Open Thread 8-11-16: No Comment!
April 14
"I question her judgement voting for the war in Iraq, the worst foreign policy in the history of this country," he said.
He then went on to attack the former first lady for voting for "virtually every disastrous trade agreement."
"And I question her judgement," he added, "about running super-PACs which are collecting tens of millions of dollars from special interests including $15 million from Wall Street."
May 29
Bernie Sanders warned on Sunday that Hillary Clinton must choose a left-wing candidate as running mate if the Democratic party is to win the presidential election.
The comments came amid mounting criticism that Mrs Clinton's campaign is poorly equipped to take on Donald Trump.
Mr Sanders cautioned that to beat the bombastic Republican nominee, the Democratic party must defend working families by choosing a non-traditional candidate who would stand up to "Wall Street" and the "greed of corporate America".
"That means having a candidate who can excite working families, excite young people, bring them into the political process, create a large voter turnout," said Mr Sanders in a television interview. "It means someone who has a history of fighting for working families."
June 1
“Secretary Clinton and I obviously have many, many differences of opinions on many issues, but on the issue of fracking, our differences of opinion are pretty profound,” he said. “I think it is too late for regulation. I think fracking ought to be banned in America.”
July 3
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders says Hillary Clinton’s allies are frustrating his plan to have the Democratic Party platform rule out a congressional vote this year on a Pacific rim trade deal negotiated by the Obama administration.
“The Democratic Party must go on record in opposition to holding a vote on this disastrous, unfettered free-trade agreement during the lame-duck session of Congress and beyond,” Mr. Sanders said in a column published Sunday in the Philadelphia Inquirer. He said that an amendment to that effect offered at a St. Louis platform-drafting session late last month was defeated “with all of Hillary Clinton’s committee members voting against it.”
July 12
"This election is about the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality that currently exists, the worst it has been since 1928. Hillary Clinton knows that something is very wrong when the very rich become richer while many others are working longer hours for lower wages."
"She understands that we must work with countries around the world in transforming our energy system away from fossil fuels and into energy efficiency and sustainable energy – and that when we do that we can create a whole lot of good paying jobs."
Then there's this from Eugene Debs in Canton, Ohio in 1918...
"There is but one thing you have to be concerned about, and that is that you keep foursquare with the principles of the international Socialist movement. It is only when you begin to compromise that trouble begins. So far as I am concerned, it does not matter what others may say, or think, or do, as long as I am sure that I am right with myself and the cause. There are so many who seek refuge in the popular side of a great question.
As a Socialist, I have long since learned how to stand alone. For the last month I have been traveling over the Hoosier State; and, let me say to you, that, in all my connection with the Socialist movement, I have never seen such meetings, such enthusiasm, such unity of purpose; never have I seen such a promising outlook as there is today, notwithstanding the statement published repeatedly that our leaders have deserted us. Well, for myself, I never had much faith in leaders. I am willing to be charged with almost anything, rather than to be charged with being a leader. I am suspicious of leaders, and especially of the intellectual variety. Give me the rank and file every day in the week.
If you go to the city of Washington, and you examine the pages of the Congressional Directory, you will find that almost all of those corporation lawyers and cowardly politicians, members of Congress, and misrepresentatives of the masses—you will find that almost all of them claim, in glowing terms, that they have risen from the ranks to places of eminence and distinction. I am very glad I cannot make that claim for myself. I would be ashamed to admit that I had risen from the ranks. When I rise it will be with the ranks, and not from the ranks."
The whole thing is worth a read:
Mario Savio, December 1964
"And that -- that brings me to the second mode of civil disobedience. There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart that you can't take part! You can't even passively take part! And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus -- and you've got to make it stop! And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it -- that unless you're free the machine will be prevented from working at all!!"
Martin Luther King, April 1967
"Perhaps a more tragic recognition of reality took place when it became clear to me that the war was doing far more than devastating the hopes of the poor at home. It was sending their sons and their brothers and their husbands to fight and to die in extraordinarily high proportions relative to the rest of the population. We were taking the black young men who had been crippled by our society and sending them eight thousand miles away to guarantee liberties in Southeast Asia which they had not found in southwest Georgia and East Harlem. So we have been repeatedly faced with the cruel irony of watching Negro and white boys on TV screens as they kill and die together for a nation that has been unable to seat them together in the same schools. So we watch them in brutal solidarity burning the huts of a poor village, but we realize that they would hardly live on the same block in Chicago. I could not be silent in the face of such cruel manipulation of the poor."
another great read:
Don't like Jill Stein? Here are some options:
Gloria La Riva, Party for Socialism and Liberation (Florida, New Jersey, New Mexico, Vermont, Washington), Peace and Freedom Party (California)
Mimi Soltysik, Socialist Party USA (Colorado, Michigan)
Monica Morehead, Workers World Party (New Jersey)
The Groaning Bones
Queen of Soul
Paul Butterfield Blues Band

(No subject)
(no questions, no answers, no comments, no more)
I love the way we all uprate screwed-up comments!
We've all been there, done that.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Too bad Debs is dead. Studs Terkel is dead, too.
A writer, not a fighter, unless writing is fighting.;-)
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Let's see -- what's that old adage regarding
pen v sword?
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Good morning
Love your OTs Shah. Anyone but the same ol' same ol'
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
MLK didn't live long after he
MLK didn't live long after he gave his It's Time to Break Silence speech.
Neither did RFK.
Killed months apart in 1968, by lone gunmen, acting alone, as was JFK a few years earlier.
we wonder, don't we?, if that is why people don't speak out now.
shaz was asking last night "where are the musicians?" There's plenty to be angry about, plenty to protest. Maybe the good protest songs don't get played on the radio.
Thank you for the Bernie history! It's easy to forget how
fiery he was used to be.
I also love Eugene Debs. I'm sure I would have been one of those people who voted for him for President even though he was in jail at the time.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Hmmm, Socialist Party on the ballot in CO. Thanks, Shahryar. I'll take a look at that. Jill is on the CO ballot too. The Socialist Party Prez candidate, Mimi Soltysik, is a guy, just fyi, for everybody. The VP is a woman. Not that it is that important, but you usually would think Mimi is female.
Good morning to all. Happy Thursday.
All I can do is shake my head.
Wonder if Hillary gets the Kissinger endorsement, if that will be enough for Bernie to change his tune. No, probably not. So sad.
Lesser (allegedly) of two evils voting is a bear, isn't it?
For famous folk who choose to run in a primary against a New Democrat, it can be downright yoomiliating.
Folksy saying: "When you ask a bear to dance, you don't sit down until the bear gets tired."
That bear never gest tired, though, so I'm prying away from that damnable bear. New Democrats are the greater evil anyway, especially the Clintons, the king and queen of New Democrats.
Heh, dancing that old grizzley bear ...
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Grizzly Bear! Well, that's interesting
I know this song from the Youngbloods' version. I'm checking out the album now. This reminds me of those CDs that have tunes covered by so-and-so (Beatles for one, Stones for another, Mersey groups a third).
Thanks for posting it!
yes, you'd think Kissinger would be a deal breaker
that line of Bernie's, "well it ain't Henry Kissinger, that's for sure!", was an absolute highlight of the debates. Bernie knows that Kissinger is a war criminal and if Hillary goes after and gets Kissinger's endorsement....
we'd have to ask him, "how do you sleep?"
Every other Thursday is my recycling day.
We used to get a calendar for the year, I was on the green weeks (how foretelling). I just took the bins down, one neighbor's stuff is out, I guess I guessed right! If not, it's all waterproof. No rain until tonight.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Hi riverlover. Mine is every other Tuesday. I spend a couple minutes every now and then putting a capital R on every other Tues in a google calendar. It helps. If I forget to add them as the weeks go by, I just look back on the calendar and pick it up again.
Watching the neighbors works too. Ha.
A lot of my neighbors overlook the holidays and put theirs out on days that will be skipped due to a holiday previously in the week.
Recycling. Right.
We used to live in the Bay Area, and our trash and recycling (at extra cost!) were through a large national outfit. We recycled religiously, carefully sorting into the several different bins for paper, metal, and plastic, which were then picked up by a pretty white and green truck, separately from the dirty nasty trash truck... We sold the place there and moved to Colorado. And as one of the last things when moving out, I returned our recycling bins back to the refuse company's central facility (to get our deposit back), along with a carefully-sorted load of the last stuff from the house to be recycled and/or trashed.
So there I was at the facility, watching the nasty trash trucks go in one side of a big warehouse-like building, and the pretty recycling trucks go in the other side, dumping into two carefully-sorted piles. Cool, huh? And in the middle, a couple of guys in Bobcat skidsteer loaders were mixing the two piles together willy-nilly and pushing the result towards the back into a single, bigger, seagull-covered pile to go into large semitrailer trucks to go to the landfill, someplace inland.
I stopped recycling after that- those were a lot of hours of my life that I'll never get back. If I ever decide to start it again, I'll tour the refuse company's facilities *first* and see if they are actually sending the recycling somewhere else, or just charging extra and dumping the stuff back together. Luckily, the refuse company we now use makes no pretense about this: it all goes into the same truck regardless, so there's no need whatsoever to sort- although some of our neighbors still do.
The death of innocence. I wish that I didn't have reason to be as cynical as I've become, but I'm getting pretty damned hardened at this point.
"We know that the hypnotized never lie... DO YOU?". The expression on Townshend's face, and the addition of those two little words, make this version from "The Secret Policeman's Ball" the best there is...
Portland's done something weird to trash collection
there's got to be graft going on. We keep getting these monstrous buildings that ruin the character of the city. Who wants them? Developers and politicians!
Similarly something odd happened to trash collection and recycling a couple of years back. Garbage is now picked up every two weeks. Yes, we see maggots in the bin. We have a recycling bin on wheels and that gets collected every week but the only separation we do now is glass and non-glass.
Then we have this "lawn debris" bin, also collected once a week. But it's now a weird hybrid where you can have grass cuttings, weeds, tree limbs and pork chops! That's icky!! It's like the city knew people would protest having their pork chops rotting away for two weeks so they said those could go in "lawn debris". Yuck! They call it "food scraps". Then the city tries to sell it back as "compost".
But that's the extent of what we're allowed (I believe). You can't go putting used Pampers in the lawn debris bin. Those have to marinate in the trash bin for awhile. No wonder we're talking about moving to the coast.
My recycling is "free". Paid by property taxes.
My once-a-week garbage collection has a monthly charge of over $19.00 PLUS a $1.25 tag per bag or per 20lbs. Picked up in the same trucks that pick up recycling. There must be a story there. The County Recycling center is not a date pickup spot. The dump (long ago, not in this county now) was a family gathering spot.
Living in the "country" lawn and branch refuse is our problem. Thus my burn pile since last autumn, too dry, burning ban in NYS.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
... ours is opposite Fridays --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Time to get rolling.
I'm sleeping more, and I seem to be able to focus better throughout the day. A lot of my problems were caused by nightmares which were probably post traumatic. It seems to be helping.
There was a time that I could have a meaningful 10-hour workday, but ever since I got kicked out of my apartment, I was able to work less and less. Now that I have a steady place to live, I need to get myself back to that state again. Starting today.
the Bryds say, there in the bible:
to everything
bern, bern, bern
there is a season
bern, bern, bern
and a time
for every reversal
under heaven
Groaning Bones. They might make a good president.
Whew, thank you! I saw that headline and was sure that
this would just be 3 hours worth of MerseyBeat. A great column, clipped to my evernote stash. Thank you again.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
3 hrs of Merseybeat? Great idea!
but I think I might do that in the privacy of my own home....when my darling wife is out.
I'm voting for Eugene Debs
I can't figure out why so many people get all tweaked about socialism. Or do they? Maybe it's because these last few decades were all about the 'free market'. Lets all be fat cats as capitalism = freedom. The young one's I know aren't afraid of socialism. They have to practice it in order to live.
They do not have communes per say but the unmarried ones seem to all live in households with a lot of roommates. Shah was looking at the bulletin board at People's Co-op and it made him sad to see all the people looking for affordable housing. A room in a shared household was 680.00$. That's not a free market it's an exorbitant one.
I hope that this era of the Horatio Alger American dream comes to an end. It is a myth that I never understood. The amazing movement that turned out for Bernie seems to be a good harbinger of the changing 99%'s attitude. I agree with Eugene when he said 'Don't follow leaders watch the parking meters'. Those that want to die with the most toys and have won the race need to be outnumbered by a critical mass of socialist's. The investment society is a bust for most of us.
I was shocked at the reaction's to Brexit from some of our peers. 'There goes my 401k' said a friend who just sold his big ass house for at least 900,000$. He works for an NGO hates the teachers unions and makes above 100,000$ a year. We used to call him Mr.Counter Culture. I've got mine so screw you. Greed is not good. The 1% is not the only problem it's also the richie rich's who guard the masters gates. These people are true believers in the market and know how to play the game.
Unity, there's a strange concept. The owners of the place are really good a fracturing any of the movements that people form. Divide and conquer by stirring the culture wars. Can't have any unity among the disenfranchised or any coalition forming as they are not inclusive socially and have conflicting issues.. Meh. Insult to injury tell people who finally do come together that they must get behind the enemy who is evil as unity is needed to fight the othe r. Leaders who are part of the system and know how to caucus with the 1% ruling elite puppets are useless. It's cart before the horse politics as where the leaders are leading is right back to where the power is.
Victories for compromise that's the ticket. Come together right now over
meyou.This is unrelated to anything
But the Green Mountain Boys are doing their maneuvers over my office right now.
Happens most every day and I usually don't notice other than to observe that it's happening.
For whatever reason today, I find the noise -- and the idea of it all -- frightening.