Some issues in the press re Our Revolution fundraising.
I took a peek at Kossacks for Sanders & WayOfTheBern today (big mistake). But I did find some news that I missed re Our Revolution.
ABC has an article about how unusual it is for a 501(c)(4) to be so closely aligned with a sitting politician, and what impact this might have on Our Revolution's fundraising.
Politico has an article about staff quitting due to disagreements over the fund raising model for Our Revolution.
I want to know more, and I want it from Our Revolution. I'm not sure how I'll feel if Our Revolution and the Sanders Institute are funded "by the billionaires" (i.e., accept contributions above $2700) rather than the 99%. Full disclosure: I have contributed to Our Revolution and am hosting a watch party tomorrow night.

Politico link
Did you intend for this to be the link to the Politico story?
Yes I did.
Thank you.
I went to Our Revolution today
per a google search. I found it completely and totally off-putting - all it was was a demand/request for a contribution with your email information. That's it. No information about goals, aspirations, mechanics, programs, causes, - nada. I was flabbergasted. In fact, now I am starting to think that it couldn't be the actual, site, could it? our revolution dot com (no spaces). Our revolution dot org did not turn up a website as far as I could tell.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
No, I think that's right.
Just the couple pages.
For the watch parties they are still using the Bernie map from his primary campaign site.
It's like the primary; volunteers in the Super Tuesday states were chomping at the bit for info, official offices etc. & we had to wait for Iowa & New Hampshire to happen before they started to pay attention to us. Our revolution is lagging behind what the grassroots wants to know, and the website shows it.
Yes The "Our Revolution" Website Is Bit Jarring
A simple a donation page. Nothing else. It's been a month since the convention. You'd think they could scrabble together a mission statement page. We'll see what is said tomorrow when everything is unveiled.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
I still don't know how to feel about this.
I'm gonna be watching the live thing tomorrow with a bunch of Bernie cohorts. We all feel differently about the man now, but I at least want to hear what he has to say.
I'm pretty skeptical of Our Revolution and the Sanders Institute now, too, and that report from ABC certainly doesn't look promising. This kinda sucks. How could Bernie do that, ya know?!
Oy. Take heart, Leu, I hear ya. :/
I miss Colorado.
IMO Bernie is making a YUUGE mistake by allowing
himself to be assimilated and co-opted by the Democrats. His brand was all about him being an iconoclast and an outsider and an Independent (although, yes, he pragmatically ran as a Democrat)
I thought he was returning to his Senate seat as an Independent because that is how he was elected initially. He will ruin his own brand if he merges into the Democrats as just one more de-fanged Progressive. He's a craft beer being bought up by Anheuser-Busch and his adherents will dwindle as will his movement. The Democratic Party is where liberals go to be neutered and declawed and to get obedience training. Loyalty, doncha know- to the President and the Party, but not your constituents.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
I agree with most of what you said but disagree with this a bit
And that only partially depending on your meaning as far as "His Movement" goes.
I never really thought of it as his movement to begin with, to me it really was more about it being OUR movement and he was just the spearhead.
Well, the spearhead may have gotten blunted, but the movement (I.E. the shaft of the spear) is still strong and will remain provided we don't fuck up and fail to find a proper replacement spear head.
This anger is too deep to go away, and now it has a target and very few people are going to just forget about everything on the progressive side. Particularly not with the obvious glee with which the Clintonites berated, lied and harassed progressives for being progressive in what was supposed to be a progressive party.
I think there is an ongoing mass awaking on the left to the fact that the Democrats no longer are democratic and have zero intention of ever providing progressives with little more than table scraps if we are lucky.
I am too awake to go back to sleep and too pissed to stop trying to fight the bastards responsible and I am pretty sure I am not a minority in this.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Although I agree with Alphalop that Bernie's movement won't dwindle to nothing, I do think the movement will take a hit. It's hard when there is no figurehead anymore, make no mistake. It was easy to channel so much trust and love into Senator Sanders because, fuck it, he was the real deal.
And now? Not so much anymore.
As always, I really love your comments and the way you detail how you feel. I often find it very poignant, and there isn't enough of that these days.
I miss Colorado.
Oh yeah, and what's going on
in K4S and WotB now that's not cool? Are they just fully on board with the whole thing?
I miss Colorado.
What I don't find cool
Is the obtrusive modding. It was pretty heavy handed in the post I was in, and was trying to control what I'll call the essential nature of many of the members.
And then that "essential nature" includes paranoia, lazy research/ arguments, and hostility to Bernie, which can probably be all rolled into "too much drama" for my taste. I decided after the "new rules" that I was probably better off avoiding the 2 sites because of how this affects me.
But they are chattier than c99 & tpw, and there are some kossacks who don't post anywhere else so I decided to see if maybe things were better. Nope. It's better for my blood pressure if I avoid them.
I posted there some but it was a screwy site that has gotten
worse. There's little new material that interests me and a lot of gossipy type posts. I ignore it like I left and ignore twerpville.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Maybe we should make some overtures to the better quality
writers and whatnot over there via PM asking them to come give us a shot for a week or so? Even if they just cross posted and then read the comments here vs there I bet that would be enough to get them to consider making this their primary home.
This place has plenty of room for growth as long as we can encourage those that bring legitimate, honest debate to the table.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Ive been offline a lot
the past few weeks so I (thankfully) missed all the drama but I just wanna put a word in for WayoftheBern here. Whatever "obstrusive modding" style you encountered Im guessing was at KfS and not WofB since that exact thing (and the whatever the hell that was at KfS "new rules" kerfluffle later) was a major reason for the spinoff split.
When I am life-busy and highly distracted (like the past month) I like the reddit format, works for my low attention & time, so I at least check in at WofB most days. When I have a bit more time I try to wander in here and catch up a bit. But ... theres conflict and drama everywhere.
I haven't spoken about my
feelings / thoughts about Bernie since he decided to back Hillary as the democrat nominee. I haven't look at or even research what "Our Revolution" is or is about or the Bernie Institute?
What ever his reasoning is, hasn't captured my attention, nor interest. at 52, I've seen progressive get pelted and thrown under the bus time and time again by the democratic party. Obviously by Clinton's transition team, the party platform is just another piece of paper like our constitution, it means nothing to these people.
We he decided to back Hillary, I stop my monthly contribution. I un-subscribed from all their e-mail lists. I pretty much just quit and I am focusing my efforts in promoting Jill Stein, short of contributing money as well as getting more into local politics, instead of national.
My home is here at C99p and that's good enough for me.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Ditto. My working assumption is
that Sanders had to give them *everything* in order for himself and his family to continue breathing, basically, regardless of what the press releases have said. I also unsubscribed and stopped donating.
Hearing that the people running OR have decided to seek out funds from the 1% just sounds like another level of Clintonian ratfucking to me, like having CTR come and take over discussion sites altogether. Love ya, Bernie, but count me out: if those assholes are running the show, I'll be elsewhere. I will not donate again until I see clear evidence that whatever OR turns out to be has not been compromised or co-opted by the democratic party. I've donated to Stein, just to try to help her get into the debates- but if OR wants my support, they will have to goddamned well prove that they are not compromised. Not one dime, not one phone call, not one drop of sweat from this very jaded and pissed off #DemExited person will go towards the benefit of the democratic
nomineeUnindicted Co-Conspirator....Besides, the music here is better... (;-)
Oh the music is so much better...
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
My Thoughts on Our Revolution, et al
I agree with others here that Bernie gets a big vote of thanks for what he did. But his time is over. I have decided that Jill Stein is the only candidate for which a reasonable person can vote in this election. Therefore, I donate to the Greens.
Most people seem to be buying the "ooo-ooo-ooo-scary-Trump" ploy and know little about Hillary's horrible history and probable future actions. I would rather just walk away than try to educate them because my temper has gotten shorter. I've decided that I don't need the drama. I talk about politics to few anywhere but here.
All told, the Democratic Party thanks to the Clintons has become a shill for the rich. The country has become an oligarchy and is corrupt from top to bottom politically and economically-financially. This election has opened so many eyes, including mine, to the unimaginable extent of the worldwide corruption that I can only see barricades-and-blood-in-the-street revolution as the inevitable outcome. The outlook is bleak when our political and financial realities are coupled with the results of climate change. What a depressing outlook. I apologize for such a gloomy post.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Well said, Prince.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Woof! Woof! n/t
This reply was meant for Bollox Ref. Sorry.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962