Hillary Clinton's Neuropathology--Hillary IS LOSING HER MIND--literally

Wow! Wow! The release of Dr. Bardack's medical assessment of Clinton is devastating to her. There is no way she can weasel her way out of this. Medically, this is "Put Up or Shut Up"

First, I will repeat my disclaimers from the Right Frontal Lobe Epilepsy essay.
1. I am no fan Of Medusa
2. I admitted to some speculation
3. Since the speculation was necessitated by lack of verifiable medical records, I urged that it was necessary for her medical records to be released.
4. I couldn't help myself: "I told ya so!"

Next, I shall enter the contents of Dr. Bardack's February 5, 2014 medical record, which is not comprehensive but is certainly helpful, after which I will translate from medicalese into English.

Present complaint: blacking out for short periods of time, uncontrollable twitching, memory loss, fatigue.

Interim Medical History:
Patient returns stating that she is still having complications following a concussion in December of 2012. She states the blacking out, uncontrollable twitching and memory loss have become worse over the last few months. Patient has been diagnosed with having complex partial seizures in early 2013 and was diagnosed with having early onset Subcortical vascular Dementia in mind 2013.

Medical Examination:
Patient shows signs of advancing Subcortical Vascular dementia after a MMSE was performed. The patient scored significantly worse than when tested in 2013. Patient is also showing signs of having more frequent complex partial seizures.

Complex partial seizures
Subcortical vascular dementia

I discussed with the patient at length about the alternatives and we elected to maintain her on the present medications with only increasing her medication for the seizures. I have ordered another MRI to be performed and will schedule another office visit after the test is performed.

Lisa R. Bardack, M.D.

1. Blacking out for short periods of time could represent:
A. amnesia during complex partial seizure (CPS)
B. sensory overload due to excessive attentional demands
C. both of the above

2. Uncontrollable twitching could represent:
A. sequelae of mTBI-induced upper brainstem injury
B. manifestation of CPS
C. medication side-effects
D. all of the above

3. Memory loss in her case is most likely multifactorial
A. Concussion-induced memory deficit (e.g., temporal lobe)
B. Subcortical Vascular dementia (SVD), also known as Binswanger's disease
C. Sensory overload, which is a common affection after mTBI
D. Medication effect

4. Complex Partial Seizures (CPS)
A form of epilepsy about which I wrote extensively in the first of the series concerning Hillary's neuropathology. For those who may not recall, "partial" means no loss of consciousness--which is different than loss of appropriate environmental responses. "Complex" means the involvement of more than one isolated neurological sign.

Known as Folstein's MiniMental Status examination. This test has high validity, meaning replicability. It has bee widely used (I have performed thousands of these). The problem is that the test is relatively insensitive to executive tasks (frontal lobe functions). Because it is relatively insensitive, a large drop in MMSE score (whatever that means) is indicative of fairly rapid neurological deterioration.

Dr. Bardack mentioned medications plural. The medications which Dr. Bardack alluded to in press-release like medical report of 2015 do not include anticonvulsants, movement control agents, psychotropic drugs. I pointed this discrepancy out in my prior essay.

I have spent the past 9 days researching dural sinus thrombosis, PCS and advanced imaging of neuropathology. Needless to say, I did not suspect SVD. As such, I have not collected any literature concerning that diagnosis.
What I can tell you now (unfortunately without the supporting literature) is that SVD:
1. irreversible
2. progressive
3. treated only symptomatically.

If her MMSE is falling significantly, that is a very bad sign--it means that before her four year term in office is completed, she will be medically incompetent due to severely diminished cognitive functions--sustained attention, working memory, multi-tasking, sensory overload, increasing physical fatigue secondary to attempted cognitive effort.

Some other points of interest:
1. PCS is due to cortical disease, not due to SVD. Therefore there are at least two anatomical loci of pathology: gray matter AND white matter.
2. Chronic use of anti-convulsants, especially at high dose has been known to cause Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
3. The head-bobbing about which I commented in the first essay could be: upper-brainstem related or PCS related.
4. Psuedobulbar affect is most often due to midbrain pathology, although other loci of disease may responsible.
5. Let's not forget the laughter: she could have gelastic epilepsy which is a form of PCS.
6. Somewhere I remember seeing a video of HRC, reading from a teleprompter. On the teleprompter was the direction: "sigh"
At first I took this as a measure of her literal-mindedness; but now, on further reflection, I think the verbalization of the word sigh was due to diminished set-shifting. Impaired set-shifting is a cardinal manifestation of microneuropathology in people who have significant post-concussion syndrome. Somewhere along the line, Bill Clinton admitted that it took 6 months for her to come back to baseline. Even if that is true, though it probably is an underestimate, that signifies a more severe injury that the average mTBI in which symptomatic recovery occurs within 3 months.

A few words of explanation of commonly used medical terms:
1. Concussion: although very frequently accompanied by loss of consciousness, said loss of consciousness is not a necessary component of concussion.
2. MRI = Magnetic Resonance Imaging. MRI is a painless non-invasive procedure (unless IV injection of paramagnetic contrast is used). MRIs typically done for screening purposes contain only 5 (out of more than a dozen available) pulse sequences. The major pulse sequences are useful, but somewhat insensitive to determining macromolecular pathology. Macromolecular means fairly large anatomic clusters of tissue. Even if the MRI is positive for macromolecular lesions, it does not tells us about the functionality of the neural networks involved.
Macromolecular pathology has three components, but requires use of non-routine pulse sequences. The three domains of pathology detected are: structural (but on a much finer scale than on routine MRI), functional, and biochemical.
MRI is an extremely interesting modality and is becoming simultaneously more complex and more useful rapidly. For those of you that wish, I can reference a very good historical review of neuroimaging, starting from the skull x-ray to today's forays into magnetic resonance spectroscopy, diffusion tense imaging, and even more lately sodium ionic locations.

Let me conclude with this: I was preparing to write at least two more essays about Hillary's neuropathology including neuroanatomic concomitants of mTBI, especially when associated with post-concussion syndrome. The other contemplated essay was about the pathophysiology of Cerebral Dural Sinus Thrombosis.

One more note: CVD is not due to trauma. It is subcortical and involves white matter tracts. It is progressive--and in fact manifestations of Clinton's various neuropathologist (there is more than one) seem to be occurring at an accelerated pace--which is to be expected in view of the high stress levels, increased demand for cognitive functioning, and reduced physical stamina due to post-concussion syndrome.

My educated guess: Hillary will be unable to mask her several neuropathological disorders well before election day.

Once again, I invite your comments. Please refer this essay and the first widely. I don't do social medial. Please do the country a favor and SPREAD THE WORD.

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detroitmechworks's picture


But lots and lots of weasel words which are basically saying they're gonna find it false anyway. (Lots of alleged Conspiracies of fakers, etc... weird for snopes, Honestly.)

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Have the Clintons or any of their associates bought/gone to work at Snopes recently? In example, David Brock seems to be accumulating a quite a monopoly on organizations whereby Hillary then be protected from justice, of late.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

ThoughtfulVoter's picture

Good question Ellen!

Kim LaCapria ends her Snopes report by this comment, but note she doesn't report any outcome from it:

We contacted the Mount Kisco Medical Group to ask whether the displayed documents matched internal formatting of medical records or reports but were unable to immediately reach anyone there who could answer that question. In addition to contacting the practice, we've also asked doctors to review the "leaked" records to determine whether they contained obvious signs of fabrication visible to physicians (but not necessarily laymen).

Peter Hasson's article makes her fact checking sound less than objective:

Read his article for yourself, but I would interpret it to say she is punting for Clinton at least indirectly.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

which is itself anything but objective and has a clear right-wing slant. He may be factually correct, or simply slagging a goalie on the other team.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

has a lot of dead fish in it. A few live ones, but an awful lot of dead ones.

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Older and Wiser Now's picture

LaCapria took a lot of heat when she revealed that the Nevada chair throwing incident was essentially just a pack of lies. Yeah, she was "the guy" who wrote that particular piece.

Please don't be so quick to throw her under the bus based on some Daily Caller guy's comments. I had a few convos with her and she said that everything she writes is reviewed by Snopes himself before it goes out. Consider the reputation of Snopes and the reputation of the Daily Caller. One is rather famous for being truth-oriented and the other one is the Daily Caller. Just Saying.

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elenacarlena's picture

Nice try over at Reddit (I was lurking and nodding along with you).

You're right, Kim is truthier than the Daily Caller. I think they'll likely revise the Snopes article about the medical records as more information comes in.

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Older and Wiser Now's picture

Thanks for the shout out and vouching for Kim! Nice to see you too! Man, I wish we could all be together more easily ... me no likey! FYI, I really love this place too, but the load time gets to me, and I really like the reddit discussion features, so I kind of get absorbed over there. I don't mean to "not be here", when I drop by I always see fabulous content and I love ssing all the familiar names! Too little time, and too much RL stuff.

Which nice try are you talking about? The diary I launched to try to get community feedback? Where I was attacked for using the word "diary" on the fucking KFS reddit? ha ha ha, obviously that person is not one of the original refugees, I take it. Everyone's trust stuff has been triggered, though I think things are starting to calm down a bit. But I kind of feel like a child of divorced parents, and Mommy and Daddy are fighting and I don't like it and I don't want to take sides and I just want it to all stop! Sigh. Some of the new KFS'ers don't seem familiar with my kill-them-with-kindness approach, so strange to be having to use it with my own tribe. But I did get a few nice 'thanks for this info' type responses today, so I'm ending on an almost high note. And then I came over and found your note! Yay!

Not only is Kim truthier, I get the impression that she is a secret Bernie gal, but she has to maintain a professional neutrality with her work. So it's just weird to see folks on "my team" have these questions. I understand that we all walk our own walks, and see what we see, and other folks see different stuff than I do. It's just weird, so I wanted to just share my little bit of truth here. Take care, sweetie! And give the cat-creature some cuddles from me!

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elenacarlena's picture

occasional extra-popular day/time or need to upgrade. Admins have been nicely on top of things, IMO, considering the growing pains.

I understand, I keep meaning to get over to Reddit but as you note, real life interferes (or online time interferes with real life!). I find this place to be homelike because of the way they allow any topics, but conversation has to be civil. It's so nice to know attacks are unlikely! And so is "punishment" for thought crimes like at TOP. I am trying to keep a thread going in the messages at TOP, though, for W4B, in case anyone wants to check in from time to time.

Not sure what thread I was reading at Reddit, that's about only the second time I've been there and I ended up a little lost. But the mods were trying to make the group more focused on down-ticket races so wanted to move discussions of Presidential races to its own thread. There was a TON of pushback. The mods seemed immune to criticism, even snide. And there you were, asking for reasonableness as you often do, and trying to get the mods to consider the comments. I think it was you, maybe others too, suggesting that they walk it back and spend some time gathering comments and proposals before considering what to do next. It all seemed to be falling on deaf ears at the time I left Reddit. Glad it's looking up today. Yes, I think people there may be hypersensitive to "censorship". (I understood what the mods were trying to do, which was provide more focus; but their process failed.) That sort of hypersensitivity sometime arises here as well. I swear, we all have PTSD from TOP.

I remember Kim asking for contact with W4B, which I thought was cool. She's young and intelligent, so of course she was pro Bernie! Wink So far I think she has managed to be neutral pretty well as the situation requires; I have read her several times and followed some of her links. I also read somewhere that everything goes through the owners of Snopes before being published, so the writers have to be on their toes; the boss will remove any bias.

The cats accept cuddles, thank you!

If you see MO, ask her to stop on by. I couldn't figure out how to leave a message at Reddit without signing up, which I didn't want to take time to do.

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Steven D's picture


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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

TheOtherMaven's picture

The possibilities are:

1) Accurate description of what is going on with HilLIARy, from her actual doctor.

2) Elaborate and completely untruthful fakes.

3) More or less accurate information conveyed at second/third/nth hand (e.g. copied and reproduced by person or persons unknown, without access to the - if any - originals).

Even if the answer is 3), the Establishment will of course scream to the heavens that it is 2) - pretty much what they did with the GWB AWOL documents that ruined Dan Rather's career (simply and only because he forgot about "chain of possession").

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

regardless of whether is 2, 3 ... or 1.

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which, although true, were planted to create an air of fraud around the entire question of AWOL and incomplete service. Dan Rather lost his job and we got 8 years with a sociopath in the White House.

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

TheOtherMaven's picture

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

This is not

  • how medical records look,
  • how a Doctor would note a visit,
  • the correct medical terminology.

Medical records are not free form unstructured prose, they are complex database structures. Nothing like the alleged records.

  • Also paper records have almost disappeared, EMRs (Electronic Medical Records) are used by 83% of the Doctors in the US, including all major Universities and health care systems and any Doctor that would be cleared to treat the wife of a former president, who's also a former Senator and Secretary of State and the Democratic Candidate for POTUS, that Doctor is going to be at a top level system and would be on an EMR, hence no paper letters like this


  • Dr. Bardack is a member of the Mount Sinai Health System and they use Epic for their EMR, all patient correspondence and notes are in the EMR, and don't look like this at all.
  • Compare the typed letterhead and the typed out clinic address on the left side of the page with the letterhead, logo and job title of the same physician released by Hillary Clinton in July 2015


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TheOtherMaven's picture

for all the reasons stated above. What they are, we don't know yet. They may be total fakes. They may be unofficial transcripts of purloined information at second/third/nth-hand. They may be garbled misinformation via "Slobbovian telegraph".

Dr. Lisa Bardack is not currently listed in the Mt. Sinai health system (I checked, both sides - specialist and primary). So unless you mean that Northern Westchester Hospital and/or Caremount (formerly Mount Kisco Medical Group) is/are affiliated in some way with Mount Sinai (which I was unable to verify or disprove), the assertion about EPIC is...probable, but unverified.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Lisa R. Bardack, MD

Director of Internal Medicine,
Mount Sinai Health System at CareMount Medical

Chairman of the Department of Medicine,
CareMount Medical
Director of Internal Medicine,
Mount Sinai Health Systems

Awards & Recognition
Best Doctors in America: 2011- 2016
Castle Connolly Top Doctor: 2016

Professional Affiliations
Assistant Clincal Professor of Medicine
Mount Sinai School of Medicine

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elenacarlena's picture

doctor, hospital to hospital, dictation to dictation. And these are apparently followup notes, more likely to be in-office records therefore even more variation, including not necessarily using the letterhead. Former medical transcriptionist here. Many docs don't entirely trust electronic records, do keep paper copies or may print them out for one purpose or another.

I do think they are fake, but I don't think it's obvious.

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I'm a retired physical therapist and I agree that med records don't look like this. However, I often get a letter-like review of the day's visit that looks remarkably like this. It's a photo-copy, the original of which I have no doubt goes into my file. It's clearly written for the patient, a lay person. I get these letters from my GP sometimes, Ob/Gyn and Eye Docs every time. Also, it's handed to me by someone at or near the front desk, a receptionist or secretary who could easily stash a second copy to leak. I accompany an older friend to her more numerous doc visits. She takes a lot of meds which are never enumerated in her exit letter. Some of her letters have had details about what she should be doing differently; other times it's just a brief word to "continue" or "continue as discussed'. Neither of us go to Mt. Sinai; but we do live in the same state (NY).

I'm not sure if this is useful info to help decide if this HRC "leak" is valid.

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featheredsprite's picture

I found it interesting that Snopes declared the reports unproved, but republished the letter anyway. Hmmmmm.

Hillary's big money donors aren't stupid. That's why they have the big bucks. But Hillary might not be able to keep her promises to them. They'll recognize that. I wouldn't be surprised if her big donations dried up.

Bill, of course, is just two steps up from being a basket case himself.

We want these people in the White House?

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Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.

Anja Geitz's picture

Interesting as well. Why give it currency if they can't verify?

As far as Bill's health? You hit on a fair question, I think. In either case, they both look like hell. Maybe Karma is catching up to them in a way they can't blame on the vast right wing CT?

(And no, I'm not wishing ill health on a fellow human being. Just making speculations. Albeit, unkind ones perhaps, but wishing no bodily harm on anyone)

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

I hoped you would follow up, and you did, in great detail. Much appreciated.
But what can be done? If it is false, the damage is profound. If true, isn't that illegal, to disclose medical records without written permission? The physician wouldn't be able to discuss it without permission, right?
The plot thickens.

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riverlover's picture

change that to "the clot thickens". sigh.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

elenacarlena's picture

left Dr. Bardack's employ would be facing felony jail time per the HIPAA laws. Of course, if they pursue this person for that, they would be admitting the records are real.

But if this gains traction, Hillary will no doubt give her doctor permission to discuss her medical condition. Her doctor will say whatever she is given permission to say. If the records are real and her doctor won't lie to cover that up, Hillary will suddenly find a new doctor to declare her fit.

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ThoughtfulVoter's picture

Added to all the above, she shouldn't be falling down like she has been shown to lately if she is on chronic Coumadin. This was in her medical letter during the primary, as I recall.

(Coumadin delays the blood's normal clotting process, and there is always of risk of internal hemorrhage if you fall hard enough. Commonly called a "blood thinner".)

I posted this elsewhere, but I am wondering now if the long Obama hug while they walked off stage together after her DNC speech was more for her balance than any affection they share? Speculation here on my part...

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pswaterspirit's picture

I had an aunt who died because she fell while on coumadin. She conked her head not even hard enough to knock herself out but the blood thinners caused bleeding in her brain that could not be stopped.

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dervish's picture

died of complications from coumadin as well.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

MsGrin's picture

For those who aren't aware, read the ingredients on a box of D-con - it's sodium warfarin. Coumadin is a brand name for it. http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=2+1677&aid=2231

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

elenacarlena's picture

Not a nice way for a rat to go, bleeding out. Sad

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Some people have a mutation in a liver enzyme that slows the metabolising of coumadin. If given "normal" dosage, the drug accumulates to life-threatening concentrations. There are tests available to determine whether a patient has the mutation, but most health plans won't pay for it -- they feel it is more cost effective to dose the patient and then test after a couple of days to see where the coumadin levels are.

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

Alligator Ed's picture

I'm not a lawyer so I don't know the legal ramifications of utilizing medical information which is now in the public domain. Perhaps one the c99 attorneys can clarify this. If she has Binswanger's disease (SVD), to use the vernacular, she is fucked.
Signs, i.e..e., objective observations by other than self, are becoming more frequent as expected. If the DCC had any integrity (which they don't) they would pull her off the ticket now!

The long-term use of coumadin is mandatory because she has had at least 2 proven venous thmboses. Yes, being on coumadin does increased the risk of intracranial bleed.

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effort, she somehow is elected, as long as they can drag her into the White House, they are home free. Quite possibly, she would never be seen again. But the masters would have what they want, and finally, Hillary becomes irrelevant.

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comforting, the thought of her having her finger on the big red button. Major Depressive Disorder. I just hope that the worst thing she does is cut off her ear.
Note: at the end of the link is a list of people with this condition. Question is, how would Wiki know? And you'll notice Assange is on the list. And there are no US politicians except for Abe Lincoln. Maybe the list has been worked over a bit ya think...

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TheOtherMaven's picture

and highly vulnerable to politically-biased editing. It's happened a number of times in the past, to the extent that some pages get locked to end the editing wars.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Since she'd likely be deemed incompetent to stand trial due to her (variously suggested) brain disorders, diseases and dysfunctions, is this perhaps supposed to be a back-up plan to keep her out of prison when 'stuff' keeps coming out about her? AFTER she gains the Presidency, I suppose...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Alligator Ed's picture

because, if true her condition will progress more rapidly than Ronnie Raygun version of Alzheimer's disease. I also believe that according to the Presidential succession Act, that the Pres can be removed from office due to mental incompetence. May be wrong there, but we won't have long to see.

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Steven D's picture


Section 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.

IMO, Bill would do everything in his power to ensure this never happens to Hillary, including threats against Kaine, blackmail or otherwise..

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

snoopydawg's picture

That question needs to be answered because I don't know of any doctor that would violate the HIIPA laws and still think they could continue to keep their medical license.

I can relate to the memory blackouts because of the TBI I suffered 41 years ago. After it happened, for at least 10 years I would have conversations with people or do something and the next day when people mentioned it to me I had no recollection of it.
Although it doesn't happen as often, I am still having problems. A few years ago I asked my friend a question 4 times in 5 minutes and didn't remember the previous 3 times.
For years I was self conscious about it because no one had explained the after effects of a TBI. My doctor had put me on some new medications and when this happened I asked him what the hell they were doing to me. That's when he asked me if anyone had ever told me about the after effects of a TBI.
And the effects get much worse when I'm stressed.
How the hell anyone can think that Hillary could be president if she is suffering from a TBI is mind boggling.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

TheOtherMaven's picture

and such backstory as has seeped out (not very much) suggests a disgruntled former employee (at one point they were going nyah-nyah-nyah about now working somewhere completely different) who is explicitly pro-Trump (a #TrumpPence hashtag).

At least, that's what somebody wants us to believe.

Whether that's any more true than the information in the documents...?

I think it has been pointed out that Dr. Bardack is an internist, not a neurologist, which means she was probably not the person who conducted the actual evaluations. If there is any validity to the information, though, she would have issued the appropriate referrals and compiled the report results. There may, or may not, be records of such reports, which may or may not (most likely not) be publicly accessible.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Alligator Ed's picture

The facts are what count. I cannot vouch for the authenticity of the one clinic visit report I read, but it definitely was phrased as an internist, such as Dr. Bardack would expected to do.
As I have said before, It Is Incumbent Upon Hillary Clinton To Disprove These Medical Allegations.

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riverlover's picture

Does my pharmacist know more than my PCP, who now has complete control of my med list? I do not doc shop. In fact, I tend to get rid of specialists like my Gastroenterologist and Cardiologist. Too many copays.

Tell me, AE, 8(or9) days out from my mTBI, I still have trouble on the keyboard, still have a headache, still have my staples. My first MRI was done within hours of my fall, I was told that Iodine was used as a contrast agent for a second scan thus the subarachnoid hemorrhage Dx. I assume I should demand another scan this Fri after PCP visit to remove the staples, etc. Anything else? I give not a shit about HIIPAA.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Alligator Ed's picture

I would not be alarmed at this stage concerning your cognitive--or-emotional--reactions. Just take it easy. When you feel yourself mentally or physically exhausted, time to do something else like listen to music, take a nap or bird watch. If you are becoming irritable, that's another sign of overdoing it. BTW, these are questions I used to get all the time.

As far as MRI scans:
1. The contrast material is not iodine, it is gadolinium, a heavy metal
2. Most currently used staples in ERs or ORs are not paramagnetic--meaning they won't go flying out of you head.

As far as requesting a new scan, I would definitely recommend another one if you have increasing headaches, worsening neurologic symptoms, or especially developing new neurologic symptoms. If you are really worried, see a neurologist.

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elenacarlena's picture

an employee who now works elsewhere. It doesn't really matter if it's a doctor, if the records are real and s/he is outed, s/he has ZERO future in the medical field and will go to prison and face huge fines. Nurse, tech, whoever, absolutely, loss of license. This is a felony. So people don't have to worry about their own medical records, very few people would take this chance.

Hill had her concussion in 2012. Her doctor pronounced her with no lingering ill effects in 2013 and wrote a letter that she is fit for the Presidency in 2015.

My prediction is that these records will be denied as real, nothing will happen to the person who took them (you can't be convicted of a HIPAA violation for fake records), her doctor will issue a new statement that she never had SVD, anything we've seen is just fatigue from campaigning so hard "on all our behalves," and she will be newly declared fit.

If it's not ignored entirely because the MSM never reports on it. And then maybe after she's in office, the thief might be quietly prosecuted for a HIPAA violation.

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WindDancer13's picture

third term. Or actually would it be a combination of Bill', Obama's and Reagan's? What a mess that would be!

Thanks for the break down (not mine). If the information is in the public domain, you are free to use it. In addition, persons of note have less recourse to keeping information from the public due to being public figures.

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

elenacarlena's picture

Two terms of HW behind the scenes for Reagan, one term of HW, two terms of W. She'll appoint some Repugs who worked for those guys. The center-right establishment continues.

Public figures have the same right to privacy of their medical records as anyone else. However, AFAIK only the person who stole the documents and released them (if they're not fake) is guilty of the HIPAA violation. Now they're all over the Internet, as you say they're public, it's too late now to expect privacy.

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dervish's picture

"Partial" doesn't refer to no loss of consciousness, you are thinking of "simple". Partial refers to the fact that it doesn't involve the entire brain.

Subcortical vascular dementia does not typically cause complex partial seizures. You are addressing two different issues. Remember, the original insult occured in the brain stem, as evidenced by the diplopia and the prism she had to wear on her glasses. Also subcortical vascular dementia is not caused by trauma. The MMSE can be useful, but it doesn't have the "high validity" of which you speak. The mini mental status exam consists of things like serial sevens, asking the patient to name simple objects, where they are, etc. It can identify serious brain damage or dementia, but subtle damage would be nearly impossible to detect with such a simple technique.

I could go on and on, but I won't.

Where did you get these Bardack records? Can Dr. Bardack confirm that these are in fact written by her?

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

TheOtherMaven's picture

They're digging into the story, and may or may not have further information in a few days or so.

It all started when images of papers purporting to be medical reports from Dr. Bardack popped up on Twitter. They were yanked within a very short time, but not before they had been retweeted, copied, saved, proliferated, etc. by both the far Right and the far Left (or what passes for the latter in this country).

Sometimes it seems to me that my 90(!)-year-old mother is sharper and more "on the ball" than Ms. Clinton - and Mom has significant medical problems that have produced several serious falls, too.

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dervish's picture

She's Internal Medicine.

In my entire career, I've never heard of an internist diagnosing subcortical dementia, it doesn't happen.

If Bardak were a neurologist, this would make more sense, but she isn't.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

WaterLily's picture

(Assuming any of this is real).

It reads as a summary of HRC's status, likely dx'd by a specialist, and compiled by her. Fairly typical of a PCP, no?

I'm on the fence as to whether this "report" is genuine, but it certainly explains a lot of things.

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Meteor Man's picture

Where did you get these Bardack records? Can Dr. Bardack confirm that these are in fact written by her?

How is that relevant to whether or not a likely next president of the United States is already mentally unfit for office?

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

dervish's picture

I think the records are false. Bardak isn't a neurologist, and no competent PCP would attempt to diagnose something like this. That's what neurology consults are for.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

TheOtherMaven's picture

which in itself is somewhat suspicious, as a formal and official report should have included mention of all referrals, to whom, for what, when, results, etc.

I'm not sure what goes into a doctor's "scratch notes" for their personal files, or whether that's even what these images (there are two of them, and the second is even more disturbing) are supposed to be. http://allnewspipeline.com/Hillary_Clinton_Medical_Records_Released.php

"She advised me of her future plans and I advised her to travel with a medical team" is annoyingly sketchy, because we don't know who - if anybody - is being forthright with whom. My "gut feeling" is that any doctor dealing with a patient with that kind of medical history, who learned that they were planning to run for President, would be ethically required to tell them to Forget It and Go Enjoy Your Grandchild(ren).

Of course, if it's all bogus....

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dervish's picture

the anti-coagulation. She doesn't. The records are likely fake.

Ask Dallasdoc what he thinks, I'm sure he'd concur.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

Meteor Man's picture

I think the records are false.

Why does anyone care what you think? Have you performed a medical exam of Hillary Clinron?

Bardak isn't a neurologist, and no competent PCP would attempt to diagnose something like this. That's what neurology consults are for.

So you are in favor of Hillary Clinton being examined by a specialist?

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

practice here.

Hillary is not going to want to be seen walking in or out of a neurologist's office as she prepares for another Presidential run. Bardack was the somewhat mysterious doctor who suddenly appeared on the scene to pronounce Hillary fit in a public statement. Perhaps the Clintons were able to pressure Bardack to try diagnosing Hillary's problems without sending her to a neurologist.

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dervish's picture

Not to mention that the "report" doesn't make sense, from a neurology standpoint.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

TheOtherMaven's picture

We've all gotten the point that you think this is a crock of hooey (as it may in fact turn out to be) and that you question the competence, professionalism, and intelligence of anyone who expresses any belief in it whatsoever. Fine. Enough already. MOVE ON, if you can.

If you continue to belabor the point, you will open yourself (or already have opened yourself, in the opinion of some) to suspicion of being one of those supposedly mythical "Hillary shills".

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hecate's picture

why dervish should have to move on, when all the breathless little mini-me Dr. Frists are not moving on.

Or why dervish would be considered a shill for Hillary, but the breathless little mini-me Dr. Frists would not be considered shills for galloping wanking moranism.

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Anja Geitz's picture

REPEATEDLY and is now following the OP around in his posts on this. WE GET IT. SHE THINKS HE'S A FAKE. And yet SHE HAS NO PROOF.

Maybe we should be asking for her credentials along with her "neurologist" husband? Better yet, I CALL BULLSHIT. She isn't a nurse and her husband isn't a "neurologist". She just SAID THAT to create FALSE SENSE OF AUTHORITY.

I think she's a paid shill on here to disrupt the thread. Do I have proof of that. Why, no. I don't. And suppose I start following him/her around saying that???

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

who's right and who's wrong in this matter and how exactly do you know that?

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Anja Geitz's picture

Who is following one of the posters around trolling them? She's made her point. At what point is this harassment?

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

how do you know who's right and who's wrong?

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lunachickie's picture

the person in question here has stated, flat out, that Alligator Ed is lying about his credentials. And they state they have credentials.

Which one of them is correct?

Well, we don't know that, do we. So that would seem to be up to me, I have nothing to base it on but someone else's word. here on this blog. And I'm sorry, but I tend to take someone I have previously interacted with, repeatedly, way more seriously (or at least give the benefit of the doubt to) than someone who just pops up and starts calling others liars. Obviously that's becoming a YMMV thing, though I am pretty sure we've established the baseline for DBAA.

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your opinion on a gut feeling. I'm just trying to keep the peace here and these threads are anything but peaceful, by everyone.

I'm going to ask you to stop, and anyone else who continues this food fight from here on will be asked to stop also. Everyone.

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enhydra lutris's picture

keeps asserting that so-and-so is a junkie, without any proof, but with differing alleged evidence in each post, then others, including, repetitively, the same other, is entitled to challenge that assertion and the putative evidence. That is not trolling. This is nobody's echo chamber.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

dervish's picture

This is a new diary, and it has many glaring errors. Why is it wrong to point those out?

I'd be happy to show my credentials, and my spouse's to JtC privately.

You got the genders backwards btw, not that it matters. I am male, and my wife is the neurologist.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

I'm asking you to stop, and anyone else who continues this food fight from here on will be asked to stop also. Everyone.

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Anja Geitz's picture

Do so and JtC can verify. Until then everything YOU say is suspect.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

TheOtherMaven's picture

I oughta know by now that one can't make those kinds of assumptions any longer, not with lots and lots of male RNs and female specialists. Blush

Hmmm...is Medusa's mysterious "bodyguard" actually an RN? That's a possibility that hadn't occurred to me - or I think anyone else yet, so far.

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dervish is free to have an opinion contrary to your own, as long as the opinion is made in a civil manner.

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Anja Geitz's picture

However, she has already made the point, and is now trolling the OP in all of his posts on this. It's unnecessary and serves no purpose.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

TheOtherMaven's picture

has already started, in fact.

I think he's a bit too eager to believe in these mysterious papers, but I'm not about to question, or even outright deny, his professionalism on that basis. We'll all find out eventually whether they're bogus or not (I'm leaning toward "bogus" but remember too well the "GWB AWOL papers" case).

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lunachickie's picture

multiple foot-stomping "No, no, these are fakess!!" posts, in my mind, constitute "Repetition Trolling".

It's not so much as "shill" as it is a "technique", IMO. The person might be shilling on behalf of the Clinton campaign, or they may just be a really, seriously zealous supporter of hers. Either way, when it pops up in thread after thread, the same sort of message, at minimum, it's rude. It shouldn't take fifteen posts to make the same point.

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reflectionsv37's picture

and I also find that type of behavior to very annoying and it sometimes completely destroys the ability to have any back and forth conversation. It's also called thread jacking and was used quite successfully over at TOP when someone wanted to derail a discussion. There comes a point where you've made your point and move on. Devrish went past that point about 10 comments ago.

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“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush

enhydra lutris's picture

repetitively assert hypothesis a, but that unbeliever y cannot challenge such assertions more than once or twice or some other limited number. Sure, the back and forth would get tedious, but that's life. Here, new allegations of evidence are being made, and they are obviously open to new challenges.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

I've been monitoring this closely. Ed started the bomb throwing in this thread when he called dervish "Napoleon". Go look for yourself.

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Anja Geitz's picture

After she basically called him A LIAR. An over the top statement in and of itself with NO PROOF to back it up.

Returning the insult with something as mild as calling her "Napolean" is hardly justification for her relentless thread jacking.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

TheOtherMaven's picture

thread earlier, when dervish posted that if Alligator Ed was a real neurologist, then she was Napoleon.

Bad manners to drag it back up again, probably, but apparently we are not allowed to have a civil discussion on this matter (because dervish won't allow it).

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to stop, and anyone else who continues this food fight from here on will asked to stop also. Everyone.

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dervish's picture

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

Anja Geitz's picture

Come on here and basically call one of the posters a liar and accuse them of not being who they are with no evidence. It's one thing to disagree with the premise that the documents presented are real, or that we can diagnose something based on videos. Quite another to just flat out call them a liar. Disgusting behavior, actually.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

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TheOtherMaven's picture

and I think it's a shame that the English language has no way of distinguishing between "you-specific" and "you-generic".

Even the Southern "you-all" (or "y'all") isn't always clear enough.

But - that's a topic for a different thread.

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everyone involved in this food fight. I don't really care who's right or who's wrong, I just want it to stop.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Anja Geitz's picture

Has been acknowledged. I will stop my replies on Dervish's behavior in this thread. But what happens when he shows up in another one doing the SAME thing?

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

I'm tired of seeing it everywhere. What the hell has it accomplished?

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TheOtherMaven's picture

The Clintons' house is on the north side of Chappaqua, just off Bedford Road. Northern Westchester Hospital is up Bedford Road a few miles, right where it turns into "Main Street" and "South Bedford Road" veers off to the right - technically this is "Bedford Corners", but that's as unofficial as "Chappaqua" (which is officially part of New Castle). CareMount (formerly the Mount Kisco Medical Group) is just around the corner from the hospital, up "South Bedford Road" a few hundred feet.

It makes sense that Ms. Clinton would want a doctor associated with a local major hospital, with an address that was convenient to her home. Wouldn't you, if you could afford it? (And, of course, she can.)

I feel sorry for the receptionists at CareMount - that phone number is for the main desk and is plainly visible, and they're probably getting slammed with phone calls about this. Even if all they say is "We're not allowed to give out that information" and cut the call off, that's still a lot of waste of their time.

There remains the question of that big burly black guy who is always at Ms. Clinton's side in practically every public appearance. Personal bodyguard? Medical assistant? He's not Secret Service, he's dressing to blend in with them. One theory from a relatively dubious source had it that he was a neurologist (a specific name was given, which I won't repeat). I have my doubts that Shillary could offer enough pay to have a neurologist abandon his practice and be at her beck and call practically 24/7. A neurologist assistant, maybe. A generic physician assistant would come cheaper, and a bodyguard with EMT training cheaper still.

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