Ending Endless War -- Barbara Lee and H.R. 1303
What are we doing toward ending US Policy of Endless War?
Well, here on Mauritius I just signed an online petition by
MSF calling for an independent investigation of the US murder of staff and patients during the bombing the hospital in Afghanistan. https://www.change.org/p/tell-president-obama-to-consent-to-independent-...
Lame, you say? Some are doing peace vigils, which I really respect, others are promoting legislation to rein in Presidential overstep and claw back to Congress war powers and possibility of change.
Disaster Capitalism and Afghanistan ?
With Obama quickly following up this disaster by not keeping US agreement to leave Afghanistan as has been saying he was [oh the number of partisans who over the years pushed back on comments I made doubting it] have been having these thoughts that this feels like one of those Disaster Capitalism strategies, first the bombing of the hospital, then without Congressional approval continuing the war.
United for Peace and Justice:
United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) calls on the United States government to withdraw all forces from Afghanistan and to bring to an end to the 15-year old debacle.
U.S. military intervention is a proven failure. The drones, bombs, soldiers, night raids, and support for one of the most corrupt regimes in the world has not made life better or brought security to the Afghan people. It has led to 2.5 million refugees, 700,000 internally displaced persons – per the UNHCR – and many thousands of deaths.
President Obama’s announcement on October 15 that the United States will retain troops in Afghanistan beyond his term in office comes on the heels of a shocking U.S. war crime. On October 3, 2015, U.S. forces bombed a Doctors Without Borders/Médecines Sans Frontières hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, killing 22 people including doctors, nurses and children.
United for Peace and Justice reiterates its call for an American military withdrawal from Afghanistan and for the Obama Administration U.S. to pursue an inclusive, focused diplomatic solution to the crisis in that nation, which has been in a state of war since the late 1970s.
What about Congress, it has to end the AUM. With election coming up would Republicans join in to end it, and use this as a wedge issue on Democrats ?
Barbara Lee and H.R. 1303
Obama Just Signed a Blank Check for Endless War in Afghanistan
“Similarly,” added Lee, “this war’s price tag, totaling more than $715 billion, continues to undermine our national security and prevents investments in important domestic priorities. In fact, every hour this war costs taxpayers $4 million.”
Congresswoman Lee has worked with colleagues in both parties who are serious about reasserting the constitutionally mandated duty of Congress to provide clear authorization and steady oversight for wars. The vehicle for this in recent years has been H.R. 1303, a legislative initiative that argues that the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force “has been used to justify an open-ended authorization for the use of military force and such an interpretation is inconsistent with the authority of Congress to declare war and make all laws for executing powers vested by the Constitution in the U.S. government.”
- See more at: http://www.caucus99percent.com/comment/reply/1289#sthash.rov7WCci.dpuf
While not all, but many, progressives bemoan the lack of a huge 60's style street protest movement from the comfortable seat behind our keyboards and seem resigned that nothing can be done, looks like to me we could at least do something, like use social media to help stir up support for Lee's resolution and, as joe pointed out, help Bernie Sanders become a leader on this ???

social media
Read this article yesterday in Daily Kos," Social Media - Ignore at Peril" by Inalienable Self Evidence that seems to back up your point about social media.
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
Here's the link via quick search....
Social Media - Ignore at Peril.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Thanks! n/t
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Barbara Lee is another of the good ones...
Thanks to her, and now lets see about pressing FSC and Bernie to back this.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Stop all selling & giving of arms to regimes in the Middle East?
How about demanding that the U.S. government stop all selling and giving of arms to regimes in the Middle East, especially Israel and Saudi Arabia?
As long as the U.S. supports Israel and Saudi Arabia, ain't nothin' gonna change. The Middle East will continue to burn ever hotter and the Endless War will spread to even more countries.
Times of Israel: Police to probe lynching of Eritrean man in Beersheba
Congress abdicated their responsibility
Congress abdicated their responsibility for war which has led us to these endless wars. I do not think that was an accident. It was a conscious decision on the part of both Democrats and Republicans and it still is. Barbara Lee was the only Representative to vote against the AUMF.
So here we are, fourteen years later, with open ended wars all over with no defined objectives and no real exit strategy. And Congress continues to fund these wars with no dedicated war funding stream and still no formal declaration of war as required by the Constitution. I would like to see this madness stop, but there is no political will when most of Congress is owned by the banks and the MIC, both of which profit greatly from these wars.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
American's seem
to have abandoned protests and taken to fighting/blaming each other, the culture war, instead of protesting or addressing the government with their grievances. I think a lot of people are well aware that politics are rigged and that their government is owned by the too bigs. As for protesting the endless war who want's to confront the homeland military that's unleashed at any sign of civil unrest. Even those of us who do not believe in the story line propaganda of it's a dangerous world and 'terrist's are gonna kill yer family' or that old chestnut we are intervening for humanitarian reasons don't know how to stop this inevitable killing machine.
Then their is the fact that most of us are afraid of losing what we have gathered by coincidence. They have also rigged the 'economy' to the point that most of us have to expend all our time and energy just keeping a roof over our heads and food on the table. Living in a surveillance state with no rule of law or basic human and civil rights tends to make people keep their heads down. Social media globally does help counteract the fear and loathing we are subjected to on a daily basis. I don't twitter but I read the tweets from around the world via fb. and blogs. Even on a local city level all resistance to the by-partisan transnational owners of the place starts online. Who believes the official media news these days? I guess some do but they are either deluding themselves because they don't want to face what their country is doing or pig ignorant authoritarian loving fundies who wouldn't know or like democracy or universal human rights and the rule of law if it bit them.
The so called progressive Democrat's in DC, even Barbara Lee, who I admire seem to roll over and refuse to obstruct or even speak out vocally against the GWOT. Look at Bernie he's in the bag as far as national security or 'foreign policy' goes. He won't even connect the endless war with his calls for a political revolution. Ask me the world at large is going to have to 'intervene' on our violent killing spree in the ME or anywhere the masters of war decide threatens our interests. Maybe they will as this state of endless bloody war and aggression is not inevitable and it's not sustainable. It never is regardless of what the nasty psycho perpetrators who rule the world say.
Daily Kos's vocal Democrats sneer at Cindy Sheehan or Code Pink
Even though it was people like Cindy Sheehan and Code Pink who paved the way for public criticism of Bush 43's war policies, long before Democratic officeholders dared to open their mouths.
Cindy Sheehan is still out there fighting the good fight and getting arrested for doing good work.
How does the political revolution Bernie and others are discussing advance from individual activism to the stage of battle-tested organizations with the discipline and clout to thwart warmongers and dismantle empire?
Like Bernie Sanders, both Sheehan and
the core leaders of Code Pink keep on keeping the faith. Inspiring.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.