Obama's Mercenary Armies
President Obama has set a number of milestone records while in the White House.
One of those being the only two-term president to be at war every single day.
Another milestone Obama has set gets even less attention, and involves the nature of how the wars are being fought.
Now, a new report compiled by the Congressional Research Service, which produces reports for members of Congress, reveals that the number of U.S. service members in Afghanistan is dwarfed by the nearly 29,000 Department of Defense private contractors in the country, outnumbering American troops three to one.
“As of March 2016, there were approximately 28,600 DOD contractor personnel in Afghanistan, compared to 8,730 U.S. troops,” states the report, authored by Heidi Peters, Moshe Schwartz and Lawrence Kapp.
Such private contractors comprise 77 percent of the total DOD presence in Afghanistan, the authors conclude.
According to the report, which examines the federal years 2007 to 2016, there have been more private contractors than U.S. troops in Afghanistan since the middle of 2011. But that gap has continued to grow, with a staggering 117,000 contractors and 88,000 U.S. troops deployed to Afghanistan in 2012.
The most recent available figures for early 2016 show that roughly two-thirds of DOD contractors are foreign and Afghan nationals.
Is it really that hard to not see the connection between the war in Afghanistan going badly, and the war in Afghanistan being contracted out to mercenaries?
It would be a mistake to think that this trend is isolated to Afghanistan.
Increasingly our presence in Iraq is being contracted out.
In Iraq today, 7,773 contractors support U.S. government operations — and 4,087 U.S. troops. These numbers do not include contractors supporting CIA or other intelligence community activities, either abroad or in the United States.
Even in Syria.
This appears to be the first time the Pentagon has publicly acknowledged that private contractors are also playing a role in the fight against the so-called Islamic State inside Syria, and it’s one more signal that the U.S. military is deepening its involvement in the fate of the country.
There are several political advantages to having a war with mercenaries. Namely, the news media often overlooks or ignores mercenaries that get killed in our name.
Between Jan. 1, 2009, and March 31, 2016, 1,540 contractors were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan (176 in Iraq and 1,364 in Afghanistan). During that period, 1,301 U.S. troops were killed in Afghanistan and Iraq (289 in Iraq and 1,012 in Afghanistan). Last year was even more skewed toward contractors than the preceding six years; 58 contractors died in Afghanistan or Iraq, while less than half as many U.S. troops did (27) fighting in either country, including Syria.
Would the American public care if they knew that the number of Americans getting killed in Obama's wars were 100% higher than reported? Probably.
There is also the lack of transparency. The Pentagon can't even tell Congress how many military contractors it employs. This leads to other political advantages, such as lack of accountability.
What complicates matters is that sometimes the contracting activities are subcontracted to host-nation nationals, who fail to report deaths to the original contractor due to a lack of literacy or improper documentation. Thus, contractor fatality numbers are almost certainly undercounted.
All this allows Obama to have a supposed “light” military footprint in his wars, a reputation he mostly doesn't deserve.
Of course there are also drawbacks to having mercenary armies. Mostly their legendary lack of effectiveness.
But that is not all.
There have also been plenty of issues revolving around poor contract oversight, human rights issues revolving around contractors from third-world countries, and plenty of waste, fraud, and abuse. In fact, the Commission on Wartime Contracting has reported that as much as $60 billion was lost to waste or fraud in Iraq, as contractors often subcontracted out to other contractors and the trail of money went wobbly.
So mercenaries steal your money, kill the locals, and don't win the wars.
But otherwise mercenaries are a great idea because the whole operation is hidden from public oversight and accountability. Which is why Obama has endorsed a massive and historic build-up of a global mercenary army.
In World War II, for example, 12 percent of the total force was made up of civilian contractors (at the time doing support jobs only). During the Iraq War, they comprised about 15 percent of the total military presence, but they got into the news because for the first time they were given jobs that were formerly relegated exclusively to armed soldiers....
By 2011, the use of military contractors has risen to 50 percent. Today, in Afghanistan, the percentage is 75 percent. The cost for all military contractors in the 2014 fiscal year was $285 billion.
That’s equal to 8 percent of federal spending, and three and a half times Britain’s entire defense budget. About 45 percent of those contracts were for services, including private military contractors.If mercenaries are not cheaper than regular military, then they are being used for political reasons. They are being used to avoid shedding the blood of citizens (the death rate for mercenaries is now higher than that for US combat troops). While we do not want to see the blood of our soldiers shed at all, this means that the government can now engage in military adventures without the public weighing in on whether the adventure is worth the risk - since from our new view as hiring managers, the risks are only financial. Hiring mercenaries who are not under military or civil law means that they can do things that our troops would never be allowed to do, yet America will still be held responsible. But most of all, we the people no longer know where our armies are.
Think about that.
Will Democrats actually think about that? Not likely in an election year.

I think I'll drop this on TOP
just to piss off the Hillbots with some reality.
Do it. do it
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
At this point...
We are starting to see what 'Democratic Competence' is. The ability to do the same things as George W. Bush without the scrutiny of the American people. Charm and charisma get you pretty far in life.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
War Tax Resistance the only ethical choice ?
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
I'm glad you did.
I signed in just to rec it. Your work has been so informative to me. Thank you.
I had a look, You still have a tip jar. Wow!
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
went to TOP and put 4 links on your article
have not been there for some time
it was almost a month
i go there and look at what is going on, which is nothing
issues have gone away because there is so much gossip to talk about
incredible that Robby Monk says that Trump controlled by the Russians. Don't even the dedicated hillary bots realize that is going too far?
when both candidates suck, and both are similar as pointed out by a piece here by gjohnsit a couple of days ago, and both use fear to get the people distracted
the topic of my comments a month ago was TPP. Cenk has an excellent video about Obama working for the oligarchs
Obama Is Pushing the Trans-Pacific Partnership So Clinton Won’t Have To (Video)
Got yer "Proudly Banned" graphic handy?
Post this over there, you'll need it.....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
When I looked he still had a tip jar and the comments weren't
too bad either. Some were even appreciative.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
I laid down the smack on one shill
He didn't reply. I wonder why?
You lead a charmed, if fact-based, life. :)
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
The 'avid reader' has failed to read his Machiavelli:
-- Niccolo Machiavelli, "The Discourses", Book 2, Ch XX
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Oh, I think he has read that
and I think that last line right there IS the point - "will not be able to hold" and "after acquiring will be easily taken from him," why hold it when you can keep on fighting over it repeatedly and to the tune of billions of dollars in profit for your friends?
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Our puppet President has
Our puppet President has shown himself, yet again, what a fucking liar that he truly is. Do you remember this? (uploaded to CNN on 9-10-13)
“I will not put boots on the ground in Syria.”
Then there this, uploaded by RT in April 2016. (The fucking Orwellian speak is fucking outrageous!)
Did you hear that? “there was never this, no boots on the ground, I don't know where this keeps coming from?”
Just fucking stab me with an ice pick in the temple and get it over with, holy shit!
From Consortiumnews:
Of course there is this from the NYT: Aug. 1st 2016
Just who the fuck is this fragile UN backed Government in Libya? Who cares because just today Aug. 22, 2016, ABC News is reporting that:
Got that? The Libyan parliament hasn't convened in 8 months, and only 1 member of parliament voted to support the unity government. And it is this unity government that requested the US start bombing in Libya.
Let's not forget, that ret. Gen. Westley Clark told us, that the US was planning on taking down 7 counties in the middle east in 5 years, Libya, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, and Sudan.
Using mercenary armies enables plausible deniability, usurpation of our constitution, violation of every major international law / treaty on war, the UN charter, Geneva Conventions, even our own federal laws, not to mention they do not have to abide by any human rights or civil rights or any laws what so ever. They are free to do what ever they want.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
That state department spokesman...
Reminded me of this:
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Question: Do mercenaries get VA benefits?
I know that they are fairly well paid for their odious work, and the contractors even better paid, but I don't know there status under the Veterans Affairs Dept
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
No VA benefits
They are treated like independent contractors in the eyes of the federal government. They have no access or rights to VA or any other benefits they would have gotten if they were enlisted instead of contractors.
War, War Never Changes - Fallout Series
Thank you.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
it's reported they make
a $1,000 per day or better. Two months of duty is more than more American make in a year. So they don't need VA benefits.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
I am pretty sure that they are not eligible for VA benefits
Most are not US citizens. With respect to the minority that are US citizens, one of the reasons for outsourcing the military is that, as with other forms of outsourcing, you escape long term responsibility. Outsourcing government jobs means that the government is not responsible for pensions, for example. Outsourcing the military means the DoD escapes responsibility for long term medical care.
Thanks - in addition to lack of administration accountability,
it's possible that this is cheaper in the long run.
I appreciate the information.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
But it really is NOT cheaper
in the long run at all. If we're paying them 3 times what a soldier makes that costs us more in the short term, obviously. Their long term medical care will be through either Medicare or Medicaid or private for profit insurance, all of which we pay for in one way or another.
It always costs more when you do a cost plus contract than it ever would if government did it so this is a win-win for the plutocrats and a lose-lose for the US taxpayer. Its just one more way to suck money out of the Treasury for private gain.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
If what I read in a reputable source is correct, it costs
$1Million a year to keep a soldier in the army. I don't know if that's true or not but this media source has been accurate in the past.
Paying $1000/work day plus the amount the main contractor skims off may well make it cheaper in the long run to hire mercenaries.
As for Medicare, a worker has a career of paying his/her share into this program and a mercenary, if an American, also chips in. As another has pointed out, the mercenary may not be an American and would get no long term benefits.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
A note with respect to numbers
A lot of the non US contractors are translators, cooks, etc. etc. Many are non-combatant.
Thanks for the clarification
But when you think about it, doesn't that imply higher average death tolls among those that are contractors? It seems like a mixed blessing.
More urgently though, I want accountability and oversight on the people acting "in my name". I do not want the president's office to have it's own private army.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
But ...
More contractors are getting killed than soldiers, so unless defective stoves are blowing up left and right, at least some contractors are engaged as combatants.
Even if it was a truck driver being shot by a sniper, it would have been a soldier driving a truck if the job hadn't been contracted out.
I so regret voting for Obama in 08, I may never vote again
I genuinely believed the Hope & Change schtick -- what an idiot I was. The man has disappointed on every level. And now embracing Clinton to continue his "legacy."
The only real "hope" left is that Wikileaks releases something so devastating that it'll bring Clinton down, possibly Obama with her. Crazy to think anything like that will happen, I know. But aren't we overdue for a miracle?
Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare
My choice in 2016
inactive account
Ouch... Just ouch
I guess that's why we all need to get busy doing just that.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
The good old days.
I joined the Army in 1973. Starting pay was $207 per month, and part of the job was kitchen duty, latrine duty, just about anything needed to keep an army functioning. It was a lot cheaper having me do the work than paying contractors to do it.
And more effective.
Civilian Contractors guarding the gate at Ft Hood is what let Major Hassan in with two fully loaded handguns, when every enlisted man was unarmed.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I figured rent-a-cops were a bad idea.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
It makes me feel sad and complicit
that I voted for a war crimes president twice. What were the alternatives though? They have made us all guilty and they must be stopped somehow.
"Would the American public care ...
"if they knew that the number of Americans getting killed in Obama's wars were 100% higher than reported? Probably."
Maybe not. Mercenaries typically are "stateless" warriors, following the money wherever it leads them. I suspect that a fair number of the "contractors" killing (and dying) to support the current Empire Project are foreign nationals, rather than ""Murricans" -- and security clearances be damned!
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
We are all touched by this endless war craziness.
I guess some of us will have to take a longer shower then others.