Hellery Coughing Fits. Now with Green Slime, Yuck (Updated)
Bonus: A press conference on da plane. Hell Force One
Hellery is fine. She uped her dose of antihistamines. Problema solved.
I guess this will count as a bonafide press conference. She took two questions this morning and laughed off a third. Back to the same old Hellery.
Q1: How did you feel about seeing Trumps plane on the tarmac in Ohio.
Q2: How are you feeling.
Q3: What did you think of CNN poll showing her neck and neck with Trump. (laughed off, see ya all later, quick exit)
Now stop the incessant complaints about no press conferences. Geezus.
But whatever you do, do not cross Hellery's handler (@ 18 sec mark). You may get pushed out the exit door at 20000 feet. Those eyes, those eyes.
Length: 40 secs
WARNING: This is gross, so don't look if you are squeamish.
Here is the hacking at the Ohio speech. Shows her coughing up large chunks of gawd knows what.
See 30 sec mark of the video for slowed down video.
Now at super slow speed. Hey, I warned you.
What is going on here?!?! Does this seem like a woman who is fit to be President! #HackingHillary would last in WH! pic.twitter.com/nIB13lm2tX
— Brian B. (@noblebarnes87) September 6, 2016

Less is more.
Pretty soon all we'll get is a limp royal wave, and even that will somehow be deemed newsworthy.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
I hope at the next "presser" on da plane
she will answer how much her hair stylist charges and other important matter like that. I hope her retinue gets more politeness but that's doubtful.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Hello, Riverlover :-)
My question would be, "Do you think Black and Hispanic youth should wear matching socks at #BlackLivesMatter protests?"
From the Light House.
Human rights question...
"If Assad's daughter came out as a lesbian, would you still... ?"
From the Light House.
For those into schadenfreude, GOS is a fun read.
They now rail against everyone in "on air" media except for Joy Reid. Everyone else, even Marvelous Maddow, is a traitor to the cause. There is widespread advocacy of "doing something" about the media, including re-installing the Fairness Doctrine and breaking up media monopolies. When someone pointed out the media deregulation was the brainchild of Clinton, Inc., much silence.
There is much unskewing of recent polls, much burying of the head in the sand and much talk of "better ground game," often the loser's refuge.
Armando explains the meaning of "is" in great detail as a way of establishing that the FBI has enthusiastically cleared Clinton of all wrong-doing and accusations of lying. This co-exists with diaries blasting the Republican bias of the horrible FBI.
Pretty damn funny.
I see nothing has changed.
You summarized it well in a mere 137 words. Nice.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Thanks for the update...
I hardly ever go by that place anymore. I'm glad someone is going over there every once in a while to report back on the latest ramblings of the loyal soldiers who serve the Clinton army of manipulation.
It is sad, though, the number of gullible souls who want so badly to believe that they are getting straight talk there from people 'like them.'
James Kroeger
Thanks for reading so I don't have to
Ouch, it continues to be painful over there.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I am truly shocked that this didn't get
hydrated into oblivion:
Apparently some things are still better left untouched. Very interesting....
oh... "hide rated"!!
It took me a minute to figure out what "hydrated" meant! Is that DK slang that I never heard before, or did the spell checker do that?
My money's on autocorrect.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
HA! Yeah....
good old auto-correct. That one got right by me, I usually try to proofread better
Autocorrect is sneaky and relentless. :)
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Hydrated actually works
in this context, considering what they normally do to comments like that is piss all over them.
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
After I posted
on the "auto-correct" question, I started thinking about that late last night, that maybe "hydrated" did work somehow, ha ha ha! I was too tired to come to your conclusion though, but that's exactly right, LOL!
Side Effects
Some of the main side effects of antihistamines include:
•Dry mouth.
•Nausea and vomiting.
•Restlessness or moodiness.
•Trouble peeing or not being able to pee.
•Blurred vision.
Just the qualities we want in our president, right?
I hope this is snark
1) *Possible* side effects
2) Few take them all day every day, but only as needed
I know that everybody wants some miracle to disqualify her before the election sothat we can have a do-over on the primary, but neither a sinus infection nor cold-flu-bronchitis-etc. will accomplish that. Most of the populace if pretty familiar with those maladies and with people taking anti-histamines and doesn't consider it worthy of mention. It is a better tactic, IMO, to stick with microscopic examination of photos looking for signs of liver failure, schizophrenic eye-rolling, and the like.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Sinus infection???
Its not anti-histamines because Cleveland had low to low/moderate pollen counts and airline air is from the upper atmosphere. Its something else that is chronic. What is it? WTF knows?
All speculation would stop if she was transparent about the public problem that has become a rather disgusting twitter spectacle. She and Trump have become, because 60% of the poulace can't stand ither of them, useless appendages of the New American Century. It looks like they will be disposed of. Health here, a scandal there...
While I feel empathy for her health problem, whatever it is, I cannot forgive her crimes against humanity. I would prefer a healthy Clintons to face charges and defend themselves rather than some pathetic old lady dying of brain damage.
At this point of time, even if she resigned from candidacy and "appointed" Bernie, I wouldn't support Bernie. Us Bolivians have faced death and torture for our beliefs, and IMO Bernie threw us under the bus... just like Jaime Paz Zamora... the first time Bernie opened his mouth supporting Clinton's perpetual war/kiss Natanyahu's ass agenda (by supporting her) he became a non-entity to me, a sell-out and a supporter of the continued destruction of the planet and its life.
From the Light House.
when you kiss that much ass for as long as she has, she was bound to catch something.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
Sinus Infection?
Is that the official Clinton Campaign Talking Point? Maybe she should see a doctor. She seems to have had these coughing attacks for a few years now.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I hope your comment was snark. Or that you apologize for not reading the essay. Which said:
Increasing dosage increases potential for side effects. Long-term usage increases potential for side effects. Combination with other medicines increases potential for side effects.
If you're claiming I was making a medical case for disqualification, then you're plainly wrong. I never said any such thing and never would. I will, however, continue to point out that overuse or abuse of even OTC medicines can be harmful.
Yeah, but...
I don't know of anyone coughing and hacking for a solid minute. Hell, I'm allergic to most anything green, and cough and hack my way thru the Spring, Summer, but never for 60 seconds. Thirty, maybe, but it sounded like Her Highness was not going to recover from that "spell."
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I had a case of bronchitis last year at this time
Worst ever - If I took anything but a shallow breath I started a coughing fit. As a result, my voice was weak, which makes it hard to project to the back of the class. When she was talking to reporters on the plane, she looked like I looked then - shallow breathing and patting her chest with her hand.
Add that to...
Delusion of grandeur, Pathological Lying, and Rusophobia.... and where does that leave the poor people of the world?
From the Light House.
SO.L., and i don't mean the sun
It's been years since Bush 1 hurled in public in China - I think
another episode of this nature would prove diverting to us proles.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Ignore this essay immediately, in the words of wise Rusty1776/nt
I'm not sure I can take too many more of these 'health' diaries
I almost lost my lunch with the update.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Am forced to agree.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I increased the font size on the WARNING
I did not make you guys look, so...
This is real shit. I have spring and fall allergies, and it never made me cough up shit like that.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
I only looked at the diary itself--
and it didn't make me upchuck and I'm not trying to censor you--it's just an awful lot of discussion of Hillary Clinton's, um, emissions, lately.
It's turning me against the Hillary Health discussion, which is too bad, b/c I think there's something real going on there.
I just don't want to think specifically in terms of what comes out of her mouth, nose, or butt.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
we did not make you to write about it and show
the videos, either.
Apparently you never had a real bronchitis, which went on too long to be cured properly (which happens if you can't take a break from work, you know, like campaigning for President or some such). I have coughed up some puss-filled clumps turned greenish or brownish. It happens, luckily nobody took a camera and zoomed in on me spitting them up in my handkerchief.
But what are the real f** they like them some video shit. Close up. In color and slow motion. Thanks to the grace of God we can now show the whole world how Hillary Clinton's green and brown puss-filled slime balls look like.
Enough is enough. Fuck that shit.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Hey Mimi, do you approve this message.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
That is terribly funny... thanks for the laugh... (I do love satire).
From the Light House.
Thanks Alex.
Good to see someone here still has a sense of humor.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
of course, dear, I support this message, just
can't watch it, even if you paid me, because you know, I get a nervous dry cough looking at it. No slime balls involved though, but I have an allergic reaction to smart ... cough ... video editors ....cough cough.
This one is pure gold though, I would listen to it on the radio....like NPR?
Ae there more revelations about Clinton's body parts and functions out there in the news? I was offline. How about her navel and nipples? Anyything about it?.
I had once a young American student as intern, who was supposed to help me in the archives. So, she ran into a video of Merkel. Somehow Merklel's outfit allowed a very imaginative person to believe her nippels showed through her light suit jacket. She turned to me, with big eyes and very seriouly, and said that this is totally unacceptable. How could Merkel dress like that (Merkel wears similar pant suits like Hillary does). Well I had to laugh as much as you probably laughed at my little temper tantrum and I laughed about your commercial. You won, dude or dudesse. But one day I get back at you, With my own video...
And I will say some outrageous stuff about green earth citizens. Watch me... 
Cross cultural humor and sensitivities, sometimes it's like sour milk, smells ok, but taste not quite right when you drink it.
VERY interesting....
The fact that the Clinton Campaign put out this commercial tells you that they realize that she could suffer some real damage in the polls if Republican operatives go out of their way to get this circulated with their negative spin, so they are doing their best to counter it now.
Of course, on its face, it's a relatively minor matter, but the ultimate political reality is that the image campaign is everything when it comes to moving the swing voters and this is definitely the sort of thing that can hurt her...and they know it.
James Kroeger
Very funny ;-) (but that's not what whooping cough sounds like)
Saw three physicians at a hospital US News was calling "Best in the West" when I got whooping cough, and NONE of them figured it out. I heard a sound file and realized it's what I had and a public health nurse diagnosed me (it was going around the high school up the block, and a student lived downstairs from my apartment).
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Yep, my monthly donation to support
publishing material like this just got a little more delayed.
I only clicked on mimi's comment, because she usually has interesting things to say. Haven't read the essay nor watched the video, nor am I going to be quickly sending any of my monthly disabulity income to support the publication of such disgusting juvenalia.
I will say, however much longer this goes on, the longer my sympathies are shifting to Clinton - and my commitment not to vote or vote for Stein wavers.
I don't understand the point of "essays" like this. Perhaps it is to.arouse normal human compassion for, yes, even the least of us. If so, it's working on me.
Or I could just say to hell with sites like this and find bettervways to spend my time and very limited funds.
Sure would miss you, mimi, though.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
I hear they are much more particular
About the quality of the content over at the Daily Kos. Maybe you and your money can go there? I'll gladly double my monthly donation.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
hello, dr, nah, nah, just because someone writes some stuff
that can get my blood pressure rise, doesn't mean I will have a change of heart with regards to the site overall or even a change of heart of whom I support politically, I would never vote for Clinton or Trump. And I wouldn't run from one site to the next. I read for the time being C99p and very little else. I also continue to support this site for now. And I am such an addict I can't quit that easily. And I will count my retirment pennies as much as you do your disabiltiy money. We are in this together. Solidarity uber alles...
I learn a lot here and get quite some lessons in "humor" too.
So, now let's return to the latest Clinton intimate health revelations. I will stay here and would miss you a lot, if you didn't come to my rescue ever so often. Thanks, dr.
OK, well
I'm sorry, but I've read more than my share of "I used to be for Bernie until his mean old online supporters said mean stuff" posts to really be sympathetic. Nobody twisted your arm and made you click, either to this blog or to this article on this blog.
To the OP here--I have been a champion of discussing the subject in general, but on this blog, there seems to be, of late, something of an effort to poison the well of this very serious discussion about a Presidential candidate's health, with an over-the-top juvenile focus on bodily emissions. That's simply not necessary. I can't think of a better way to de-legitimize the real concern than to just keep up this motif. And there are now two posters here, if I'm not mistaken, who seem to think that this is the most important facet of the discussion.
Pardon me for casting aspersions--if I am wrong, I profusely apologize, but....this is the part where bullshit detectors start going off, so maybe keep that in the back of your mind for your next installment?
My, how very tacky of you.
Sounds good to me!
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I hope
Armando or TK didn't see the update video. They'd be off to Cleveland trying to find what was in the glass so they could have their very own piece of Hillary goo to worship.
Holy crap!
that was disgusting. Next time give her a glass that is colored/non-see through.
I know exactly what's wrong with Hillary.
She's got Ring Cough.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
No idea what she had fall out of her mouth there
My initial thought was maybe some type of cough drops, but those look a little big and misshapen for cough drops. Too flat. Also, they look more brown than green. Hillary, have you been trying to hide your bribe money in your body in the form of gold coins?
Not Adobe After Effect -- ed.
I saw this on the original video played a frame at a time... what grosses me out, is that she keeps drinking out of the same glass and nobody, like that asshole Kaine, helps her out with a fresh glass of water, or anything else... until Kaine and a volunteer (?) get off their dead asses with some throat lozenges. I don't even see the fucking big hulk like handler. Can't they please help her out? I am really angry at Kaine...
I also wonder, if allowing poor old Hillary to make a public spectacle of her health problems and covering it up with lies is something the oligarchy puppet masters are wanting to happen for some obscure motive... if in the next couple weeks we might see a switcheroo of some sort where both Clinton and Trump get "offed" and replaced by Kaine and Pence... or even now compliant Bernie?
Look, I despise the Clintons as President or any other position of power. I think she should be tried for war crimes. IMO, She should be in jail.
On the other hand, I don't think the "name" of the electable puppet at the top means anything much... and for all I know (= nothing), Hillary might be a nice enough person away from power figurehead... I don't want to see her choking up her lungs on TV and all the smear bullshit on twitter. I would feel good enough if she just went home and enjoyed her grandkids and maybe did some local lobbying for a health center for abused kids.
One way or another the puppet masters (the big money or who/whatever) may have decided that she is no longer useful to their perpetual war, destroy the planet agenda and whoever they replace her with... well WATCH OUT!
From the Light House.
An excellent point, Alex. n/t
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
WTF is your angle, Citizen of Earth?
To dissuade as many as you can from *ever* voting Green?
Could be. Interesting tactic.
But easier for me to just make you the fourth screen name I'll henceforward simply ignore.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Thank you. Please do ignore me.
I don't want to have to deal with the Thought Police. Have a good life.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Hey Dancing Rabbit
First, thank you for your comment on my state racism essay which was almost totally ignored, as are all my essays to discussing racism. Added: And your recent comment on my comment
Second, I don't think Citizen represents Jill or Ajuma. So no need to consider anyone here a surrogate for the Green Party. I am supporting "Nobody" and #BlackLivesMatter.
This topic is being discussed by millions of people all over the USA... so bullshit or not its something that is "current affairs" and grist for the mill.
From the Light House.
Correct. I am not connected with Green Party in any way.
Registered as independent. Just planning to vote green -- period.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
COG, the way I read your essay, and Alligator Ed's essays
is that they are in no way being used to change people's minds about voting for Clinton. In fact, I think they are more or less written for the gob smack effect about people who are going to vote for her that ignore her damn-obvious health problems.
This site, which I financially support, has daily tons and gobs of info to discourage anyone with a brain from casting a vote for her.
That you and Al Ed and others are NOT making shit up, merely garnering vids and such that is all over the net, is just a way of preventing me from spending hours browsing.
Ok, Al Ed speculates, but he uses data that is out there and undisputed.
I didn't look at the spittum.
Let Hillary and her lackeys look at it, figure out how to spin it.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Actually, this one video clip...
...can do a lot of damage to her campaign.
If it is circulated endlessly by Republican operatives along with some some very disrespectful comments about the woman and it starts to get the attention of those very-easy-to-move swing voters, it could cost her a couple of percentage points and that could end up losing her a couple of crucial states.
James Kroeger
Ok, what I saw in the un-enhanced vid was her
coughing for 3 minutes. Kaine, who was laughing and enjoying his chat with someone out of camera range, pulled out a cough drop, took off the wrapper, popped it in his mouth.
He was not coughing.
Why did he do that?
It is orchestrated, is all I can determine.
Does he love him some lozenge? And she reminded him?
I think it was staged for him to do that while cameras were on him.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I'm not watching the whole thing, this is just obnoxious--but I'd be curious if they did a close-up and you could see the branding on the cough drop wrapper. Now THAT would make it fascinating....
Edited to note that hey, wait a minute, the whole over-the-top aspect gets even larger, if there's spitting of slime and the popping of a cough drop on cue, on camera, almost sounds like a bad Saturday Night Live sketch. Does this cough on this clip sound fake or forced at all?
I meant
enlarged and slow motion, not "doctored". Sorry for the confusion.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
That's OK!
If it's in slow motion, can you see the brand on the cough lozenge wrapper?
The more I think about this, the more I think that Team Clinton is pushing back on this with some over-the-top bullshit meant to gross people out. If that's true, the "lozenge" thing is Team Spin, overdoing it again...
Normally I would say that questioning a candidate's health
is out of bounds, but Hillary is literally using it as an excuse to dodge the FBI and not disclose pertinent information about her emails. She can't expect to play the victim in one instance, then declare that she is physically fit to be president in another. The increasing spotlight on her health with instances like this is largely due to her own actions and deflections.
While I certainly agree that it has gone a bit overboard at times and is generally unpleasant, she's the one that made her own health an issue. She should have just answered the damn questions and not made poor excuses for her terrible judgment and illegal behavior. I don't want a person that can't remember basic facts due to a blood clot to have access to nuclear launch codes.
oh dear...
hard times sure do provide a field day for cartoonists