Edit to add (at 27:19): "Nothing threatens the integrity of our democracy more than when government officials put their public office up for sale."
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Trump basically said the same
on The Commander in Chief forum earlier this evening, not that I am endorsing Trump but considering who we are talking about I was impressed by his demeanor and the issues he spoke about. Hellary not so much, the same old blah blah blah. Can't wait for their first debate. I think it will be a big tell if Trump is serious about winning.
Trump wants to add billions to the military budget,
says he will fire generals trying to impress the reality show crowd, fully buys into the fake war against ISIS, and wants to insure the U.S. maintains the largest and most dangerous military on the planet. He's an imperialist like the rest of them. Those buying what he's saying are missing the big picture, and that's dangerous.
I saw it more as the Teddy R comment about
"Speak softly and carry a big stick" and smacked of Reagan's build up of the military to "promote peace." Trump did cover the choice of peace over might first before going into the military budget.
I disagreed with a number of things that he said in this speech--none of the HRC stuff though--such as continuing Obama's (and what would be HRC's position) of drilling and using public lands, but giving peace a chance was not one of them.
I need to check this out: Why are we selling fighter planes to Saudi Arabia if the ones we are using are 27 years old? I don't agree with war (and it doesn't agree with me) but as long as we are at this point, I would like to know the answer to that.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Oh I agree he's dangerous and imperialist
So are the Clintons. I'm hard pressed to decide which might be worse, and remain strongly opposed to both.
I actually don't believe anything he says about his own plans or policies, if he even has any. He's a wild card, at best. The Clintons I know for sure will be an utter disaster.
In this particular clip he does a good job of sounding reasonable in the way he goes after her, in a way he hasn't the few times I made the mistake of listening to him in the past. He sounds serious instead of like a clown.
And he speaks the simple truth on her lies and excuses about the email fiasco, which is where I think she's most vulnerable to landing solid hits on her credibility. I think his campaign skills might be improving. That doesn't mean I'm falling for any of his bullshit. Whichever one of them becomes president, the serfs everywhere are in for a rough ride.
In that clip one thing stood out to me.
"our enemies".
That's what I've been seeing from Trump since the beginning while listening to many on the left say he sounds reasonable. That's not reasonable to me. The ruling elite want us to believe we have enemies, we don't. They do. He says he wants to win the war against ISIS. The war against ISIS is absolutely fake and manufactured to give an excuse for their warmaking, just like ISIS' predecessor Al Qaeda.
It's easy to hammer on Clinton, but using that to label him as reasonable on foreign policy is a mistake imo.
Good point, and to clarify my thoughts
I don't mean he sounds truly reasonable or sane. I'm sure he's spouting the same lies they all do about wars and all that shit. I didn't listen to this whole 30 minute speech, that would do me in. The bit I listened to, he didn't mention ISIS or any of that. I truly don't know what, if anything, he actually "thinks" -- but I know he does still say many dangerous and dishonest stuff on a regular basis. Appealing to the worst in the American psyche.
What I meant is just that in this clip, the part I heard, his tone and demeanor are more in keeping with what is typically seen as reasonable, by average voters.
As opposed to, say, when he's going on about Clinton taking bathroom breaks or some Fox News lady "bleeding" or even the wild ass crap about walls between my home state and Mexico. Or attacking families of KIA military. Etc. That kind of stuff comes off to most people as full on wacko. He seems to be dialing that way back. Getting smarter in how he's presenting himself. Not that he's actually getting reasonable for realz.
I think it's partly schtick, Al--red meat for his Base, when he
goes on ridiculous rants at his rallies, etc.
I say this because early last year, Mr M and I watched a lengthy Barbara Walters interview with Trump and Melania. They came across as an articulate and half-way intelligent, wealthy couple--just as folks would normally expect of any couple of their social/economic status.
BTW, we watched every Republican Debate. Trump can turn it off, and on. He did it during the Debates. Former Candidate Ben Carson has said as much--that 'there are two Trumps.' I believe Carson--that what we see at rallies, is mostly an act on Trump's part intended to pander to his supporters.
That's part of what frustrates the MSM, I believe. It's hard to know 'how' to attack him, effectively, since you never know which Trump will show up/answer a debate question.
(This isn't an endorsement of Trump--it's an observation. He is "what he needs to be, when he needs to be.")
I honestly don't believe that his foreign policy would be quite as belligerent as FSC's. He called out GWB for the fiasco in Iraq during a Republican Party Debate--to his Brother Jeb's face, no less. And that isn't particularly a stance that would likely be popular with his Base supporters, if you think about it.
FWIW, earlier today, former Republican Secretary Of Defense, Bill Cohen, endorsed Hillary on MSNBC. To my mind, major war hawks/neocons wouldn't be coming out in droves in support of FSC, unless she was to Trump's right on empire building/military adverturism.
And, I 'think' that the money that he's referring to, is money that would be garnered from ending the sequester--which is supported by Dems, as well.
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR) - Dogs Available For Adoption
Update: Misty May has been adopted. Yeah!
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Although my observation of Trump
is quite limited, from what I have seen your observations make a lot of sense to me.
I found this especially insightful ...
Thanks Mollie.
Hey, Janis--what can I say, we're "gluttons for punishment." ;-D
Good to see ya, again!
Hope you got home safe and sound; bet you were glad to leave the onerous Florida heat behind. Heck, last summer was hot, but this summer had to set a record for mugginess. Fall won't get here fast enough for us!
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR) - Dogs Available For Adoption
Update: Misty May has been adopted. Yeah!
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Hi Mollie,
I'm happily back home, and until yesterday, when the temperature dropped dramatically and the ice-cold southerlies blew, I didn't miss the heat at all. Luckily, today is just the opposite, with a warm blazing sun. Typical springtime.
Where in Florida are you?
Happy Fall to you.
We don't live in Florida, Janis, but business matters
take us to the Panhandle, from time to time. I did live in Temple Terrace for a little less than 2 years during Grammar School. Normally, we split our time between the Eastern Shore, and Tennessee--both of which are south enough for us.
Heck, we still 'pine for Alaska.' I really miss the weather, there. The winter weather was invigorating, and the summers were absolutely lovely; and, participating in the Midnight Sun Run was both a fun and unique experience. Not to mention that winter driving there was a lot less stressful than it is here--at least most folks knew 'how' to drive safely.
Happy Fall to you, too!
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
They all are what they need to be, that's the nature of
electing politicians to make our decisions for us.
I can see where some people get the idea that some of C99 supports Trump (not saying you are). I think the hatred/disgust of Clinton is so extreme, not unrightfully so, that it makes Trump seem better relative to foreign policy/U.S. imperialism, than Clinton to some.
I've argued from the beginning that wasn't the case, Trump is more of the same.
Obama's rhetoric was much the same when he was trying to get elected. He even got the Nobel peace prize before he became president because of his rhetoric.
This is a useless discussion because neither will change the imperialist course of this country.
Simple Truth is Like Kryptonite to Hillary. nt
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I'm not buying everything the man says
but what he says in that clip about Hillary Clinton are facts I know to be true, and thus I'm glad--delighted really--that he's saying it effectively and got MSM coverage doing so.
Giant Meteor 2016!
(unless we can have Bernie back, please)
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Nope and Noper :-)
I agree that Bernie didn't hit Hillary hard on her FP views
But since he had voted for many of the military interventions too, Hillary could have pointed that out.
Here is an excellent article about what a Hillary presidency will be like.
This is a great article that shows all the people behind the wars in the Middle East, including a photo of Syrian children that were killed by sarin gas in Syria that Obama, Hillary and many others gave to their 'moderate terrorists' in the false flag attack that they blamed Assad for so that they could have a f'cking excuse to remove Assad.
The sarin gas attack killed over ONE THOUSAND PEOPLE! If that isn't the definition of terrorism, I don't know what is.
Her supporters on DK continue to say that she only voted for the AUMF to give the inspectors more time to do their jobs but during the debates about whether to give Bush his AUMF, she is on record backing up many of the same talking points that Cheney used about how Saddam had met with members of Al Quada even though he hated them.
Hillary finally admitted that her Iraq war vote was a mistake after she started losing to Obama.
However the people who wrote the PNAC had written a letter to Bill about him removing Saddam and does anyone think that Hillary wasn't aware of the letter? I believe that there was also a meeting with him about this too.
Here's the link to the letter and it's a doozy.
They go into detail about how a regular coup d' etat won't work so it's going to take a military invasion to achieve the goal.
GD dirty rotten bastards that have no regard for the millions of innocent civilian's lives their actions have destroyed!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
#IraqLivesMatter — even though according to our opinion-makers
we’re supposed to keep “foreign” and “domestic” completely compartmentalized.
“Progressive,” yes, to protest every unjust death of a person of color at the hands of U.S. police.
But the myriads of unjust deaths at the hands of U.S. military abroad?
Instead of following the lead of Code Pink and a few others, most “progressives,” in cowardly fashion, have long since ceased to speak out about that.
might make a useful rallying cry and meme for those wishing to unite in opposition to those in uni-forms taking lives, both foreign and domestic.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Saddam gases thousands--gets death penalty
Obama gases thousands, gets multi-million dollar book contract. Ain't that America?
And a Nobel Peace Prize.
Obama's Nobel Prize
which he got for doing NOTHING - making a few speeches about "peace."
Then using drones, drones, drones - definitely not "Hope & Change" - more like "Nope & Collateral Damage."
Yup, I'm as cynical as I sound...
I personally think a most effective tactic
against HRC would be pointing out and documenting that wars are always most detrimental to women and children - always.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
And people thought
Freud's Death Instinct was absurd.
Veterans News Now article
Thanks for that link. Damn good article.
I never considered this:
I'd say that is true. Some might argue that Obama fits, but Hillary more so in my estimation.
Here a link to this Sept. 3 article again. Definitely worth a read:
Thanks, I thought so, too.
I can not wrap my head around how the people who run our government can be so unconcerned about the number of innocent people that they kill in order to justify their illegal wars so that the corporations or US special interests' (corporations) or other countries can get control of other country's resources and install pipelines and other facilities.
Here are two more articles that describes what the Syrian war is about and why they want to remove Assad.
This one by Hersh goes into detail about the reason for Assad's removal and how Obama was caught lying to congress, the joint chiefs of staff and the American people about who was responsible for the sarin gas attack.
This one also details who was responsible for the false flag gas attack
And Trump and his supporters think it would be okay for our country to 'nuke the terrorists and their families' because they are the terrorists.
As some of the links I have provided in my other comments, the US and its allies are the ones who are creating, arming and funding terrorists groups including Al Quada as long as they help overthrow Assad.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I watched a brief portion of that "forum"
or whatever the hell it was with Matt Lauer. A veteran who obviously had supported Bernie asked her about her eagerness to go to war. Hillary responded "Well I assume you are talking about Iraq and Benghazi". So Hillary got to reframe the question to her liking. Of course her response to Iraq was her standard "I have said many times I regret my vote blah blah blah"
Well no Hillary, It's not just Libya and Iraq. It's every fucking two bit squabble in the world. You want to rattle sabers with Russia by implementing no fly zones and arm Saudis to the teeth. Your signature peace deal between in Gaza fell apart. You have an unquenchable hawkish thirst that is frankly, alarming.
I can't stand watching Clinton and Trump in these staged events. Even good questions are stranded amidst all their bullshit and lack of real follow up. I have a stumper question for you Hillary...Where is your detailed plan on bringing peace to the middle east and finally removing our troops from the region ?
Most Americans already dislike and distrust her.
However, most U.S. voters vote by party. That is what we need to cut into somehow. We won't do it by November. But, we have to chip away at that and at the blind faith in the media.